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Protecting Tucker’s Source

Lori Spencer

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Why in the name of all that's holy does anyone think we need him to get an oversight hearing? 

We are not going to get an oversight hearing from the House GOP.  Who in the hell wants Reps. Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Tayler Greene, Steve Scalise, Elise Stefanik,... I could go on, anywhere near the topic of the JFK assassination? I don't want an oversight hearing from these freaks. All of these election denying pro-insurrectionist idiots should be in prison.  

That Larry wants to go full steam ahead and every sane person can see the iceberg should tell you all you need to know about Larry. 

This is going to be worse than Posner for the 30th anniversary. 


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3 minutes ago, Joseph Backes said:

 I don't want an oversight hearing from these freaks. All of these election denying pro-insurrectionist idiots should be in prison.  


For someone freaking out about Fascism acouple of weeks ago, Joe you sound like one!💯

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The idea that these hard Right-wing podcasting people genuinely care about the JFK case is a laugh. It's doing more harm than good.  

The case has only progressed when Democrats controlled the Congress and / or the White House.  That's just a historical fact.  The GOP was obsessed with debunking the audio evidence of the HSCA and created a "scientific" board to do just that and then ignored the whole case for over a decade.  George H. W. Bush is offended by the idea of a conspiracy because he thinks it's an insult to one of his heroes Gerry Ford. He thinks the WC is gospel truth because Ford signed his name to it   Bush I said this at Ford's eulogy. George W. Bush tried to reclassify things the ARRB and others declassified. And Trump decided several sections of the JFK Act have "expired." 

When I hear about Joe Rogan I'm reminded of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation when Q looked at Worf and said, "Hello Worf, eat and good books lately?" 

Don't talk to me about high numbers, and ratings.  That's how Trump thinks. And he lost, bigly.

Haven't we seen what happens when Right-wing media whips up a mob of Right-wing idiots with misinformation? Nothing good will come from this.  This is NOT the way to get this done.  


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1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Zaid is my attorny on my FOIA lawsuit which is different and distinct from the MFF lawsuit.

Ok, So I was fair,  you stand by your allegations, with some new ones. 

You can always repost it.

But Larry is our guy right now. I'm not sure what it serves.


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Joe Backes- you have no idea what it will take to get the rest of the records released. You are way out of your league. we are now in the world of real politic.  If you want to undermine the chance of getting the records released, keep up your asinine rants  and political bromides.  So how about you focus on what you know and do best- mining the the JFK Collection. 


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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Tucker Carlson segment was mentioned on Joe Rogan, between Tuckers' and Rogan's show about 10million people heard about the JFK files..

Meanwhile of the left we heard next to nothing. 


Yes, I would say its about 7 million now.

And Oliver's show has about 3.8 million.  So that is over ten million.

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Ed Curtin chimes in on Tucker Carlson debate:


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59 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Ed Curtin chimes in on Tucker Carlson debate:


I don't know how many forum members actually open up links provided by other members like the one Jim Di just posted above.

I certainly open up more of these links than not. I would hope more also do so versus not.

And the one provided above so coherently reflects exactly my own feelings and thoughts about Tucker Carlson and his recent JFK/CIA revelation news broadcast.

And one must wonder if Tucker Carlson reached the highest paid level national TV commentarial position his is in (and has been from a very young age) just from luck of the super competitive draw and/or being at the right place at the right time?

A talent too gifted to not grab and elevate to the top ASAP?

Or, did his father's positions and contacts and influence have just a little influence in his improbable fast track to the highest paid position in the national TV news commentary world?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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9 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

And the one provided above so coherently reflects exactly my own feelings and thoughts about Tucker Carlson and his recent JFK/CIA revelation news broadcast.

Ed Curtin is also a Zelensky hater.

Putin mouthpieces are not going to help us get the records we want.

Quite the opposite.

Our cause will be viewed as an attempt to hurt the United States by known anti-democracy activists.

Despite the fact that I'm quite the opposite of that, if you make bad people the face of your cause, don't expect a good result.

Edited by Matt Allison
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Jim- another equivocal response to two important programs by Tucker.  The parsing of his words is so suspicious and unnecessary. When Carlson said the CIA was "involved" or had a "hand", I think that he was referring to a plot was hatched at the operational level and not in the executive suites. 

Given how loosely the case managers had to supervise the exile groups to preserve deniability and that it is hard to determine where the former mafia allies ended and the exile groups began, it is quite possible one of these groups pulled this off and the CIA s hiding as an organization how it let this happen. Especially if management may have been aware of  rumors of such plots and didnt do any ground truthing ...  just like how Hoover ignored field reports of alleged threats from Hoffa, Trafficante and Marcello.   

anyway, I will see what further I can learn from carlson's chief researcher. 


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29 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ed Curtin is also a Zelensky hater.

Putin mouthpieces are not going to help us get the records we want.

Quite the opposite.

Our cause will be viewed as an attempt to hurt the United States by known anti-democracy activists.

Despite the fact that I'm quite the opposite of that, if you make bad people the face of your cause, don't expect a good result.

Please Matt. You’re an intelligent guy. Calling someone Putin’s mouthpiece is just too easy and dismissive. 

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28 minutes ago, Evan Marshall said:

calling people silly names often reveals more about the accuser than the accused!

oh please.

Look, it's no secret that for almost 60 years now KGB/FSB has tried to use the JFKA against the USG, and I wouldn't expect anything less than that. It's not a surprise. It's their job to traffic in propaganda, and when the USG refuses to release documents about a Presidential assassination, they can expect a PR and propaganda hit. That's the ballgame they're playing in.

This board has Putin propagandists posting on it; not a shocker and that is what happens in a land of free speech like the U.S.

It happens. I/others manage to co-exist with them just fine.

But let's not act like it isn't a thing. That would be silly, and we are indeed too intelligent to pretend that.

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