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Thankyou, Tucker Carlson!!

Matthew Koch

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2 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Just like Tucker is too, right Paul!!! (Sarcasm added) Sorry you can't refute my points and you are choosing to go this route... 

I know you think you are smarter than the rest of us. I don’t have to refute anything. You attacked me first. Refute yourself. 

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3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Thank you for boldly showing your full colors Matthew. You are racist and anti-Semitic. I do hope you give up on all us rational people here and move on. 

hmm, sounds like Paul has noticed the common denominator among MAGAs in the forum's resident MAGA.

It always appears eventually, no matter how hard they try to hide it. Whether using code words to infer their bigotry, or just full on spitting it out:


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Whilst I don’t agree with LN posters in general, they do sometimes offer some fact checking which can be interesting.

Koch and Cole are a bit extreme politically for me and I do see them wasting the time of some of the most knowledgeable posters (eg Pat).

Life is too short and maybe time could be spent more wisely by adding them to your block/ hide list.

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11 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Thank you for boldly showing your full colors Matthew. You are racist and anti-Semitic. I do hope you give up on all us rational people here and move on. 

Paul, you’ve been kind enough to prompt me when I have been in heated debate with others. I think a couple of the terms in this post are the wrong side of the line, by a long way and that they should be removed. They are not in keeping with your usual lexicon or exemplary etiquette. 😔

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16 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I know you think you are smarter than the rest of us. I don’t have to refute anything. You attacked me first. Refute yourself. 

13 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

hmm, sounds like Paul has noticed the common denominator among MAGAs in the forum's resident MAGA.

It always appears eventually, no matter how hard they try to hide it. Whether using code words to infer their bigotry, or just full on spitting it out:


7 hours ago, Simon Andrew said:

Whilst I don’t agree with LN posters in general, they do sometimes offer some fact checking which can be interesting.

Koch and Cole are a bit extreme politically for me and I do see them wasting the time of some of the most knowledgeable posters (eg Pat).

Life is too short and maybe time could be spent more wisely by adding them to your block/ hide list.

I recommend giving this Tucker segment a look because what he is talking about is happening in this thread by our far left posters. Using race as a way to derail the conversation or demonize your adversary has been a marxist tactic since the beginning of liberation movements. 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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On 2/24/2023 at 5:56 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

From Jeff Morley--


Will Congress Conduct JFK Oversight Hearings?

House leaders, three Republicans and one Democrat, could bring sunshine to the JFK assassination story

FEB 24


Rep. Jamie Raskin, advocate of full JFK disclosure (Photo Credit: Paul Morigi)

A friend writes, “Please post the following information for JFK Facts readers. They can contact the committee chairs to ask for oversight hearing on JFK Records Act and on H.R. 637.” 

In December John Tunheim, former chair of the Assassination Records Review Board,  called for oversight hearings to examine why the JFK Records Act has not been enforced.

In January, Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) introduced H.R. 637, also known as the JFK Act of 2023 which would declassify all assassination files within 30 days. 

Now is a good time to advocate for open government measures. Sunshine Week, held March 12-19, is annual nationwide celebration of access to public information and what it means for you and your community. It’s your right to know.

Contact the elected officials and civil servants listed below and let them now that full JFK disclosure is a genuinely bipartisan issue that Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, can all agree on. This is one issue where an otherwise divided Congress can act boldly to insure the American people can have full JFK disclosure by next November, the 60th anniversary of the Dallas tragedy.

House Oversight Committee

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) is the chair. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) is the ranking member. Raskin was a signatory on Rep. Steve Cohen’s letters to President BIden and the Public Interest Declassification Board calling for full JFK disclosure. Comer and Raskin can be reached here:

2157 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-5074


House Judiciary Committee

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is the chair.

2138 Rayburn House Building, Washington, DC  20515

Phone: (202) 225-6906


House Intelligence Committee

Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) is the chair.

Capitol Visitor Center HVC-304 US Capitol Building Washington, DC 20515-6415.


Majority Staff:(202) 225-4121

 Minority Staff: (202) 225-7690.

Let them now that full JFK disclosure is a genuinely bipartisan issue that Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, can all agree on.

Ben thank you for showing that you can be unpartisan when it comes to the JFKA, I'm bumping this comment to get the thread back on the right track. Which is supporting Representative Schweikert's bill and doing things to help that get it to the floor for a vote. I'm going to call his office and say nice things about him and tell them that I would like him to support the effort and make it by partisan. 


House Oversight Committee

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) is the chair. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) is the ranking member. Raskin was a signatory on Rep. Steve Cohen’s letters to President BIden and the Public Interest Declassification Board calling for full JFK disclosure. Comer and Raskin can be reached here:

2157 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-5074


House Judiciary Committee

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is the chair.

2138 Rayburn House Building, Washington, DC  20515

Phone: (202) 225-6906


House Intelligence Committee

Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) is the chair.

Capitol Visitor Center HVC-304 US Capitol Building Washington, DC 20515-6415.


Majority Staff:(202) 225-4121

 Minority Staff: (202) 225-7690.

Edited by Matthew Koch
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3 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Paul, you’ve been kind enough to prompt me when I have been in heated debate with others. I think a couple of the terms in this post are the wrong side of the line, by a long way and that they should be removed. They are not in keeping with your usual lexicon or exemplary etiquette. 😔

Indeed true - however I just couldn’t stand the dog whistles. 

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I’d be curious to know what posters on this thread think of the voter fraud claims in the 2020 election. I’ve been reading media coverage of the Dominion lawsuit. Some Fox anchors were worse than others on this issue, but the network as a whole was peddling these claims, which I consider false, and which went nowhere in the various post election investigations. Having said that, I also think our election system is woefully flawed. Vote counting should not be done by various private companies, and it should be transparent, and uniform, and it’s clearly not. I didn’t hear Republicans complaining in 2016. Many states have enacted laws that seem designed to limit the voting rights of its citizens, and black people are unfairly targeted. 
Tucker Carlson also gave lots of airtime to the great replacement theory. How many of the posters here think this theory has merit? To me it’s flat out racist. 
Carlson has now been entrusted to examine the Jan. 6th event. Did we not get a fair vetting of it already? 
One thing that tends to disappear in all of these conspiracies is the entirely understandable anger that underlies them. Poor whites with dooky jobs or no jobs, no educational opportunities, opioid addictions are fodder. Poor non whites are in the same predicament. Our government has failed the ‘working class’ and always has. I think Bernie Sanders struck a chord on this issue, but he is not a ‘Democrat’. The Progressive wing of the D party is largely kept on the sidelines. There is much common ground between the Left wing of the party and the so-called ‘populists’ on the Right, but you’d never know it, because our media never looks for that common ground.
The Populist movement could join forces with the Progressives. But hey, Socialism is a dirty word to both political parties. What there is no room for is racists, anti-Semites, homophobes, sexists. Yes, we all need to be ‘Woke’, and start realizing that it’s a good idea, not some elitist notion. But the Right makes fun of the idea, and in doing so becomes a whites only club. What Bernie Sanders found was that his ideas resonated among all communities, and he is an old Jew from Brooklyn. 
Divide and Conquer is the rule, and it’s very effective. Just look at us here. 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’d be curious to know what posters on this thread think of the voter fraud claims in the 2020 election. I’ve been reading media coverage of the Dominion lawsuit. Some Fox anchors were worse than others on this issue, but the network as a whole was peddling these claims, which I consider false, and which went nowhere in the various post election investigations. Having said that, I also think our election system is woefully flawed. Vote counting should not be done by various private companies, and it should be transparent, and uniform, and it’s clearly not. I didn’t hear Republicans complaining in 2016. Many states have enacted laws that seem designed to limit the voting rights of its citizens, and black people are unfairly targeted. 


1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Tucker Carlson also gave lots of airtime to the great replacement theory. How many of the posters here think this theory has merit? To me it’s flat out racist. 

Interesting, because I view you thinking that black people aren't capable of having id's or taking care of themselves is racist. 

1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Carlson has now been entrusted to examine the Jan. 6th event. Did we not get a fair vetting of it already? 



1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

One thing that tends to disappear in all of these conspiracies is the entirely understandable anger that underlies them. Poor whites with dooky jobs or no jobs, no educational opportunities, opioid addictions are fodder. Poor non whites are in the same predicament. 

Funny Paul I judge people by the content of their character and not their races like you do, but that's a Christian philopshy and that would be a Dog Whistle to you like "Merry Christmas" 


1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Our government has failed the ‘working class’ and always has. I think Bernie Sanders struck a chord on this issue, but he is not a ‘Democrat’. The Progressive wing of the D party is largely kept on the sidelines. There is much common ground between the Left wing of the party and the so-called ‘populists’ on the Right, but you’d never know it, because our media never looks for that common ground.
The Populist movement could join forces with the Progressives. But hey, Socialism is a dirty word to both political parties. What there is no room for is racists, anti-Semites, homophobes, sexists. Yes, we all need to be ‘Woke’, and start realizing that it’s a good idea, not some elitist notion. But the Right makes fun of the idea, and in doing so becomes a whites only club. What Bernie Sanders found was that his ideas resonated among all communities, and he is an old Jew from Brooklyn. 


At this point if you are still feeling the Bern.. IMO you should consult an medical professional; )

Bernie has three houses and stopped speaking out against millionaires once he became one, he also sold out and endorsed Hillary Clinton and your right he's not a Democrat he's a communist who said JFK made him sick to his stomach with what he said about Cuba. 


1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Divide and Conquer is the rule, and it’s very effective. Just look at us here. 

Looks like that is what you are attempting to do that here with your myopic "WOKE" politics, but I guess when you live in SF and play for the Orchestra yet still consider yourself an "Anarchist" logical continuity isn't important because it's based on feelings.. 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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19 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

What there is no room for is racists, anti-Semites, homophobes, sexists.

We certainly agree, Paul. Are definitions or the meaning of language just being distorted to such a degree, that the value of these terms are being eroded? We can see here how the terms are misused as slurs or to defame. We’ve all heard libertarians be called right wing extremists in recent times. Who gains from a lack of meaning in society?

24 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Yes, we all need to be ‘Woke’, and start realizing that it’s a good idea, not some elitist notion. But the Right makes fun of the idea, and in doing so becomes a whites only club. What Bernie Sanders found was that his ideas resonated among all communities, and he is an old Jew from Brooklyn. 
Divide and Conquer is the rule, and it’s very effective. Just look at us here. 

I do think this is a good conversation to be having. I openly admit that I don’t fully understand the meaning of “woke”.  Let me ask you; what does it mean to be woke, what are the values of this ideology (if I am right to call it that?) and where does it take society in say 10,20,30 years if we all adopt it? 




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41 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

We certainly agree, Paul. Are definitions or the meaning of language just being distorted to such a degree, that the value of these terms are being eroded? We can see here how the terms are misused as slurs or to defame. We’ve all heard libertarians be called right wing extremists in recent times. Who gains from a lack of meaning in society?

I do think this is a good conversation to be having. I openly admit that I don’t fully understand the meaning of “woke”.  Let me ask you; what does it mean to be woke, what are the values of this ideology (if I am right to call it that?) and where does it take society in say 10,20,30 years if we all adopt it? 

       "Woke" refers to being informed about actual history, including the true history of systemic racism, misogyny, and homophobia in American society-- slavery, Jim Crow laws, voter suppression, etc.

       The anti-Woke movement in contemporary Republican red states refers to active GOP measures to suppress education, public consciousness, and mitigation of and about racism, misogyny, and homophobia.

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On 2/24/2023 at 2:33 PM, Matthew Koch said:

Pat other than a Texan Looks at Lyndon, what right wing books are you talking about? The earliest books were written by communists (Thomas Bucannan and Joachim Joesten) Raymond Marcus was a republican but his book is just about CE399. I'm pretty sure people in the community don't trust Mary Ferrell do to her child being married to a DeMorenschidt and that she is part of the former intelligence workers that David Atlee Phillips set up with Claire Booth Luce. 

Pat don't you believe that the dictabelt is nonsense? 

The backlash against Stone started with Herald Weisberg, members? I've come to see some (mostly from people like Weisberg not the media) of these attacks of Stone as somewhat justified because they were afraid he was going to do what he did with the Doors movie and put things in that didn't happen. I now think had that campaign not happened JFK would not have been as good a movie as it was, and I think it caused Stone and others to up their game so to speak. But I'm glad you brought that up because the Tucker attacks are pretty similar afraid of what he might do or unrelated things that happened in the past. 

No need to thank me Pat, lol, do you think I would post the videos if I had not watched them? I'm guessing you didn't based on what you said. Tucker, I think, had Posner on to ask if there's nothing to hide why are they still holding them back. Can you explain the last point of: "He was brought on, moreover, to assure Tucker's audience that the release of more files will probably embarrass the intelligence agencies--who they view as anti-Trump" I can't follow the logic of why Trump would hold back the files to not embarrass the people who are anti him? I was pretty mad at Trump at the time it wasn't until shortly after this time that I started to like Trump for standing up to the Woke Mob. I kinda now understand why a Presidents don't want to release the files of their watch. Why would anyone who wants to accomplish things in their administration want to alienate the intelligence services and dampen the prestige of the USA(I'm not saying it's right, just I understand) Notice how you have to put the case in general terms of "Right Wingers" so as to include the whole spectrum right through guilt by association.. this is another reason why I see you as a partisan lefty (also your BLM and other Cliche lefty causes you virtue signaled earlier) which is why people like you seem to want to do the mental gymnastics that LBJ wasn't on the left because the parties switched and all the people who originally started the KKK aka democrats were actually republicans the whole time. Which is rather funny because the same thing at happened to populist Trump happened to populist Kennedy in that the 'Establishment' of both parties worked together to undermine them. 

Michael Collins Piper, in Final Judgment, considers Stone and JFK part of the Ongoing Coverup.  He seems to think Stone tries to point us in another direction with his changes from fact to fiction or, as Stone says, Myth/Countermyth...(p280)


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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

       "Woke" refers to being informed about actual history, including the true history of systemic racism, misogyny, and homophobia in American society-- slavery, Jim Crow laws, voter suppression, etc.

       The anti-Woke movement in contemporary Republican red states refers to active GOP measures to suppress education, public consciousness, and mitigation of and about racism, misogyny, and homophobia.

For you Chris and others - thank you William - a concise explanation of both the concept and the backlash. 

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I really wish that all of you debating each other about who is or is not acting in good faith direct this energy towards contacting the chairs of the 5 House Committees where the Schweikert bill has been referred and ask them to co-sponsor the bill and hold oversight hearings on the JFK Act. That is how you could be helpful. this ongoing debate is nothing more than mental masturbation. 

The relevant House Committees are Oversight, Intelligence, Judicary, Ways and Means and Foreign Affairs.

The relevant Senate Committees are Homeland Security, Intelligence and Judiciary.

 Let's use this forum to produce action, not hot air.  we need help to generate pressure on congress. 

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1 hour ago, Pamela Brown said:

Michael Collins Piper, in Final Judgment, considers Stone and JFK part of the Ongoing Coverup.  He seems to think Stone tries to point us in another direction with his changes from fact to fiction or, as Stone says, Myth/Countermyth...(p280)


Hi Pamela, have you seen JFK Revisited: Destiny Betrayed? I ask because Israel's nuclear facility was mentioned in it and JFK's battle with David Ben-Gurion. I read Final Judgment along time ago, and while I do think Piper does have a point that the Permindex connection does connect to Israel, I didn't think it made a good case that Mossad was running James Jesus Angleton or Jack Ruby. While the producer connection of JFK being an Isreali arms dealer or whatever is interesting. I don't think many people knew about this connection to Israel at the time of the movie came out and I think Oliver made the movie in good faith with the prominent JFK researchers at the time (Many of whom have lost some prestige since then... like Robert Groden and Jim Marrs) I think Stone started using the counter myth quote to try to get the media of his back, which as we see gave fodder to the Isreal did it crowd. 

On a side note, I've got a couple of pics from your Lancer presentation that if you want I can forward them to you via email? 

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