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Thankyou, Tucker Carlson!!

Matthew Koch

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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

It's very ironic that you can't see that my pointing out of the lack of diversity on your orchestra is exactly the same thing that people did with Aunt Jemima! The people who felt it was racist essentially assumed it, duh. Had they realized that She was a real person and one of the first black business owners they probably would have supported the brand instead of assuming it was racist. It's a very similar story with the Washington Redskins (I bet you thought that was racist also;) The coach of the team was Native American and named the team the RedSkins because Indian Tribes used to paint themselves red before going into battle to intimidate the other tribe they were fighting and basically means: The Warriors. 

I'm just using the standard you set about race to show your hypocrisy but you still can't seem to get it through your head because by the woke standards the Orchestra being old white men playing for rich old white people and the music being written by old dead white people is the basis for Systemic White Supremacy.. Seems a little unfair when it's directed at you huh? Imagine how I feel being called by you a Racist Anti Semite and your evidence: DogWhistles apparently when I posted a thread asking if QAnon was a government psyop that was a dogwhistle too because by Leslie and your standards I really meant Joos like when I said George Soros (Never mind he's the DNC's biggest donor and literally was a party member of the Third Reich) that doesn't matter because the willfully ignorant have decided it's antisemitism to criticize him. 

"We earnestly try to remove race, age, sex, and age from our hiring process." That is the opposite of Equity Paul, the thing you just mentioned is meritocracy and guess what? That's the system I support which you call Systemic huwyte supremacy, so you have now got yourself in a Catch 22 slippery slope.. hope you can understand that💯

Please support your assertion about Aunt Jemima

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Fox News may not lose the case. Murdoch is setting up virtually all of his presenters and news team as the victims. He adamantly denied Fox News was at fault, and freely admitted individuals culpability. I don't know how the prosecution brief is worded, but I hope it allows for multiple guilty parties. The bar may be high, but it has been reached with the facts as known. The issue is ; who is culpable.

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Win or lose, does no one follow my point? If Fox wins, which Larry, given his legal background, thinks likely, does that make the anchors less guilty of knowingly spreading falsehoods? 

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17 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Win or lose, does no one follow my point? If Fox wins, which Larry, given his legal background, thinks likely, does that make the anchors less guilty of knowingly spreading falsehoods? 

We understand Paul.

The answer is No. They are not less guilty. They actually are more guilty.

Some of us choose not to sell our souls to hypocrites for the sake of a "pie in the sky" JFK news flash.

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Paul Brancato-  In our political binary world, i dont think Fox will suffer much reputational risk to the half of the nation  that watches its shows. The other bubble already dismissed Fox so the disclosures have simply reinforced their beliefs. What will be interesting is if Fox suffers a loss of advertisers. I suspect that if Fox does not lose any significant viewership, only a handful of advertisers will walk away. Tucker remains the no. 1 rated show in his timeslot. 

Also keep in mind that only selective disclosures have been released. I dont think we have not seen the complete deposition transcripts and there may be other testimony that puts things into context.  

as a independent voter, I find it increasingly burdensome  to evaluate news events. I have to review many more news sources to get the complete picture. tuning into CNN, MSNBC or Fox or simply reading the NYT or WaPO just yields biased reporting. even the topics pursued are the result of bias. It is alot of work but essential for me to keep well-informed. I recognize most americans are not as motivated or interested, or dispassionate as  I am. It is just too bad that it has become so hard for the average person to get complete info. 

Then again, the notion of objective journalism was a relatively new and brief concept. Before world war 1, we had "yellow" journalism where the media was basically news organs of the parties. For half a century, we had a media that felt it had an obligation to provide balanced news. Of course, this was also the time when the media did not report on the sexual escapades of JFK,  sports or Hollywood figures, and felt it was the arbitrar of what information was worthy of  printing. Watergate changed that but it seems that investigative journalism has gone by the wayside in this era of corporate-owned media. -FWIW              


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1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Alex Jones is an outlier. he is not a billion dollar news organization with top rated broadcast and TV shows. He does not have a news division. And the plaintiffs were parents of murdered children. very different situation. I know you like to see the world in black and white but that is not how trials or juries work. The only way Fox loses his if the jury is 100% comprised of biased democrats like you

ok, this is just sad. 

It's time to reinforce the point I made months ago: If the JFK case is allowed to become the domain of those perceived as RWNJs, you'll never see another file released again.


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26 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:


Some of us choose not to sell our souls to hypocrites for the sake of a "pie in the sky" JFK news flash.

Bingo, Chris D.

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Matt Allison- With respect to a verdict, this case is far more complicated that the selective disclosures that have so far been released-likely by Dominion's team. we dont know what the rest of the evidence is and we dont know how the plaintff will be able to prove damages. I suspect Dominion's team is trying to try Fox in the court of public opinion because of the difficulty of obtaining a verdict. 

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1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

AND Tucker, Hannity and Ingram are opinion shows, not news shows nor part of the news division. These are all factors that should help Fox.

The opinionists are aired via the main media cover titled Fox "News. " The average person in this country associates Tucker, Hannity and Ingram with Fox NEWS.

There really isn't any separation of the two,


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