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Robert Kennedy jr. about to run for president

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Does anyone really think Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn and Roger Stone aren't still working for Trump? Won't be voting for Trump? They are hoping a RFK Jr spoiler candidacy will somehow siphon enough votes from Biden to tilt a state to Trump.

Why are you so loyal to the Democratic Party? I get your basic point, but still - why? 

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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I don’t think he’s doing the bidding of Bannon and co. I believe he’d rather engage with all sides of the political spectrum. I’m no fan of these guys, but in a country where the Justice department finally, after 7 years, indicts the crook who used to be President, while letting far worse criminals - I’m thinking of the Bush administration- off the hook for war crimes (remember Obama explaining that we needed to look forward not back!) that dwarf anything we’ve had since, I’m not in a partisan mood. In my view we need a change, and we need to engage the people who voted for Trump who had valid reasons for being upset with a crooked and broken system which cares not for the average citizen. Forget the racists for a minute a think about the working class wage slaves whose children have virtually no future. Think about the people who lost their homes in the 2008 financial crisis due to the calumny of banksters who did not face prosecution. I’m sick of partisan media on both sides. I’m sick of Democrats patting themselves on their backs and calling themselves the good guys for finally throwing some charges against Trump, and for the least of his crimes. They are not. None of them are. Btw Trump isn’t due back in court until December. Ask yourself, any and all of you, not you Ron - who would you like to see in the White House? Biden, Trump, DeSantis, RFK Jr.? I’m not saying he could win. I am saying we need a change from status quo. 


   This Trump porn star/hush money indictment is small potatoes in comparison with the impending indictments for Trump's unprecedented, criminal efforts to overturn the 2020 election, and his apparent efforts to deliberately hide (and share?) classified documents after leaving office.

   And let's not forget that Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, and Roger Stone were all involved in Trump's ghastly J6 coup attempt.  RFK, Jr. should not get mixed up with those scoundrels.

   Ultimately, however, what will sink RFK's candidacy is his misguided involvement in the anti-scientific, anti-vaccine movement during the COVID pandemic.  Even the Kennedy family has condemned Robert's unfortunate involvement in that debacle.

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39 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Why are you so loyal to the Democratic Party? I get your basic point, but still - why? 

I pledge no loyalty to any party, I only pledge loyalty to the words and principles of U.S. Constitution.

At this moment in time, only one of the two political parties in America does the same, and that is the Democratic Party.

The GOP is an anti-American, pro-authoritarian movement, and is a cancer on the United States.

That issue isn't even remotely debatable anymore.

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2 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

I think there will be a sophisticated smear campaign, of which whispers of an alleged "Bannon link" is just one facet. The campaign, looking at that Twitter thread, will include MAGA, anti-vaxx, Sirhan apologist etc but the real issue is that RFK Jr is not afraid to publicly discuss issues even Bernie Sanders shied away from: 

"“The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the neocon's short-lived ‘American Century,’” Kennedy said. “The neocon projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost $8.1 trillion, hollowed out our middle class, made a laughingstock of US military power and moral authority, pushed China and Russia into an invincible alliance, destroyed the dollar as the global currency, cost millions of lives and done nothing to advance democracy or win friendships or influence.”



Not to mention this – RFK Jr’s tweet in response to Tucker Carlson’s show about the CIA’s part in the JFK assassination:

“The most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d'état from which our democracy has never recovered.”


There seems to be no doubt that should he (miraculously?) become US President, RFK Jr would leave no stone unturned in seeking to uncover the truth about the conspiracies behind the murders of his father and uncle.

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I really wonder: why did he decide to do this?

I mean he has to know that the way he was manhandled  by the MSM on his vaccine policy is, fair or not, going to be like an albatross around his neck.  Sort of like George Romney and Vietnam in 1967.

I really wonder what. his planning is going to be on that.

He is already being macheted on it.  I mean what hatchet jobs.  Its like all the good he did on the environment is down the drain.


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7 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I really wonder: why did he decide to do this?

I mean he has to know that the way he was manhandled  by the MSM on his vaccine policy is, fair or not, going to be like an albatross around his neck.  Sort of like George Romney and Vietnam in 1967.

I really wonder what. his planning is going to be on that.

He is already being macheted on it.  I mean what hatchet jobs.  Its like all the good he did on the environment is down the drain.


"Character is fate." (Heraclitus)

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25 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I mean he has to know that the way he was manhandled  by the MSM on his vaccine policy is, fair or not, going to be like an albatross around his neck.  Sort of like George Romney and Vietnam in 1967.

I'm not sure he realizes that his anti-vax activism is more likely to attract MAGA types than Democrats.

But I think he does realize that a Kennedy running as a Republican would be... highly controversial, shall we say.

RFK Jr. was a fantastic environmental lawyer; his concerns about mercury are to be lauded. But he needed to simultaneously also realize that he is not medical professional. I think that's where things awry for him.

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RFK Jr. seems the best of the lot for President, at this stage. 

DC badly needs reform and outsiders (although I suspect reforming DC has become a lost cause). 

Well, let us tilt at windmills....

And remember, institutional disinformation is not disinformation, in DC. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Not to mention this – RFK Jr’s tweet in response to Tucker Carlson’s show about the CIA’s part in the JFK assassination:

“The most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d'état from which our democracy has never recovered.”


There seems to be no doubt that should he (miraculously?) become US President, RFK Jr would leave no stone unturned in seeking to uncover the truth about the conspiracies behind the murders of his father and uncle.

I have to wonder if the CIA, and other forces, would leave no stone unturned in denying his election to the office.

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15 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

I have to wonder if the CIA, and other forces, would leave no stone unturned in denying his election to the office.

The CIA, and allied media, is capable of domestic regime-change ops, and preventative ops against possible candidates. 

Unless RFK signals he is a globalist...expect him to get savaged, repeatedly, mercilessly.  Especially if RFK says he will open up the JFK Records. 

Still, large fractions of American public no longer take cues from mainstream media. Funny, decades of disinformation have backfired. Who'd a thunk it? 

Maybe RFK has a chance. 



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Not just Mercury, but also Round Up.

His team won the first case on that one.

Its so ridiculous to cast that all aside because of this vaccine controversy.

I mean he is the only one descendant who wrote about the plots that killed his uncle and his father.

The most moving moment in the film was when Oliver asked him about the connection between the two, we cut out.

Even Bob Richardson our cameraman said, "Man, some powerful stuff."

Edited by James DiEugenio
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18 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

The most moving moment in the film was when Oliver asked him about the connection between the two, we cut out.

Jim, are you at liberty to say what he said about any possible connection between his fathers and JFK's assassinations, or maybe summarize it?  Also, why was it cut out?  Did RFK JR object?

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

I really wonder: why did he decide to do this?

I mean he has to know that the way he was manhandled  by the MSM on his vaccine policy is, fair or not, going to be like an albatross around his neck.  Sort of like George Romney and Vietnam in 1967.

I really wonder what. his planning is going to be on that.

He is already being macheted on it.  I mean what hatchet jobs.  Its like all the good he did on the environment is down the drain.


Those close to RFK are cringing, knowing all too well all the media will want to talk about is vaccines. Apparently, RFK jr. thinks he can rise above it, but it's like having a jump ball at the beginning of a basketball game...when you're in a ten foot hole. By the time you climb out the game is half over, and your team is hopelessly behind. 

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No, he teared up.

That is why we cut some  of it out.


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On 3/30/2023 at 2:41 PM, Leslie Sharp said:

It's my understanding that Jr. moved from autism specifically to the general issue that vaccines have not been regulated for decades — rush to profit has trumped safety. (pun intended.)

I'd read a little about the autism aspect.  But I did not know vaccines have not been regulated for decades.  Why the hell not?  As a kid I got shots that left scars on my arm, being given a sugar cube to dissolve in my mouth.  My grandkids are vaccinated (not for covid).  No one has been making sure these are safe for decades?

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