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How Many Forum Members And Visitors actually watched Jack Ruby Shoot Oswald On Live National TV?

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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

I did.  I was four, and have little to no memory of what was said in the household.  I was still trying to process the assassination, and the truisms uttered in response.

If you had shouted to your parents at the time..."IT'S A COVERUP" I would have believed it even at that young age! 


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1 hour ago, Pete Mellor said:

Joe, I didn't have time to include anything after Parkland.  There was a brief Q & A at the end with one question, did I think Oswald was guilty?  So my answer then mentioned Ruby's killing on the Sunday, so no trial and history is still without answers.  No time to go into Tippit etc.  I just stuck to factual evidence as much as possible to let each member of the audience decide for themselves, as per number of shots, shot direction, magic bullet theory, JFK/Connally wounds, CE399.  I ran the Zapruder film on a big screen too which had quite an effect, but no mention of any theory of tampering.  I was determined to stay neutral without leaning to conspiracy or lone-nut verdicts.

Image result for Just the Facts Ma'am. Size: 181 x 206. Source: imgflip.com

I see.

The right thing to do.

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Although I was two on 11-22-63 and remember the assassination weekend as a confusing blur, I had a similarly life-changing reaction during the 2000 election coverage. Florida had just been called for Gore. Someone asked Bush for a response. He smirked and said something about his having a feeling it was gonna go his way--I think he even mentioned his brother. 

I'd been a professional buyer and had learned how to read faces--it was clear to me the fix was in. I was rather blasé about politics at the time. But not after that. In no short order Bush handed out billions in tax cuts to the wealthy, spent billions fighting a country that didn't attack us, or anybody, and pushed the economy into economic collapse. 

 I've never been the same. 

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37 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

Although I was two on 11-22-63 and remember the assassination weekend as a confusing blur, I had a similarly life-changing reaction during the 2000 election coverage. Florida had just been called for Gore. Someone asked Bush for a response. He smirked and said something about his having a feeling it was gonna go his way--I think he even mentioned his brother. 

I'd been a professional buyer and had learned how to read faces--it was clear to me the fix was in. I was rather blasé about politics at the time. But not after that. In no short order Bush handed out billions in tax cuts to the wealthy, spent billions fighting a country that didn't attack us, or anybody, and pushed the economy into economic collapse. 

 I've never been the same. 

Exactly the same sentiments on my end PS.

Both G.W. and Donnie Trump made massive tax cuts for our top 1% one of their immediately implemented highest priority acts.

IMO, that WAS their number 1 priority domestic agenda ...well over any others.

That 1% interests priority over the rest of us is SO OBVIOUS with these Republicans!

When our federal Supreme Court stepped in and terminated the 2000 presidential election Florida vote counting over-ruling the Florida State Supreme Court decision to keep counting and defying all SCOTUS Vs state SC precedents was and will always be one of the most Constitution violating acts by that court ever.

Every hour, Gore was gaining votes in that Florida state recount. He was within what...a couple hundred votes of taking that state?

Sandra Day O'Conner and her Republican party biased cohorts frantically rushed off to a special session with one purpose.  STOP THE VOTE!

If we don't...their guy wins the election!

Even intrepid JFK writer Vincent Bugliosi called the SCOTUS Florida vote stopping action one of the greatest crimes against our democracy ever!

Edited by Joe Bauer
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11 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

You were just a sweet, innocent little babe in arms.

Did your parents see the event?

Did they ever talk about it...ever?

My father has passed away from lung cancer & mom says no,but that she seen it later.

She does not talk about it,but she is pretty informed on the assassination on my behalf.

Edited by Michael Crane
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19 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Doug, I would love to read your thoughts about the Oswald killing when you first saw it.

Did you ever have any conversations about it with your historically important friends like E. Howard Hunt. Or the high ranking police officers you knew in Washington DC or New York City?


     In 1962 I enrolled in night school at New York University Law School. During the day I worked in Governor Nelson Rockefeller’s private Manhattan office at 22 West 55th Street, where I served on the staff of Lieutenant-Governor Malcolm Wilson, who was as conservative as Rockefeller was liberal.

     A memorable event occurred while I was working there. On November 22, 1963, I received a phone call from John Holmes, a close friend who was also an evening law school student at NYU. He worked in the daytime for a Wall Street financial firm. In an excited voice he told me in our brief 15 second phone conversation that he had just received news that President Kennedy had been assassinated in Dallas and then hung up. I walked thirty feet to the office of Lt.-Gov. Wilson and told him of Holmes’ call. He said, “Go downstairs to the press office and check on this.” So, I rode on the elevator from the fifth floor to the ground floor where Governor Rockefeller had his press office. I entered and found only a receptionist on duty as Carl Spad, the press secretary, was out of the building at lunch. I blurted out that “President Kennedy has just been assassinated.” The receptionist gave me a look that I was out of my mind but did point to a closet. I went over to it, opened the door and found a Telex machine whose bells were ringing endlessly as it typed out the news of the assassination in Dallas. At this point the receptionist made a call to summon Spad back to the office. Rockefeller’s personal townhouse office on 55th Street had only thirty employees. I walked through each floor alerting everyone of what had occurred. This is how the Rockefeller inner sanctum first heard the news of the Kennedy assassination, not from the famous Rockefeller intelligence organization but from a law school student who worked on the fifth floor for the Lieutenant Governor.

     On the night before Oswald was shot, I attended a long-scheduled Republican Party dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria. I was seated next to a lawyer who would soon be elevated to the New York Supreme Court. Of course, the dinner conversation was about JFK's assassination. The soon-to-be-judge remarked to me, "That fellow Oswald will be killed. He knows too much. The criminal conspirators who killed Kennedy won't let him live long." I was shocked at his bold, cold-blooded prediction and remembered it the next day when I witnessed on TV Ruby shooting Oswald. 

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5 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


     In 1962 I enrolled in night school at New York University Law School. During the day I worked in Governor Nelson Rockefeller’s private Manhattan office at 22 West 55th Street, where I served on the staff of Lieutenant-Governor Malcolm Wilson, who was as conservative as Rockefeller was liberal.

     A memorable event occurred while I was working there. On November 22, 1963, I received a phone call from John Holmes, a close friend who was also an evening law school student at NYU. He worked in the daytime for a Wall Street financial firm. In an excited voice he told me in our brief 15 second phone conversation that he had just received news that President Kennedy had been assassinated in Dallas and then hung up. I walked thirty feet to the office of Lt.-Gov. Wilson and told him of Holmes’ call. He said, “Go downstairs to the press office and check on this.” So, I rode on the elevator from the fifth floor to the ground floor where Governor Rockefeller had his press office. I entered and found only a receptionist on duty as Carl Spad, the press secretary, was out of the building at lunch. I blurted out that “President Kennedy has just been assassinated.” The receptionist gave me a look that I was out of my mind but did point to a closet. I went over to it, opened the door and found a Telex machine whose bells were ringing endlessly as it typed out the news of the assassination in Dallas. At this point the receptionist made a call to summon Spad back to the office. Rockefeller’s personal townhouse office on 55th Street had only thirty employees. I walked through each floor alerting everyone of what had occurred. This is how the Rockefeller inner sanctum first heard the news of the Kennedy assassination, not from the famous Rockefeller intelligence organization but from a law school student who worked on the fifth floor for the Lieutenant Governor.

     On the night before Oswald was shot, I attended a long-scheduled Republican Party dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria. I was seated next to a lawyer who would soon be elevated to the New York Supreme Court. Of course, the dinner conversation was about JFK's assassination. The soon-to-be-judge remarked to me, "That fellow Oswald will be killed. He knows too much. The criminal conspirators who killed Kennedy won't let him live long." I was shocked at his bold, cold-blooded prediction and remembered it the next day when I witnessed on TV Ruby shooting Oswald. 

Interesting story.

I'd imagine alot of people, thinking there had been a conspiracy, thought Oswald would be killed.

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11 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

Although I was two on 11-22-63 and remember the assassination weekend as a confusing blur, I had a similarly life-changing reaction during the 2000 election coverage. Florida had just been called for Gore. Someone asked Bush for a response. He smirked and said something about his having a feeling it was gonna go his way--I think he even mentioned his brother. 

I'd been a professional buyer and had learned how to read faces--it was clear to me the fix was in. I was rather blasé about politics at the time. But not after that. In no short order Bush handed out billions in tax cuts to the wealthy, spent billions fighting a country that didn't attack us, or anybody, and pushed the economy into economic collapse. 

 I've never been the same. 

I concur, if not in detail, then on substance...the Florida ballot count was ultimately disrupted. In some regards, the 2000 election was stolen.

Ditto in 2004, and the very suspicious absentee ballot situation in Ohio, which also propelled Bush over the top. 


In late 2018, the NYT magazine cover story was on the crisis in election security that no one was fixing. The NYT held voting machine and automated vote tabulations were very vulnerable to manipulation and hacking. 

So...when do we trust election results? 





Thanks to the antique electoral college system, 

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11 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Exactly the same sentiments on my end PS.

Both G.W. and Donnie Trump made massive tax cuts for our top 1% one of their immediately implemented highest priority acts.

IMO, that WAS their number 1 priority domestic agenda ...well over any others.

That 1% interests priority over the rest of us is SO OBVIOUS with these Republicans!

When our federal Supreme Court stepped in and terminated the 2000 presidential election Florida vote counting over-ruling the Florida State Supreme Court decision to keep counting and defying all SCOTUS Vs state SC precedents was and will always be one of the most Constitution violating acts by that court ever.

Every hour, Gore was gaining votes in that Florida state recount. He was within what...a couple hundred votes of taking that state?

Sandra Day O'Conner and her Republican party biased cohorts frantically rushed off to a special session with one purpose.  STOP THE VOTE!

If we don't...their guy wins the election!

Even intrepid JFK writer Vincent Bugliosi called the SCOTUS Florida vote stopping action one of the greatest crimes against our democracy ever!

I largely agree, and also that the 2004 election was stolen through manipulated absentee ballots in Ohio. 

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9 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

On the night before Oswald was shot, I attended a long-scheduled Republican Party dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria. I was seated next to a lawyer who would soon be elevated to the New York Supreme Court. Of course, the dinner conversation was about JFK's assassination. The soon-to-be-judge remarked to me, "That fellow Oswald will be killed. He knows too much. The criminal conspirators who killed Kennedy won't let him live long." I was shocked at his bold, cold-blooded prediction and remembered it the next day when I witnessed on TV Ruby shooting Oswald. 


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18 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Well, what is your take on Ruby and his access story today?

Do you believe he was assisted by others?

I BELIEVE the W.C. verdict is far too simplistic and unlikely.  Yes, I do strongly suspect that the far more plausible explanation involves D.P.D. element to place Ruby's snub nose into Oswald's gut.

However, just what powers directed Ruby, just hours after Oswald's arrest, to stalk and kill LHO is yet another unanswered question.

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I think I was protected from the assassination somewhat.  My parents were not politically active, I know Dad voted in some Presidential elections ("the only time I voted for a republican was IKE, Dad was a vet). 

I had turned 7 the month before, I remember no cartoons that weekend and the funeral on Monday.  I do remember going home for lunch from school in Denver, the transistor radio on in the kitchen, a phone call, mother talking excitedly.  Back to school, no one there the halls empty, in my room only the teacher, crying, go back home, no more school today.  

I don't remember being told or hearing the President has been killed.  No contact with other kids who mentioned it from after school Friday, through the weekend or adults discussing it.  Just no cartoons Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, the news being the only thing on, which I didn't watch.

Then on Sunday morning at 9:00 or 10:00 in Denver finally a Christian cartoon came on which I didn't normally watch but after none for two days I did.  Good chance that was what I was watching when Ruby killed Oswald.

Monday, no school.  By this point I must have been told/aware the President had died.   I do remember watching the funeral procession.  The riderless horse with backwards boots in the stirrups.  That disturbed me, has haunted me still.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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