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RFK Jr discusses his candidacy, and talks about Operation Northwoods

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35 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Why did Fauci fail so badly? Fauci wanted lockdowns, he wanted that six foot rule, he recommended masks.  In the face of all that why did the USA end up with such bad results?  Probably the worst of any country. And why did we fail so badly in nursing homes, which should have been a number one target?

I can't actually believe these are questions to which you legitimately don't know the answers. Why did the USA end up with such bad results? For starters, how about because millions upon millions of people in this country refused to follow any semblance of personal or public safety measures, much less get the vaccine? Are you seriously unsure why so many nursing home patients died of COVID?

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51 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


This is not the place to review or discuss the reaction to CV 19 by Trump.

But I will say that--and you must know this--America's results on this were among the very worst of any country of any size. You named Vietnam.  But you could have named about 20 others.  This is an issue that RFK Jr has harped on.  And its why no major broadcast or print media--NY TImes, W Post, NBC, ABC, CBS--wants to have him on.  Why did Fauci fail so badly? Fauci wanted lockdowns, he wanted that six foot rule, he recommended masks.  In the face of all that why did the USA end up with such bad results?  Probably the worst of any country. And why did we fail so badly in nursing homes, which should have been a number one target?

This is a valid question.


      My answer to your question-- as I posted (above) with reference links about Trump and Fox-- is that Trump and his Fox echo chamber fostered a culture of denial, hostility, and resistance to basic public health measures during the COVID pandemic.  And, in the U.S., Trumpsters died of COVID at significantly higher rates than "liberals."

     As an example, I previously posted the true story of an old college buddy of my brother-in-law who died of COVID after attending Trump's infamous Tulsa super spreader rally during the summer of 2020.


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6 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Of Course Tucker Carlson would have RFK Jr on to talk about his announcement, that's why he's the best!! 


Thanks for this, Matthew.

How unusual and refreshing it is to hear a major political figure talking sense about things that really matter to ordinary people's lives.

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3 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

I can't actually believe these are questions to which you legitimately don't know the answers. Why did the USA end up with such bad results? For starters, how about because millions upon millions of people in this country refused to follow any semblance of personal or public safety measures, much less get the vaccine? Are you seriously unsure why so many nursing home patients died of COVID?

The covid “science” of post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this) compounded by argumentum ad populum (it is true because the majority thinks so).

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Well, one thing is for sure...the bash-RFK Jr. campaign is a success. 

People are re-hashing C19 and RFK Jr.'s stance on that one topic. 

If the intel-state wanted Biden out, there would be lots of articles on Biden's mental acuity, and a few smear jobs calling Biden senile. Every mis-statement of Biden's, or physical bumble, would be covered in detail.  

Lots of stories about how Biden staffers are cosseting Biden (which is true, btw). 

The woman who accused Biden of molesting her would be re-interviewed. And so on. 

So, wail away about C19 and RFK Jr.  


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30 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well, one thing is for sure...the bash-RFK Jr. campaign is a success. 

People are re-hashing C19 and RFK Jr.'s stance on that one topic. 

If the intel-state wanted Biden out, there would be lots of articles on Biden's mental acuity, and a few smear jobs calling Biden senile. Every mis-statement of Biden's, or physical bumble, would be covered in detail.  

Lots of stories about how Biden staffers are cosseting Biden (which is true, btw). 

The woman who accused Biden of molesting her would be re-interviewed. And so on. 

So, wail away about C19 and RFK Jr.  


It’s obvious that the USA and the west generally are in deep trouble.

Yet we have mainstream Democrats and Republicans – the supporters of the parties that are primarily responsible for this dire state of affairs – demonising anyone who seriously challenges their plutocratic duopoly.

It’s tragically predictable – as is the further decline which such incorrigible perversity will inevitably precipitate.

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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


      My answer to your question-- as I posted (above) with reference links about Trump and Fox-- is that Trump and his Fox echo chamber fostered a culture of denial, hostility, and resistance to basic public health measures during the COVID pandemic.  And, in the U.S., Trumpsters died of COVID at significantly higher rates than "liberals."

     As an example, I previously posted the true story of an old college buddy of my brother-in-law who died of COVID after attending Trump's infamous Tulsa super spreader rally during the summer of 2020.


Question - there were many events labeled super spreader. Yet I’ve not seen any analysis of death rates caused by such events. Do you know of any? 

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I liked what he said on Carlson.

About perpetual war and corporate kleptocracy.

Those are things that really matter.

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20 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, whatever politics you have on Russia, how can anyone deny those classified documents that were leaked? 

Those are devastating.  And to buy the story that a National Guard guy had them?

The documents are the Pentagon Papers of Ukraine.   


Valentine offers a very persuasive theory, imo. 

Doug Valentine on the recent documents leak: 
"I have no doubt the documents are genuine, but I believe the leak was a function of the culture war that is tearing America apart. That a general loyal to Donald Trump and the MAGA movement leaked the documents in an attempt to undermine the Biden administration and promote the Trump policy of rapprochement with Russia. The Biden administration is attempting to spin the leak, but the political/cultural rift within the military and CIA, as well within federal law enforcement, is the real story. America is in the midst of a psychological civil war, as I say in my forthcoming book Pisces Moon: The Dark Arts of Empire.


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Even on the EF-JFKA...people are following the script, and endlessly debating and pondering RFK Jr.'s views about...vaccines? 

Not perpetual war, or the JFK Records Act? 

How about RFK Jr.'s views on the role of shadow government in the US policy making?

From Politico, yesterday:

The Kennedy campaign the Kennedys don’t want to see

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. opened his longshot presidential bid with a crowd full of conspiracy theorists, vaccine skeptics and Republicans.


Really? Republicans? And is RFK Jr. a "long shot"? 

And the JFKA is still only the domain of "conspiracy theorists." 



Biden was a long shot, Trump was a long shot, when they announced their campaigns. 

Politico calls RFK Jr.'s run at the White House is an  "all-but-doomed bid." 

Well, perhaps that is an accurate assessment of the grip the establishment has on media and the two major parties. A death grip.

Still, GOP voters upset the apple cart when they backed Trump, and not the Bush clan, in 2016.

I think RFK Jr. has a shot.



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Question - there were many events labeled super spreader. Yet I’ve not seen any analysis of death rates caused by such events. Do you know of any? 


     I think we talked about some of this data -- Tulsa, Sturgis, etc.-- on our 2020 "Journal of the Plague Year" thread.

     It was another one of those post hoc ergo propter hoc viral disasters.  🙄

Three Weeks After Trump's Tulsa Rally, Oklahoma Reports Record High COVID-19 Numbers


‘We Killed Herman Cain’: New Book Paints Damning Portrait of How Trump’s Team Bungled Tulsa Rally

Trump's Hail Mary rally in Oklahoma was an even bigger disaster than first reported
Edited by W. Niederhut
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 Hey, as I said, Biden is not in really good shape.

RFK just got a pretty good send off from Carlson.  You take them from where you can get them.

Now he can begin a campaign.  

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1 minute ago, James DiEugenio said:

 Hey, as I said, Biden is not in really good shape.

RFK just got a pretty good send off from Carlson.  You take them from where you can get them.

Now he can begin a campaign.  


    Biden is currently polling at 70% to RFK's 10% among Democratic voters.

    As for Fox News fluffing RFK, Jr.-- they'll drop him like a hot potato and start talking about his ex-wife's suicide if he ever wins the Democratic nomination.

     The plutocratic Iraq War monger Rupert Murdoch is only using RFK, Jr.,  at present, to undermine Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

    The notion that Murdoch and his Fox News talking heads are interested in promoting the welfare and best interests of the American working class is laughable.

    Did people forget Murdoch's bragging about his success in promoting the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003?

    Bill O'Reilly and Fox News were the most aggressive jingoists of the disastrous Bush/Cheney "War on Terror."

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I virtually never listen to, read or watch this source.  But I couldn't resist the tag line for this one.  It's actually somewhat objective through most of it.  Surprised me.

RFKJR is echoing family values to me, ones he learned from his father and uncle.  JFK fought the pharmaceutical industry, supported the environment and fought with big business, e.g. steel, banking, and that oil depletion allowance thing.

FLASHBACK: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once called for Koch Industries and ExxonMobil to be put to 'corporate death' (msn.com)

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