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Tucker is out apparently

Bob Ness

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"Finding a Tucker Carlson substitute will be as easy for Fox as it was finding a Bill O'Reilly substitute. There's always an understudy or two at Fox who has learned the art of demagoguery — how to pander to the stolen election XXXXX, incite white nationalists and make long-distance love to Vladimir Putin."



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18 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


Thank you for further illustrating my point.

In view of the irrationally vitriolic import the term has acquired in the covid-related culture war – to the extent that it is a largely meaningless term of abuse – I take particular exception to being called an “anti-vaxxer”.

In the context of this discussion, it is a blatantly gratuitous and irrelevant ad hominem.

Therefore, I request that you delete this post, and I am also reporting it in accordance with the forum rules.

Also, since this is not the first time you have crossed the line with me, as acknowledged by the moderators, I submit that some form of sanction by the moderators is warranted.


     Are you denying that you're an anti-vaxxer, while once again "reporting" me to the moderators for posting an accurate comment about your stated opinions here?   Surely, you jest.

     On the contrary, you have posted numerous comments on this forum attacking mRNA COVID vaccines and denying their efficacy-- while repeatedly refusing to discuss the vaccine efficacy data that I have referenced for you.

     Referring to people who have opposed the use of COVID vaccines as "anti-vaxxers" doesn't constitute "crossing a line," or an "ad hominem" attack.  It's standard parlance.

     I'm reporting you to the mods for, once again, attempting to impugn an Education Forum member's reputation on false grounds.

     This is now the second time that you have pulled this stunt on our forum.

     As for the substance of my last post, it was a response to your false claim that Matt Allison had "cherry-picked" clips to make Tucker Carlson look bad.

     In response, I posted a detailed reference for you about Tucker Carlson's lies.




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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Perhaps ass-kicking would be a better description, as Trump is going to lose by more than 10 million votes in 2024; he'll lose all the states he lost in 2020, and the Dems might add North Carolina to the list of electoral college victories.

There is no realistic path to victory for Donald Trump.

I disagree.    To me, the ultimate weakness of the Democratic party is the GOP is such an out and out mess, but yet they control the Supreme Court,  control the House and are a seat away from a tie in the senate. And OMG are we all trying to forget how Trump beat HRC?  That was not that long ago. 

The popular vote does not MATTER!  How can anyone forget that after Bush VS Gore.  Or 2016.  All that matters is the Electoral College. And the GOP has a good map: the south, the border states and the mid west.  What Trump did in 2016 was to make headway in the Rust Belt.  Which is not solidly Democratic anymore at all.  Ohio is now a Republican state.

There will be no landslide or even a butt kicking if Biden is the candidate.

The only man I could see doing that is Gavin Newsom. And he is not running. 

The very fact that Trump is on trial in two cases, and will likely be in a third, Georgia, and he is neck and neck with Biden shows just how weak a candidate Joe Biden is.   

Finally, Hunter Biden is a time bomb waiting to explode.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Tucker's Greatest Hits

1. He has promoted the “great replacement theory.”

Carlson has repeatedly pushed the “great replacement theory,” which the Southern Poverty Law Center defines as a “racist conspiracy narrative [that] falsely asserts there is an active, ongoing, and covert effort to replace white populations in current white-majority countries.” He has argued that Democrats want to replace white people so they can control the country.
2. He said Vladimir Putin wasn’t so bad.
3. He said the desire to procreate has been “subverted” by birth control and abortion.
4. He complained about “the total collapse of testosterone levels in American men.”

Carlson has insisted that masculinity is supposedly on the decline in the United States. While both the theory and his suggested solution—tan your testicles—are ridiculous, they stem from a right-wing belief that attacks on masculinity upset the social order.

5. He said white supremacy is not a real problem.
6. He said the January 6 rioters were “peaceful protesters.”

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy gave Carlson access to the security footage from the January 6 insurrection, and the television host used the videos to completely whitewash the riot.

“Taken as a whole, the video record does not support the claim that January 6 was an insurrection—in fact, it demolishes that claim,” Carlson falsely insisted. His coverage was so bad that even a few Republican lawmakers criticized his show.

7. He knowingly lied that the 2020 election was stolen.

Carlson repeatedly insisted during his show that the 2020 presidential election had been rigged in favor of Joe Biden. But court documents published during the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit against Fox showed that Carlson knew better.

Text messages and deposition excerpts show that hosts including Carlson knew the election conspiracies were false and that former President Donald Trump’s lawyers weren’t credible, but they spread the conspiracies and invited the lawyers on air anyway. Carlson, who has repeatedly fawned over Trump on his show, even texted someone that he was looking forward to ignoring Trump. “I hate him passionately,” Carlson said of the former president.

8. He called for an insurrection after Trump was indicted.

After Trump was indicted, Carlson called for violence and for people to stockpile AR-15s. He also referred to the indictment as a “political purge.”

9. He called Trump “sensible and wise.”

Just a few weeks after the release of his text messages showing how much he hated Trump, Carlson had the former president on his show for an obsequious interview. Carlson barely got a word in during the hour-long show, but he did manage to refer to Trump as “sensible and wise.”

Trump was then given free rein to spout whatever falsehoods and fantasies he wanted. He had been arrested just one week before for 34 counts of falsifying business records.

10. He minimized the severity of statutory rape and said women are “primitive.”

Carlson made weekly calls to a shock jock radio show between 2006 and 2011. During those hour-long calls, he repeatedly made vile comments about women and sex. Media Matters for America resurfaced those recordings in 2019, revealing that Carlson had downplayed the gravity of statutory rape and called women “primitive.”

During one call, Carlson said that child marriage is not “the same thing exactly as pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting that child.”

“The rapist, in this case, has made a lifelong commitment to live and take care of the person, so it is a little different,” he said, by way of a totally normal and not at all horrifying explanation.

In another call, Carlson called women “extremely primitive” and “basic.” “They hate weakness. They’re like dogs that way,” he said.


Edited by Matt Allison
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The more I read about this, I think that Murdoch decided to dump Carlson because of the lawsuit by Carlson's former producer at Fox.

She is suing on two grounds:

1. Sexist Discrimination 

2. She was going to be the person set up to take the fall in Dominion.

We all know what happened to Bill O with Murdoch and Roger Ailes with Murdoch over point number one. This is a real sore point with Murdoch.

Secondly, I don't think he wants anymore about Dominion after the settlement and he will now try and settle her suit.

What most people do not understand is the second voting machine lawsuit is going to be even bigger than the first.  I think that one will go for a billion.  Fox will be out almost 2 billion in lawsuits in one year.

Very bad management.

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2 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

The more I read about this, I think that Murdoch decided to dump Carlson because of the lawsuit by Carlson's former producer at Fox.

As gross as that Top 10 list I posted above is, it is very easy to believe that things that happened off-camera were even worse.

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2 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Matt and William consider a hodgepodge of cherry-picked soundbites cobbled together by a political fellow traveller to be an accurate portrayal of someone they hate with the venom of a rabid dog.

To make matters worse, William omitted a key word in the purported verbatim quotation he ascribed to me.

That’s how demented the Punch and Judy show of US mainstream politics has become.

Well done, lads.

PS. I note that by the time I submitted the above, William had apparently amended his post to include the word he had omitted, namely, “U.S”.


John, it's ironically humorous that Matt would share the Lincoln Project given their recent scandals.. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/young-men-accuse-lincoln-project-co-founder-harassment-n1256344

Tucker is gone for being too Based, IMHO. If he had a show that was more like this speech that would be even better! He's going to be even better off since Fox did start to push back, from what I hear. 


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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

I disagree.    To me, the ultimate weakness of the Democratic party is the GOP is such an out and out mess, but yet they control the Supreme Court,  control the House and are a seat away from a tie in the senate. And OMG are we all trying to forget how Trump beat HRC?  That was not that long ago. 

The popular vote does not MATTER!  How can anyone forget that after Bush VS Gore.  Or 2016.  All that matters is the Electoral College. And the GOP has a good map: the south, the border states and the mid west.  What Trump did in 2016 was to make headway in the Rust Belt.  Which is not solidly Democratic anymore at all.  Ohio is now a Republican state.

There will be no landslide or even a butt kicking if Biden is the candidate.

The only man I could see doing that is Gavin Newsom. And he is not running. 

The very fact that Trump is on trial in two cases, and will likely be in a third, Georgia, and he is neck and neck with Biden shows just how weak a candidate Joe Biden is.   

Finally, Hunter Biden is a time bomb waiting to explode.

Then there's always this from Fani Willis to the Fulton County Sheriff:

Dear Sheriff Labat:

My staff and I greatly appreciate the efforts you have made to increase security at the Fulton County Courthouse. While these efforts have addressed security needs related to several high-profile trials and investigations, as we have discussed, the need for vigilance will increase.

In the near future, I will announce charging decisions resulting from the investigation my office has been conducting into possible criminal interference in the administration of Georgia’s 2020 General Election. I am providing this letter to bring to your attention the need for heightened security and preparedness in coming months due to this pending announcement. Open-source intelligence has indicated the announcement of decisions in this case may provoke a significant public reaction. We have seen in recent years that some may go outside of public expressions of opinion that are protected by the First Amendment to engage in acts of violence that will endanger the safety our community.

As leaders, it is incumbent upon us to prepare. I will be announcing charging decisions resulting from this investigation during Fulton County Superior Court’s fourth term of court, which will begin on July 11, 2023, and conclude on September 1, 2023.

Please accept this correspondence as notice to allow you sufficient time to prepare the Sheriff's Office and coordinate with local, state and federal agencies to ensure that our law enforcement community is ready to protect the public. As your strategic planning process begins, collaboration with my investigative leadership team is vital. My team will be in touch in coming days to set up appropriate conversations.

My staff and I are grateful for the work of the Sheriff's Office in ensuring the safety of the public during this time. Thank you for your efforts, and we look forward to working with you.

This doesn't bode well for republicans.

Edited by Bob Ness
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

The more I read about this, I think that Murdoch decided to dump Carlson because of the lawsuit by Carlson's former producer at Fox.

She is suing on two grounds:

1. Sexist Discrimination 

2. She was going to be the person set up to take the fall in Dominion.

We all know what happened to Bill O with Murdoch and Roger Ailes with Murdoch over point number one. This is a real sore point with Murdoch.

Secondly, I don't think he wants anymore about Dominion after the settlement and he will now try and settle her suit.

What most people do not understand is the second voting machine lawsuit is going to be even bigger than the first.  I think that one will go for a billion.  Fox will be out almost 2 billion in lawsuits in one year.

Very bad management.

Yes, Jim. Watch Melber, April 20. 

Begin min. 5:15. Abby Grossberg lawsuits   . . . a criminal investigation ... relevant to what the relationship was between the Trump campaign and what actually happened on air ...


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8 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

My staff and I are grateful for the work of the Sheriff's Office in ensuring the safety of the public during this time. Thank you for your efforts, and we look forward to working with you.

This doesn't bode well for republicans.

Ya, the fake elector scheme finally blew up; people are flipping like crazy and she needs extra time to process all the new evidence.

Trump is beyond screwed.

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