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The JFK Assassination Records Act Discussion

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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Paul, when someone quotes CV I have to read his junk, which proves to me all over that he is not worth reading.

Rubbish. I would rather not vote for anyone than vote for Trump.

This is a see-through attempt to politicize a legal issue for his own personal agenda.

The hypocrisy is staggering.

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Stay the course JD.

The tiresome partisan narratives are off base, per usual. 

Then why do you insist the release of the files should be a campaign issue?

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54 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

How has this happened? How can such perspectives prevail at the EF-JFKA? Who is responsible? 

Well, we are worlds part on this one. 

Me at the moment.  Yep, we are.  Your comments are why this thread is ready to go bye, bye.  In spite of some interesting and important ones by others.

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Why the Bold Biden Snuff Job bit on your thread's Bold first statement about the Trump Snuff Job?  In the interest of fairness?  Or leading back to the Biden did worse damage than Trump story?  The Trump now says again he will release them, this time, vote for me bit?  I've been trying to ignore much of such.  But this post borders on turning this thread into a Current Politics subject. 

Deleted.   We are not going to neutrality here.  

Edited by Cory Santos
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John Newman is working on a book on the King assassination.

That is why its taking him so long on Armageddon.

The King book is going to be two volumes.

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6 hours ago, David Boylan said:

I've read lots of the "newly" released docs over the years. This is from the 2018 release and one my favorites to demonstrate that they haven't released XXXXX over the years.


Luis Angel Castillo was of interest during the Garrison investigation.


That first link was pretty dark, not very enlightening.  Then again, Very enlightening.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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Is the constant haranguing about the files some JFKA some  loyalty test here? We all are sufficiently outraged that the last 2 Presidents haven't released the files! If there's serious news on the files front, ok. But how many times are people expected to act out their outrage to a handful of people here who keep insisting on it?

If I were Biden, I would have made a condition to debate. (since in negotiation, he was in the driver's seat because Trump was so eager to debate) that both candidates were able to show clips of  previous public statements* made  by either candidate and ask for clarification, and Biden can  focus for detailed clarification on irresponsible, dangerous, statements made by  Trump and hold his feet to the fire about it!  I'm much more concerned about that!

Nobody's probably going to ask those the JFKA files questions because it panders to only about 3% of the population who have it in their top 10 concerns and honestly, while I'd like a question about it near the end of the second debate. It's not some litmus test about the validity of the debates to me because I read and have some  grasp of current events, and a perspective that includes more pressing, relevant issues!


*since they're both so vulnerable because of age issues, you discount those gaffes and confine yourself to the content of previous public statements made by either candidate.



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Oh  c'mon.

That is a legitimate question which allows the JFK case to get into the MSM. Which it just did in Newsweek.

If you recall, back in 2017 when Trump said he was going to release the records, that made the nightly news.  I saw it on CBS.

Then when he reneged, that also made the news IN REAL TIME, they were covering it on NBC.

So when Trump now reverses field in public, that is a legitimate question to ask him.

And no, there should not be just one thread on this issue, because there are  many aspects to this important topic, which most members do not know about or understand.

Again, I ask: if you  guys just do not give two cents about it, then just ignore it.  Let others who understand how important, and what the ramifications are, and what a defiance of law it is, elucidate the subject. That is what this forum should be about.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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6 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

That is a legitimate question which allows the JFK case to get into the MSM.

No one is saying there aren't legitimate questions to be made about the Act. They don't all deserve their own thread. Ben has made dozens at this point.

What Ben is doing is purposefully trying to flood the forum with political posts disguised as Records Act topics that could easily all be discussed in one JFK Records Act thread.

This is obvious to everyone.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

No one is saying there aren't legitimate questions to be made about the Act. They don't all deserve their own thread. Ben has made dozens at this point.

What Ben is doing is purposefully trying to flood the forum with political posts disguised as Records Act topics that could easily all be discussed in one JFK Records Act thread.

This is obvious to everyone.

Almost everyone. 🙄

I predicted-- when Sandy Larsen was replaced as moderator, over the Pat Speer/JFK-head-wounds controversy-- that Ben Cole would start spamming the JFKA board again with redundant "JFK Records" and RFK1A threads, as a pretext for bashing Biden and/or fluffing RFK2.

That is, precisely, what has happened.


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19 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

An apparent endorsement?  Sure.

"[Adamczyk] now chimes in on what can be done in the presidential campaign to make this an issue. Which it should be."

It is apparent that Mr. DiEugenio thinks the release of the JFK files "should be" an issue in "the presidential campaign."  Trump is running on the promise to release the files.  It's a reasonable inference that Mr. DiEugenio will celebrate a Trump victory given the importance of the issue to him.

Mr. DiEugenio has politicized the issue, not me.  If you find it tiresome you should take it up with him.

That's not a reasonable assumption, Cliff.

Given Biden's record, there is no chance he will reverse his "transparency plan" and seek release of outstanding JFK records. 

Nothing Trump says can be taken at face value. But there is a nonzero chance he will release some records. That doesn't mean Jim endorses Trump, even apparently, or will celebrate his victory. There are a few other matters to consider.

Jim didn't politicize the issue.  It is a legit issue because it could lead to some further look at the political murders of the 60s and what they have done to the country.  Keep up this line, Cliff, and you could be qualified to be a mod.

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I think it's inconceivable, it is going to be brought up in the debate, especially seeing how hostile the moderators are towards Trump. 

BUT.. RFK Jr will be live streaming the debate and maybe he will bring it up? 

I think @Lori Spencer is doing something with the RFK campaign, maybe she can get him to bring it up🙂

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24 minutes ago, Roger Odisio said:

Keep up this line, Cliff, and you could be qualified to be a mod.


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