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Vote Trump for JFKA info?

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5 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

I can hear a humming noise coming from Arlington.


5 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

The sound of paper shredders 🤖 

He didn´t do it the first time, he should get a warning from the EF mod´s, that´ll teach him 😀

Jean, the humming noise coming from Arlington is JFK spinning in his grave!

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Thanks Larry!

But what's even worse is he tries to barter his position for power with Harris, and gets rejected, and now he's hanging on a thread, trusting  Trump, and his cult who have no real moorings are exalted!

And now the pot is sweetened for the one issue wonders here!

  "I saw it and it's been fake ever since"     

Same old cycle--------- titanic hopes for smoking gun--------hopes dashed-----------green shoots for greater, broader conspiracies!


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From an outsiders perspective(one that did reside in the US for over 5 years),  i wonder do you American democratic party supporters see that your country is in far worse shape financially(many $trillions in debt), in tatters over illegal immigration and the additional financial and social services burden those illegal immigrants will cost, also you have a couple of potentially world changing war situations on two fronts taking place right now that your country is and will be heavily involved in......yet in 2016-2020 ?

And you think Kameela Harris is capable of being a world leader....good lord.

Just because your grandpappy and your pa voted Democrat doesn't mean that your not allowed to cast a critical eye over your parties politics and policies from the past 4,6,8,10,12 years and decide....hmmm maybe the orange guys 4 years leadership wasnt so bad....

No one with a brain will vote trump just because he said he will release 63 year old JFK files and the respect i have for many people who are long time members of this forum and community that sprout it as a reason someone will vote trump is laughable. 

Your country under Biden and Harris has declined, your country under Harris and Sgt Tim could wipe out the western world as we know it.

God help us all. 


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22 minutes ago, Adam Johnson said:

From an outsiders perspective(one that did reside in the US for over 5 years),  i wonder do you American democratic party supporters see that your country is in far worse shape financially(many $trillions in debt), in tatters over illegal immigration and the additional financial and social services burden those illegal immigrants will cost, also you have a couple of potentially world changing war situations on two fronts taking place right now that your country is and will be heavily involved in......yet in 2016-2020 ?

And you think Kameela Harris is capable of being a world leader....good lord.

Just because your grandpappy and your pa voted Democrat doesn't mean that your not allowed to cast a critical eye over your parties politics and policies from the past 4,6,8,10,12 years and decide....hmmm maybe the orange guys 4 years leadership wasnt so bad....

No one with a brain will vote trump just because he said he will release 63 year old JFK files and the respect i have for many people who are long time members of this forum and community that sprout it as a reason someone will vote trump is laughable. 

Your country under Biden and Harris has declined, your country under Harris and Sgt Tim could wipe out the western world as we know it.

God help us all. 



     With all due respect, your ignorance about the reality of recent American political and economic history is profound and, frankly, embarrassing.

     Are you, perchance, getting your fake "news" from the right-wing Aussie propagandist, Rupert Murdoch?

     U.S. Presidential historians and scholars have accurately ranked Donald Trump as the single worst President in American history.

     Almost all of Trump's former staff, and his own Vice President, are refusing to endorse his re-election.  What does that tell you?

     Trump mushroomed the U.S. national debt by $8 trillion with massive tax cuts for corporations and billionaires, yet he had the worst private sector jobs creation record in modern Presidential history.  His tax cuts were used mainly for salary-boosting stock buybacks by corporate CEOs.

     He inherited seven years of sustained private sector job and GDP growth from Barack Obama, (and a near tripling of the stock markets) but never increased GDP growth, before presiding over an economic collapse in 2020.

     He appointed an oil industry lobbyist to run the Environmental Protection Agency, and rolled back over 100 pollution control regulations.

     He withdrew from the Paris Climate Accords.

     He directly incited racial violence and murder in the United States, including the El Paso Walmart Massacre.

     He completely bungled the COVID pandemic response and caused hundreds of thousands of preventable COVID deaths, even hosting super-spreader campaign rallies in 2020, at the height of the deadly Delta wave.

     His supporters died at higher rates than Democrats throughout the pandemic.

     Then, he lied about the 2020 election results, and incited a violent mob attack on the U.S. Congress to block the certification of Joe Biden's election.

     He also pressured state officials to alter vote tallies, and organized slates of False Electors in several swing states that he lost.

     As for Vice President Harris, her education and intellect completely dwarf Donald Trump's.

    Listen to her Democratic nomination acceptance speech and educate yourself.  Her eloquence and intellect were on full display in Chicago.



Edited by W. Niederhut
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10 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

I can hear a humming noise coming from Arlington.

I don't wish to live under a Christian Nationalist dictator, even if he promises to release the JFK files.

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@ Varnell: I don't wish to live under a Christian Nationalist dictator, even if he promises to release the JFK files.

How about Canada? Justin Castreau?


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4 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

From an outsiders perspective

It's hard enough for Americans to grasp US politics and damn near impossible for anyone who doesn't live here.

4 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

(one that did reside in the US for over 5 years),  i wonder do you American democratic party supporters see that your country is in far worse shape financially(many $trillions in debt),

Trump put $8 trillion on the national debit; Biden $4 trillion.  When Trump left the federal budget deficit (different than the national debt) was $2.7 trillion; today it's $1.9 trillion.

4 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

in tatters over illegal immigration and the additional financial and social services burden those illegal immigrants will cost,

You have no idea what you're talking about.  Undocumented immigrants are entering the US at a lower rate today than under Trump.

Give the undocumented social security numbers and they can help pay my way thru old age.

4 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:


also you have a couple of potentially world changing war situations on two fronts taking place right now that your country is and will be heavily involved in......yet in 2016-2020 ?

Trump pulled out of the Iran nuke deal practically guaranteeing future Iran-Israel conflict. 

Trump moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a needless provocation. 

He ordered a hit on Iran's #2, another needless provocation. 

He green-lit a drone bombing campaign slaughtering civilians from Afghanistan to Somalia.

He negotiated a peace deal with the Taliban without the Afghan gov't.  He released 5,000 Taliban fighters.  Biden stuck to the deal.

He tried to blackmail Zelensky into providing dirt on Joe Biden.

Trump shut down the opening Obama forged with Cuba.

Trump dropped out of the Climate Accords -- or tried to.

4 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

And you think Kameela Harris is capable of being a world leader....good lord.

Are you capable of spelling Kamala correctly?  You know why she did so poorly running for Prez in 2019?  Because she spent her career as a fk'n cop.  Cop at the highest levels in San Francisco and California.

Your contempt is mis-placed, sir.

4 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

Just because your grandpappy and your pa voted Democrat doesn't mean that your not allowed to cast a critical eye over your parties politics and policies from the past 4,6,8,10,12 years and decide....hmmm maybe the orange guys 4 years leadership wasnt so bad....

No one with a brain will vote trump just because he said he will release 63 year old JFK files and the respect i have for many people who are long time members of this forum and community that sprout it as a reason someone will vote trump is laughable. 

Your country under Biden and Harris has declined, your country under Harris and Sgt Tim could wipe out the western world as we know it.

God help us all. 


Your fears of nuclear Holocaust are over-wrought.  One of the great aspects of Putin's Blunder is that he now shares an 800 mile border with a heavily armed NATO country a few dozen miles from the only land route to Russia's nuclear weapons city of Murmansk.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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31 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Are you capable of spelling Kamala correctly?  You know why she did so poorly running for Prez in 2019?  Because she spent her career as a fk'n cop.

I thought she was fk’n Willie Brown.

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12 minutes ago, Kevin Balch said:

I thought she was fk’n Willie Brown.

Willie Brown is one of the most charming people I've ever met cold.

Back in 2006 I went into my favorite hof brau Tommy's Joynt and standing in a line of a half dozen folks I noticed a short, well dressed black guy in front of me.  I looked to the side -- "Is that Willie Brown?" I asked myself.  His cell phone rang, he said, "Hello?"  That's Willie Brown all right.  We both got up to the serving counter at the same time.  "That salmon looks good," I said to the former mayor.  "Yeah!" he responded with enthusiasm.  He put in his order, I put in mine.

"Mayor Brown, it's been reported that you got a heads up not to fly on 9/11."

"No no, just the usual advisories mayors get.  I don't know where that report came from."

"The Matier and Ross report in the Chronicle."

"No no--"

The cashier interrupted.  "Are you paying for both of these?"

Willie picked up his tray and with a big grin said, "I'm not runnin' for anything."

Everyone within earshot cracked up.

Kevin, if you think Willie Brown would have a relationship with anyone other a top notch lady you are -- "Outta your mind."

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2 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

I thought she was fk’n Willie Brown.

Should this crude post be deleted?

Since this is the Education Forum, IMO, it may be worth approaching this post as what Barack Obama calls a "teachable moment."

One of the oldest racist stereotypes in American history is that of black women being labeled as whores.

Historically, enslaved black women were often subjected to sexual assault and used as sex slaves.  And post-slavery, many have lived in poverty.

Another old racist stereotype has been the mythology that black people lack intelligence-- apparently, even if their mother was a biomedical research scientist, and their father is an Emeritus Professor of Economics at Stanford University, as in Vice President Harris's case.

No doubt, Trump and his MAGA fans are going to roll out a lot of these racist and misogynist memes and slurs about Kamala Harris between now and November.

But here's a reality-based meme that's worth contemplating when we compare the private lives of Kamala Harris and Trump.

It doesn't get at Trump's history of sexual assaults, barging in on teen dressing rooms, and visiting Jeffrey Epstein's teen sex-trafficking island, but it is apt.



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Rather than re-hash the usual anti-Biden/Harris or anti-Trump arguments....

Shouldn't the JFKA research community, or the MFF, try to seize this opportunity to extract an equal promise from candidate Harris? 

Yes, every effort appears futile...but worth a try....

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12 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Threaten the core of the nation's democracy, enable revenge against everyone (his words not mine) who might oppose a president who would no legal boundaries on his actions (a Court decision), not to mention voting for an individual who is morally and ethically corrupt (historically provable) in his core behaviors in exchange for documents you have no idea still exist....I'm appalled....

You forgot dictator on day one (just for one day, of course) and suspend the Constitution.

Oh, yes, absolutely Trump cares so much about transparency in the JFK assassination! He would only release documents if they would embarrass the "Deep State." But he failed while president to do any of this.

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Once everyone has hacked away on this post for a few days it should be MOVED to political discussions.

Sorry I could not resist bloviating on this topic but it is not JFK assassination research.


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