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Don Roberdeau

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    The Dealey Plaza Detailed Map....


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  1. Good Day.... As DEBRA CONWAY intelligently + simply details for everyone within her outstanding, detailed article, "The Secret Service Agent on the Knoll" [1] (QUOTE) We now have a better understanding of Powell's activities and the time sequence while in Dealey Plaza. He could not have been the knoll agent for several reasons: The time: he stopped to take his well-known photo of the School Book Depository building. His actions: he was with a group of what he terms "Sheriffs." They were probably the ATF Agents. Lastly, this not unimportant exoneration is that Powell, himself, reminds us that he had a camera. Officer Smith and the others surely would have remarked upon that in his description of the mysterious knoll agent. (END QUOTE) There are additional important considerations. [1] "The Secret Service Agent on the Knoll" by Debra Conway, with contributions from Michael Parks and Mark Colgan, 2001 https://web.archive.org/web/20080212185325/http://www.jfklancer.com/knollagent/index.html Best Regards in Research, ++ +Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  2. Good Day Rich.... The limousine definitely slowed-down after the turn onto Elm, when it had moved to within the kill zone during the attack shots. By Z-320 the slowed-down speed (8.3 MPH) was, at least, 32% slower than its speed (12.2 MPH) had been 3.3 seconds earlier at Z-260. Provided below within this response is a screen capture for my calculations table, for the limo speeds from Z-260 to 362, when it was already inside the kill zone. This same limo speeds table is a segment that is also included within my Dealey Plaza Detailed Map, available here. Best Regards in Research, ++ +Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  3. Good Day Pat.... Thank you 👍 for your, as always, outstanding, + important points with respect to illuminating key details of the boxes in the warrenatti-apologists, supposed, "lone-nut" "snipers lair." IIRC, several hours later on the afternoon of the 22nd, were not non-law enforcement persons --- lame-stream-media photographers --- also DPD-sloppily allowed into the, supposed, "lone-nut" "snipers lair" (DPD-un-guarded ❓‼️❓) evidence's area ❓ Best Regards in Research, ++ +Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  4. Good Day Sean.... I have spoken directly with Dealey Plaza witness ANTOINETTE "Toni" GLOVER, several times, during the years. The following is available within my "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination" homepages website. When I personally contacted, interviewed in detail, and asked the close assassination witness, Dr. ANTOINETTE “Toni” GAIL GLOVER, if she could still see and watch President KENNEDY and the presidential limousine when the first shot that she remembered hearing (or, the first shot that she could hear) was fired, Dr. GLOVER first replied in very time stamping detail that also, very importantly, specifically, pinpoints President KENNEDY's location at her first heard shot.... “ There is a column in the plaza that blocked my view for a second. I think the first shot was when my view was blocked. ” Dr. GLOVER’s very simple, straightforward, and very detailed statement above further strongly supports and synchronizes with the clear majority of the many key, close witnesses, and, the key, close weapons-experienced witnesses.... Dr. GLOVER stood elevated up on a cement pedestal that surrounds the North Reflecting Pool lower wall. Her precise location is photo-grammatically determined for my following scaled, accurate Dealey Plaza map with easily seeing her and her location in the films captured by ROBERT HUGHES.... MARK BELL.... and ELSIE DORMAN while Dr. GLOVER, wearing her turquoise-blue jacket, was standing up on what is now, and forever, known as “Glover’s pedestal.” click here to enlarge the map in a followup window http://i.imgur.com/6dYT66G.gifVery, very significant, and exactly as Dr. GLOVER stated to me in her detailed assassination observations, as documented on the above precisely scaled map, President KENNEDY was first blocked out of her view when the pyracantha tree foliage first started to block JFK from her view at Z-174 to 175. That same Z-174 to 175 instant is when Dr. GLOVER’s view of JFK was first blocked out of her view because of the pyracantha tree foliage edge. That pyracantha tree is labeled “TGt-1” on my scaled map. That same pyracantha tree is also seen in the ZAPRUDER and other films and photos, and it is located a few feet west of the large, tall, five-sided cement column that also blocked Dr. GLOVER’s view of the President.If the pyracantha tree did not first block her view of JFK at that instant (exactly as Dr. GLOVER stated), about one-third of a second after the pyracantha tree first blocked her view then the nearby, same tall column’s north, pointed side would have definitely first blocked President KENNEDY from her view at Z-180 to 181. (labeled “TGc-1” for her line-of-sight on my DP map)Then, as Dr. GLOVER stated, President KENNEDY would have become visible to her, again, just past the south side of the tall column, when the President was located at Z-217 to 218 (labeled “TGc-2” for her line-of-sight on my DP map)Employing the standard AVERAGE running time of the Zapruder film of 18.3 frames-per-second, JFK would have been out of Dr. GLOVER’s view for exactly 2.3 seconds (if it was the pyracantha tree first blocked JFK from her view), or, for 2.0 seconds (if it was the column that first blocked JFK from her view) I will also say that Dr. GLOVER’s key timing of the first shot that she heard (or *could* hear) that was fired between Z-174 and 218 is right in line with many of the close witnesses and close weapons-experienced witnesses who stated that the happily smiling President, first, had started his waving at Z-170 to 171), and after he had first started waving, it was THEN that the first shot they remembered hearing (or *could* hear) was fired and President KENNEDY immediately, dramatically, physically quickly reacted to it impacting him by ultra-rapidly snapping his head 87-degrees from right to left at Z-203 to 206, then, shaking his head, raising his arms/hands, and then facing back towards and settling into leaning forward and towards his wife before his head first exploded. (which Dr. GLOVER also watched happen, describing it as, “From my perspective, the plume of brains and blood sparkled a little in the Texas sun. I told my mom someone threw sparklers in the car!!!!”) . . . . Additionally, while speaking with Dr. GLOVER I nearly immediately had a sense about something with respect to her that after our first of many conversations I then checked several times to confirm and positively make sure.... Dr. GLOVER was absolutely thrilled when I shared with her my discovery that she had never known about that her turquoise-blue coated shoulder, arm, and hand are also actually visible in several frames of the ZAPRUDER film, in the exact location she stated to me where she was standing during the attack! DR. TONI GLOVER's view of President KENNEDY blocked by a tall column when she could hear a blast/shock wave http://i.imgur.com/Q1C6vcf.jpg . . . . And again, as with many witnesses who were actually there, Dr. GLOVER not being able to see President KENNEDY from Z-180 to 218, = when she heard an audible muzzle blast or mechanically suppressed-fired bullet bow shock N-wave = is in very stark contradiction to the Warren Commission "lone-nut"-apologists, current, revised “lone-nut”, supposed, “theory” that mandates the "lone- nut" first shot (fired into a close by tree) at Z-150 to Z-160 (before the tree hid JFK from the "lone-nut") . . . ..... Best Regards in Research, ++ +Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  5. + + + + + .... i.imgur.com/AWJOxjn.gif .... i.imgur.com/kQE17GN.gif .... i.imgur.com/2zTwV0h.gif .... “close enough for ‘government work’,” and 1963 ancient forensic technologies.... .... for the well-planned-ahead-for, civilians-control-military, then military-performed, inevitable, known-would-be-mandatory autopsy, and as importantly, nearly perfectly duplicated the Depository-like very close gunfire audible source. In fact, there are on the record known close witnesses who stated that they were attracted to and did initially react by looking towards gunfire fired from a Dal-Tex Building elevated gunfire source.... and, there are witnesses who stated they were attracted to an elevated gunfire source from the Depository.... and there are a significant percentage of witnesses who also did state and testify that they were attracted to gunfire fired from level with their ears, from the distinctly separate grassy knoll. Interestingly, watch from minutes 33 to 40 and 46 to 50 within the 2009 film “The International” that visually details what could have been the same simple operational plan on 11-22-63 of the Dal-Tex Building roof line fired bullet that strategically, near perfectly, duplicated a Depository, supposed, “lone- nut” “snipers lair” bullet trajectory.... (Kennedy assassination documentaries are very transparently afraid to show The People.... and, once shown, therefore implant in the consciousness of The People.... how very close the Dal-Tex Building bullet trajectory(s) actually come to matching the Depository, so, they have never shown a sniper’s targeting view from the Dal-Tex roof line) .... i.imgur.com/wxEhnuM.jpg .... i.imgur.com/NrMQ7aB.jpg .... i.imgur.com/mDjVTsT.jpg Best Regards in Research, ++ +Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  6. Good Day.... The "Dal-Tex Building" (a.k.a. the "Dallas Textile Building"), directly across the street, eastward, from the "Texas School Book Depository", has been sold. https://www.bizjournals.com/dallas/news/2021/12/21/501-elm-3l-real-estate.html Best Regards in Research, ++ +Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  7. Good Day.... From the 10-25-21 "Dallas Morning News".... (QUOTE) Kennedy kin and JFK assassination buffs irked as Biden prolongs 58 years of secrecy, citing pandemic WASHINGTON — In spring 2018, then-President Donald Trump delayed release of Kennedy assassination files for another 3 1/2 years – files the FBI and CIA had pleaded to keep under wraps. The new deadline is Tuesday. But historians and conspiracy buffs will have to keep waiting, and some aren’t happy, including Kennedy kin. Late Friday, the White House issued a memorandum declaring the deadline will not be met because of delays related to COVID-19. “Unfortunately, the pandemic has had a significant impact” on the National Archives and on assorted agencies and departments seeking to keep archivists from releasing some of their files, the memo reads. “Making these decisions is a matter that requires a professional, scholarly, and orderly process; not decisions or releases made in haste.” Biden promised an “intensive” review over the next year, with some records released between Dec. 15 and the end of the year, and a “comprehensive release in late 2022.” In 1992, Congress set a 25-year deadline for releasing remaining documents stemming from John F. Kennedy’s murder in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. All such records “should be eventually disclosed to enable the public to become fully informed about the history surrounding the assassination,” Congress found. “Most of the records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are almost 30 years old, and only in the rarest cases is there any legitimate need for continued protection of such records.” “The need to protect records concerning the assassination has only grown weaker with the passage of time,” Congress found – a passage invoked both by Biden and Trump as they delayed release. Gerald Posner, author of Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK, called it only “the latest excuse” for stalling offered by one of Kennedy’s successors. Two of the late president’s nephews vented frustration to Politico about the ongoing delays. “It’s an outrage. It’s an outrage against American democracy. We’re not supposed to have secret governments within the government,” said Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose own father was also assassinated. “How the hell is it 58 years later, and what in the world could justify not releasing these documents?” His cousin, former Rhode Island congressman Patrick Kennedy, whose father Ted Kennedy served for decades in the Senate, echoed impatience to help the public understand “something that left such a scar in this nation’s soul.” When the deadline set by Congress in 1992 arrived on Oct. 26, 2017, Trump had been in office for nine months. He gave federal agencies a six-month extension to plead the case for keeping selected records sealed on the basis of national security. The FBI and CIA in particular had pressed for more time. From July to December 2017, the archives released 34,813 documents. Another 18,731 were released on April 26, 2018, when Trump set a new deadline — Oct. 26, 2021 — for the National Archive and agencies to review 15,884 records that had been partially released, some with such heavy redactions as to make them useless to researchers. He also signaled a willingness to keep some records sealed beyond that date. Much of the late 2017 dump related to organized crime probes with no apparent link to the JFK investigation. But there were eye-popping nuggets, such as the secret 1978 testimony from a former CIA station chief in Mexico City who called assassin Lee Harvey Oswald “loony” and most likely a lone wolf. “The American public doesn’t want to believe that one man could murder Camelot,” the official, David Atlee Phillips, a Fort Worth native, told the House Select Committee on Assassinations, according to files released Dec. 15, 2017. “God knows I would like for it to come out that Fidel Castro was responsible or that the Soviets were responsible.” “But I know of no evidence to show that the Cubans or the Soviets put him up to it, and I just have to go along on the side that he was a kind of loony fellow who decided to shoot the president, and he did,” he testified. Historians, assassination buffs and conspiracy theorists have been digging for years through previously secret files. They’ve been eager for yet more documentation that might affirm or dispel a myriad of theories, or cast valuable light on countless unrelated topics, from the U.S. escalation in Vietnam to assassination plots and meddling with unfriendly regimes in Cuba, Chile and other nations. Records released under Trump included FBI and CIA reports on Soviet spies, the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and Lee Harvey Oswald’s trip to Mexico City a few weeks before he murdered Kennedy. For decades, debate has raged not only over whether Oswald acted alone but also whether the FBI and CIA could have stopped him. The voluminous record shows unequivocally that he was in their sights, though none of the records unsealed in 2017 and 2018 fully put to rest conspiracy theories. For instance, a 1975 CIA memo marked “top secret” shows that Oswald was on a “watch list” of people whose mail would be intercepted from Nov. 9, 1959, to May 3, 1960, and again from Aug. 7, 1961, through May 28, 1962. (END QUOTE) Best Regards in Research, ++ +Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  8. Good Day.... The post-JFK-elimination route of the limousine after Dealey Plaza, that includes the locations of various, known, photographers. http://www.dfwfreeways.com/images/book/ExStemmonsJFKFreeway/05_jfk_stemmons-153.jpg?fbclid=IwAR2IiVSDRxBEjt6Si9gBSBPSrjvLDpXvDMsSj2OqJsupGFXPY6Xnx53ALQc Best Regards in Research, ++ +Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  9. Good Day Cory.... When the background skyline of the full AL VOLKLAND-captured photo is looked at that shows the limousine and S.S. follow-up vehicles on the Stemmons Freeway that captured S.S.A. HICKEY holding his AR-15 rifle pointed upwards, the Texas School Book Depository is visible in that background, indicating that photo' location was probably less than a minute after the limousine had exited Dealey Plaza onto the Stemmons freeway. https://emuseum.jfk.org/objects/4091/image-of-presidential-limousine-on-stemmons-freeway-going-to?ctx=f5650466-dced-4652-b780-05ff3b174b6a&idx=0 Best Regards in Research, +++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  10. Good Day... As a 2020 candidate, Joe Biden pledged to... (QUOTE) err on the side of disclosure in cases where, as here, the events in question occurred two decades or longer ago. (END QUOTE) Best Regards in Research, +++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  11. Good Day.... On John McAdams newsgroup a thread was fairly recently started wondering about if Bostonian researcher Anthony Marsh was still alive (since his normal "tonnage" of his actively responding ((hardly ever post-initiating)) had suddenly ceased). FYI.... Since McAdams newsgroup has not, yet, been updated after he passed-on, for anyone here that was following that newsgroup thread, and/or, may be interested, the day before McAdams passed-on 041521, i had made a nighttime hours post response (that has yet to be posted) with respect to the fact that I have a phone # for Marsh from discussing some 112263 thoughts with him, one time, a couple decades ago. I phoned that same # on 041421, and there was a male voiced recording that answered saying that he was "William Marsh," and, i provided a short message and one of my #'s that has not, yet, been responded to. I have an equally decades-old memory that Marsh's other birth-given name is//was "William," and IIRC, somewhere, buried in one of my old computers, there is a picture of Marsh. Best Regards in Research, +++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  12. Good Day.... The precise location lines-of-sight of photo + movie documented witnesses (and suspected assassins) are detailed on the following GK-"retaining wall"-picket fence areas scaled map. Perhaps this will, hopefully, help visualize and/or understand what was possible, and/or, eliminate the impossible..... Best Regards in Research, +++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination": Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Key Considerations.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: https://web.archive.org/web/20090403040057/http://www.nationalterroralert.com/advisory7regional.gif http://www.dhs.gov
  13. Hi Pamela.... I thought that if anyone knew about the pre-112263 Secret Service plans to bulletproof the limo a month after Dallas that it surely would be you. I positively did read that in a reference (not someone's forum or newsgroup post conjecture), and I will search my computers + re-find it. Best Regards in Research, +++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage": President Kennedy-elimination Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Key Considerations.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
  14. Good Day.... A quick addendum with respect to the presidential limousine, that may also focus-in on a key time-constraint and future JFK public appearances/locations constraints that were also forced-onto the conspirators plan's, timetable's, assassin's, operational technique's, etc. By 11-22-63, it is my understanding (Pamela, please correct me if I am wrong) that concrete Secret Service plans to have JFK's limousine permanently protectively bullet-proofed had been underway for many months. (as had been done long before that for each of the TWO limousines that F.B.I. Director Hoover used) On 11-22-63 the limo was already scheduled to start to undergo that bullet-proofing updating process within one month after Dallas. Best Regards in Research, +++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage": President Kennedy-elimination Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Key Considerations.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Current Terrorism Alerts for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov
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