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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. FWIW, and off-topic, the alleged station wagon: Bel-Air, and not Rambler?
  2. OK - but my memory is that Cord Meyer was previously researched here as an Angleton associate, and that any LBJ connection discussed originated from the Hunt remarks exclusively. John Simkin's interest was the Mary Pinchot Meyer killing, and research departed tangentially from Cord's and Mary's known associates. Some of this, I think (though my chronology may be off) was brought on by Simkin corresponding with Peter Janney, who was researching his forthcoming book on MPM. Again relying on my memory, discussion of the Meyers on the Forum preceded the Hunt confession, and wasn't prompted by the confession. At the time, I wondered if Hunt had been told that there was renewed interest in the Mary Pinchot Meyer case, and then snatched the trendy name of Cord Meyer out of the internet.
  3. Kirk, research Cord Meyer in the past threads of this Forum. He's been considered as a conspirator plenty of times.
  4. In Libra, Don DeLillo speculated that Ruby owed the Mob loans on his clubs that he could never pay off. Any hints of that?
  5. CE = counter-espionage? Why be prejudiced against CIA? There's enough mayhem to spread around the intel community.
  6. Story features links to Keeler-period photos and stories on John Profumo and Stephen Ward. Readers unsure about relevance to JFK should check the past threads and the Spartacus network biographies online for work in this area by John Simkin and others. God save. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/dec/05/christine-keeler-former-model-at-heart-of-profumo-affair-dies
  7. Larry, will your Lancer 2017 talk be uploaded to YouTube at all?
  8. Rockefellers to Harriman-Lodge-Bundy to Dulles to Helms-Phillips-Harvey-Hunt-Morales. There is room to add more influences and operatives at every level, but this is the through line of the story.
  9. And there's the Brown Brothers-to-Sullivan Cromwell link between Harriman and Dulles, which connects upward to the Rockefellers. I doubt even Talbot thinks that Dulles originated the plot. He was just happy to carry out orders he agreed with.
  10. If you listen to Jim DiEugenio's review of the Oswald mock trial recorded for Black Op Radio last week, there's some mention of two Klein's employees telling John Armstrong that the WC rifle/scope combination wasn't sold as a package by Klein's, or mounted by Klein's gunsmiths. The GunsAmerica article also assumes an " en-bloc clip that was found in the gun." +++ OK, the article starts out saying, " our test rifle has the original scope mount and scope found on Oswald’s as well," but later admitting that " Our scope is clearly a replica and not the same model as the Oswald scope, but it is the same power and the mount is identical " Shims as well? I think there are people on this Forum that could research and write this piece more accurately.
  11. I'll take your first point under consideration and give it further study. As far as the Paines - whoever might have directed them later, they would have been brought in as Dulles-Bancroft associates. If they continued under other guidance, it's for the same reasons they got in. Michael was a political adventurer and something of a climber. Ruth was a blind patriot - a past thread on this forum discussed someone at CIA categorizing her as such, and she proved it with her Central America stoolie act.
  12. John Pic is the only witness who was warned about his/her attitude during WC testimony, by Jenner, I believe. You wouldn't know from the bare testimony on the page, it's only counsel invoking military authority over serviceman Pic, and calling a recess, that puts Pic's attitude on the record. Wonder why that went down.
  13. Thanks for the articles you post, Douglas. It is perhaps hard to summon much sympathy for the Zapruders. A lot of people suffered because of JFK's death; few profited directly.
  14. I've said this elsewhere: don't forget that after the war, Dulles sent protege Noel Field on a liberal-politics fool's errand to Moscow, a Dulles experiment that got Field arrested and imprisoned for several years. Dulles failed to discourage Field's family from going to Moscow to plead for his release, and they ended up imprisoned also. I think David Talbot's recent book, among other sources, demonstrated that Dulles did anything but "sleepwalk" in the months after his resignation, and on the assassination weekend. Someone had to direct CIA's covert policy-making during the remainder of the Kennedy administration, and the money powers dictated that it wouldn't be the puppet McCone, nor yet the future regent Dick Helms. I believe that when Dulles snickered that "that little Kennedy" had imagined himself to be a "god" in this anti-democratic universe, Dulles was challenging and dismissing Kennedy's right to usurp the power of the true money gods of the age, and of ages past in the twentieth century, whom Dulles served more pragmatically than JFK. Dulles, who declared that no substantial body of Americans would read the Warren Report, may have felt an omniscient security in using the Paines, who would have a position to protect - and in Ruth's case, have a blind loyalty to the system that prospered her family - as handlers for the Oswalds. Dulles may have felt also that the Paines were the most trustworthy and obedient operatives under these circumstances. Perhaps he also looked at Michael Paine as another Noel Field - worthy of being used and duped because of his suspect political stance, and in the end disposable if he caused any friction. It is telling that as soon as Dulles could no longer physically rule, his long-suffering wife threw a party in their home while he languished upstairs in his own filth and developing pneumonia, until the guests sensed something was amiss and forced open the locked bedroom door to get him to the hospital. I wonder how Clover Dulles was repaid for giving him his comeuppance -- nobody has researched that. The Oswalds, the Paines, the Dulleses (and Allen's siblings), the Kennedys, even the Fieldses -- players in a behind-the-scenes tragedy of families, high and low.
  15. I was wondering if Robert said anything about Marguerite's protests in the years after the assassination, given the Jean Stafford book on Marguerite, her Mark Lane involvement and the news articles about it, and the decades of anti-WCR documentaries and press.
  16. B. A., when I try to open either link (book or CD) in any browser, all I get is a blank New Tab. Any alternatives?
  17. What was Robert's response to Marguerite (or "Marguerite") claiming that Lee was an intelligence agent?
  18. It would be interesting to analyze which names and powers would be on and off this board a decade before and a decade after. A study of power and its conduits.
  19. Ron Ecker, is your Albert Osborne article available online at all? The links above are dead. THANKS
  20. More chunky-gooey-nutty press on the movie: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/nov/27/spielberg-the-post-pentagon-papers-trump
  21. Reminds me a bit of the Ricky White/Roscoe White thing. Makes me wonder if the White family saw this...
  22. Dick Russell wrote that Richard Case Nagell said that he had gotten Oswald to mail-order the revolver from Seaport Traders under the auspices of participating in Senator Dodd's gun control program, FWIW.
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