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Richard Price

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Everything posted by Richard Price

  1. Well, to play the devil's advocate. Perhaps someone told him that something was going to happen in the motorcade at that point and there was money to be made by having it on film. It could have been as simple as a protest/assassination attempt or real assassination. He could have been lured in simply by the "money to be made" and had no foreknowledge of what was going to happen. This someone would have had to have knowledge of at least two things: 1) the assassination attempt, whether real or staged failure and 2) that there would be no film (placement at the last minute of the press truck way behind the limo as opposed to it's regular position in front of the limo).
  2. I agree Benjamin. The "dark money" that now almost completely encompasses our politics has for the most part subverted any actual "right" or "left" positions of any of the members of any and all of our so called parties. Just as has been said about many criminal enterprises, all you have to do is to "follow the money" to find the nexus and origin of most lawmakers positions on just about any topic. As JFK was once quoted: "Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future." I don't think I invoked righteousness for one or the other party in all things, they each have their sins, as do we all. As for cynicism: "The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities... JFK
  3. A very succinct assessment very early on, by someone with the knowledge, experience and access to information. Amazing also in the fact that even to this day, the "right" continues to plot, all the while blaming just about everything on the "deep state" or "leftist" provocateurs.
  4. Joe, no huge deal here because I know what you are commenting on is the amount of missing brain material missing in your post. I think the doctors at Parkland all spoke of a massive blow out area in the mid (rear of ear) or lower (occipital area) with possible cerebellum exposed/oozing out. It is when JFK reaches Bethesda that the wound moves upward and forward in various testimonies.
  5. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think the Kennedys would want the records blocked. Every time I see that reasoning used, I think of all the times either John or Robert Kennedy are supposedly behind nefarious deeds which have the imprint of the CIA. Instances such as the wiretapping of MLK, the assassination plots against Castro (all the while using back channel access in order to pull him away from the USSR), the supposed abandonment of the Cuban brigades at the Bay of Pigs, etc. I know the Kennedys at various times probably would want to keep things about JFK's health (autopsy) out of public access, but now with virtually all of 2 generations dead, I don't see any reason they would put a thumb on the scale. I am in no way an expert on the Kennedy's, but I think many of the things attributed to them as far as concealment of assassination records have been executed by people supposedly acting on behalf of the Kennedys, but who actually had other reasons of their own for the withholding.
  6. John, I don't have time to go back over her entire testimony right now, but you can read it here: https://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/hill_j.htm She specifically says, if I remember correctly: it (the limo) was left of the center lane, not all the way over to the lane she was next to, but definitely not within the center lane marker lines. as depicted in most if not all photos. This also jibes with some other witnesses that said the limo moved leftward (and slowed) as the driver was looking back.
  7. Further corroboration of Jean Hill's testimony in pictures (without Arlen Specter's obfuscation). Notice the lady in red at the top of the stairs above/beyond the "Babushka" lady.
  8. Chris, either I'm not perceptive enough or the image you posted is not in z212 on my downloaded Costella set of individual z frames. I do however have a question about what I do see in z212 on the Costella set on my computer. I have a pointer and text to identify the location where I'm seeing the VP limo (prior to the turn on Elm) pasted into the back seat of the Queen Mary (between SS agents). I would also note that the insertion cuts the windshield off on the right (viewing left). I don't want to hijack the thread away from your destination as traveling along your planned itenerary has taught me much. Carry on!
  9. I agree with you. I finally took the time to watch/study it as it ran multiple times. It's surreal the way the limo seems to float in front of the background and recede off and away from the camera person's position (northward) and forward along Elm St. (westward). It almost looks like the old "stop motion" animation used for "Gumby" and a few other non cartoon animated short movies. It is very difficult to pinpoint what has been done, but it certainly looks like some alteration took place.
  10. It's been a long time since I posted this, but I was searching to see if anyone familiar with the limo knew specifically what the knobs on the upper middle portion of the dash controlled (as circled below). My reason for this (at the time) were twofold. One, I don't know what they control and I am innately curious/skeptical and want to know more about anything I am studying. Two, I believe at the time some of the subjects being discussed were, the open microphone in the motorcade, the possible involvement of SS agents in the shooting scenario, particularly the driver, since he appeared to do just about everything wrong according to security protocols. Probably just a complete coincidence, but the timing of his "tinkering" with a knob on the dash only a second(s) before the shooting began by most researchers estimate just got my attention. Does anyone on the forum who has seen or researched the limo know for sure what these knobs controlled? BTW, the second close up of a dash is NOT, as most have probably realized the Presidential Lincoln.
  11. John, you need to carefully examine the photos in front of you and realign your perspective. Through a camera lens, the perspective is changed immensely when moved only slightly. This and the depth of field in the photo can really mess with your mind if you don't correctly correlate two or more pictures and the distance/location from which they were taken. I believe the correct correlation is shown below with the circles of the same color reflecting the same trees.
  12. John, after this many years and all the photos we have all studied, you need to keep facts indexed in your mind. The first picture is the "Vice Presidential" car. It was labeled early on by someone as the Presidential limo, but quickly corrected. The lower is indeed the Presidential limo (I believe in the White House garage). It is not exactly as it was in Dallas because some cleaning/searching had already been done.
  13. I'm not certain, but I think you have the side of the head with the blow out incorrect. Most if not all of the people near enough to get a look at JFK after the assassination pointed out that the defect (blow out) in his head was in the lower right rear extending from around the top of the ear to the lower portion of the skull, with a few moving it upwards into the mid occipital area and extending into the parietal area. More than one said the cerebellum could be seen. This is extremely low in the skull. I think there are multiple posts on this site as well as ones made on JFK Lancer and others that show various witnesses using their right hand, placing it at various levels behind the right ear. I do not recall any showing the left side other than a possible entry wound in the left front of JFK's head at the hair line (top of the forehead).
  14. Chris, this is off topic other than for the highlighted quote. While it is only my opinion, I disagree with your perception that the January 6th attack was sensationalized to the extent you do. I think the country was far closer to a coup than some do. Trump was still fully in control of all the levers of government. Only his failing to find the next weakest link in the chain kept him from succeeding in his quest. Had the election not been certified when it was scheduled, there is absolutely no way to know what he might have tried next. Even now, while out of power, he still has so called Republicans (Trumpians), who still would assert his title to the Presidency. These people are Senators, Congressional representatives, state, local office holders and a 30% grassroots following who believe ANYTHING he says. It might not be up there with Pearl Harbor, but you have to remember, the greatest power on earth was defeated by a small group of "rabble rousers" some 245 years ago. Our system is so out of kilter right now with the gerrymandered election districts, we are still not out of the woods for rule by the minority who have the "elected" power to overcome the majority.
  15. In the posted figure 11-19, JFK is shown seated in the middle of the seat over the drive shaft hump and John and Nellie Connally's seats are shown as too far outboard (towards the exterior). I understand this drawing may not be supposed to be completely accurate, but the alignment is crucial to the other angles. JFK is (in my estimate) at least 1-1 1/2 foot too far to the middle of the car and both the Connallys are at least 1 foot too close to the side of the car, even though they would no longer be sitting up in the positions shown but lying across the seats with both their heads behind and lower than the top of the front seat (leftward). JFK's head had indeed gone far to the left but he had not moved his lower body from his original position which was touching or virtually touching the interior panels on the right side of the car. Jacqueline had actually started to move to her right and had moved her entire body somewhat at an angle towards the center of the car in an effort to assist/see what was wrong with JFK.
  16. Thanks for your patience and attention to the question I asked. Yes, that would be another option, but I am trying to stay with what H. Brennan said about the "red brick building" before he was corrected and take into account the "inmate story" from the 5th floor jail cells. Brennan's very specific wording/distances are to me, examples of a very good engineer who is applying his everyday attention to detail and exactitude to what he saw from that central location with the "panoramic view" as he described it. It also makes much more sense with the inmates looking almost straight across the street as opposed to an almost 45 degree angle across to the TSBD. They would have had an excellent view of this sniper. They would be ALMOST the only ones who would have noticed anything here because almost EVERYONE else would have been looking the opposite direction. Those on Elm Street beyond Houston would have been looking the correct direction, but at street level in order to see the parade, with virtually no reason to look up to that height. This, to me is what signifies COMPLETE professionally planned attack. The very quick alteration to Brennan's statement, his surveillance and constant escort of "federal agents" until he had relented to the official story speak to a team of individuals who already know what the story MUST be as it goes out. Brennan relented willingly and quickly because he was scared and he did not want to be the "only one" who saw something different. Who knows what he was either threatened with or possibly he was told that he needed to follow the official story for his own safety until any other shooters were caught and THEN he could speak up. His story (the altered one) was so quickly put into print/repeated, that there was never going to be a time when anyone would believe his first statement. Anyone would have thought he simply wanted his 15 minutes of fame. He cared deeply about the safety of his family and DID NOT want to be involved. We do know that by January (if I remember correctly) he had an "accident" in which his eyes were damaged and that probably was the end of his telling the truth again. * My own personal opinion, having known a few men of similar temperament and character, is that if the situation only involve HIS safety, he would have pressed on and told EXACTLY what he saw, but the family involvement flipped that scenario on it's head. There are many ways to be brave, but unlike in the movies, most men of his generation will weigh the cost of whatever decisions they make against the cost/peril to their family and ALWAYS choose that which protects their family. Even this choice was difficult for him, because of the ongoing interest/investigations of the assassination. He had to keep digging the hole deeper to avoid being brought back into the spotlight and endangering his family all over again. His bravery was in seeing his own character assassinated - which I think, he endured gladly that his family might be safe from threats. He was a very religious man, pretty much non-political and did not want to be the focus of a spotlight nor threats.
  17. Not sure if this is current but the website JFKFacts.org shows him as managing the "comments" section. Hope this will help at least a little.
  18. It might also be brought to Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) attention that the Sabbath is NOT on Sunday, but Saturday (the seventh day) as still practiced by most Jewish and many Christian groups.
  19. I know, Kirk. I was just correcting it for those reading it later and quoting you in case your added more at a later time/date. You're right on the above quote as well. There are a few of us who would and have supported him in this and earlier (lost) elections, but I think his greatest selling point this time out was simply NOT being the subservient Republican candidate. Enough of a coalition of Democrats (big turnout among ethnic groups/activists) and a lower turnout among Republicans, some of whom were tired of the Trump drivel. The Incumbents acceptance of whatever Trump shoveled actually changed some lifelong Republicans to not necessarily vote "for" the Democrats, but to vote "against" more Trump minions. Had the incumbents shown a spine and the ability to think for themselves, we might've still had the Republican Senate majority. As a side note, there are still places (too many unfortunately) where signs are still up for "Trump/Pence 2020", "Trump 2024". There are even some with added signage "Thank God for" posted alongside or above them. I can only equate these people with those who were taught to worship Adolph "H." because only he could save the country. It would be funny if it were not so scary how much these people have bought in to every lie Trump has pushed. They are not going away and cannot be reasoned with.
  20. Yes, Chris that would be the correct side and according to Howard Brennan's testimony, the 2nd row of windows down from the top (6th floor-same as TSBD). The man he saw was in the eastern most window.
  21. Kirk, although I am not particularly fluent in "Wall Street banking" or financial fundamentals on a large scale, I agree with you on all but one point. It was Jon Ossoff and not "Ron". Keep up the good work though, I enjoy reading your posts.
  22. Joe and "W", I am in agreement also. I watch very little TV also, and when I do, many times I will DVR the program and watch it later while flipping past all the commercials (which by the way average out to more than 3 minutes per interruption). I am very thankful I can still afford a satellite TV service in order to do that. When I watch any TV it is usually news related so that I can watch in "real time", such as the electoral vote recording in the House of Representatives which then became the Capitol riot. At least there were no "commercial" breaks in coverage on CNN which I was watching along with C-Span. I'm not sure if Fox went ahead with their commercials and talking heads during this time or not as I only occasionally checked in with them.
  23. John, your red line is not on the Zapruder pedestal, the pedestal he stood on is at the other end or the pergola. From his perspective he would had the left side of his view intercepted by the tree foliage of the tree which is out near the sidewalk on the north side of Elm St., (which you can see in the Z frames you posted). The extreme left of Z's images would only include one (1) lane of travel and one parking lane on the south side of Elm St. east the intersection. That would be the last two lanes in a direction (S) away from the Dal-Tex Building and nearest the County Records Building (I believe).
  24. The President can't "fire" the Postmaster General, but the Board of Governors of the Postal Service CAN remove him. There are three vacancies on the board right now, so that is the obvious path to follow in order to get rid of him.
  25. I'm like the Miami Dolphins undefeated team. The champagne is on ice and just waiting! I don't drink alcohol however, so I'm going to offer it to some of the "Trump faithful" to deaden their pain if the shoe finally drops and an indictment turns to "guilty". I would feel so good I might actually try to jump for joy (hope I don't break anything). Might be better just to extend my flagpole a little taller and put a brighter light on it. Once Jan. 6th was over I did raise it from half staff and salute it (finally). There are many obstacles to go, but the daily oppressive feeling is lifting with every day we get past "that former guy". My hope is that the feeling continues lifting and the dark clouds disperse. Perhaps a new day will dawn and hope will arise anew.
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