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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. If Oswald killed JFK to make a name for himself, or to impress Castro and the Cubans the question is still ...why proclaim his innocence? Why proclaim "I am just a patsy?" He's sabotaging his goal of wanting to make a name for himself with the former statement to the world press, and the personal glory he was seeking from Cuba with the latter imo. Oswald was not just a stupid unconnected lone nut. To me the proof of his true larger picture connections to nefarious others was his killing less that 48 hours after JFK's. Ruby's easy access into the DPD basement with 70 armed men there at the perfect time and at the perfect body close location to Oswald was so preposterous it screams a conspiracy within the DPD to get Oswald before they lost custody of him to the County authorities. Oswald had to die. And quickly. For incredibly more important reasons than Ruby needing to prove Jews had guts and Jackie Kennedy had to be saved from an Oswald trial. Oswald had to die and in just hours after his arrest because he "was not just a minimum wage warehouse worker lone nut" who defeated an army of armed security protecting JFK all by himself with the cheapest old WW II rifle and scope available, and then simply walked through a horde of highest anxiety police forces to a city bus stop, and when traffic stalls he catches a cab home, and actually tipped the cab driver a nickel ( fare was 95 cents and Oswald told the driver to keep the change from a dollar bill ) while doing so. I think generally, it's that simple to understand.
  2. My wife and I went to see "JFK" in our local theater as soon as it arrived. The line to get in was huge. There wasn't an open seat by the beginning of the film. The average age of the audience was right about mine (42) with a mix of younger and older as well. Pamela, you are so right-on regards the film's first half being riveting. I've been to over 1,000 theater films in my life. The entire audience was riveted like I have never seen before. From the very beginning the tight and building louder and louder military drum rolls accompanying the ominous black and white real-life flash-back film footage scenes of a smiling JFK and Jackie in the limo waving at the crowds while approaching and then arriving at Dealey Plaza and turning down Elm Street to meet their horrific fate had you gripping your seat arm rests sensing the brutal nightmare that was about to happen ... then BOOM! When the JFK head shot rang out there was an audible gasp/cry through out the audience. Most older Americans ( alive and witness to the events of 11/22/1963 and 11/24/1963 ) had been holding in a deep, disturbing and uncomfortable feeling of doubt and suspicion about the JFK/Oswald murders for 28 years. Stone's film allowed them to revisit those long held feelings in an incredibly powerful film creation way.
  3. Doug, I think we are all mistakenly over estimating and taking for granted that millions of women in this country who may not have voted previously or voted for Donald Trump previously will automatically go to the polls this next November to send a fighting back message to the Trump/Desantis led Republicans and their extreme right wing women's rights stripping rigged SCOTUS. Remember, this is an "off year" election. There is ALWAYS a huge drop off in the number of American citizens voting in an off year election. National news coverage of these is nothing compared to presidential elections. Presidential election primary and final candidate debates get massive media coverage and in turn this works up tens of millions of voters more to vote than off year elections. I sense that even though millions of American women are upset with the overturn of Roe Vs Wade...it will still not be enough to get them to vote in numbers significant enough to stop the Trump resurrection wave. Trump voters are fanatical! Progressive women's rights advocates are much less so imo. I don't think my personally contacting the National Democratic Party headquarters and passionately recommending they take much more aggressive steps to try to get millions of women's rights advocates out to vote this November would make it past the first mail receiving clerk's trash can ...but if I could get through this is what I would recommend. In the next 7 weeks, do everything you can to restart large city demonstrations inspiring women of all ages in the country to get out and vote this November...and vote against all Republicans. A vote for any Republican is a vote supporting the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade. A vote for every Democrat is a vote supporting women's right to choose. The message is that simple! Ask as many women's rights defending American women who have financial means to immediately pitch in as much money as they can to help fund these massive demonstrations. Have one every weekend until the election. The power of that kind of mass media coverage could be the key. The national media will have to cover these weekly or even daily demonstrations if they are large enough. It will take that kind of massive everyday urgency message media coverage to get into the hearts and minds of like-minded women who otherwise won't vote out of habit. And here's a great idea. Again if funding can be found. Quickly organize and have one or two "nationally televised" heavily star studded "WOMENS RIGHTS" defending and benefitting telethon gala shows. Make them super grand crusade theater affairs. Music, performances, passionate inspiring speeches, fun entertainment, touching vows of courage. Imploring every women's rights concerned women and girls who can vote this November to do so. Get the absolute biggest stars to appear. Male as well as women. All our top stars in theater, music, sports, journalism, literature, government, religion, education, business, you name it. If you can get Dolly Parton, Taylor Swift, Reese Witherspoon, Kate Blanchett, Beyonce, Rachel Ray, Giada De Laurentiis, Oprah, Meghan McCain, Marisa Hargitay, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Amy Shumer, Sarah Silverman, Stormy Daniels, Denise Richards, Caitlyn Jenner, and hundreds of other American female role models ... all passionately asking for every able bodied women's rights concerned woman to vote...I really believe millions more than normal would. It's going to take something unprecedented like this to make a SCOTUS backlash movement with American women voters a successful reality. Otherwise, I sense and fear this talk of such a backlash vote effort is over estimated and not going to become a reality.
  4. Doug I just read the entire interview transcript. Yes, I hope at least a few other members do too. It is incredibly full of the most important truths regards the many, many crimes Trump has committed against all of us and our constitution. However, it's very depressing to read the interviewee's prediction that Trump will cop a plea deal and just pay some fines and simply walk away. All this massive time, work and money spent building a strong probable case of criminality on Trump's part ..and even if found guilty, he will walk. In my thinking however, Trump's inciting the violent mob attack on our Capital building filled with our entire Congress, their aides and hundreds of life and death struggling Capital police on Jan 6th, 2021 and then allowing it to go on by purposely withholding begged for reinforcements and begged for calls to his mob to stop and go home ( for 3+ hours! ) is much, much more worthy of criminal indictment than the Mar-A- Lago affair. This purposeful non-action to stop the attack on Trump's part resulted in serious injury and even death as well as deep fear trauma to those around and inside the Capital building and serious building damage as well. Dozens of serious injuries ( including later suicides from the life and death fear trauma ) to that besieged police force could have been prevented if only Trump would have carried out his constitutional oath duties of defending and protecting the constitution which clearly meant protecting our entire Congress and most sacred Capital buildings from violent attack! To me, Trump's purposeful withholding of help to quell and stop his violent rampaging supporter mob attack on our Congress and our Capital building for 3+ hours is much more a serious crime than any others being currently laid at his doorstep. In my opinion...it is the ultimate crime for a POTUS. Worse than any in our entire history. That of allowing a huge violent mob 3+ hours to have a chance to overturn a constitutional law abiding election and initiate a coup. And maybe even a chance to get at and physically accost or hurt his own Vice President Pence and our Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi ! In the least, Trumps' purposeful non-protecting action against his own Congress traumatized everyone in and around that Capital building with truly life and death sensing fear. Imagine armed and screaming bank robbers holding an entire bank full of employees and customers hostage for 3 + hours. Screaming "Hang The Bank Manager" or let's find the head bank clerk as well! Beating up the security guards the whole time. Those terrified, terrorized hostages would have serious PTSD flashbacks, nightmares and panic/anxiety attacks about that life and death fear experience the rest of their lives! You know this analogy is exactly fitting of the Jan 6th Capital building siege attack. It was no less terrifying that that analogous bank hostage taking example. If Trump walks away from "any" serious consequences for the allowed Jan.6th assault on our Congress and constitutional election certification ... We will have lost our Constitutional framed Democracy altogether. If we don't defend our constitution and it's sacred Democracy protective governmental framework right now with every fiber of our truth and justice beings and hold accountable those that allowed and carried out this unprecedented attack against it like the Jan. 6th one...God Help Us.
  5. Hope you have a great tour. Can't wait to read your personal summary of such. And what if any new view changing thoughts you may have that were inspired by what you see there. And what a perfect sentimentally touching name for one of our members! Like someone on a Nixon themed historical forum named Richard Nixon Black!
  6. Drew Pearson was huge in those days. Read by tens of millions. Just 8 days after JFK's murder and then Oswald's murder right inside the Dallas PD building basement, a very upset and suspicious national columnist Drew Pearson angrily asked the same exact main concern questions we are still asking today! Agents in JFK's closest Dallas motorcade security going to bikini clad waitress clubs until 3: am ( or even 1 or 2 ) in the morning...just hours before they were to assume their highest alert required duties in a JFK vulnerable open topped limo drive through perhaps the most extreme JFK hating city in the nation with many unchecked multi-story buildings along the way? The missing of Lee Oswald as a potential security threat? And in this article above we see Pearson make this shocking statement to his millions of American readers ... that Dallas was "one of the most lawless and intolerant cities in the United States!" Wow! That powerful sweeping charge and condemnation of a major American city was something in those days! Americans today don't realize that Pearson's extremely negative view of Dallas was one that was widely and mutually felt all across most of the country in 1963. And include it's reputation as one of the most extreme level KKK type racist cities in America as well. Ruby attorney Melvin Belli once described Dallas in those days as a den of crazies. Home to the most extreme far right political factions ( hating JFK and RFK ) in America. Pearson also just "rips" the Dallas PD for their negligence in not preventing this sleazy strip-tease night club operator ( Jack Ruby ) with an arrest record for assault from gaining access into their basement right when Oswald is led right to him enabling Ruby to blast away mere inches from Oswald's guts. It was absolutely proven that much of the Secret Service under JFK were not strongly sympathetic to the black equal rights seeking movement cause. Their treatment of the first SS black man assigned to JFK ( Abraham Bolden ) was at times blatantly atrocious. Racial slurs to his face that were shockingly crude and insulting. No mention, outrage or condemnation of their treatment of Bolden back in those days in that meeting of former SS members? Wild Bill Harvey's widow was interviewed in her late years ( I have recently re-posted it here on the forum ) and she affirmed what the four former SS agents stated about JFK's wild sex life as president. She stated that her husband Bill Harvey ( CIA station chief in Rome ) was tasked with JFK's security while he ( JFK ) was visiting there. She claimed her husband told her JFK would have 2 Italian beauties at a time brought to his Rome hotel room. Ms. Harvey ( a former agent herself I think ) labelled JFK, Jackie and RFK ( "the whole bunch") as "SCUM!" Didn't one of Hillary Clintons SS guards write a book trashing her personal behavior while she and her husband were in the White House? Was this former agent condemned for doing what the four former agents did about JFK? And this Hillary bashing agent got paid to do this in his own book...which is worse then the 4 agents who got no monies? I think it's reasonable to believe the all white male SS in the days of Eisenhower and JFK were representative of most law enforcement agencies in America. Typically more racist than not. And typically resentful of JFK's seemingly more empathetic tolerance and feeling towards black Americans. I don't think this attitude regards race in the SS meant nothing at all in their personal feelings toward JFK. It's human nature that some hated JFK for this reason. And I've always stated that Clint Hill was personally in love with Jackie Kennedy imo. In an interview with the well known blogger Patrick Bet-David (regards Hill's book "Mrs. Kennedy And Me. An Intimate Memoir") Patrick Bet-David starts off the interview by stating bluntly to Hill right to his face ... From reading your book, it sounds as if you were personally "in love with Jackie Kennedy." Hill nervously blinks, and weakly deflects Bet-David's shocking comment. JFK's secretary Evelyn Lincoln was right. She had a bad feeling about JFK going to Texas and especially that scary city Dallas, Texas. Talk about a "Devil's Den" of JFK hatred. Not the blacks and many average other folks including whites. But the super rich that owned Texas and Dallas at that time as well as those who hated JFK for his stand on race and the JBS and Minute Men General Walker types that felt JFK was selling us out to the commies! Every three or higher floor building along the motorcade route, their open windows and roofs should have been checked and surveilled knowing what an extreme threat city JFK was driven through with an open top limo. He was a sitting duck in a pond of duck hunter predators.
  7. Hiding his rifle after his Walker miss allowed Oswald to run to and board a bus home without the possibility of a witness ( bus driver or passenger) reporting to the police they saw a rider board their bus right after the Walker shooting with a rifle or long case that may have looked like a gun carrying one or even his traditional semi-long window blinds paper bag. Oswald planned that rifle burying thoughtfully enough and far enough from the scene he was actually able to retrieve it later. Another question, did Oswald carry the rifle back to his home via another bus ride? Did he have a carrying case for this? Or did he use his infamous paper bag type wrap around a broken down rifle? Or, did someone give Oswald a ride home with his dug up rifle? The thing about Oswald that is so discombobulating is his almost child-like stupid missteps and blunders in so many of his extreme activity adventures. He puts a Guy Bannister building address on his New Orleans FPPC flyers? He gets into a slapping and pushing fight while doing his flyers in the heart of downtown New Orleans in busy broad daylight that was so crowd visible he and his bitch slapping opponent are arrested and thrown in jail for brawling in public? He promotes his FFPC chapter publicly knowing anyone could see it was a chapter of one operating out of a lone P.O. Box. He pressures Marina into helping him conjure up his crazy and amateurly done Alex Hidell ID papers. He takes backyard pictures of himself with a rifle and revolver and Commie newspapers and makes copies, which he had to have known would be such an incriminating bit of evidence against him in future nefarious activities if found, it was crazy. He takes totally traceable public transportation to Mexico City with Visa app on record, goes to Embassy's he knows are filming him and taping his conversations which he knows will all be recorded and sent immediately to his dreaded FBI back home. The Walker shooting was actually planned! Photo's, maps, bus times and routes, distance and time coordinating...and still the whole caper failed miserably. His escape plan after shooting the President of the USA ( twice) in broad daylight in front of hundreds of bystanders is to simply toss his rifle, run down some stairs, stop in a lunch room to quench his nervous dry mouth thirst, then walk out the front door and a few blocks to catch a bus, then a cab back to his $8 a week room, change into a jacket, pack a gun and start walking off to nowhere that made sense. Oswald wanted to hijack a plane with Marina's help to fly to Cuba? This is a mentally deranged person. Yet, to his police interrogators on 11,22,1963 he comes across to them as the most cool and collected suspect? The world travelled, sophisticate George DeMohrenchildts was able to have a few conversations with Oswald which reportedly didn't leave him thinking Oswald was a complete idiot. Marina Oswald must have known deep inside that her husband Lee was extremely mentally disturbed, no? Yet, this mistake after mistake making guy was able to defeat an army of JFK security... and walk away right through the crush of frantic police and off to catch a taxi home? Oswald was a multi-sided enigma for sure. Crazy stupid blundering idiot at times. Ever reading, self-Russian language taught and Russian opera loving guy at times. Doting loving father at times. Brooding morose company at times. World traveling adventurer at times. One of the most confusing and self-contradicting characters in an epic historical stage play event one could imagine or conjure up.
  8. Governor's Desantis and Abbott's human dumping is not just outrageously wrong in their self-interest political gain intent context ( probably illegal as well ) but also a dangerous game escalation of inciting even more political war mentality among the states than we disturbingly already have. Blatantly, even braggingly professed and carried out with a specific mandate of dumping these immigrants onto states and cities these Republican governors deem as political enemy liberal democratic majority ones. Another potential violence inflaming political caper on top of the January 6th 2021 attack on our Capital building full of our Congress members, their staffs and protective police forces? Don't these Trump violence inspired Republicans ever quit? Dumping anything that causes unexpected added and unwanted economic and social responsibilities, burdens and unrest from one state onto another without prior mutual agreement between such states constitutes violations of several state and even federal laws. Whether it's garbage, toxic or other unwanted responsibility materials or in this case vulnerable and lied to human beings who may not have understood or agreed to their dumping, these legal boundaries breaking actions by Republican governors DeSantis and Abbott are clearly only meant to promote their individual and party national political gain through further antagonizing, inflaming and dividing Americans one against the other. It's an extremely cynical and darkly dangerous political game. A continuation of the sad divisive Trump violence promoting theater we've been severely wounded by during these already incredibly stressful times.
  9. Questions thousands have pondered since 11,22,1963. All one can do is speculate. I guess whoever threw the rifle into a somewhat hidden place thought that doing so might give him a little more get away time before the police would find it and maybe identify it's ownership? Remember, the shooter was frantically running for his life as soon as he fired his third shot. Not much time to do any clean up work afterwards. If the shooter was Oswald...what boggles my mind is how he could not think that having pictures of himself holding the found rifle ( with multiple copies made ) in his backyard just months earlier would so easily be found and totally incriminate him in the JFK case. Again, if the shooter was Oswald...he also must have been suicidal in deciding to do this deed, right from his own workplace. He had to have known he was going to be ID'd and caught soon after. And it's been reported that Oswald doted on his infant daughter June. Really loved her. He wanted to make sure Junie got some shoes even after he was incarcerated for Tippit's murder. Lee Harvey Oswald was intelligent enough to know that if he was caught and tried for killing JFK...that this would very likely ruin his beloved daughter's life growing up. He was willing to sacrifice her life to do this deed? What could explain the extreme hurtful cruelty of that decision juxtaposed with his oft reported real love for his baby girl Junie?
  10. I've read we threw 2 TRILLION DOLLARS into Afghanistan...maybe even more! Do you realize what 2 TRILLION DOLLARS could have done to help our society back here at home? Free 4 year term college and/or trade school ( nursing?) for everyone...including room and board! We could have built TEN THOUSAND new hospitals and schools or renovated same. We could have given 2,000 major American cities 1 BILLION DOLLARS each to create good paying jobs with benefits. Or the same to our most economically depressed rural areas. We could have replaced lost Medicare benefits. Maybe even provided affordable dental care! We could have hugely bolstered up and improved child care and convalescent home care all across America. We could face our massive homeless problem with serious intent. Same with our growing child and adult drug addiction crisis. We could have improved rail systems to a degree that would get people around proficiently, safely and affordably. Getting more people off our crowded highways. All our neglected national health need areas. But, like always since the end of WW II, most of our monies goes to the military instead of our huge social needs back here at home. That imbalance is the reason we are way down the list on most of the World Health organization's standard of living index. Most modern nations have better national health standards then we do.
  11. For sure a few of the SS agents out of the entire force could have had drinking problems from time to time. And the Landis playing all night hooky with some willing woman act seems true. Yet, as mentioned. I don't see 10 or more agents descending on the Cellar after midnight for just fruit drinks. Young attractive waitresses in bikini's serving them might bolster the innocent angle but still, it's common professional sense that the motorcade agents would know they needed to be sleep rested sharp in their protective awareness duties the very next midmorning, guarding JFK in one of the most vulnerable situations like a fairly long motorcade under many high-rise buildings. Whether those 10 Cellar visiting agents stayed from 1 to 3:am, their being out at those hours just hours before their full sharpness duties were required should have resulted in more than hand slapping behind closed doors.
  12. Did the Cellar serve food? One poster mentioned the Secret Service had an erratic eating schedule. I guess inferring that one of the reasons they popped into the Cellar was for a bite to eat? Hot looking waitresses in bikini tops and bottoms is certainly a drawing card for anyone...including all those SS guys imo. So, no alcohol? Drinks were what... root beer, lemonade, Coke, Sarsaparilla, Dr. Pepper, Orange Crush, iced tea, milk, coffee? I can't see the bikini wearing waitresses getting big tips serving those old lady, kiddie, Pat Boone drinks. I recall reading much more nefarious recollections of Kirkwood. Did Ruby's Carousel dancer Little Lynn say she had such a bad experience in her short stint working at the Cellar she felt in fear of her life from retaliation by Kirkwood? She even got a gun for protection? Little Lynn was busted for carrying a hand gun when she went through a search prior to her testimony in the Ruby Trial? She was booked and fingerprinted for that or something else. Little Lynn knew much more than she ever publicly stated and even what she testified to in her Warren Commission testimony. Kirkwood was much more a nefarious character than these Cellar defendants are portraying imo.
  13. Trump speaks like a Mafia Godfather. Not too veiled threats without actually saying I'm gonna hurt you. His public proclamation above is a gas lighting green light message to Trump's most violent base. Trump is actually "encouraging" his base to violence with that comment. I believe it is a call to arms like his January 6th, 2021 speech. "You've got to fight like hell...or you won't have a country." The man is promoting sedition...again. Mafia Godfathers threaten their enemies with coded threats like Trump's one to his base. "You know...my friends ain't gonna like it if youse mess with me."
  14. Exactly again. I do the same things you do regards retail shopping Kirk. I can't afford Macy's anymore. Clothes especially. Wal-Mart and Target clothes are okay to a point. I can still find my white briefs at Target for a decent price. Same with Costco. Once a year I'll pick up a shirt or two there as well as a pair of pants. I get my shoes at Big Five. I can find a pair for $35 to $40 even though I know they are made from old tires shipped to foreign slave wage countries. I'll tell you something else. Clothes at Goodwill and other thrift stores have shot up 300% in the last few years as well! Shirts that were $3 years ago are now $10 or higher. Pants same thing. Solutions? Tariff the heck out of incoming foreign goods from slave wage countries to the point American companies can compete. And subsidize the growth of American based manufacturing companies who pay their employees livable wages. And write letters to the sharks on Shark Tank telling them to quit promoting on national TV their constant advice to contestants to have their products made in 3rd world slave wage countries.
  15. Orest Pena. The Rick Blaine of early 1960's New Orleans with his dark, dank and dingy Latino sailor spy hangout "Club Habana" version of "Rick's Cafe American' " An obscure comment by Orest Pena to the Warren Commission regards a specific visit to his club by Lee Harvey Oswald, accompanied by a mysterious Mexican sparked a curious question. Pena described Oswald's actions and comments after he came in and sat down in his club. Oswald's comments were simply complaints about the too high capitalist pig drink prices to Pena's brother "Ruperto" who was the club bartender regards their ordered drinks. Teetotaler Oswald ordered a lemonade. He was charged 25 cents. Pena then says after Oswald drank the lemonade that he ( Oswald ) "vomited." Vomited? Really? No follow up question by the WC questioners? I conjectured that maybe Orest Pena's bartender brother Ruperto spiked Oswald's lemonade with grill cleaner or some other toxic fluid. To vomit minutes after finishing a simple lemonade suggests something was slipped into that drink. Oswald seems to have always gotten the short end of the stick, everywhere he went. Sickened by a spiked lemonade. Jumped and smacked around by Bringuier and his boys. Berated by Banister for stupidly using the Camp Street address on his FPFC leaflets. Missing a turkey shoot shot at General Walker. Rejected in Mexico City. Fired by Reily Coffee. No better job prospects than 1.25 an hour book order filling. No better living quarters that an $8 a week main entrance side room with shared kitchen and bath at North Beckley? Always relegated to taking buses or asking others for rides. Eventually losing his wife Marina to Ruth Paine. One degrading poor life set back after another. Maybe Oswald one day just gave up and said to himself...F*** it all.
  16. Exactly! There are few Americans less loyal to their fellow Americans than the top 5% oligarchy who created and implemented this average American hurting scam of shipping millions of their good American benefited jobs oversees to slave wage countries, and getting their products made there as well for peanuts and then reselling them back to their job loss Americans for obscene 500% profit higher prices. And don't say Americans don't have to buy these super profit Chinese products. What is the alternative? Thrift stores? Dollar stores? Goodwill and Salvation army stores? There are no retail competitors to Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Marshalls, Costco ( which isn't so affordable anymore ) etc.
  17. "The American people have been spoiled on cheap Chinese goods?" Oh no they haven't. They've been "cheated" with Chinese and other cheap labor third world country made goods. For decades. Allow me to explain. Many years ago in the 1960's we had our first shopping center built here in Monterey. The main anchor store was Macy's with their 5th Avenue New York classy reputation. I was a young man and low wage employed in labor positions at the time. The cost of living ( even here ) was low enough however that I could afford my own decent little apartment, an old junker car and groceries. I could support myself. Macy's at that time actually sold very high quality items. Shirts handmade in England! Leather shoes from Italy! Wallets and belts too. Lots of quality American made items as well. I bought a few "made in England" shirts. Loved them. All of a sudden over just a few years starting in the 1970's, Macy's began filling their display tables, shelves and hangers with more and more items from China. The quality wasn't as good. Believe me, my English shirts and American made pants lasted me for years. Not the Chinese made ones. At first, they offered these Chinese made items as a price break choice. Pay 40% less for the Chinese made items versus English and American made ones. I still bought British and American. I wanted that quality ( and I knew buying these kept American and British people working.) But then, guess what? Within 10 years, there were no more American and British made clothing items in Macy's. "Everything" was made in China! The higher profit margins on Chinese made goods versus American and British goods were obscene. And what else changed was the price break you got buying Chinese...disappeared! Macy's gradually jacked up their Chinese made items to the same prices you used to pay for the high quality domestic and British made items! And it's been that way ever since. Small locally owned clothing stores also started disappearing as well. Huge box stores like Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart came in and everything they sold was made in China as well. Again, cheaper prices ( at first ) but poorer quality for sure. So many other specialized chain stores like Office Depot, Smart & Final also converted to nothing but Chinese imports. Many items there started out being American and British made. Shoe stores became filled with shoes made in the Philippines, Viet Nam, etc. Again, at first, cheaper prices than American made. But in a decade these cheap labor goods were priced as high as American. Soon enough, even these Philippine and Vietnamese and Indian and Chinese and Mexico made shoes were going for $40 to hundreds! This conversion to Chinese and other cheap slave labor cost made goods started off gradually, but within 20 years exploded. You actually had (and still have) a real hard time finding any items not made in those slave wage countries. Yes, there are specialty American made catalog item companies still available on line. L.L. Bean. Pendleton. Etc. But it is a small niche anymore. And the prices for these slave wage made items were yearly being jacked up to those of American made items. I used to study the prices of goods made overseas like China. Office Depot especially. At first, all these products were cheaper. But soon enough I'd see a package of "Made In China" plastic binder sheets go from $1.50 to $4.50. Now here is my main point. What do you all think was behind the mass conversion to Chinese and other cheap labor goods being sold here, to the point of 90+% with almost no American and European made items? We all know the answer to that question. It's so simple and obvious. It's right in front of our faces! Pure, unabashed, no loyalty to American needs and benefit GREED. By the 1% to 5% highest income minority who own the majority interests in these shipped overseas slave wage companies. The Walton family is one of the wealthiest on Earth. What else would you expect from their business model? Have everything you sell made in third world countries for $1 to $5 ...and bring it back here and sell these items for 500 to 1000% profit! $5 cost tennis shoes made in the Philippines, selling for $40 to $60 or as high as $100 here! That third world country peanut cost/ American sale 500% to 1,000 % profit model has made the 1 to 2 % of Americans most super wealthy even wealthier. All on the backs of and loss to middle class and poorer Americans. Who could pay "half" what they are being charged for these goods and the corporate import owners would "still'" make a killing! Why do you think The Sharks on the popular TV show "Shark Tank" always ask where their contestants get their products made? Because if these contestants have anything that can be made in slave wage countries, they must do so to make "the real killing" bringing these items back here where we Americans have to pay 500% or more profit prices on them. That's the whole game now-a-days. Get it slave wage made cheap then sell it for 5X to 10X more back here in the good ole USA. This has been the rip off game on Americans for 40 to 50 years now. Low wage foreign country made items are not super cheap anymore. Back in the 1950's "Made In Japan" meant you could get something for 10% what it cost if made elsewhere. Within one generation the Japanese reversed that desperate selling model. For decades now they make some of the highest quality goods on Earth and get paid fair compensation prices for them. So, my point here is average Americans have been ripped off for 50 years now paying 500 to 1,000 percent profit prices on millions of slave wage made products that should have cost half and even less, with the sellers STILL making unheard of profits! 100 to 200% profits aren't enough!? And this goods cost and selling price scam is just one part of the devastating "shipped overseas" American corporate agenda. "Tens of millions" of decent paying middle class with benefits jobs have been sent overseas in the last 50 years. Again, a cost cutting business model that has made the owners of these job shipping companies wealthier than they have ever been. American labor unions with tens of millions of workers have been destroyed starting in the 1970's, taking off under Reagan. Those jobs were sent overseas. Devastating decent job availabilities here at home. What's left for 50 to 100 million middle class Americans? Low wage lousy or no benefit jobs like fast food, gas station, convenience stores, and cheap Chinese goods selling store jobs? Wal-Mart, Target, 7-11, McDonalds, BP gas, motel housekeeping. Actual manufacturing jobs and so many others ...gone! Our main single corporate employer here in Monterey for years starting in the 1960's through 1980's was a company called "CTB-Mcgraw Hill" textbook and test publishers. They employed 500 to 1,000 locals. Paid decent with benefits wages. Many of our young worked there in summer labor positions. Seemed like everyone could get a job there over the years. Good company. American employed loyal. But starting in the late 1980's and through the 1990's, Even they fell under the shipped overseas cheap labor huge profit scam drug spell. Every job but a handful were shipped out to cheap labor India by the 1990's. This made the company share holders lots more money, but it was a huge loss to our community back here in America. They eventually closed up completely. Selling off what was left to some small text book companies. No, most Americans have been hurt hugely by the slave labor job shipping and gouging profit goods game. What's good for the Waltons and everyone like them in the minority 1 to 5% wealthiest class has been devastating for 100 million plus number working class and poorer Americans. From massive decent job loss to being suckered holding the bag paying 500 to 1,000 profit prices on all the slave wage made products. Several years ago I learned that even See's Candy is made in low wage Mexico now! SEES CANDY? Can you believe that?
  18. The decision to place Dulles on the Warren Commission is one of the most discrediting aspects of all. The supposed non-biased integrity of the commission was totally lost from the second he was appointed. LBJ knew Dulles hated JFK. And especially so after JFK ( he thought he was a little God-Dulles) had the ballsy audacity to fire him! LBJ was way too close to Dulles and Hoover who both hated JFK. LBJ and Hoover made sure the FBI had their man on the commission as well - Gerald Ford. The John McCloy insertion is another weird agenda story in and of itself. At least one segregation JFK hating Southern state senator as well? The Warren Commission was corrupted with JFK hating, FBI feeding and Segregation state bias even before their first day of work.
  19. It wasn't just the constant repeating by the 3 main Dallas press feeding police authority mouthpieces Wade, Curry and Fritz that not only did they have their man (Oswald) and he was "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" ( Wade ) and "This case is cinched" (Fritz ) and that he did the act alone ... but that all this was figured out in just 72 hours!? During which time Oswald never confessed and instead claimed his innocence and pleaded for "someone to step forward" and defend him legally. And with not one eye witness, forensic and evidence analysis still continuing and Oswald's personal history not well known by these three pillars of investigative authority. The aggressive and certain without doubt press proclamations that Oswald did it and did it alone by the big three was accepted by the media without hardly any published reservations and questions. You would have thought at least some major media outlets would have caught and realized the preposterousness of such a quick non-trial verdict and within just 72 hours and without any serious, deeper investigation taking place. The more that was revealed about Oswald in the coming days, weeks and months however, the more there were major unanswered logical questions regards Oswald's certain guilt and the possibility that others may have been involved. These guys lost JFK, they lost Oswald just 48 hours later, they lost control of the entire case to the FBI... The entire affair was an embarrassingly discredited mess.
  20. Donald Trump and his family fleeced America: Why aren’t they being held accountable?
  21. Mrs. Harvey: "Johnny Roselli was a true patriot." Even though he did some really bad things that Mafia people do. Mafioso Johnny Roselli rated higher than their own President of the USA and his wife and RFK in her and her husband's morality and respect standard mind? Mrs. Harvey is just as Kennedy hating 40 years after 11,22,1963? Not one expression of time softened empathy for the brutal murders and the trauma and loss for the widowed Jackie and Ethel? Wives and mothers like her? Nor their fatherless children? That's a "hard - take to your grave" kind of hate. Makes one sense that if W Harvey were told of the Kennedy take downs before they occurred he probably wouldn't have reported or even objected to them.
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