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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. My son, a school teacher, recently began using AI to produce worksheets etc for his work. He was telling me how fantastic this was in producing stuff that normally had him working for hours when AI had his assignments done in minutes. "Just ask it anything and it sends the completed paperwork back, all done!" So, I told him to ask AI "Who shot Kennedy?" It came back, unlike the U.S. version, with a really fair report. Although LHO was charged with the shooting, the official government investigations have failed to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt, and there are many possible explanations as to who was behind JFK's assassination. (or words to that effect.)
  2. Leslie, according to John Newman he states that de Vosjoli holed up in Colorado, and quotes de Vosjoli's autobiography 'Lamia' for that info.
  3. Zilch Leslie. The Wiki on Foccart is not well endowed with citations unfortunately. I don't see him as communist though. A long time French colonialist who acted as advisor to many French presidents on African affairs. Yes, de Vosjoli was Head of French Intelligence in U.S. & he learned from CIA's KGB defector Major Anatoly Golitsyn (KGB's First Chief Directorate) in early 60's about KGB agents in de Gaulle's cabinet & in France's SDECE. In fact from Golitsyn's revelations CIA informed JFK of these spies in French intelligence, causing JFK to write a warning letter to de Gaulle. The French Ambassador to Moscow, Maurice Dejean was also compromised in an adulterous affair with a KGB 'swallow' However, it wasn't just in de Gaulle's cabinet and SDECE, but the Paris H.Q. of NATO was riddled with KGB agents, so much so that agents could produce on two or three days notice any NATO document Moscow asked for. Just hours after Kennedy's assassination, de Vosjoli was summoned back to Paris. He then received a telegram warning him that he would be killed upon his arrival back in France. He then went on the run to Mexico. A 'goon' squad from France was sent to kill him, but he eluded them. Subsequently U.S. authorities provided him a quiet life somewhere in Colorado. Ian Fleming couldn't write this stuff.
  4. It wasn’t until 1983, when journalist Jim Gaines got to interview Mark Chapman in prison and conducted lengthy audio interviews with him, that Perdomo’s name surfaced to the world. In a subsequent 1987 People magazine article, Gaines wrote: At the Dakota, Chapman had only the Dakota’s night doorman, José Perdomo, to keep him company. José was an anti-Castro Cuban, and they talked that night of the Bay of Pigs and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Directly after the shooting, as public & press began gathering outside on the street, Perdomo stated he did not want to be outside as doorman, and got one of the other Dakota staff to work as doorman. So Perdomo was never seen or interviewed or photographed by press. Also, Perdomo was supposed to have given a statement to police and D.A. in N.Y. but this has never seen the light of day.
  5. Not half Michael! Operating in a lawless manner, this side of the pond it's termed as treason. Dulles & Bissell's set up for the BOP fiasco, Dulles' secret agenda for Indonesia against White House policy & Angleton's blind eyes over NUMEC with the filching of weapons grade uranium to Israel, against JFK's nuclear non-proliferation policy & that's within the first twelve months of Kennedy's term in office.
  6. Jacques Foccart, after Anatoly Golitsyn's defection to CIA came under suspicion of French intelligence due to his relationship with a Czech named Saar, who was naturalised French after the war under the name of Demichel. Demichel was involved in many business deals with the Soviets, who bought through him most of the industrial equipment they were getting from Western Europe. The close relationship between one of de Gaulle's most trusted aides and a man of indeterminate extraction doing most of his business with Moscow certainly seemed strange. Interestingly, the KGB false defector Yuri Nosenko in a meeting with CIA in 1962 made this interesting comment:- "Gribanov himself", (referring to the chief of the Second Chief Directorate, Oleg Gribanov), "is dealing with an important French businessman. The guys name is Saar Demichel. He lives in Paris and has a lot of business with the Soviet Union." I would suspect this comment from Nosenko as being another provocation for Western intelligence. Jacques Foccart also helped to create the Department Protection Security (DPS), security organization of the far-right Front National party led by Jean-Marie Le Pen, so he certainly was not a witting collaborator of the Communists.
  7. After answering a request from Canadian researcher (& Forum member) John Kowalski asking for a D.P.U.K. member to assist in his work on Albert Osborne, I located a living member of Osborne's family in Grimsby, England. Another Forum member, Ron Ecker, had also done much research on Osborne. (Ron has been missing from this Forum over recent years and I miss his humour, which seems lacking at times in posts today!) In 2020, during Covid restrictions, I presented to JFK Lancer's virtual N.I.D., with kind permission from J.K. Certainly not unique, but I presented a copy of Osborne's 13th April '64 typed letter to his family refuting his bus travel to M.C. with L.H.O. Also refuting the nonsense written in books such as 'Appointment in Dallas' & Torbitt's 'Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal', Sprague's 'The Taking of America' & Ramsey's 'Who Shot JFK'. I also presented evidence from former staff of the 'Cambridge News' who were employed at the paper in '63, who considered the claim of the famous anonymous phone call to "contact the American Embassy in London for some big news" as completely fictitious. It was John Kowalski who first uncovered the fact of the real John Howard Bowen's death in January of 1962 from injuries sustained in a car accident. John's work has also been published on K's & K website.
  8. I think we can include Mr Little (Malcolm X) in the above list. Compelling evidence points to Dakota doorman, Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo, as Lennon’s killer. Records reveal a “Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo” (aliases: “Joaquin Sanjenis” and “Sam Jenis”) was an anti-Castro Cuban exile and member of Brigade 2506 during the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961, a failed CIA operation to overthrow Fidel Castro. Perdomo was a professional hit man who worked closely with convicted Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis (deceased) for about ten years on the CIA’s payroll. • Jose Perdomo was the doorman at the Dakota on Dec. 8, 1980, the night Lennon was killed. • Jose Perdomo was at the crime scene when the murder occurred. 'Buried in Plain Sight' by John Hunt really goes to town in attacking Thomas Noguchi's autopsy. First I've heard this. I was under the impression there was no autopsy and the body was quickly cremated. Are autopsies required by law in NY murder cases?
  9. Anthony, I seem to recall that Bresler's book was originally published as 'Who Killed John Lennon' & soon after re-titled 'The Murder of John Lennon'. Both titles are still available on Amazon U.K.
  10. 'Legacy of Ashes-History of CIA'
  11. Nah Pam, not so. Back In the U.S.S.R., the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind. Marina was a prostitute for KGB, she was directed to Oswald, who fell in love and married her. She was a reluctant spy for Minsk KGB to report on the American defector. It is apparent that she hit on Robert Webster too. Even though Lee & Marina had KGB links in Minsk, both severed these links on their arrival in U.S. Lee had completed his 'dangle' and Marina wanted out of the poverty.
  12. Is it rolling Bob? According to senior staff officers from the Minsk KGB Counterintelligence School & Department 1 of the 2nd Chief Directorate H.Q., ex-marine Lee Harvey Oswald was an agent of the KGB, and was one before he met his future wife, Marina. The Minsk Ukrainian KGB had recruited Marina as a 'swallow' (Soviet female prostitute) for use in sexual entrapment operations. Marina was directed against Oswald, who fell in love with her, when he was living in Minsk. (CIA Counterintelligence Information Report. RIF: 104-10014-10056.)
  13. Ron, Newman's latest works were sketched out to be a 4 Vol. set. 'Armageddon' was to be Vol. IV, but because of some mind blowing research, J.N. has inserted 'Exposing Popov's Mole' as Vol. IV and re-scheduled 'Armageddon' to Vol. V. To be honest, I've found the series a slow boiler with Vols. I, II & III. I reckon anyone partially conversant with JFKA can dive into Vol. IV easily. I've been putting together a Powerpoint & MS Word presentation on Angleton for a DPUK seminar in June & discovered that now, much that I have written from Weiner, Mangold & Morley has to be altered, or, completely re-written. That's a game changer!
  14. Yes, Ron most intriguing. I am reading Newman's 'Uncovering Popov's Mole' and finding it another 'game changer'. If readers have not got this edition (not really necessary to have Vols. I, II and III) it is a must read! The work of Newman, with Uncle Malcolm & the late Pete Bagley, explains so much. Angleton's paranoia of a mole high up in CIA is confirmed and exposed. Also, new revelations of LHO in Minsk and confirmation that Marina was a KGB 'swallow'. Nosenko was provocation and so much more. Don't want to give too much of the game away, but I strongly recommend study of this publication to everyone who has not caught up with this.
  15. Gerry, The MUST read on this is Newman's 'Uncovering Popov's Mole'. It explains EVERYTHING.
  16. 🤣Absolutely Bob! The whole scenario is a comedy routine! Also include the ridiculous paper bag sketch. Lee manages to extract a roll of paper from the wrapping station in the Depository without Dougherty seeing him do it, and Dougherty known to never leave his workplace. So, does Lee stuff this crinkly paper up his shirt when getting driven over to Irving by Frazier on Thursday? "What's that crunchy sound under your shirt Lee?" Yet Lee manages to conceal and then design and put together this creased and crumpled paper into a smooth pristine bag in the Paine garage in the evening without notice of Marina and Ruth. Not just the paper, but tape as well. But NO! The tape used from the Depository meant that Lee must have constructed the bag on the premises, sometime on Thursday, again without being seen. CE142 shows no oil or indication of heavy metal objects having been contained within. Nor is it daubed with Lee's finger dabs all over it. Nor is it initially spotted around the 'sniper's nest' by DPD and Sheriff Dept., searchers. Cue the Monty Python music.
  17. D.P.U.K. were given Janet Groden's e-mail address to request purchase of 'Absolute Proof' here:- janetclair29@gmail.com
  18. Yes Michael, all this is contained in 'Nightmare in Dallas' and a photograph of Beverley & Larry Ronco too. I have met & talked with Beverley for around an hour some years back. My impression was she was sincere and truthful, going off body language. Having said that, I would want to get Ronco to confirm. Even then, at the end of the day, the alleged film is gone, so my take on this has always been that the whole story is another rabbit hole even if we believe Bev, or we don't.
  19. October '62 David. Yes, I'm sure LeMay was of the opinion that the missiles in Cuba should have been taken out by U.S.A.F. I believe initially that was also the opinion of RFK too. But, evidence for LeMay attempting to organise a coup against JFK with the JCS is proving elusive. Just short of my tenth birthday, over here in England, I was scared too!
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