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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Jim, that presentation was so good I've watched it four times already. What struck me was that YouTube piece of Nasser's speech on his dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood. For a Middle East leader delivering that speech with such humour....very much in JFK style too. Yeah, what a mess in Middle East we have today!
  2. Pamela, Just in case you missed this.....I thought it was a very profound eulogy from Fintan O'Toole https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/fintan-o-toole-biden-is-a-kennedy-era-figure-come-back-to-heal-a-wound-that-never-closed-1.4404521?mode=amp&mode=sample&auth-failed=1&pw-origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irishtimes.com%2Fopinion%2Ffintan-o-toole-biden-is-a-kennedy-era-figure-come-back-to-heal-a-wound-that-never-closed-1.4404521
  3. Certainly does. Thanks for your time. I have had SWHT (2010) on order for a while, so looking forward to that, + future instalments of TP. Great work Larry!
  4. I love this Forum! It certainly delivers Education! Many thanks Rob & Jim for this. 'Murder Most Foul' is in the post.
  5. Fintan O'Toole is spot on with what he says of Dylan's 'Rough & Rowdy Ways' + 'Murder Most Foul'. Great article! Cheers Robert.
  6. Larry, My copy of SWHT was obtained at Lancer in 2003 in binder form with accompanying cd. (signed by the author) 😉 I have also read Nexus. Q1. Am I missing info in my copy of SWHT from the 2010 update? Q2. Will Tipping Point contain info not appearing in SWHT & Nexus? (Part1.html has kept me quiet for a few hours & is very detailed) Q3. Will the full text of Tipping Point appear in MF.org?
  7. A Covid-19 vaccine being developed by Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech has been found to be more than 90 per cent effective, in a major breakthrough that could make the shot available for use by the end of the year if drug authorities give it the green light. The finding was the result of the first independent analysis of any Covid-19 vaccine in phase 3 trials — the final stage before commercial licensing. The study found that 94 participants who received the two-dose vaccine were protected against the disease 28 days after their first inoculation.
  8. Joe, I think this was a myth. JFK's visit to Miami began with his arrival at Miami airport & he was to then fly by helicopter to his next appointment at Bal Harbour, only by vehicle if weather was inclement, which it wasn't. He arrived at Miami airport around 17:00. There was a very short distance drive by car later. No motorcade was called off. Unlike Milteer's warning, the threat was a bomb.
  9. In fact Greene did not meet Lansdale until after completing much of the novel. According to Greene, the inspiration for the character of Pyle was Leo Hochstetter,
  10. Not quite, but close. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, responding to the question "Do you think Oswald did it?": "If I told you what I really know, it would be very dangerous to this country. Our whole political system could be disrupted."
  11. Two official versions of "Show Them The Way": an acoustic one and a full recording featuring Dave Stewart (Eurythmics) on guitar and Dave Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fighters) on drums. This song was written by Stevie Nicks in St. Charles, Illinois, in 2008. She told Rolling Stone, "...One night I went to bed and I had this dream. I dream a lot, but I almost never remember the dreams. I'll wake up and I'll go, 'I remember a train with some people smiling and waving at me that went by really fast,' and that's it. This dream was so really real that there was a little bit of me, for a minute, when I sat up was like, 'Did that just really happen?'" "This song really is a prayer. This song is a prayer for people to unite. A prayer for people to get together," Stevie Nicks said in an interview with Associated Press.
  12. Nice one guys! Added to my Spotify library.
  13. Joe, my son has asked me that question, so too others who have learned of my interest in the assassination. My answer:- "Well it certainly wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald. Nobody knows who was responsible, but Federal and Intelligence agencies covered up truths. The same applies to the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy, with the same Federal and Intelligence fingerprints."
  14. Professor Alan Lichtman of American University Washington DC, who has correctly predicted the US election results since Kennedy gives the 2020 victory to the Democrats.
  15. As stated in previous posts Vince, I have contacted Bart (the dedicated Mr K) to arrange a DPUK presentation on Zoom sometime prior to the publication of 'Honest Answers'. He is busy at this time with putting Malcolm Blunt's filing cabinet contents on line, but we hope to arrange something early 2021.
  16. Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand? Your post on Mercer caused me to re-visit Mercer's story & that is when I came across Murphy's statements which I had not read before. I agree it sounds weird and typical of many cops statements, "He couldn't recall the name of the company to whom this truck belonged". Maybe it would be possible to have one truck push another, just a few feet down a slight slope to bump start one with a flat battery, but to choose between Mercer and Murphy's accounts I still go with Mercer. Yet, even with the nefarious and rabid right wing contingents of the D.P.D., considering the back up of traffic caused by this obstruction providing witnesses like Julia Ann Mercer, I've always thought it sloppy to deliver an assassination rifle to the knoll in this way, especially when access to the rail yards was possible for any vehicle.
  17. Not just tragic, but very suspicious....like the safe driving record of a certain taxi driver killed in a head on crash in '65 or the suspected 'sideswiped' vehicle driven by the supervisor of a railroad tower in '66.
  18. JOE MURPHY, Patrolman, Traffic Division, Police Department, Dallas, Texas, advised that on November 22, 1963, he was stationed at the Triple Underpass on Elm Street to assist in handling traffic. At approximately 10:30-10:40 AM, a pickup truck stalled on Elm Street between Houston Street and the underpass. He was unable to recall the name of the company to whom this truck belonged but stated it is the property of the company working on the First National Bank Building at Elm and Akard in Dallas. There were three construction men in this truck, and he took one to the bank building to obtain another truck in order to assist in moving the stalled one. The other two men remained with the pickup truck along with two other officers. Shortly prior to the arrival of the motorcade, the man he had taken to the bank building returned with a second truck, and all three of the men left with the two trucks, one pushing the other. MURPHY noted that the men did not leave the truck except for the one he took to the bank building, and all three left together sometime prior to the arrival of the President's motorcade. He described the stalled truck as being a green pickup and noted the truck had the hood raised during the time it was stalled. This truck had side tool bins on it, and they had a considerable amount of construction equipment in the back. MURPHY futher stated it was probable that one of these men had taken something from the rear of this truck in an effort to start it. He stated these persons were under observation all during the period they were stalled on Elm Street because the officers wanted the truck moved prior to the arrival of the motorcade, and it would have been impossible for any of them to have had anything to do with the assassination of President KENNEDY.
  19. On 8th September, 1967, Shirley Martin's oldest daughter, Victoria, who had accompanied her mother to Dallas to interview witnesses, was with her friend Candy in a VW Beetle, that was "sideswiped" by another car. Candy died the next day but Victoria, who sustained twenty-four broken bones in the crash, lingered for four days before dying of her injuries. After the death of her daughter Shirley Martin gave up research into the assassination of JFK. Certainly agree, Kelin's book is a must.
  20. Doug, I thought the lecture was just par for the course, with errors in the commentary & some bogus statements too.
  21. Phwor Joe! B.J. is P.M. of Gt. Britain. Call him England's P.M. over here & you risk Celtic spears hurtling over the wall.
  22. Richard Nixon:- "I was there on the morning when the decision on Lebanon was made. I was there when Trieste was decided. I was there when the decisions on Iran, all these others that have kept the peace and kept it without surrender, and, my friends, this I know-that America at this time cannot afford to use the White House as a training ground to give experience to somebody at the expense of the United States of America." John F. Kennedy:- "What Mr Nixon doesn't understand is that the President of the United States, Mr Eisenhower, is not the candidate. You've seen those elephants in the circus, with ivory in their heads-you know how they travel around the circus, by grabbing the tail of the elephant in front of them. That was all right in 1952 and in 1956. Mr Nixon hung on tight; but now Mr Nixon meets the people. The choice is not President Eisenhower; the choice is whether the people of this country want the leadership of Mr Nixon and the Republican party, a party that's never stood for progress. To show how desperate and despicable this campaign has become: they're hanging, outside defense plants, a poster which says 'Jack Kennedy is after your job.' I'm after Mr Eisenhower's job." Robert Kennedy:- "I think that the most important part of the campaign was the debates, and, I think, the first debate particularly. President Kennedy spent two days preparing for it. He went over questions and possible answers and over his opening statement. Nixon had built up, during the campaign, the idea that he was the only one who could stand up to Khrushchev, that a man of maturity was needed. That first debate indicated that not only could John Kennedy stand up to Nixon, he could better him, and so it destroyed the whole basis of Mr Nixon's campaign in one night. I think that was extremely important also in giving President Kennedy exposure to 70 million Americans, which he could never have received otherwise." Quotes from 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy....As We Remember Him' (1966)
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