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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. There's more! Carracci & Pecora were associates of Marcello in NOLA. On October 10th Ruby took flight 985 on American Airlines to NOLA, he was seen meeting with Carracci. Weiner was linked to Trafficante & Hoffa. Baker was a bagman for Hoffa & Gruber was one of Hoffa's 'key officials'. Miller was head of the Southern Conference of Teamsters. On the 21st., Ruby visited Lawrence Meyers at the Cabana Hotel. Meyers was with Jean West aka Jean Aase who lived in a Chicago apartment that David Ferrie telephoned on 24th September. Dallas cabdriver Raymond Cummings informed Garrison that he had driven Ferrie and Oswald to the Carousel in early '63. Around 8pm on November 23rd., David Ferrie arrived in Galveston, just before the arrival in that town of Ruby's friend Breck Wall, and just before Ruby made a phone call to Galveston. As for Mrs. Louis Valez, she and two co-workers saw Ruby walking up and down the street near the TSBD. The 3 women observed Ruby handing a pistol to a man who was identical to LHO. Was this the pistol with the defective firing pin taken from the possession of the man arrested in the Texas Theatre? Mrs. Valez told her story of Ruby giving Oswald a pistol to her mother (Mrs Evelyn Harris), who was interviewed by FBI agent Manning on 30th November '63. Neither Mrs. Valez nor her co-workers were interviewed by the DPD or FBI. Also remember Dallas police patrolman Tom G. Tilson Jr., alleged that he saw a man loading a rifle into a vehicle immediately after the assassination. According to Marrs' 'Crossfire' Tilson immediately recognised the man as Jack Ruby. I do not know Wilma Tice's profession. I had always assumed she was just an onlooker outside Parkland. As for Roy Stamps, he was a newsman and was in the hall at Parkland when he noticed Ruby enter the hospital. He said Ruby was carrying some television equipment and trailing behind a tv crew. Penn Jones was also at Parkland, and he took a photograph that he published in his 'Forgive My Grief', that he claimed contained the image of Ruby. This post could go on longer with Ruby's links to witnesses etc., in the Tippit murder case.
  2. Ron, I'm certainly in the 'he was involved camp'. As for your three question marked sentences, I have no answers. Ruby's upsurge in his telephone records and his meetings with known 'mafia' which began in May '63 through to November tell there own story. Links to Frank Carracci, Nofio Pecora, Harold Tannenbaum, Louis McWillie, Irwin Weiner, Barney Baker, Dusty Miller, Alex Gruber and Paul R. Jones. On the 20th Nov., Ruby attended a party at Frank Tortoriello's Tanglewood Apartment in Dallas. On the 21st Ruby is at the Cabana Hotel where Eugene Brading and Morgan Brown are checked into Suite 301. On the morning of the 22nd we have the sighting by Julia Ann Mercer, who thought the driver in the pickup truck was Ruby. Garrison also wondered if the man with the gun case could have been Larry Crafard. Garrison also suspected Crafard of being the Tippit killer, as the man who fled the scene wore a light coloured windbreaker like the one Crafard wears in an FBI photo. (Picture in Groden's 'The Search for LHO'.) There are many Ruby sightings in the Plaza, not just Mercer. Jean Hill, Vicky Adams, Avery Davis, Mrs Louis Valez + two co-workers linked Ruby there after the shots. The Ruby denial of his presence at Parkland is also suspicious, clearly seen by Kantor, Tice and Roy Stamps. I sit on the fence as to whether Ruby knew prior to the assassination that he was to kill Oswald, but his stalking began that evening and his Wade correction on the 'Fair Play for Cuba' is another giveaway of his prior knowledge. Did Ruby know Oswald prior to the 22nd? Bev Oliver, Carroll Jarnagin, Madeleine Brown, Bill DeMar, Wally Weston, Paul Buccilli, Ester Ann Mash, Little Lynn, Jada, Shari Angel , Bill Willis, William Chesher, Carl Maynard, Jack Sparkman, Rose Cheramie and Rev. Clyde Johnson are in a long list of those who stated Ruby and Oswald were linked.
  3. Pat, Indeed, not an Archive in the true sense of the word. Malcolm had his massive stash of papers in filing cabinets and boxes in a location close to his home that Bart was introduced to when he visited Malcolm in Gloucester. I think it was Bart who insisted that instead of languishing unseen this treasure-trove should be digitised and put on-line for JFKA researchers to access. Which is what he undertook over the following years, loading these docs onto Dealey Plaza U.K.'s website. Also in Malcolm's possession was Harrison Livingstone's research papers, (if memory serves the two had worked together at some point in time) & the intention was to put these in a shipping container & send it back to the States, possibly for the A.A.R.C. I'm not certain of these details & have asked Bart to clarify if & when Livingstone's archive was sent back across the pond. I know of nobody hiring Bart for his tireless efforts on this project, but again I'm not certain. However, massive kudos to Uncle Malcolm for all his time spent in the U.S. researching this case, and Bart for the years spent loading this goldmine onto D.P.U.K.'s pages!
  4. After the shot, the deputy explained to McClelland, when Oswald was on the ground, he got on his hands and knees and put his face right over Oswald’s. “I said, ‘Son, you’re hurt real bad. Do you wanna say anything?’ ” the deputy said. “He looked at me for a second. He waited, like he was thinking. Then he shook his head back and forth just as wide as he could. Then he closed his eyes.”
  5. Q. The bullet you found was more European? • A. Yeah, it was more round nosed than a 303 or a 30.06 or anything like that. Interesting that Pool's description fits CE399 & doesn't fit with O.P. Wright's description of a bullet with a pointed tip that he told to Mark Lane. I'm sure I've read that Tomlinson passed the found bullet to Wright, but Pool states Tomlinson passed the bullet to a Secret Service agent.
  6. Well, you can't fool all the people all of the time. The Barnum effect is manifested in response to statements that are called "Barnum statements", meaning that general characterizations attributed to an individual are perceived to be true for them, even though the statements are such generalizations that they could apply to almost anyone. So, the man who admired JFK had a bad night & spirited his cranky Carcano into his workplace to kill the president. Let's ignore the many Plaza sightings by witnesses of two men together with scoped rifle on the 6th floor of the TSBD just prior to the arrival of the motorcade. Bang..........Bang...Bang went the three shots. So LHO blasts away from his 6th floor sniper's nest and in the blink of an eye fires again from behind the grassy knoll and then poses as a S.S. agent to confront Joe Smith, who could also smell gunpowder behind the knoll. Let's also ignore Sen. Ralph Yarborough D-Tex., riding three cars behind Kennedy, also reporting smelling gunpowder when the vice-president's car passed the knoll area, he stated he didn't think that possible if the shot came from the 6th floor of the TSBD. Let's ignore Kellerman's flurry of shots and accept they were all fragments of FMJ ballistics, that must also have winged James Tague & hit the street that Decker & others witnessed or the fragments that gouged out concrete next to man-hole covers. Let's ignore the blow out evulsion wound to the occipital region of JFK's skull and the tiny metal fragments seen on x-rays etc. Let's ignore Perry's expert professional medical knowledge that witnessed a 3-5mm diameter wound of entry in JFK's throat. Let's ignore the lack of evidence of Jack Ruby's D.P.D. basement entry to kill Oswald and accept his ridiculous stated reasons for doing so. All this, despite the opinions of the many Warren Commission theorists who believe otherwise.
  7. Magic! Thanks for this link Pat. Before my time @ DPUK. Great article by Chris Scally. & thanks to Denise & Mark for their input on Boy Scout Smith.
  8. Cheers John, you're still the master of the newspaper archives! I have no trouble accepting the study & mind-control of children through project MK/Ultra. Nothing would surprise me in that field by CIA. I also respect Armstrong's depth of research, along with Jim's posts on this Forum, which I always read. I admit there are records and photographs of this monumental switcheroo I have no explanation for. It's the logic of this supposed intell. op., running for years with false brothers and mothers to have one assume the i.d. of the other to defect behind the iron curtain for CIA just to languish in a Minsk radio plant & then burn up on re-entry as a patsy in the JFK assassination. Saying that, this isn't the only aspect of this case that I can't get my head around. Probably why the fascination.
  9. "I was standing on the curb watching the parade along Main street." Has anyone identified Smith's location in movie or still photograph's? Where exactly was he to be 10ft from Kennedy to see him hit in the forehead? A name I haven't come across before.
  10. Joe, "Everyone's going to know who Jack Ruby is soon", is what he said to the bell-boy as he signed the back of the card.
  11. Ron, D.P.U.K. recently had a Zoom presentation with U.S. researcher Chris Gallop. He told us that his Grandfather was a bell-boy working in the Adolphus Hotel, where Ruby would often enter to pass out his business card to tout for customers for his Carousel Club just across the street. So, Chris' Grandfather knew Ruby by sight and shortly before the big event JR came into the Adolphus and passed the bell-boy his business card. Jack then signed it on the reverse side saying something like "everyone's going to know who Jack Ruby is soon." When Chris became interested in the JFK case years later, Grandaddy gave him an old envelope containing Ruby's signed business card. A cute piece of memorabilia he has in a glass case which he displayed to us on the Zoom session.
  12. My son bought me a copy of Armstrong's 'Harvey & Lee'. Overall the biography of LHO is well covered. But, I've never swallowed the two mothers stuff or the two little boys groomed for clandestine work for CIA. Too near the twilight zone.
  13. Gerry's original photo shows the '63 County jail building, circled in red on the right side of the picture. The building stands on the corner of Main & Houston & next to the County Records Bldg., on Houston. The Dallas sheriff's office was also in the County Jail bldg., with their car park behind the north knoll., where gunfire, gun smoke & smell of gunpowder was detected on the 22nd., when Decker's men were taking no part in the security detail for JFK's visit, just stood on the sidewalk on the corner of Main & Houston to see the parade pass. Situated on the 6th floor of the County jail was a holding cell where on the 22nd John Powell along with around 20 inmates are reported as observing two men on the 6th floor of the TSBD, prior to the arrival of the motorcade. The men in brown clothing seen by Powell so clearly he could observe the adjusting of the rifle's scope.
  14. I agree James. ....and 'just one more thing', I've long thought that Greg Doudna is the nearest thing to Lieutenant Columbo that we have in this Forum!
  15. Or, to see if it was really LHO and not a replacement sent to the U.S. to spy on them. It is an interesting thought, especially considering Marina has been described as a 'swallow' by Soviet agency in Minsk. We know Marina was previously in Leningrad hooking into U.S. defector Webster. Did U.S. intelligence know of this by the 24th Nov? Quite possibly if Marina's address book had been scrutinised over the previous 48hrs. As Gerry states above, The Russians seem to be good at producing doubles.
  16. Not sure what you are getting at. What information do you think could be revealing with regards to the location of a cremation? It was at the Ferncliff Crematorium, Hartsdale, N.Y. Attended by Yoko's employed security guard Doug McDougall. Disturbingly, after years of close shadowing of Lennon and suspected phone tapping by the FBI, Yoko employed McDougall who was ex-FBI. Interestingly, he and other security personnel, all managed by Yoko, all not on duty on 8th December.
  17. I've never read Goldman, so my only comment would be, how does he know the first two shots caught Lennon in the back and spun him around. The Roosevelt surgeon & nurses describe 4 entries from the front from relatively close range, upper left chest. Are those bullet holes in the vestibule glass too low. With these doors opening inwards I wonder how Chapman's shot position could cause these holes. The kicker is that this was another open and shut case, the perp admitted his guilt on site and so it seems the NYPD didn't require any detailed follow up investigation. Hence the anomalies and confusions today.
  18. Thanks for that Pamela. It's interesting that at 17:30 the Lennon's limousine failed to turn up to take them to the Record Plant, so they had to share a cab with others. This is when Chapman got his copy of Double Fantasy signed, photographed by Paul Goresh. David's book just states that the driver of the limo back from the Record Plant is unknown. Also interesting in that Hoffman piece is this:-"Where's Lennon?" Cullen asked. The rock star was crumpled inside a nearby vestibule, blood pouring from his chest. There were bullet holes in the glass; Cullen went to Lennon's side as Spiro cuffed the gunman. That is not where Lennon was according to David's book....in the back office of the concierge area, with testimonies and photographs showing blood on the floor. It remains strange that hollow points were causing entry & exit wounds. Whatever went on at the Dakota, I find 'Mind Games' the best publication to date on Chapman's biography, pre and post December 1980.
  19. On November 12 this year, after Aynesworth was admitted to the UT Southwestern emergency room, doctors determined he had suffered a stroke months before. After a week at the hospital and a week in rehab, he returned home on November 25. Earlier this month, his wife, Paula Aynesworth, decided he needed to enter hospice care. He died Saturday at home. Aynesworth was 92.
  20. Who was driving Lennon that night remains a mystery. However, I've read that the Dakota driveway is too tight for a large limo's easy ingress & egress. I've stood outside the Dakota myself in the 90's and seen the arrival of people exiting a limo on the street & walking across the sidewalk into the entranceway, so it's probably the usual thing, then and now.
  21. Season's greetings from this side of the water.
  22. There were four witnesses who saw Chapman and doorman Perdomo after shots were heard. All four place Chapman at the left side of the entrance of the driveway (the doorman booth side). Perdomo & Chapman also stated same. Chapman also said he was twenty feet away from Lennon when he fired shots. Why were two different types of bullets recovered from John's autopsy, 1 x hollow point & 1 x 38cal?
  23. The limo was on the street. According to statement Yoko walked down the driveway, followed by Lennon.
  24. & that's the million dollar question David. Well, one of a few million dollar questions. Was Lennon seeking help when he entered the vestibule? Chapman standing at his shooting position just inside the entrance could not have hit John in the front, nor caused the bullet holes in the glass doors. What caused the bullet holes low down in the glass vestibule doors? If the Roosevelt hospital medical statements of Lennon's gunshot wounds are correct, i.e. shots entering left front upper chest, from relatively close range, causing vital arteries to his heart to turn into 'mush' that in their opinion would cause instant death, then how did John walk up steps, through another door into the concierge's area and on into security office to say "I've been shot"? If Chapman was using 'hollow point' bullets how did three of the four hits exit Lennon's back? Exactly how did Jay Hastings' shirt front get covered in blood? Where exactly, in front or behind or towards the courtyard, was Yoko when John was hit? Why do all the statements given by the Dakota staff etc., not concur with each other? Yet, in spite of all the unanswered questions, anomalies and non-investigation of this open and shut case, the world knows that Chapman shot Lennon, no question about it.
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