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The Counter Revolution Has Begun

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There are too many questions to answer right now.

I had a major doctor's appointment today and am waiting for a call from my pharmacy.

But I will answer some of these on Len's show next week.

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Stone just posted on Facebook, they’ve shot more than 20 interviews for it already, and hope to shoot more. They apparently hope to finish production by March/April next year. Articles suggest it’s a full series like his UNTOLD HISTORY show, which is great news, as it will be longer and have more of an impact.


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David Lifton's been working on a follow-up to Best Evidence for several years, gathering material that refines his earlier work and could contribute to this project.  Any thoughts on involving him?

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If I told you how this happened its stranger than fiction, really.

As per the number of interviews, its at 25.  And will, in all probability, go up to 30.

As some of the technical guys said, this is one heck of a credit for them. Because, between the director, Oliver Stone, and the cinematographer, Bob Richardson, that is six Oscars.


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BTW, the reason I gave it that title is because of what happened at the fiftieth, captured so well by Joe McBride on the Fetzer thread.

What the Establishment did at the fiftieth was an utter and complete disgrace, the likes of which I had never seen before.  In one way, it was an extension of the travesty of their coronation of Posner's crappy book. Which, from the title on down, was their way of reacting to Stone's film, as coordinated by publishers Harold Evans and Bob Loomis.

This film is the long delayed counter to that continuing horror show.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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I watched the live coverage of the 50th in Dealy Plaza on line.  It was disgusting.  I thought about trying to go but the application for a chance for a ticket was discouraging,  DL, SSN, DOB, address...  To get in to a public park.  What a sad joke.

I think big brother knows where to find little old me.  I know the video sucks, listen.



Edited by Ron Bulman
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There were so many of us sitting at a coffee shop  watching, of all people, David McCullough pontificate about John F. Kennedy.

Then when we went outside, and we saw Alex Jones screaming at the cops through his bull horn, across the obstructions to get into the Plaza.  Behind the obstructions were three layers of police: on foot, in cars, on horseback.  All I could think of is if JFK had this kind of protection on 11/22/63, none of this would have been happening.

It was really sickening.  It was clearly a triangular arrangement between the Sixth Floor, the Morning News and the mayor's office.

We should have challenged it in advance in court.

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Thanks Kirk.

Hopefully it will work that way.

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Congratulations Jim ... and very well-deserved.  I love the title, as it says so much.  ...  as Albert Rossi's 2013 review of your book once described it:

The deliberate theft of what should have been ... both in terms of US foreign policy and in bringing the perpetrators to justice ... the unravelling of five decades has "betrayed" (i.e. revealed) the character of John Kennedy"

Finally a series that will be informative (for a change).  Given the contemporary more favorable press coverage (e.g. Salon, Washington Post), do you think we will see the distortion campaign and ad hominem attacks on Oliver Stone that he received in his earlier film?  The truth seems less of a threat to everyone these days, as much of the opposition seems "old" and faded.  Has any thought been given to a strategy to counter that possibily?


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