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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Don't always trust hand-held machines to translate English into a foreign language when visiting a foreign country. One guy asked "out of sight, out of mind"  be translated into Russian. Then he asked what came up in Russian be translated back into English. What came back was "Invisible' and "Insane."

Mr. Caddy,

I used Google Translate on a 5-year-old Nexus 6P cell phone during brief visits to three or four Baltic-area nations last year, including Saint Petersburg in Russia.  The instantaneous translations often provoked laughter at both ends of the conversation, but in every case I got enough demonstrably true information to continue enjoying my visits.  I thought it was amazing, but I was looking for basic directions, not answers to philosophical dilemmas.

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America is moving toward lockdown.

Four states have declared all bars and restaurants closed.  Only take out orders allowed.

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This is why Newsom did what he did in California:


California now has 335 positive coronavirus tests, a 14 percent increase from Saturday


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Italy jumped from 20% dead the last week a day to 25 today.  368 Died yesterday.  Time for socializing in person to stop here for a month or two from what I read.  Jmho.

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I wouldn't normally use fox news as a source but this is important regarding numbers.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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I assume that lockdown or national quarantine doesn't mean you can't go to the grocery store every week or so. Letting people starve in their homes kind of defeats the purpose of avoiding deaths by coronavirus. Indeed I think more people would die without food than would die from having the virus





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Who would have ever thought it would come to this when we first read those stories about Wuhan?

I mean to screw up something to this scale is amazing.

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Latest poll:

60% of American Catholics support Donald Trump.

Sorry, just had to post this latest nationally reported poll result as the Catholic majority political sentiment and stance in this country for many years has driven me to head shaking frustration and angst.

And has done so ever since their first incongruous overtly public support of ultra right wing, highest wealth class promoting Ronald Reagan over the working and poorer class defending Democrats back in 1980.

First, I must say ... you'd think the Catholic church and their members would pull back from public political endorsement proclamations of any type, let alone highly controversial ones and similarly highly divisive social issues as well, ever since their moral judgement credibility standing world wide has been devastated the last 30 years upon the revealing of their massive child sex abuse scandal.

Which was found to be so endemic as to be institutionalized. Millions of children world wide over many generations have now come forward to say they were sexually abused by Catholic priests.

And throw in a massive higher church hierarchy compliancy cover up campaign "on top" of this huge number victim devastating humanitarian crime!

To read or hear about any Catholic church and doctrine adherent making political endorsements and morality judgement calls and stating them publicly after their own house and reputation has been absolutely wrecked with massive world wide morality failings is beyond hypocritical to a shameless degree. They no longer have high integrity standing.

The gall!

So now, again, the majority of American Catholics publicly support Donald Trump over any progressive, working class and poorer advocating Democratic candidate?

Donald Trump. The embodiment of Christ like qualities?

The defender and advocate of the rich over the poor?

The life long sexual predator who makes unwanted comments to or advances on women and even brags about grabbing women's pu$$ys and getting away with this?

The marriage vow offender over years? And then who denies every affair and calls everyone of his accusers who claim them XXXXX? Every one?

A man who is obsessed with money and takes every loop hole or coerced advantage no matter how unethical or unfair to endlessly gain more? And who is even willing to deal with criminal elements in this endeavor?

A man who is obsessed with getting back at those who he feels have wronged him or criticized him? And who never mentions or exhibits the Christ espoused teaching example of forgiveness?

A man who feels being tough and aggressively attacking his competitors ( often insultingly ) commands respect more than those who choose calm and kinder toned reasoning and respect in this realm ... whimps ?

I am not an expert on Catholic church doctrine. All I know from my lifetime experiences with Catholic religion members over 68 years is a general sense that their whole value system is based on the deeds and words of the human looking god entity they call Christ.

The defender of the poor, weak and defenseless over the "eye of the needle" rich.

The savior who tossed the "money changers" out of the church square.

Please, Trump supporting Catholics .... 

Please explain to me/us non-Catholics what it is about a man like Trump that you find more Christ like and worthy of being our nation's leader over others less money obsessed, wealthiest class promoting and personally attacking of others and morally corrupted regards marriage vows and forever lying about these matters?

And please don't say it's all about Trump being a true believer and sincere defender of anti-abortion policies.

With Trump's untold number of sexual affairs outside of marriage, you think he ever hesitated going all the way ( assuming he didn't always wear a condom and could perhaps impregnate his partner ) because of his anti-abortion moral beliefs?

I don't know if American Catholics defer to the ten commandments in formulating their morality beliefs and choosing one presidential candidate over another.

But if they do, I wonder which ones of them justifies placing Donald Trump higher on their Christian value qualification scale than any Democrat.

From a "Catholic Faith" website:


What Does Each Command & Forbid?


COMMANDS: faith, hope, love, and worship of God; reverence for holy things; prayer.
 Not money over everything else.


COMMANDS: reverence in speaking about God and holy things; the keeping of oaths and vows.
FORBIDS: blasphemy; the irreverent use of God's name; speaking disrespectfully of holy things; false oaths and  ..................  the breaking of vows.


COMMANDS: going to church on Sundays and holy days of obligation.
FORBIDS: missing church through one's own fault; unnecessary servile work on Sunday and holy days of obligation. Golfing and business deal making too.


Trump does idolize his father. But no more than Biden and Sanders.


COMMANDS: safeguarding of one's own life and bodily welfare and that of others.
FORBIDS: unjust killing; suicide; abortion; sterilization; dueling; endangering life and limb of self or others.  

So quit having unprotected sex! And comparing whistle blowers to traitors and publicly reminding the entire nation what we do to traitors.


COMMANDS: chastity in word and deed.
FORBIDS: obscene speech; impure actions alone or with others.

Oh God!  What a cringing laugh regards Trump on this one.


COMMANDS: respect for the property of rights and others; the paying of just debts; paying just wages to employees; integrity in public office.  HA!
FORBIDS: not paying just debts ( does this include abusing bankruptcy laws? ) giving unjust measure or weight in selling; not paying just wages; bribery; graft; cheating; fraud ... 


COMMANDS: truthfulness; respect for the good name of others ( HA! ) .... the observance of secrecy when required. ?  How about overdoing this? 
FORBIDS: lying; injury to the good name of others; slander; tale bearing; rash judgment; contemptuous speech and the violation of secrecy. 5 negative stars for Trump here.


COMMANDS: purity in thought.
FORBIDS: wilful impure thought and desires.

Trump has bragged about trying to seduce married women!


COMMANDS: respect for the rights of others.
FORBIDS: the desire to take, to keep, or damage the property of others.

Crush the competition in business dealings apply?

Seems obvious Trump's ten commandment report card is almost all D's and F's.

I'm sure any Democratic presidential candidate would pull mostly B's at least.

So, Trump supporting American Catholics, can you explain your reasons for doing so beyond this most revered doctrine of right and wrong?



Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Swooning stocks signal higher likelihood of Trump losing election-Moody's Analytics




Maybe he'll have an October Surprise for us. Like nuking Iran. Or nuking North Korea. Someone will tell him too late that the nuclear fallout will affect other countries. ("Fallout? What's fallout? More than climate change crap?")




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Wall Street Traded Halted Again As Coronavirus Crisis Worsens

Trading on the three main U.S. stock indexes was halted for 15 minutes at the open, the third such pause in six days.



[How about when Trump sends people working in the New York Stock exchange into apoplectic fits of lunacy?]

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7 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

How about he sends people like you into apoplectic fits of lunacy?

You just asked a question and told respondents  how to answer. 

Lunacy is an American voter supposedly morally guided by and deeply respectful of Christian religious principles supporting someone to lead them who is the opposite, especially when they have a clear choice to support others who are much less so.

Robert W. 

My postings regards Trump are lunacy to you?

One man's lunacy is another's enlightenment if you ask me.

I was just as expressive about Nixon and his entire support structure being full blown law breaking crooks way before Watergate took hold.

Nixon defenders were just as deriding of me as you are here regards Trump.

After all the law breaking Watergate evidence finally came to light 25 members of Nixon's crew ...went to prison!    25!

His top appointees and advisers!

Nixon himself went off the rails talking to portraits in the White House.

Kissinger had to keep him from further deterioration by falsely building him up.

He was barely kept out of the big house only because of his buddies back room deals with the real power brokers.

My Nixon defending critics ( you're a lunatic ) just disappeared. Went into hiding I guess.

Everything I suggested about the corruptness of Nixon was proven true in spades.

I'll guess that if Trump is ever somehow brought down in a spectacular fireworks show of extensive criminal doing discovery, you and your personal insult charge against me will go the same route as Nixon's defenders back in the 70's.

You know Trump is as bad and flawed and unqualified as I frequently mention.

You really do.

Maybe you should put me on your blocked list if my postings upset you so much.

I only post on Trump under this thread. I do not mention him otherwise. 

If this thread leaves or our moderators set stricter parameters regards it content, I will gladly abide by them with no complaints.

And lastly, Trump himself has publicly stated he likes to create conflict. He likes to rile people up. I am a product of his twisted sadistic design.




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42 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I can think of an actual Catholic President, the only one in fact, who also fits your description.

JFK a lifelong sexual predator? I hope that wasn’t your insinuation Robert. There’s more sexual affairs made up around jfk then appears likely to have actually occurred. 


44 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I consider the possibility that the decades long focus on the more salacious character traits, might have been purposefully exaggerated. 

It’s a certainty. Much like bootlegging and mafia election influencing, much of it never happened.

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