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JFKA Forum Journals of the Plague Year?

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A pastor having trouble with his congregation over masks is brought up later in this article, thus I link it on the plague thread.  

Maybe should have gone on 56 years thread otherwise.  But comments disappear quickly there.  I think it speaks to the hypocrisy of the evangelical right.  Never knew God was a Democrat or Republican. 


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My friend and colleague on the JFK case put this together, its good.  One of the best sites on CV 19


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Very nice speech by RFK Jr.  he does not buy the wet market thesis.


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Trump rallies responsible for 30,000 COVID infections and 700 deaths: Stanford study


Edited by W. Niederhut
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34 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Trump rallies responsible for 30,000 COVID infections and 700 deaths: Stanford study


Millions of Americans are actually having bad dream anxiety over the prospect of a Trump re-election. This is a fact.

Trying to cope with this unbelievable and terrifying Covid virus with it's life and death threat and closures of schools, over-crowding of hospitals and tens of millions of job loss workers and their families facing financial stress to eviction levels and then facing the angry division of the entire country under Trump's enciting reign of argument, personal attacks and conflict ... in total, is truly an unprecedented tension filled and even traumatic living nightmare for much of our society.

Trump truly is the most toxic and anxiety and tension causing person to occupy the Oval Office ... ever.

Our country needs a breath of calmer, non-angry confrontation and conflict fresh air like never before.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 10/31/2020 at 9:10 AM, David Andrews said:

Sean Connery dead today, at 90.  RIP.


Blofeld: "You'll miss me, 007, when SPECTRE puts Trumpfinger in my place."

So many Trump appointees would fit perfectly into the Connery Bond evil villian roles.

Trump himself?

A cold, arrogant, gold and wealth obsessed, orange haired, paunchy, bad golfer Goldfinger.

Sebastion Gorka?    Another Blofelt to the max!

Stephen Miller?   First assistant plan maker to "Number 1."

Kelly Ann Conway?    Rosa Kleb.    Even looks like her. Just imagine Kleb with heavy lipstick and longer dyed blond hair.

Steve Bannon? A field head in Spectre who screws up siphoning charity funds and is fried in his crime conference chair.

Same with Jeff Sessions, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Brad Parscale, etc.

Big wild eyed grinning, Borat pranked and sometimes Judy - Rudy Giuliani?  A laughable baffoon character in later more farcical Roger Moore Bond films.

Jarod Kuschner?    A Blofelt son-in-law screw up wanna be mini-me.

Stormy Daniels?  A Goldfinger sex toy throwaway who turns on him.

She's lucky she wasn't spray painted gold!

Michael Cohen?  Trumpfinger's "Odd Job" who finally sees the light after he's caught in the schemes and thrown under the proverbial "bus" by his former boss?

Mitch McConnell?     Another evil Trumpfinger enabling character but just too weird and cartoon funny looking to cast in a film.

Mike Pence?    Evil number 1's parroting robot assistant and protector.







Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

So many Trump appointees would fit perfectly into the Connery Bond evil villian roles.

Trump himself?

A cold, arrogant, gold and wealth obsessed, orange haired, paunchy, bad golfer Goldfinger.

Sebastion Gorka?    Another Blofelt to the max!

Stephen Miller?   First assistant plan maker to "Number 1."

Kelly Ann Conway?    Rosa Kleb.    Even looks like her. Just imagine Kleb with heavy lipstick and longer dyed blond hair.

Steve Bannon? A field head in Spectre who screws up siphoning charity funds and is fried in his crime conference chair.

Same with Jeff Sessions, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Brad Parscale, etc.

Big wild eyed grinning, Borat pranked and sometimes Judy - Rudy Giuliani?  A laughable baffoon character in later more farcical Roger Moore Bond films.

Jarod Kuschner?    A Blofelt son-in-law screw up wanna be mini-me.

Stormy Daniels?  A Goldfinger sex toy throwaway who turns on him.

She's lucky she wasn't spray painted gold!

Michael Cohen?  Goldfinger's "Odd Job" who finally sees the light after he's caught in the schemes and thrown under the proverbial "bus" by his former boss?

Mitch McConnell?     Another evil Goldfinger enabling character but just too weird and cartoon funny looking to cast in a film.

Mike Pence?    Evil number 1's parroting robot assistant and protector.







How do you turn a post about the passing of an actor into a bitchfest about the Trump administration? Generally curious how one links those two together. 

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1 hour ago, Ty Carpenter said:

How do you turn a post about the passing of an actor into a bitchfest about the Trump administration? Generally curious how one links those two together. 


     I think Trumpfinger is the missing link-- the man with the Golden Crapper... 🤪


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2 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

How do you turn a post about the passing of an actor into a bitchfest about the Trump administration? Generally curious how one links those two together. 

You have to keep up with the jokes on these rant threads.  We've been celebrating the urinous President Trumpfinger for some time now.  If only we had a man like Connery to pit against him.

Edited by David Andrews
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      So, incredibly, on the same day that the U.S. broke the world record for new COVID cases, (100,000) Donald Trump told his adoring fans in Pennsylvania yesterday that his opponents "don't respect science."

     Meanwhile, my wife told me today that her staunchly Republican parents in Texas just voted for Joe Biden.

      It sounds like the issue that finally soured them on Trump was his dishonesty and mismanagement of the COVID pandemic.

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"I think the facts are going to overtake any political dialogue very quickly".


Is Scott Gottlieb related to Sidney Gottlieb?

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