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Bob Dylan song about JFK assassination

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The lyrics are incredible. Dylan knows the truth and he states it plainly. Over and over. Furthermore he is well informed on the topic. He is not a dilettante and this is not a superficial song. It's breathtaking. That the greatest US songwriter spoke out on this crime is also breathtaking. Especially given that he has been reluctant in the past to use his songs for political means and be an activist artist. Can't get any more candid and political than this song. It's remarkable. I'm so proud of him.

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Dylan's comments upon releasing the song are also noteworthy:

"Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty across the years.
This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting.
Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you."

Stay observant.

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This is really good. In the best sense, its not music lyrics.

Its really poetry and you can read it in its standalone form as that.

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I haven't heard of this song by Dylan.

Do you think that maybe Dylan felt he must get something like this out before he dies?

To have it officially embedded into his musical and even personal legacy?

That he has always felt JFK's killing ( and it's cover-up ) was perhaps the single most damaging event in our history to our society and our democracy?

Will view the lyrics asap.

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