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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, Bob Ness said:

Adderall is the rumor. He displays many of those qualities.

Indeed, as a guy who has prescribed a lot of Adderall (for adult ADHD) over the years, I do believe Trump is taking time-released tine pills of mixed amphetamine salts. 

Unfortunately, he still has the attention span of a dung fly, even on his Adderall.

One tell about Trump's Adderall use is that the Projector-in-Chief just accused Joe Biden of taking "performance-enhancing" drugs.

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46 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Dr. Niederhut,

Would you recommend Namenda for a patient who thinks it is 1984 and he is about to debate Gary Hart?

Also, his wife is concerned about the side effects, especially in light of an upcoming event that will require at least an hour of standing. 

Asking for a friend.



Your so erudite I'm surprised your not a presidential advisor, part of the inner circle.  Even he needs a few advisors to screw up the way he does.  But you stand alone in your "knowledge".  Impressive.  Though I smell limburger cheese.   

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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Dr. Niederhut,

Would you recommend Namenda for a patient who thinks it is 1984 and he is about to debate Gary Hart?

Also, his wife is concerned about the side effects, especially in light of an upcoming event that will require at least an hour of standing. 

Asking for a friend.




     News flash.  The DHS has, reportedly, been suppressing reports that Russia is spreading disinformation about Joe Biden's mental health.

     Remember all of those fake, pre-election stories and altered videos in 2016 about Hillary allegedly having seizures and being gravely ill?

      It's de ja vu all over again in Trumptopia.

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Longtime Florida Republicans who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 admitted they have no intention of helping him stay

According to retired banker John Dudley, 77, he voted for Trump last election and the president promptly "blew it."

"We were so excited in the beginning. A businessman to run our country like a business and it hasn't happened," he explained while admitting he has voted Republican his entire life.

"We've got to get a new guy. Our President is erratic," he explained....



Edited by David Andrews
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Noel Cassler, interesting read Dave!

As far as all this talk of Woodward and Cohen releasing their books at the same time. That's no surprise. After all, it is election season, but I really think the effect on the election is near zero. I don't think the undecided voters would read either book, but would be more likely to read Woodward.

As far as the press coverage, of course they are going to line up with their darling Woodward, rather than a convicted felon. I personally would prefer to read Cohen's book, just to get more stories about Trump from someone who tied his unseemly career to him for many years. But almost nothing he has said before or lately about Trump would surprise me, but there are questions I'd love to ask Cohen.

I find Mary Trump  just as fascinating about the Trump family, and very insightful, especially in this interview. William, I think you might like it too.



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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Noel Cassler, interesting read Dave!


I'm sure Warren G. Harding hid a gin bottle in the office, probably in the cubby where Nixon hid the letter predicting the Trump admin.  But Harding had the grace to predecease his first term, amid scandals that pale before the present day's.

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8 hours ago, David Andrews said:

I'm sure Warren G. Harding hid a gin bottle in the office, probably in the cubby where Nixon hid the letter predicting the Trump admin.  But Harding had the grace to predecease his first term, amid scandals that pale before the present day's.

Teapot Dome, really?. He liked to play cards with his cronies a lot. I would have thought Trump was much more corrupt but maybe he's just more dangerous.  You know Harding died in office in 1923 in San Francisco. I had heard a long time ago it was of food poisoning. Now I read he was traveling with pneumonia and died of a brain hemorrhage. It's been thought that the events surrounding his death were a little strange. His wife didn't allow an autopsy.

There were no Presidents dying in office until William Henry Harrison, after that a U.S. president died roughly every 20 years in odd years, and never in between.

Harrison-----1841,     Lincoln------1863     Garfield-----1881     McKinley----1901       Harding-----1923     Roosevelt----1945     Kennedy----1963



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So Trump tries to book a weekly appearance for  the entire show on Fox and Friends and is shut down by Steve Ducey.   I got a hand it to Ducey, I thought he'd cave. He was challenged yet a second time by his co host, this Trump child worshipper Brian Kilmead. Woman in the center does perfectly---smiles.

I try to get straight clips with no commentary, But I couldn't find one,

The first one I like Benjamin Dixon's on air voice and delivery.

This second  one with James Corden actually contains the full sequence at 5:55.



Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Donald Trump saying of trees that have fallen in the forest:

"They become really like a matchstick. And they get up you know there's no water pouring through."

My wife said she has never heard of fallen trees getting up. She wanted to know where they were going.

I was at a loss...

Steve Thomas

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13 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Indeed, as a guy who has prescribed a lot of Adderall (for adult ADHD) over the years, I do believe Trump is taking time-released tine pills of mixed amphetamine salts. 

Unfortunately, he still has the attention span of a dung fly, even on his Adderall.

One tell about Trump's Adderall use is that the Projector-in-Chief just accused Joe Biden of taking "performance-enhancing" drugs.

Wasn’t that one of the things JFK was taking (amphetamine salts) which Dr Max Jacobsen prescribed? Is Adderrall largely comprised of those salts?

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Trump’s Doral Hotel to Host a Confab of Anti-Vaxxers and Leading QAnon Champions


MAGA world meets science deniers with a large scoop of conspiracy theorists on top.

By Will Sommer Published Sep. 16, 2020


“...as the COVID-19 virus could very well be entering an expected second wave, one of Trump’s hotels will become a hub for anti-vaccine activism. Some of the most notorious figures in the anti-vaccine movement are set to converge on the president’s Trump National Doral Miami resort in early October for a MAGA-world conference.

The anti-vaccine figures won’t be the only fringe GOP movement represented at Trump’s property during the American Priority Conference or “AMPFest,” which runs between Oct. 8 and Oct 11. They’ll be joined by top QAnon conspiracy theory promoters, including one with a history of anti-Semitic remarks.

There’s even a pool party.”


Steve Thomas

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I’m voting for “Spike”.

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — President Donald Trump ... and “Spike?”


“Local election clerks in Michigan downloading absentee ballots for residents overseas were given ballots that listed Trump’s Republican running mate as Jeremy Cohen, who is the Libertarian Party candidate for vice president, the Michigan Secretary of State’s office said.

Vice President Mike Pence wasn’t on the ballot next to Trump. Cohen, whose nickname is “Spike,” is running with Jo Jorgensen.

It was a “temporary error” that was fixed within 90 minutes Tuesday, said Tracy Wimmer, a spokeswoman for Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.”

Steve Thomas

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30 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Yes - Altered videos. That's a good answer.

"Deep Fakes" is what Schiff has been warning us against.

When the video comes out of Adam Schiff dressed up like the Gimp from Pulp Fiction, or Sen. Jeff Sessions slapping the hand of Sen. Joe Biden away from his grand daughter on the Senate floor, it will be just another "Deep Fake."

In the meantime, down she goes.


Four or five G&Ts before lunch will do this to you.




Since we're  sharing examples of politicians exhibiting signs of  infirmity...


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