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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Trump's worked up crazy followers storming the Capital Building!

Guns drawn? Stand off at front entrance? Congress members evacuated?

Pence wisked away?

3rd world country madness!

Trump supporters whipped up by Trump's beligerent comments..."I will never concede!" "The election is a fraud!" "Pence better do the right thing!" "Keep fighting people."

Every major newspaper in the nation needs to step up and print bold block letter front page editorials demanding the end to this whipped up frenzie Trump supporting madness. In unison.

Trump is driving this country into angry violent chaos.

This capital building storming is his doing.

Carl Bernstein is right...the man needs to resign!

Mary Trump is right...we are underestimating the lengths her crazy uncle will go to keep in power.

Michael Cohen is right...watch out, this guy will go all out in refusing to accept the reality that he lost the election and is a loser.

Hope this terrifying Capital Building storming does not

give our oldest Senators and Congress persons

a heart attack like Diane Feinstein?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Richard , I would have thought that Loeffler's term expired on the 3rd? like everyone else, though I may be wrong. I'm always checking out the local state response and this must be quite a pleasant surprise for you Richard. Didn't you say after the election that a sweep in Georgia didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of happening? I was a skeptic myself.

Kirk, I think what I forgot is she is serving out the partial term which will officially end in 2022 (or when someone else is certified as the replacement).  So I guess she gets to stay until Warnock is certified to take the oath of office.  As to the other reference (snowball's chance...), I did think it was going to be a steep uphill climb.  However, due to Trump's maniacal behavior and both incumbents falling over themselves to kiss his A**, I gained in confidence that something was in the air.  I am extremely pleased to see it come to fruition.

As to the current overrunning of the Capitol, if any one of Trump's supporters continue in this assinine attempt at sedition, there should be censures, trials and convictions.  If they can look around and NOT see that they are complicit, they are not competent enough to serve.

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I've held my tongue for four years on the subject of the current president. I don't blame others for discussing current political events. It's natural for intelligent individuals to want to talk about such a historical and controversial political figure.

But I must say something. I think what is happening right now in Washington, D.C. is ridiculous and shameful, and it has all been encouraged directly by the current president. He has tirelessly worked to undermine the peaceful transfer of power, the very bedrock of American democracy. He is encouraging violent, criminal activity. He wanted this to happen. This was his desired result. That his supporters would be so upset that the functioning of our government grinds to a halt.

Trump just tweeted that he wants peace, but he's not commanding an army; he's inciting a mob. He has spent, weeks, months, literally years inciting this mob again and again. The toothpaste is out of the tube. Any of his hollow pleas for law and order now are too little, too late.

It's probably only going to get worse tonight.

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4 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

I've held my tongue for four years on the subject of the current president. I don't blame others for discussing current political events. It's natural for intelligent individuals to want to talk about such a historical and controversial political figure.

But I must say something. I think what is happening right now in Washington, D.C. is ridiculous and shameful, and it has all been encouraged directly by the current president. He has tirelessly worked to undermine the peaceful transfer of power, the very bedrock of American democracy. He is encouraging violent, criminal activity. He wanted this to happen. This was his desired result. That his supporters would be so upset that the functioning of our government grinds to a halt.

Trump just tweeted that he wants peace, but he's not commanding an army; he's inciting a mob. He has spent, weeks, months, literally years inciting this mob again and again. The toothpaste is out of the tube. Any of his hollow pleas for law and order now are too little, too late.

It's probably only going to get worse tonight.


Many of us couldn't hold our tongues as long as you did Denny.

Main stream news people are calling for Trump's immediate impeachment over this.

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Trump sheepishly tweets "uh now respect the police people...they're the good guys"

After working up his mob to do this?

Any Trump supporters want to try to downplay this 3rd world violence craziness on the part of thousands of Trump supporters?

You can't. 

At long last...will even some Trump supporters see this for what it is? Madness!

The skirmishes came just shortly after Trump addressed thousands of his supporters, riling up the crowd with his baseless claims of election fraud at a rally near the White House on Wednesday ahead of Congress' vote.

“We will not let them silence your voices,” Trump told the protesters, who had lined up before sunrise to get a prime position to hear the president.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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This is such a disgrace.  One person dead and four in the hospital.

Then Trump says they should go home since people will remember this day. 🤮

This is how Trump wants to be remembered?

Now, since he would not send in the NG or DOD, other states have to send in troops with flash grenades and tear gas.

I am going out to buy some beer. 

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Oh and I should add, Steve Gillon will somehow blame this on Mark Lane.


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2 hours ago, Richard Price said:

Future Trump tweet - "There are good people on both sides".  Confirming with aides that his supporters are outside and inside the Capitol.

He went further than you suggested -- releasing a video saying he loves them.

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