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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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In his statement on Friday, Trump declared:

Big Michigan Rally coming up on Oct. 12th, on the Capitol steps in Lansing, where Patriots will demand a Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam. The Voter Fraud is beyond what anyone can believe. Anyone who cares about our Great Country should attend, because unless we look to the past and fix what happened, we won't have a future or a Country.
 In Michigan of all places? Where all those armed guys took over the State Capitol and threatened to kidnap and kill the Governor?
That's a recipe for disaster.
Steve Thomas
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8 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

In his statement on Friday, Trump declared:

Big Michigan Rally coming up on Oct. 12th, on the Capitol steps in Lansing, where Patriots will demand a Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam. The Voter Fraud is beyond what anyone can believe. Anyone who cares about our Great Country should attend, because unless we look to the past and fix what happened, we won't have a future or a Country.
 In Michigan of all places? Where all those armed guys took over the State Capitol and threatened to kidnap and kill the Governor?
That's a recipe for disaster.
Steve Thomas

Steve T: Read up on who helped organize and finance the Michigan kidnappers. 


"The government has documented at least 12 confidential informants who assisted the sprawling investigation [of the Michigan kidnap plot]. The trove of evidence they helped gather provides an unprecedented view into American extremism, laying out in often stunning detail the ways that anti-government groups network with each other and, in some cases, discuss violent actions.

An examination of the case by BuzzFeed News also reveals that some of those informants, acting under the direction of the FBI, played a far larger role than has previously been reported. Working in secret, they did more than just passively observe and report on the actions of the suspects. Instead, they had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception. The extent of their involvement raises questions as to whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them.


For the record, yes, I oppose all forms of violence, and support only peaceful reform through voting and democratic processes. 

A lot of people have concluded there would have been no "kidnap plot" without federal  agent involvement. 



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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'Beyond our current worst nightmares': Mental health experts warn about the likely effects of a Trump comeback

by Chauncey Devega, Salon October 11, 2021


“In a recent essay, author and pastor John Pavlovitz addresses this:

[F]or the first time in America's history the latent ugliness in people was revealed and validated and celebrated by a sitting president — it was officially normalized. And what we're experiencing now; this staggering, insensitive posturing in the face of so many people's suffering, is the late-ripening fruit of something that has been set into the bedrock of half our nation. It is the malicious entitlement that MAGA was designed to nurture from the beginning....
This quickly metastasizing moral cancer is something we've never experienced on this level in our lifetimes and it's something we're going to have to reckon with regardless of the political outcomes of the next four years. If the former president somehow takes that office again, these stories will surely grow exponentially more violent and more commonplace, but either way, the ugliness is here now.
The Trump Effect on America, is that once reasonable, rational human beings whose prejudices, fears, and phobias were all bound by some baseline decorum and common courtesy that kept them from intentionally harming others — have been empowered to revel in the worst of themselves. They believe cruelty is their birthright.

Dr. David Reiss is a psychiatrist, expert in mental fitness evaluations and contributor to "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump."

You asked: What do I think will happen to America if Trump runs for office and wins in 2024?

In my opinion, the even more frightening question is this: "What would it mean had happened to the American people and American society if Trump were returned to office in 2024?"”


Steve Thomas

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The Far-Right John Birch Society Wants Anti-Mask Protests to Fuel Its Comeback

“The John Birch Society used to boost segregation. Now it’s back to attack schools over mask mandates.”

by Kelly Weill Oct. 11, 2021


“On a sunny Saturday in a Knoxville, Tennessee park, a man with a microphone told a crowd of parents to bar entry to their children’s schools.

“Starting Monday morning and until this is over, we need to bring Knox County schools to a screeching halt,” he said to applause. He called on parents, students, and staff to participate. “We have a moral obligation to our children’s future. Block the entrance to the school with your car. That’s my suggestion. Block the entrance to the drive—don’t even let a bus in your schools. If you can be that bold in your groups, do it.”

The event, “Parents In The Park” was billed as a meet-up for parents who objected to a mask mandate in Knox County schools. But the Sept. 26 gathering was more than just concerned caregivers. It was organized and hosted by the John Birch Society (JBS)…”

Oh joy.

Steve Thomas



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7 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Now thet's real Civil War talkin', thet thar!

What are the states going to do for intercontinental defense?

Surprisingly, the difference in pro-secessionists between the two political factions is rather small. That is, four of 10 Bidenites think secession is a good idea, and 5 out of 10 Trumpers. 

Maybe Massachusetts bolts with the Far West? And Texas and the South bolts also? 

I doubt there is much of a need for the hypermobilized global security state. The US military is presently a global guard service for multinationals, not to protect the US population. 

Personally, I think secession for any particular region is not practical, but then I think the hypermobilized global security apparatus is not practical either. 

A Hobson's choice, if you will. 





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Here's a story for "untold" history buffs... 🤥


Obits Blackout Claims That Reagan Conspired to Keep Hostages in Iran Until After 1980 Election

Obituaries for Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, Iran’s first post-revolution president, largely left out his claims about the “October Surprise.”


October 11, 2021

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12 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Surprisingly, the difference in pro-secessionists between the two political factions is rather small. That is, four of 10 Bidenites think secession is a good idea, and 5 out of 10 Trumpers. 

Maybe Massachusetts bolts with the Far West? And Texas and the South bolts also? 

I doubt there is much of a need for the hypermobilized global security state. The US military is presently a global guard service for multinationals, not to protect the US population. 

Personally, I think secession for any particular region is not practical, but then I think the hypermobilized global security apparatus is not practical either. 

A Hobson's choice, if you will. 


How about maintaining sustainable economies in seceded states, through intracontinental or intercontinental trade?  Where would the World Bank and the IMF stand on supporting that?

If one looks at the strategic effort the US, with NATO, put into fragmenting post-Soviet Yugoslavia, one doesn't need to invoke the shades of Jackson and Lincoln to imagine how secession would be quashed and vilified in today's America.

Edited by David Andrews
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Are you concerned about rising sea levels?

“A Republican state legislative candidate in Virginia posed an interesting question on Twitter recently.

"I'm curious, Do you think the sea level would lower, if we just took all the boats out of the water? Just a thought, not a statement," wrote Scott Pio, who is challenging Democratic Del. David Reid in Loudoun County's District 32.”

by John Wright October 12, 2021



A lot of people are asking questions, you know?

Steve Thomas

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