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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Kirk - good post. I have little hope that Congress will get tough. We are currently learning that Trump and his people were in cahoots with the insurrectionists, after months of hearings, ignored subpoenas and the like. But wait - didn’t we know that within a few days of Jan 6th? Sadly it seems that they don’t have the stomach to fight back, even with the law on their side. Garland could order Bannon’s arrest. Will he? If not, why not? And what would have come of it had Bannon obeyed the subpoena? Nothing. The people, us, have pretty much given up on mass demonstrations. We prefer petitions and wishful thinking. We can’t even protect our elections. And we ‘liberals’ are being divided against ourselves with cancel culture, wokeness, cultural appropriation, Critical Race Theory. It’s a slow moving but well conceived coup, one that began in the 1960’s and really got going in the late 1970’s.

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28 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Kirk - good post. I have little hope that Congress will get tough. We are currently learning that Trump and his people were in cahoots with the insurrectionists, after months of hearings, ignored subpoenas and the like. But wait - didn’t we know that within a few days of Jan 6th? Sadly it seems that they don’t have the stomach to fight back, even with the law on their side. Garland could order Bannon’s arrest. Will he? If not, why not? And what would have come of it had Bannon obeyed the subpoena? Nothing. The people, us, have pretty much given up on mass demonstrations. We prefer petitions and wishful thinking. We can’t even protect our elections. And we ‘liberals’ are being divided against ourselves with cancel culture, wokeness, cultural appropriation, Critical Race Theory. It’s a slow moving but well conceived coup, one that began in the 1960’s and really got going in the late 1970’s.

Kirk's points are absolutely on target.

If anything, Trump should be held to a hire judicial standard, because he was in a position of great authority and trust.   And, far from exercising his executive authority to protect and defend our Constitutional democracy, he used his power in an attempt to overthrow it.  An abomination.

IMO, in Trump's case, Congress and the DOJ have gone way overboard to protect the dignity of Presidential office, in stark contrast to the conduct of Kenneth Starr's five year, open ended "investigation" of Bill Clinton's private life--most of which had nothing to do with affairs of state.   The double standard is ludicrous.

As an example, Robert Mueller should have subpoenaed Trump and other members of his inner circle (Don, Jr., Kushner, et.al.) who were in contact with representatives of the Russian government in 2016 (e.g., Veselnitskaya.)  Seeking foreign aid and interference in a U.S. election is a far more serious crime against the state than a sexual dalliance with Monica Lewinsky.

And, certainly, the Republicans in the Senate should have removed Trump from office for attempting to extort political dirty tricks from Zelensky in violation of U.S. foreign policy objectives in Ukraine.  The evidence against Trump in that case was overwhelming.

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7 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

Do you know how many people were charged with treason after the Civil War?

Yes, but President Abraham Lincoln wanted to bind wounds, not put salt on them.  With horrendous carnage everywhere, it was probably the right decision. 

In contrast today....

We know what actors within federal government think about the 600 people arrested in the Capitol occupation. The occupants are deeply unpopular with the DC establishment. 

We know the national security state has access to all texts and e-mails, phone calls---a panopticon.  

But not one Capitol event arrestee has been charged with conspiring with Trump Administration officials or employees. 

So...where are the connections between the 600 lulus in the Capitol, and the Trump Administration? 

Can you cite a single text, e-mail or phone call? Any primary evidence? 



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4 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Kirk - good post. I have little hope that Congress will get tough. We are currently learning that Trump and his people were in cahoots with the insurrectionists, after months of hearings, ignored subpoenas and the like. But wait - didn’t we know that within a few days of Jan 6th? Sadly it seems that they don’t have the stomach to fight back, even with the law on their side. Garland could order Bannon’s arrest. Will he? If not, why not? And what would have come of it had Bannon obeyed the subpoena? Nothing. The people, us, have pretty much given up on mass demonstrations. We prefer petitions and wishful thinking. We can’t even protect our elections. And we ‘liberals’ are being divided against ourselves with cancel culture, wokeness, cultural appropriation, Critical Race Theory. It’s a slow moving but well conceived coup, one that began in the 1960’s and really got going in the late 1970’s.


What evidence do you have that the 600 occupants of the Capitol on Jan. 6 were taking instructions from Trump Administration officials or employees? 

Are there any texts, e-mails or phone calls indicating such?

Any primary evidence? 

Remember, the modern-day national security state is a panopticon. They have all your e-mails, texts and phone calls, and mine too. And of anyone reading this. 

Yet...not one arrestee charged with cooperating or conspiring with the Trump Administration! 

Not one! 

Why is that?

Could it be a total lack of evidence? 

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1 minute ago, Benjamin Cole said:


What evidence do you have that the 600 occupants of the Capitol on Jan. 6 were taking instructions from Trump Administration officials or employees? 

Are there any texts, e-mails or phone calls indicating such?

Any primary evidence? 

Remember, the modern-day national security state is a panopticon. They have all your e-mails, texts and phone calls, and mine too. And of anyone reading this. 

Yet...not one arrestee charged with cooperating or conspiring with the Trump Administration! 

Not one! 

Why is that?

Could it be a total lack of evidence? 

I think you are reaching, and making a few assumptions along the way that are incorrect. If 600 people were eventually arrested that doesn’t mean that was the sum total. You keep repeating that number as if it indicates the press that filmed it purposely exaggerated the numbers. You view the national security state and media as a monolith. Why? Are there not any number of journalists and Congresspeople that don’t fit that mold? I have only watched a tiny amount of coverage, but when I do I’m struck with how much fear there was inside, and among the DC cops who stayed and tried to protect Congress. Trump has moved with his lawyers to block his communications, so how can you assert there was no planning beforehand? It seems obvious that there was. 



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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

I think you are reaching, and making a few assumptions along the way that are incorrect. If 600 people were eventually arrested that doesn’t mean that was the sum total. You keep repeating that number as if it indicates the press that filmed it purposely exaggerated the numbers. You view the national security state and media as a monolith. Why? Are there not any number of journalists and Congresspeople that don’t fit that mold? I have only watched a tiny amount of coverage, but when I do I’m struck with how much fear there was inside, and among the DC cops who stayed and tried to protect Congress. Trump has moved with his lawyers to block his communications, so how can you assert there was no planning beforehand? It seems obvious that there was. 




Fair questions. 

Unfortunately, yes, I find M$M and the Deep State-national security state increasingly monolithic.  

What we saw for 50 years after the JFKA...is now the norm, but on steroids, regarding any news event. The narrative is what matters, not the facts.  

There are some rare exceptions in journalism, but not in the M$M, such as Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald and Aaron Mate, and, of course, Oliver Stone.

On occasion, M$M'er Tucker Carlson takes a potshot at the national security state, but no real reporting.  

Yes, there was a larger crowd than 600 outside the Capitol on 1.6, and those that remained outside the Capitol were exercising their right to protest, and that is fine.  I hope you accept the right of people to protest.

Those that entered the Capitol were breaking the law, and should have been arrested and were. 

The 600 who entered the Capitol might be suspected of trying to foment an insurrection, however meager the chances were that the vast apparatus of the federal government would go along with their lunatic plan. 

So...the national security state can seize all texts, e-mails and phone records of anybody they want to, and have proven as much by seizing texts of people inside the Capitol sent out on 1.6 (with full and immediate cooperation of the people who run our communication networks). 

There is no evidence anyone inside the Capitol was operating on instructions from anyone inside the Trump Administration. No texts, no e-mails, no phone records. 

On the other hand, AG Merrick Garland has refused to answer questions on how many federal agents were in the scrum on 1.6. 

I would say based on the above, the 1.6 event was a nothingburger. There is "no there there," based on the people arrested inside the Capitol. 

OK, you have suspicions, and I have suspicions. 

Our suspicions are...well, only suspicions 


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6 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

Don't give up hope, the day isn't over yet!

Mick Jagger is also in Dallas right now. Coincidence? I think not.

Happening in Dallas as I post.  Stick around for JJ Flash and Gimmie Shelter. 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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13 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Yes, but President Abraham Lincoln wanted to bind wounds, not put salt on them.  With horrendous carnage everywhere, it was probably the right decision. 

In contrast today....

We know what actors within federal government think about the 600 people arrested in the Capitol occupation. The occupants are deeply unpopular with the DC establishment. 

We know the national security state has access to all texts and e-mails, phone calls---a panopticon.  

But not one Capitol event arrestee has been charged with conspiring with Trump Administration officials or employees. 

So...where are the connections between the 600 lulus in the Capitol, and the Trump Administration? 

Can you cite a single text, e-mail or phone call? Any primary evidence? 



My point was not being charged with something doesn't equate to innocence. Just because Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were not tried, convicted and hanged, had their assets stripped and their families sent into exile, does not mean they were not traitors.

And because none of that transpired, these people and their descendants have been causing trouble ever since.

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