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Ben -  Ms. Hutchinson was vetted, many hours worth. If some clown fed her a false story in order to discredit her later the egg is on their face, not hers. 
The Democratic Party is not the Deep State. 
For someone who claims to be aware of the politics of division you are pretty good at dividing. Ms. Cheney is demonstrating that she stands against the politics of division and should be honored for that, especially in your eyes. 
Trump is a clown. And that’s all? It’s a lot worse than that. It’s ok with me if you’re a Trumpster, but dishonesty is unacceptable. 



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39 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Ben -  Ms. Hutchinson was vetted, many hours worth. If some clown fed her a false story in order to discredit her later the egg is on their face, not hers. 
The Democratic Party is not the Deep State. 
For someone who claims to be aware of the politics of division you are pretty good at dividing. Ms. Cheney is demonstrating that she stands against the politics of division and should be honored for that, especially in your eyes. 
Trump is a clown. And that’s all? It’s a lot worse than that. It’s ok with me if you’re a Trumpster, but dishonesty is unacceptable. 



Right on Paul!

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50 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Ben -  Ms. Hutchinson was vetted, many hours worth. If some clown fed her a false story in order to discredit her later the egg is on their face, not hers. 
The Democratic Party is not the Deep State. 
For someone who claims to be aware of the politics of division you are pretty good at dividing. Ms. Cheney is demonstrating that she stands against the politics of division and should be honored for that, especially in your eyes. 
Trump is a clown. And that’s all? It’s a lot worse than that. It’s ok with me if you’re a Trumpster, but dishonesty is unacceptable. 



Ben has been chugging the red Trump kool aid for years, while incessantly accusing others of imbibing.

And he still won't answer the questions about whether he watched the Congressional J6 hearings.

The fact is that Cassidy Hutchinson was a highly credible witness who was intimately involved in Trump and Meadow's affairs.

IMO, Ornato and Engel are lying about the limo story to cover Trump's ass.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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47 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Ben -  Ms. Hutchinson was vetted, many hours worth. If some clown fed her a false story in order to discredit her later the egg is on their face, not hers. 

Exactly Paul, it's already understood it's hearsay. It's really down to the credibility of the people who told the story! Of course, any alleged sleuth fool with any intuition can see that. It's going to be the words of slavish Trump sycophants, many of whom have skirted testifying or taking the 5th against a highly credited source whose only motive would be in the eyes of some misogynist's idea of woman repeatedly trying get even with men? Ben instinctively sides with men that are hiding or take the fifth. It's a "feeling " thing!

Certainly having no practical experience with sorting out internet sources has never stopped Ben from opining on just about everything. But I'm glad Ben has decided to get his feet wet and actually experience part of the hearings, but it sounds like he tuned into Laura Ingraham's show, (who incidentally has made no mention on her show of her tweets to Trump during the riots, to stop the protestors), or something similar.

10 years from now, in Ben's eyes, nothing will have changed. He'll still claim contrary to all historical records that the omnipotent "deep state" FBI was behind the 1/6 Capitol riots and that they manufactured accounts that even a small % of the rioters there were carrying weapons. It will be another helpless lament that the "Deep State" got clean away with another misjustice that Ben and humanity were unable to stop, but of course, the payoff is, Ben will be cooler than everyone around him, for being the only one to realize it, and will endlessly chatter about it to increasingly deadening ears.

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If only Trump had told his worked up Ellipse crowd to stay where they were instead of his storming the Bastille command to march to the Capital building and fight like hell.

See the source image

He could have made it a big picnic type affair with free servings of his favorite food snacks and sodas.

Notice how Trump isn't going to let one fry be left uneaten? He's still digging into that empty looking box to get the last few stragglers at the bottom!

Notice also the packets of ketchup on Trump's second plate?

Ammo to be flung at reporters who dared asking him the wrong questions?

The Air Force 1 Chef must have cringed when he was told Trump preferred a Big Mac, fries and a coke over his culinary creations.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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After reading many headlines from various sources, I come away with one overarching impression.  The majority, if not all seem to be stressing "lurched" at the steering wheel.  I reviewed her testimony and found that this is (as I remembered it), not what she said when paraphrasing what she was told had occurred.  She said Trump "reached" for the steering wheel and used the word "lurched" only in describing what she was TOLD the President did next.  She said as the agent held his hand away from the steering wheel, Trump "lurched" towards him with his free hand.  That would seem an accurate word in that if one of your hands/arms is being held, you would appear to lurch if trying to use the other.  I am an inveterate parser of words/phrasing in establishing the intent of what is being written, so this stood out to me.  People who learn to use language well, can turn the meaning of something by what they leave out or by the stress they put on something within the whole.  These headlines are damning her for something she did not say and that she readily claimed was told to her by someone else.

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40 minutes ago, Richard Price said:

After reading many headlines from various sources, I come away with one overarching impression.  The majority, if not all seem to be stressing "lurched" at the steering wheel.  I reviewed her testimony and found that this is (as I remembered it), not what she said when paraphrasing what she was told had occurred.  She said Trump "reached" for the steering wheel and used the word "lurched" only in describing what she was TOLD the President did next.  She said as the agent held his hand away from the steering wheel, Trump "lurched" towards him with his free hand.  That would seem an accurate word in that if one of your hands/arms is being held, you would appear to lurch if trying to use the other.  I am an inveterate parser of words/phrasing in establishing the intent of what is being written, so this stood out to me.  People who learn to use language well, can turn the meaning of something by what they leave out or by the stress they put on something within the whole.  These headlines are damning her for something she did not say and that she readily claimed was told to her by someone else.


Also consider Ornato's and Engel's immediate and aggressive public comment counter attack against Hutchinson's Trump reaching/lurching in the Beast story claim in the following context:

If Hutchinson's recollection story about Ornato motioning her into his office and telling her the steering wheel story ( with SS agent Engel sitting there in the room as well ) is true...it doesn't take three seconds of thought to easily understand the huge negative consequences both Ornato and Engel could potentially face regards their violating not just Trump's trust...but the trust and tenants of their respective agency employers.

Highest Presidential security chiefs and SS agents calling in WH aides to an office to tell them such things? The ultimate act of job oath violation and betrayal. Maybe even punishable by criminal indictments?

Again, if true, there goes their careers.

No wonder Ornato and Elgin are freaking out and demanding to rebut Hutchinson and her sworn under oath claim.

It's called self-preservation desperateness.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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18 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

May be an illustration of one or more people

HA HA HA!!! 

It's already begun.

The political cartoonists are going to have a field day ( or week ) with Trumps going bananas in the Beast story.

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

If only Trump had told his worked up Ellipse crowd to stay where they were instead of his storming the Bastille command to march to the Capital building and fight like hell.

See the source image

He could have made it a big picnic type affair with free servings of his favorite food snacks and sodas.

Notice how Trump isn't going to let one fry be left uneaten? He's still digging into that empty looking box to get the last few stragglers at the bottom!

Notice also the packets of ketchup on Trump's second plate?

Ammo to be flung at reporters who dared asking him the wrong questions?

The Air Force 1 Chef must have cringed when he was told Trump preferred a Big Mac, fries and a coke over his culinary creations.


Odd culinary tastes for someone who wants everything gold plated.

You also have to wonder if Trump has some type of side gig promotional deal with MacDonalds.

He never blocks pictures of himself chowing down on their main items of double cheese burgers, fries and cokes.

Trump is obsessed with anyone using his name and likeness to promote their business or products without his permission and a pay out.

Funny, when I give it some thought...when I eat at MacDonalds more than once a week I too become aggressive, bossy and kind of bullying like Trump.

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uhhh... flat footed Fox commentators weren't ready Brett Baer's comment as to Hutchinson's " powerful testimony."

No comment from Fox News yet about Fox news "being the news", and the various emails from Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham to Trump to call off the protestors..





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58 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Odd culinary tastes for someone who wants everything gold plated.

You also have to wonder if Trump has some type of side gig promotional deal with MacDonalds.

He never blocks pictures of himself chowing down on their main items of double cheese burgers, fries and cokes.

Trump is obsessed with anyone using his name and likeness to promote their business or products without his permission and a pay out.

Funny, when I give it some thought...when I eat at MacDonalds more than once a week I too become aggressive, bossy and kind of bullying like Trump.


     My hunch is that Trump's love of McDonald's has to do with his immense love for his first name and his ancestry in the Outer Hebrides. 

    My wife and I toured the Isle of Skye many years ago, and almost everyone there is either a McDonald or a McLeod. 

    I believe the same thing is true on the neighboring Isle of Lewis, where Trump's mother, Mary McLeod, was born and raised.

    As for the cuisine, when I eat at McDonald's I usually feel slightly dyspeptic and dysphoric, as if I had just mistakenly consumed too much grease. 


The Isle of Lewis:  Did Donald Trump's Mother Emigrate From a Sh*thole Country? 

the creel | Ireland history, Scotland history, Old pictures


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If even just most of what Cassidy said was true, then I think Garland really has no choice but to go after Trump.

One part of any criminal prosecution is to show intent.  And you do that at times through state of mind.

If Trump really wanted to go to the Capitol, that would be a seditious act in aid of an Insurrection.  What else would have been the purpose? He wanted to create his own mini ciivl war.

Say this about this committee, they are a heck of a lot better than the HSCA was.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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