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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

Are we condemned to repeat our history every 80 years or so?

1770's - the Revoltionary War.

1850's - forces arise that will tear our country apart in a Civil War in the 1860's

1930's - fascism arises in the 1930's that will tear the world apart in the 1940's.

2010's - fascism again arises that threaten to tear the world apart in the 2020's.

Steve Thomas

Steve, Some nice parallels here. That Fuentes is certainly an angry widdow  bitch!l



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6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Steve, Some nice parallels here. That Fuentes is certainly an angry widdow  bitch!l



It's fun watching our MSNPC bots go into overtime now that DNC and BIG Tec Collusion is a Fact!

Kirk Comedy Central and the Daily show, really??? Did you see that James Woods is part of this now that is funny? lol


Edited by Matthew Koch
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Howdy all, 

I have an off topic question for this off topic thread. 

Are any members familiar or knowledgable in the field of ballistic evidence? Or do you know anyone who may be that is willing to answer a question about the reliability if such evidence? 

My question pertains to an unsolved murder. I would be happy to provide more details if anyone can help. 


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So the link above should take you to a probable cause affidavit. The ballistic evidence I referred to is listed in the affidavit. 

If anyone can let me know what they think about the ballistic evidence, or if they believe the investigators provided probable cause for an arrest, it would be appreciated. 

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9 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

I'm shocked, SHOCKED I say, that South Africa's silver spooned Apartheid Clyde has ZERO grasp of how the United States Constitution's First Amendment works lol


Elon Musk is a disgrace, and so is Matt Taibbi.

The Hunter Biden laptop October Surprise was always another Republican dirty trick, orchestrated by the fraudster Rudy Giuliani.  It was an attempt to replay the 2016 Anthony Weiner laptop October Surprise.

Do Mathew Koch and the Trumplicons remember when Fox News suppressed the Stormy Daniels story in October of 2016?  Were the similarly indignant?

The obvious difference between the sex scandals is that Joe Biden is not Hunter Biden, while Donald Trump is, unfortunately, Donald Trump.

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- Donald Trump -


“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”



So, if we "terminate" the Constitution, who's goin to be doin all this declarin stuff?

Tell you what. We'll get back to you on that.

The man is a blithering idiot.

Steve Thomas

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15 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Are we condemned to repeat our history every 80 years or so?

1770's - the Revoltionary War.

1850's - forces arise that will tear our country apart in a Civil War in the 1860's

1930's - fascism arises in the 1930's that will tear the world apart in the 1940's.

2010's - fascism again arises that threaten to tear the world apart in the 2020's.

Steve Thomas

It takes around a human lifetime for the population to forget the horrors and conditions which created war, or collectivism to again seem a good idea. It can also be enough time for people who would profit from conflict to think they can get away with it again and use collectivism to achieve that. 

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It's obvious that Elon Musk has a perverted understanding of the First Amendment. The First Amendment places restrictions on what THE GOVERNMENT can do regarding free speech. Ask anyone who has ever worked in retail if "free speech" rights are absolute, and that your employer cannot punish you for saying things that customers may find offensive. Since Twitter is not a government entity, they can legally reserve the right to ban comments they find offensive.

And the last I heard, no one named Biden was part of the federal government of the US between noon on January 20, 2016, and noon on January 20, 2021. So Twitter [pre-Musk ownership] agreeing to remove content during that time period based upon a request by people representing the Biden interests has NOTHING to do with government restricting free speech. Therefore, a First Amendment violation did not occur in any such instance. However, if the Trump administration asked for restriction or removal of content during that same time period, when they WERE in charge of the Executive Branch of the government, it MIGHT be a First Amendment violation...if that content was otherwise NOT a violation of Twitter's terms of Service.

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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Elon Musk is a disgrace, and so is Matt Taibbi.

The Hunter Biden laptop October Surprise was always another Republican dirty trick, orchestrated by the fraudster Rudy Giuliani.  It was an attempt to replay the 2016 Anthony Weiner laptop October Surprise.

Do Mathew Koch and the Trumplicons remember when Fox News suppressed the Stormy Daniels story in October of 2016?  Were the similarly indignant?

The obvious difference between the sex scandals is that Joe Biden is not Hunter Biden, while Donald Trump is, unfortunately, Donald Trump.

Isn't this called Cognitive Dissidence, William? 

How is this any different than what a QAnon supporter does? You were shown contradictory information and you chose Ad Hominem and to attack the character or the two individuals involved instead of look at the information that you were wrong.


You know in a scam the "mark" is the last one to figure it out.. 


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This is an easy way to read Glenn Greenwald's explanation of the Hunter Biden laptop and Matt Taibbi story. 

I would not dismiss Greenwald. He has been a serious and independent observer of media and politics for a long time.

IMHO, the Hunter Biden laptop is obviously real, was always self-authenticating, and the story was actively repressed. 

Hunter Biden's personal life is of no interest. I wish Biden or anyone else success in dealing with personal devils. 

However, that millions of dollars have flowed into Biden family coffers--primarily through President Biden's son Hunter and the president's brother--from the CCP and from entities in Ukraine, is of public interest. 

That the Hunter Biden laptop was dismissed by establishment media as a "Russian disinformation campaign" ranks up there with suppression of the "debunked Wuhan lab leak conspiracy theory." 

It is another lesson on how the modern America media operates---not so differently than how the JFKA story has been suppressed over the decades.

Somehow, this issue, like all issues, has become hyper-politicized. 

To say the Biden laptop is real and the story was suppressed---which is obvious---means that one has to be a Trump supporter.

In other words, anyone today must first start by drinking the blue or red (or orange) kool-aid, and then make commentary.

Perhaps long-time JFKA researchers know the score. In the early days, usually the only receptive audience for JFKA research was alt-left publications. 

Today, it is alt-right publications and right-wing media more open to JFKA research. 

The lesson? Stay independent. 




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17 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


    I don't think it's a stretch to say that the spirit of John and Bobby Kennedy lives on in the music of U2-- a deep concern about the plight of suffering humanity, and the quest for social justice and peace on earth.

   The band was disillusioned and on the verge of breaking up when Bono and the Edge wrote, "Sunday, Bloody Sunday."  (Larry Mullen's snare was "the hook" for the song-- adapted from Larry's experiences in an Irish military drum corps.) They wanted to be more than rock musicians.  They wanted their music to make the world a better place. 

    At the time, IRA leader Gerry Adams made scatological references to Bono, because the band was urging Americans to stop donating to the IRA. (Adams later shook Bono's hand, following the peace accords in Ireland.)

Thanks for the mention, William. The Irish have a love/hate relationship with U2. It’s partly begrudgery.

The stereotypical view of Americans is that they love winners and hence abhor begrudgers. It’s implicit in the “American Dream”, as is the myth of the undeserving poor. I doubt if that’s true of all Americans, because no less than any other nation, I’m sure they’re intelligent enough to see the American Dream for the scam it is.

I remember reading somewhere that when ABBA first became successful, Swedish radio stations wouldn’t play their music, such was the extent of the begrudgery towards them. That backfired, because it caused more Swedes to buy ABBA records in order to hear them.

It’s “uncool” to say so, especially in Ireland, but I don’t consider begrudgery as necessarily a bad thing. I’ve mentioned before St Thomas Aquinas and other Church Fathers viewing wealth as theft because, given the world’s finite resources, when someone gets more than their fair share, others get less. Mahatma Gandhi said more or less the same thing. He also said poverty was the worst form of violence.

Our winner-worshipping anthropocentric ideology not only destroys poor people’s lives; it’s destroying the biosphere on which we all depend for our existence. Capitalist corporations are constitutionally required to ignore such “externalities” for the sake of profit.

What’s all that got to do with U2, you might ask. As I see it, U2 are very much of a piece with that ideology. That’s fair enough. Such is the nature of pop/commercial music. The problem I have with U2 is Bono’s incessant high-profile politically “correct” posturing. It belies the fact that U2 are part of the global problems we need to fix, not the solution.

Specifically, regarding the U2 song, “Sunday, Bloody Sunday”, which refers to the 1972 Bloody Sunday incident in Derry when British troops shot and killed 13 unarmed civil rights protesters. Inevitably, the atrocity resulted in increased support for the IRA.

It’s instructive to bear in mind that John Lennon and Yoko Ono had released another song titled “Sunday Bloody Sunday” in 1972, ten years before U2 wrote theirs. Unlike U2, Lennon and Ono didn’t pull their punches (Lennon was one of the three Beatles who had Irish ancestry):

You anglo pigs and scotties

Sent to colonise the North

You wave your bloody Union Jacks

And you know what it's worth

How dare you hold to ransom

A people proud and free

Keep Ireland for the Irish

Put the English back to sea.

Lennon didn’t sit on the fence. He identified the root cause of the problem – British imperialism in Northern Ireland – and condemned it unequivocally.

Compare and contrast the lines in the U2 song – “This song is not a rebel song … I won’t heed the battle call…” The U2 song is essentially about motherhood and apple pie aimed at the U2’s most important market, the Anglo-American one. Effectively, U2 used the Bloody Sunday atrocity to sell records, which in my view, is also an atrocity.

That epitomises Bono’s modus operandi. Nonetheless, I do think U2’s Unforgettable Fire album is quite brilliant, and I particularly like a song that Bono co-wrote and sang with the folk group Clannad which displays Bono’s powerfully expressive singing voice.


Edited by John Cotter
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