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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:


Massie is a very interesting Congressman. I disagree with him on some issues, but he is not a party-dogmatic. 

The takeaway from this segment is that the US government deployed Twitter to censor speech---not for clear-and-present danger national security reasons, but because they wanted to. 

It is a cousin to the hidden JFKA documents. Government secrecy and censorship for expedient reasons. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Jeff Gerth is the author of the four-part CJR series on the Russiagate hoax. 

Gerth joined The New York Times in 1976, and stayed there until 2005 when he joined ProPublica. Almost everybody holds Gerth in high regard as a serious journalist, and he won a Pulitzer for investigative reporting. Gerth worked at the NYT for 29 years.  

Here is what Gerth wrote as an afterword in the CJR series, which is the definitive work on the Russiagate hoax. 


"I’ve avoided opining in my more than fifty years as a reporter. This time, however, I felt obligated to weigh in. Why? Because I am worried about journalism’s declining credibility and society’s increasing polarization. The two trends, I believe, are intertwined.

My main conclusion is that journalism’s primary missions, informing the public and holding powerful interests accountable, have been undermined by the erosion of journalistic norms and the media’s own lack of transparency about its work. This combination adds to people’s distrust about the media and exacerbates frayed political and social differences.

One traditional journalistic standard that wasn’t always followed in the Trump-Russia coverage is the need to report facts that run counter to the prevailing narrative. In January 2018, for example, the New York Times ignored a publicly available document showing that the FBI’s lead investigator didn’t think, after ten months of inquiry into possible Trump-Russia ties, that there was much there. This omission disserved Times readers. The paper says its reporting was thorough and “in line with our editorial standards.”

My last reporting project for the Times, in 2005, was an inquiry into US propaganda efforts abroad. I interviewed a former top CIA expert on behavior and propaganda, Jerrold Post, who told me that leaving important information out of a broadcast or story lowers public trust in the messenger because consumers inevitably find the missing information somewhere else. (And Post, who died a few years ago, spoke before the arrival of social media.)"


Within this forum, is has become standard practice---mirroring strident partisan elements in DC---to shrilly define all inconvenient reporting as driven by Russian stooges or right-wing extremists. 

But Bret Stephens, also of the NYT, also called Russiagate "an elaborate hoax." 

I have read the Mueller Report. It rests upon conjecture, usually unreasonable conjecture. Meetings between Trumpers with a lawyer representing an underling for a Russian oligarch are supposed to actually be collusion with Putin. 

Since Russiagate, we have the whole Russian bots-and-trolls story was a fabrication too. 

And remember: The US M$M strongly suggested it was the Russians who blew up Nord Stream. Sy Hersh has a truer version for anyone to read. 

In truth, I regard Putin as a war criminal. 

But Putin is a distinct topic from whether US intel, as it has since the Mockingbird days, is strongly influencing US M$M. 

You are getting snowed, folks. 


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When Matt Taibbi was viewing cherry picked twitter files provided to him by billionaire elon Musk. He mentioned Biden's concern about posting nude photos of Hunter Biden, but it was only mentioned that Trump also contacted twitter but no specific information beyond that.  But we know know, he probably contacted them many times. 

This illustrates again, The obvious hypocrisy of Taibbi being the intermediary for the twitter files is obvious probably to everyone but drooling fanboy Ben. Ben,  how come you haven't come out for the release of twitter files to the public?

i could see where a lot of Trumpists with no real life experience doing anything would be so critical and not approach any grasp of the enormity of the job  involved in moderating twitter content.

It's now apparent they bent over backwards to accommodate the right. Some might think this was just liberals bending over backwards for free speech, but it could have just as well have been a consensus among a group of people who were learning a first in history difficult job as they were going along. Do you realize you have to respond to everyone? Trump, Musk, Biden, various interests groups, OMG the  government!. 

My  first impression of twitter after Musk took control was  a total lack of professionalism. He was in light years over his head and probably has blown billions in sponsorships. Any direction toward my previous proclivities were first directed to Musk, Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi pablum. I've had to build my previous preferences from the  ground up all over again. I suspect it will get better, if only to moderate the financial hemorrhaging!  Some people simply don't have the social consciousness to moderate twitter.

Trump asked Twitter to take down ‘derogatory’ tweet from Chrissy Teigen: whistleblower



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Whoa! I haven't time to get upset about this!! But I thought I'd post it before it's posted here from Fox News!

What a virtual bonanza for Fox News! They can crow about this to "own the libs"." 

Then they can turn it around make their viewership lose their minds over the fact that this is the first time both starting quarterbacks will be black!

That yo-yo of building up expectations and then making them upset is a literal gold mine!!!




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6 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

They'll have to recruit more convicts.

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