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Impressive forecasting, Kirk.

One thing I'm curious about with the 2020 vote tallies is the converse of what we're hearing from the Trump/Giuliani/Wheeler GOP wankers who are promoting disinformation about election fraudulence by Democrats.

To wit, I read at Raw Story that only 67% of mail-in ballots in South Florida were delivered by the Trump/DeJoy USPS in time to be counted!

In another critical state, Ohio, something like 300,000 ballots were allegedly misprinted by a Republican yahoo with the printing contract.

Meanwhile, for the first time in over 57 years, we will finally have another decent, conscientious, Irish Catholic POTUS in the White House!!!

YA HOO!!!!

A small Irish town claims victory after Biden wins



Edited by W. Niederhut
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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


I know the RWers are all trying to say this is Florida 2000.  And I know they are hard at work manufacturing visuals and pics etc trying to say Gore was declared president etc.

The problem with this is that its a Rudy G rewrite of what happened.

Gore was originally declared the winner in Florida. Early in the night. Since the exit polls did not realize what Harris had done in expunging voters and what the state police were doing to keep them from the polls.  But that call changed during the night, before any  national announcement was made. Florida was then declared undecided.  Jack Welch, then called Fox News and pushed them to declare it for W. Which they did.  That started a bandwagon effect and W was declared the winner in Florida, and the election.  To the point that Gore called W and conceded.  Gore  was about to go on TV and concede in public.  But his Florida manager called him at the last minute and said, hold it, you are only down by 545 votes. Don't concede to the media.  So Gore then called W back and said he was retracting.  HIs Florida manager then told him to demand a recount.  As that recount began to show Gore was going to win, Scalia stepped in and stopped it.  The Supreme Court then made one of its worst decisions ever, right down there with Plessy v Ferguson and the Dred Scott case. And it was that decision, which Scalia himself called a POS, that appointed W to the presidency.  In an election he lost both in the popular vote and in the EC.

Believe me, I know all about what happened in Florida.  And so should you. What Jeb Bush did to get his brother elected should have put him and Harris in prison. And that would have saved the lives of 600,000 innocent Iraquis.


Here Here!

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The RNC is recruiting Republican activists across the nation to make false claims of election fraud
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41 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

PRESIDENT-ELECT BIDEN: “230 million thousand Americans" have lost a loved one to COVID.

For the math challenged, that would be 230,000,000,000 or 230 billion.

Go ahead, I'll given Biden credit if even just one of you can explain what he just said.

Trump is every bit Biden's equal in his ability to mangle the English language.  What Biden lacks, and what Trump possess in abundance, is a demagogic rhetorical skill, which allows him to manipulate his base into a frenzy. To quote W.B. Yeats:


The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.


We sit,  and wait, and watch, as someone (or something) slouches towards Bethlehem. 

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Kathy - I saw Van Jones and it brings home the very different feeling that most people of color have felt during this presidency. It’s not a question of how much the Democrats have done for poor people and people of color. It’s the ugly rhetoric from Trump and his associates, it’s the inclusive nature of the a Democratic Party that matters. Biden won because people of color came out and voted. White people, shamefully, supported Trump on balance. I feel very grateful to people like Stacey Abrams, who has devoted her time and considerable energy to enable fuller voter participation. I want to live in a more diverse, inclusive country. 

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I thought Biden's speech tonight was terrific-- his best public address ever. 

It was intelligent, informed, conciliatory, honest, and empathic -- everything that has been utterly absent in the discourse of our 45th President during the past four years.

It's a shame that so many Americans have been brainwashed and blinded by Trump's chicanery, to the extent that they cannot even hear the remarkable words that Joe Biden had to say to the country, and to the world, this evening.

What is even worse than the cultic blindness is the persistent dishonesty of Trump and the scoundrels promoting his disastrous tenure in the White House.  It's like an epidemic of mendacity.


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6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Hey what about a trophy for me? I got 49 out of 50!, and Biden at 291! The one miss is Georgia but that really hasn't been called yet, right 

Exactly Kirk!  Georgia goes blue I win.  If it goes red you win.  It's Wheeler's contest, he made a big deal about it.  We took part and made the best calls. ( Two you didn't have were Georgia and Omaha, right?)

Wheeler keeps the both of us on ignore -- although he always seems to know when we're knocking something he wrote.

Still, it was his contest and he needs to acknowledge the fact you and I are one-two in this thing.

6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:



I just put Maine for Biden, I guess there's a split thing in Maine? Actually that is a pretty  good idea for all the states to do. It's more equitable, at least short of abolishing the electoral outright!

I see Wheeler with his calculations still wasn't aware of the "red mirage". That's what you get with one  sided sources. Everyone was warned for weeks. As Jim said, because some of the Republican state legislatures didn't let them count the early mail in ballots ahead of time. They counted them at the end, and everybody knew weeks in advance that the early mail in votes were largely for Biden! No amount of math and probability have anything to with it!  Trump himself, all but prohibited his voters from doing mail in ballots.   Hello!



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4 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

God bless Senior Citizens in Michigan who were able to make it to the polling station at great risk of immediate death from Covid, just to vote for Joe Biden.

Emerick Tufnell, at the age of 122 I salute you, and you have an awesome sounding name. May you live as long as Harry Kiesissewski, which is sort of a cumbersome name. 




Another worthless tweet.


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Well thank you Cliff, As I said at the time, you and I were pretty much in sync, and you did get Georgia, but you also gave Biden Florida and North Carolina. I said I thought there was an outside chance you could be right about Florida, but I didn't trust Florida. But I did complement you for your astuteness on Arizona. 

Contrast our performance to Wheeler, who  predicted 356-82 in electoral votes for Trump!   I'm sure that was well thought out.(Of course if that happened, what need would there be for a recount, that Wheeler is now so sure about?)

Has Wheeler ever gotten a prediction right? Just 2 weeks ago, he predicted they were going to drop the bomb about Hunter Biden's pedophilia and abuse of his niece, the day before election day. What he didn't calculate was that there was 101 million votes that were already mailed in?       hah hah!

Wheeler's like Trump, he has no performance standard, so he's never  a candidate to evaluate his performance and realize his mistakes, so he's condemned to a life of silly arguments, baseless scandalous accusations, and perpetual online blunder!

Now we're going to be seeing a slough of baseless allegations about the election.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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I don't think you understand some things I wrote or the history of the Florida heist in 2000. I do. I studied it at length and in depth.

Florida was called early in the night for Gore.  Then about two hours into the coverage, they had W on TV from his hotel room with his father and brother Jeb, the Florida governor.  W told the TV public, a nationwide audience, that he thought the call on Florida was in haste.  He had info that such was not the case.  Shortly after that, the networks took Florida away from Gore and made it undecided. 

As it turned out, once it was made undecided, it was a close race, but Gore never reached 271.  Then Fox called Florida for Bush, and the networks announced he was the president.  That was when the graphic went up that Bush was at 271, not Gore. Which is the opposite of what your visual says.  And for awhile, everyone assumed Bush had won. Gore conceded to Bush on a phone call.  A  bad mistake by him. He fell for the lie. Exit polls are almost always correct.

Later in the night it was  shown just how bad Gore had erred. The Bush 271 graphic was a lie. Florida now went back to being undecided.  We all know the rest of the story, which you leave out. Scalia stopped the recount when it looked like Gore would win.

You either know this or you do not.  But you can find it right here. At around the 2:17 hour mark plus, Bush is declared the winner. Gore never had 271.  Someone manufactured that graphic you displayed. The people in your party are professionals at this.  And I have a hard time thinking you do not know it.  After all, they stole 2 presidential elections.  With disastrous results. 



Edited by James DiEugenio
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