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13 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

The article shared by Rob W provides a sharp statistical analysis without making unsubstantiated claims.

Y'all been bamboozled.  Conned.  Punk'd. 

Purveyors of A Big Lie.


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Sidney Powell’s latest Michigan lawsuit cites a witness claiming fraud — in county that doesn’t exist

By Sarah K. Burris November 30, 2020


“President Donald Trump’s former lawyer Sidney Powell has made another humiliating error in her legal filing. After misspelling “District Court” twice in her Georgia filing, it turns out Powell cited a source about a non-existent county in Michigan.

“For example, in PA, President Trump’s lead of more than 700,000 county advantage was reduced to less than 300,000 in a few short hours, which does not occur in the real world without an external influence,” the legal filing said. “I conclude that manually feeding more than 400,000 mostly absentee ballots cannot be accomplished in a short time frame (i.e., 2-3 hours) without illegal vote count alteration. In another case for Edison County, MI, Vice President Biden received more than 100% of the votes at 5:59 PM EST on November 4, 2020 and again he received 99.61% of the votes at 2:23 PM EST on November 5, 2020. These distributions are cause for concern and indicate fraud.”

First, Biden couldn’t have received more than 100 percent of the vote anywhere. But he really couldn’t have received more than 100 percent of the vote in Edison County, MI because there is no Edison County, MI. Second, there is an Edison Township in Middlesex, New Jersey. There is also a city named Edison in Georgia and a “historic hamlet” exists in Doylestown Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Maricopa County, Arizona has a large field called Edison Park. There are only 12 places in the world named Edison, and the closest one to Michigan is in Ohio. Given the rivalry between Michigan and Ohio, it would be a huge mistake to confuse the two.”

Steve Thomas


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Donald Trump calls for revolution!

Elections are not needed!

"Do something @BrianKempGA. You allowed your state to be scammed. We must check signatures and count signed envelopes against ballots. Then call off election. It won’t be needed. We will all WIN! https://t.co/UiJrlyBGiK "

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 1, 2020

America is no longer a Democracy!   Leaders to be appointed by.... somebody.

I'm not quite sure who.

Steve Thomas

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16 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

Donald Trump calls for revolution!

Elections are not needed!

"Do something @BrianKempGA. You allowed your state to be scammed. We must check signatures and count signed envelopes against ballots. Then call off election. It won’t be needed. We will all WIN! https://t.co/UiJrlyBGiK "

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 1, 2020

America is no longer a Democracy!   Leaders to be appointed by.... somebody.

I'm not quite sure who.

Steve Thomas

     My question.  At what point does Trump's persistent incitement of riots, death threats, violence, and murder in the U.S. constitute a crime?

    The problem began four years ago, and has resulted in numerous acts of domestic terrorism, including, most notably, the El Paso Wal-Mart Massacre.

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34 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

     My question.  At what point does Trump's persistent incitement of riots, death threats, violence, and murder in the U.S. constitute a crime?

    The problem began four years ago, and has resulted in numerous acts of domestic terrorism, including, most notably, the El Paso Wal-Mart Massacre.


His own lawyer (DiGenova) is now openly calling for murder.

Steve Thomas


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Lee Shepherd wrote on Facebook today:

Following WWII, Robert B. Anderson, John J. McCloy, and Robert Lovett set up what is informally called the Black Eagle Trust that eventually involved hundreds of banks around the world. The Trust would handle all the unaccountable booty acquired illegally by the Axis powers. The loot consisted of gold bars, platinum, barrels of loose gems & assorted jewels amongst other valuables. It was from these treasure funds that American Intelligence financed their worldwide operations. As long as foreign leaders remained allied to the USA in the Cold War, derivatives of the bullion could be used for patronage through political slush funds. The result of this was massive corruption as governments and tin-horn dictators were bought and sold. Lovett chaired the 1945 Lovett Committee, under President Truman, which led to the creation of the CIA in 1947. Anderson was a former Assistant Attorney General for the State of Texas. When Castro took over Cuba Treasury Secretary Anderson had made it clear to oilmen like Clint Murchison that if they decided to reject the Cuban demands their decision would be consistent with U.S. policy. Anderson….assured them that the government would support their being paid effective compensation if the decision led to expropriation. While he was still in office, International Basic Economy Corporation, which was 100 percent Rockefeller-owned and of which Nelson Rockefeller was president, managed to give a slice of their Texas-Louisiana oil property to Robert B. Anderson. When JFK was elected president, Lovett, the archetypical Texas Cold War architect, was, along with John McCloy, Dean Acheson, Douglas Dillon, Henry Lodge and Averell Harriman, a core member of a group of foreign policy elders known as "The Wise Men." In 1987, Anderson was found guilty of tax evasion related to possible money laundering involving an unregistered off-shore bank that he operated. He was disbarred and sent to prison.

Will Ruha posted this reply:

Osama bin Laden was a deep cover CIA asset on 9-11-01, participating with his U.S handlers, CIA careerist GHW Bush & son in the cover-up of their theft of $2.3 trillion in U.S. taxpayer funds (including laundering of over $240 billion in bonds from the highly covert Black Eagle Trust Fund that Bush Sr. secretly used a decade earlier while employing bin Laden as his key CIA asset in both funding and expediting America's covert economic war against the USSR within the Islamic-dominated southern Soviet Republics wherein certain of Bush's infamous petro club members comprised strategic western investors that bought up much of the Soviet industry, especially its oil and gas.

The multiplicity of crimes associated with the laundered hundreds of billions in Black Eagle Trust Fund bonds (scheduled to come due on 9/12/01), were conveniently covered-up by destruction of all incriminating records (including certificates for bonds housed in the WTC Tower vaults and investigating personnel (chiefly ONI and NY brokers) working in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon's accounting offices. The 9/11 "attacks" not only eliminated investigators and destroyed hundreds of billions of dollars in government securities that had to disappear, it effectively ended the 9 coordinated Federal investigations into the trillions of missing government assets and multiplicity of crimes associated with Bush Sr.'s covert 1991 CIA operation and massive improprieties during his nefarious CIA, VP and presidential years.

A critical mass of brokers from the major government security brokerages in the Twin Towers had to be murdered not only to eliminate those investigating Bush's crimes, but to create unprecedented chaos in the government securities market. Such a large-scale broker liquidation allowed the SEC to declare a national emergency and for the first time in history invoke its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) that eased regulatory restrictions for electronically clearing and settling security trades for the following 15 days. This imposition of the SEC Act allowed a near-quarter-trillion dollars in covert government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls mandating public identification of ownership. Hence, Bush Sr.'s covert 1991 Wall St. / Texas petro investors were protected from exposure in his illicit financial / terrorist anti-Soviet CIA op, and paved the way for trillions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer dollars to then be deployed into a bogus American war in Afghanistan ostensibly against Osama bin Laden and his terrorist organization, funded, recruited, and deployed via CIA oversight. while also strategically targeting the tens of trillions of dollars in Afghani lithium deposits, the world's richest supply, comprising the core of technology's next major advance in energy and transportation, a key focus of America's petro-chemical giants.

The slaughter of the brokers also allowed the SEC to lift Rule 15c3-3: "Customer Protection – Reserves & Custody of Securities.” Thus GSCC [Government Securities Clearing Corporation] was allowed to substitute other securities for the physical securities destroyed during the attack. “…collateral substitutions can and should be made with regard to immediately maturing collateral.” At this point in time, the Federal Reserve and its GSCC had created a settlement environment totally void of controls and reporting – where it could substitute valid, new government securities for the mature, illegal securities, and not have to record where the original bad securities had come from, or where the new securities went – all because the paper for the primary brokers for US securities had been eliminated.

On 9/11/01, 24 hours before Black Eagle Trust Fund bonds were to come due, three major securities brokerage firms operated in the Twin Towers of NYC's World Trade Center. Cantor Fitzgerald, the largest securities dealer in America, was the Bush planner's principle focus, although member of Eurobrokers and Garbon Inter Capital were also targeted for elimination. Hence, the strategic "attacks" in which 41% of the NY fatalities came from Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers, destroying investigators and all records of the nine or more federal investigations then deposited in Buildings Six and Seven and on the 23rd floor of the North Tower.

In Washington, the Office of Naval Intelligence, heading the military investigation into trillions of missing government assets, including the covert Black Eagle Trust Fund bonds used in Bush Sr.'s 1991 CIA program, operated within the Naval Command Center, which the Bush administration had moved into a newly opened section of the Pentagon only weeks earlier. Thus, of the 125 Pentagon fatalities within its accounting wing, almost a quarter of those killed were ONI investigative personnel.

Not only was GHW Bush protected by 9/11, his ex-employer, Brown Bothers Harriman, via its German office, AB Brown, headed by the CIA's Executive Director, A.B. Krongard, made huge profits by investing in put options on the airlines involved in the "attacks:" American and United. The owner of the Twin Towers, who had only weeks before, doubled his insurance policies, netted a half-billion profit. And as German parliament intelligence committee member Andreas von Bülow estimated, inside trader profits surrounding 9/11 totaled $15 billion.

The Bush and bin Laden families go back to the time that CIA agent Bush Sr. set up Zapata Offshore in 1953, a CIA-financed front for his global intelligence operations for the petroleum empire, including service to and for ARAMCO (the Arabian-American Oil Company). Three of the bin Laden brothers - Osama, Yeslam, and Salem - were agency assets of GHW Bush used extensively throughout the late 70s / early 80s. Via a tangled web comprised of Saudi oligarchs, Texas oilmen, and the infamous BCCI, the Bush and Bin Laden families were closely linked financially.

Salem, a principal investor in Bush Jr.'s first petro enterprise, Arbusto Energy, was eliminated when Poppy ran for president in 1988, his plane tampered with before his ill-fated take-off into high-power lines in Houston.) With Bush Sr., in office in 1991, the Black Eagle Trust Fund operation, with Osama bin Laden deployed as Bush's Saudi investment link and CIA anti-Soviet Islamic terrorist asset, commenced, while the infamous and incriminating BCCI was shut down with some $10 billion in losses.

Bush Sr., of course, maintained close links with Osama and his family, serving as manager of their millions of dollars in U.S. military investments at the Carlyle Group, America's 11th largest "defense"-related investment firm, before, during, and after 9/11. Small wonder that the only plane allowed clearance through U.S. airspace on September 12, 2001, was a private plane used under presidential order to discreetly escort the bin Laden family from America back to Saudi Arabia.


David T.Krall also posted a reply:

FROM what I recall that was written about in the New York Times, at that time !..Not much written about him...Big oil Lawyer and close to LBJ and others in his orbit...see also, "Lyndon B. Johnson: The Exercise Of Power"...There is some stuff on Anderson...but overall that book has some great, endless data...really names names...LBJ cronies allies, friends etc...really BIG and powerful players !!! All whom hated..despised and feared JFK/RFK.

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7 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

This is emblematic of the total collapse of critical thinking acuity in American liberal circles, a measurable trend since the beginning of 2017. Two things of note:

First, the self-appointed debunker whose re-published tweets form the bulk of the Raw Story post, doesn’t actually debunk the content of the Vote Pattern analysis. The Vote Pattern analysis is working from easily verifiable election update logs which were published on the NY Times website. They used these numbers to create statistical tables and graphs. As I said, I have seen similar statistical work analyzing the Ohio results from 2004 and the Mexican federal election in 2006. The debunker does not claim that the election update logs are falsified for the analysis, nor does he claim that the resulting graphs and charts have a flawed methodology. The extent of his complaint is that an observable verifiable phenomenon I.e. voting log updates in the public record, have been interpreted in a manner which he subjectively intuits to be a “conspiracy theory”. In making this complaint, the self-appointed debunker demonstrates a poor grasp of a) debunking b) conspiracy theory c) what is a “lie”. Very poor analysis, to the extent it is even an analysis.

Second, the self-appointed debunker switches hats to become a self-appointed internet nanny, chastising the host site Substack and calling out for even more censorship due to what he has (poorly) identified as a “platform problem” (i.e. publication of information he doesn’t approve of) and a “disinformation problem” (i.e. publication of information he doesn’t approve of). Most persons on this Forum should recall that discussion of the JFK assassination has at various times, and even continuing today, been considered a “disinformation problem”, often by people who don’t know what they are talking about.

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

     My question.  At what point does Trump's persistent incitement of riots, death threats, violence, and murder in the U.S. constitute a crime?

    The problem began four years ago, and has resulted in numerous acts of domestic terrorism, including, most notably, the El Paso Wal-Mart Massacre.

Already rises to sedition IMO.

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

I read this morning that Donald Trump has sent out over 500 emails since November 3rd begging the gullible to send him money. He has raised more than $150 million so far.

Why would he quit now? It's a money making machine.

Steve Thomas

Always has been a scam. They can closely track their receipts versus messages and keep playing the same tune according to those numbers. Trump will launder the funds through his usual methods and the ignorant fools will go on for at least another month. Not very difficult to figure out.

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13 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

The Wisconsin recount effort has no real bearing on the statistical voting analysis published by the vote-pattern-analysis people. However, the partial voting chart shared by Chris represents the kind of detailed voting breakdown information they stated they didn’t have, so an update to their paper should be expected.

The chart Chris shared is from the Wisconsin election update published at 3:42 AM Central Time (Nov 4), which is specifically analyzed by the Vote Pattern Analysis people. The first three items of that (partial) chart - Milwaukee wards 199, 200, & 201 - represent the high disparity pro-Biden districts which Cliff describes, with approximately nine Biden votes counted to every one vote submitted for Trump. Wards 202 through 216 maintain a decisive Biden favour, but at a much reduced rate averaging about 2.3 Biden votes to every Trump vote. The disparity of the update in total (presumably 216 wards) represents about 6.7 Biden votes for every one Trump vote. The analysis found the disparity (6.7 to 1) high in relation to other updates, but also very high in relation to total number of votes appearing a a single update (over 150,000). The analysts wonder if all the votes from high-disparity pro-Biden districts somehow appear in just one update. They also found that four separate district updates from three different states within a five hour period early on Nov 4 had similar appearances - relatively high disparity favouring Biden and relatively large updates in terms of total votes.

Statistical analysis by election monitors would flag something like the above in just about any election in any jurisdiction, as that is what the election monitors are supposed to do. It does not mean that anything untoward occurred - as the example from Bolivia demonstrates - but it does mean that blanket statements declaring there were no anomalies anywhere in  US election 2020 are not supported by the numbers.

The author states that the data was derived from "publicly available data from the NYT". Which is it? What does this mean? They also don't submit for review to any known group to analyze their findings which is convenient because that fact make it impossible to make any critical assessment of their findings unless you buy off on their predetermined methodology and assumptions such as "publicly available data NYT etc".


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