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10 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

This is really bizarre.  What the heck really happened?

And the mayor was being considered for Biden's VP?

Is Atlanta going to be the new Seattle?

Speaking of Biden's VP candidates, what's with the recent M$M charade about his alleged VP "selection" process?

My impression for the past few months was that Biden would put Kamala Harris on the ticket.

There's no way that the Wall Street/DNC establishment that sabotaged Elizabeth Warren and Bernie in the primaries would allow Biden to put Elizabeth Warren on the ticket.

I'll volunteer to eat crow if I'm wrong on this one.

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At a time when the country is crying out for police reform, what better VP could Biden select that Rep. Val Demings? She's black and a former police chief in Orlando. Unless there are some kind of skeletons in her closet (like police brutality), she's the right person at the right time.


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On 6/14/2020 at 8:06 AM, W. Niederhut said:

Speaking of Biden's VP candidates, what's with the recent M$M charade about his alleged VP "selection" process?

My impression for the past few months was that Biden would put Kamala Harris on the ticket.

There's no way that the Wall Street/DNC establishment that sabotaged Elizabeth Warren and Bernie in the primaries would allow Biden to put Elizabeth Warren on the ticket.

I'll volunteer to eat crow if I'm wrong on this one.


Keeping Warren's name on the list is just for show.

Yet, polled Democrats just 5 weeks ago let it be known to Biden that they overwhelmingly want Elizabeth Warren as his VP running mate.

May 4, 2020 - CBS News poll: Elizabeth Warren tops Democrats' wish list for Biden's vice president. By Anthony Salvanto, Jennifer De Pinto, Kabir Khanna ...

Biden obviously couldn't care less what the majority of his Democratic voter base wants in this most important position. And in not choosing Warren he is going against the logic and numbers that say his election chances with Warren as his VP running mate are much better than any other woman on his list.

These Warren favoring polls also show the majority of Democrats are not concerned about her age ( she's in excellent physical and mental health and looks like a super fit 60 year old  ) as anti-Warren PR machines are telling them they are.

Warren looks like she could compete in track running and WIN for the older than 50 age group!

Heck if this age fear factor was real, the Democrats would be much more concerned about their main candidate Biden's obvious advanced age decline in mental and physical sharpness.

And Bloomberg and his bankers actually targeted Warren and Sanders to get them out of the primary race. Bloomberg is on "public record" ( read Bloomberg's own words to Goldman Sachs below ) explaining why he (they ) felt Sanders and Warren were more a threat to their immense wealth, power, influence and control interests than Donald Trump himself.

Bloomberg spent 1/2 BILLION dollars ( unprecedented ) in a charade candidacy campaign to marginalize Warren and Sanders by splitting the later main primary vote so Biden could win even though Biden could never muster more than a weak plurality on his own.

Biden was losing head to head against Sanders or Warren up until the insanely huge financed Bloomberg entry. And it is so obvious what went down with this Warren/Sanders sabotage as Bloomberg immediately dropped out of the race within days of the vote marginalization of them both.

Feb 24, 2020 - Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg speaks during ... what is thought to be a private Goldman Sachs event, Bloomberg first ... With Bernie Sanders capturing early state victories and Elizabeth Warren ranking ...

I don't think Biden really wants a black VP.

This also could be a charade. Biden wants the black vote, but he knows that they only make up 13% of the total electorate at best.

If he does choose a black woman as his VP running mate, I think it will be Susan Rice.

I think Biden wanted Klobuchar. But her questionable police brutality and abuse prosecutorial actions in her time as Hennepin County attorney seem to have seriously damaged her civil rights reputation credentials.

My other guess is he will offer the VP role to perhaps NM governor Grisham. A Latino in heritage. 

Regardless, the ignoring of best election chances Elizabeth Warren is a give away to Biden's true political loyalty colors in my opinion.

And which include being much more aligned to the Bloomberg/ Wall Street folks than anyone knows...again, imo.

Remember, Biden comes from the most corporate loving and tax break catering state in the Union - Delaware.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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I was going to pose that VP question, William. Honestly I wish Biden hadn't limited himself to women. That is so Democrat. I don't know enough about Demmings I should look into her. I think they should go with someone who has  won a big election and I think Stacey Abrams should have run for Senate, so I'm happy that some people are putting her out of the running.

Obviously this is more important because both candidates show a bit of senility and can't live forever. I'm torn between what I think is a tactically good  choice to win and I just don't know given these candidates. If this doesn't already bring out the black vote, I don't know what else will. Do you bank on that and choose a black woman?

Joe, I could see where the Democrats 5 weeks ago, liked Elizabeth Warren. Ideologically I like Elizabeth Warren for bringing out Biden's base, but given the current balance,  that's kind of a popular vote consideration. Kamala Harris, I don't like her for Jim's assertion that she could have been instrumental in reopening the RFK case, but you notice no candidate is going to touch the Kennedy assassinations. There's too little gain, at such a loss. Her relatively tough police stand, that she probably took out of some politically  calculated expediency early in her career, could be used against her, though in middle America that could mean moderacy. But in her run for the presidency, she doesn't appear to have much staying power. I like the way the Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan handles herself, though that could go south at anytime. Does anyone  who has risen to prominence as result of this crisis, really exert a plus in those battle ground states?

Let the smoke settle. I say Biden should wait until the convention.

Now Dave in response to Wheeler's post.

3 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Not the guy I knew.  I just used the Snopes article because it had a pic of him in his 1982-1983 beard phase, and reminded me that he was supporting Nicaragua at that time, something I wasn't politically mature enough to do until the horrors were well over, other than buying Sandinista! by The Clash the week it came out.

Can you cite me competing references to him being a "CFR, New World Order, Rockefeller style, Big Oil, population controlling, ruling elitist"?  Not the guy I remember as a serious student, compassionate, a mensch.  Who told me he wanted to go into small-city politics.

I mean, competing references that aren't from that Gibson Island website.

To paraphrase an old adage: "If he's so corrupt, why ain't he president?"

Oh, boy!  At an advanced age, I've entered partisan politics.

Yes Communist, Rockefeller Big Oil, elitist. Take your pick!

Di Blasio was as anti corporate and as much into campaign finance reform  in his campaign as Sanders or Warren.  His biggest donors were local real estate interests who wanted long pondered changes in zoning laws.
Wheeler's down  on WW2, but voted 4 times for the Bush's and their destructive Iraq wars. Still he probably thinks those wars were  a good idea ,but we just carried them out wrong. How much credibility could you really give him? True, You don't need Snopes for that!


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

If you have the time, this is a good fresh listen (came out yesterday.)



I'll be happy to listen, but give me time to do that and respond.  Do you have any back-up that came out earlier than yesterday?

US support of Castro's revolution is well known.  Covert ramifications of America's vehement public volte-face will be interesting to consider.

Edited by David Andrews
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I really do not know why this woman is not on the list for VP.

If it was my should would be in my top five.



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13 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I really do not know why this woman is not on the list for VP.

If it was my should would be in my top five.




“Biden has also reportedly 
asked for vetting papers from New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, a former House member who was elected Governor in 2018 and would be the first Hispanic American to serve as vice president.”

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As uproar over small-business disclosures intensifies, watchdogs tell Congress the administration is trying to shield how money is being spent.



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There were some questions yesterday about Trump's health when a video was shown of him walking slowly, looking at his feet, down a ramp at West Point for his graduation speech.

At the moment he's addressing reporters in the Rose Garden about an executive order he's to sign. Behind the podium are the red-carpeted steps from the White House porch to the Rose Garden and the podium. I was going to watch to see how he navigated those steps down to the podium. (I'm not watching his speech itself because I simply can't stand him.) Well, guess what. He avoided the steps altogether. He made his entrance from the side on solid ground. 

I thought that was quite notable.



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20 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

There were some questions yesterday about Trump's health when a video was shown of him walking slowly, looking at his feet, down a ramp at West Point for his graduation speech.

At the moment he's addressing reporters in the Rose Garden about an executive order he's to sign. Behind the podium are the red-carpeted steps from the White House porch to the Rose Garden and the podium. I was going to watch to see how he navigated those steps down to the podium. (I'm not watching his speech itself because I simply can't stand him.) Well, guess what. He avoided the steps altogether. He made his entrance from the side on solid ground. 

I thought that was quite notable.



It was also quite notable when he just ascended those same stairs after the speech. 

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36 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

There were some questions yesterday about Trump's health when a video was shown of him walking slowly, looking at his feet, down a ramp at West Point for his graduation speech.

At the moment he's addressing reporters in the Rose Garden about an executive order he's to sign. Behind the podium are the red-carpeted steps from the White House porch to the Rose Garden and the podium. I was going to watch to see how he navigated those steps down to the podium. (I'm not watching his speech itself because I simply can't stand him.) Well, guess what. He avoided the steps altogether. He made his entrance from the side on solid ground. 

I thought that was quite notable.



      I was underwhelmed by the video evidence in Trump's recent West Point "Water Gait" scandal.

     His comment claiming that, "We would have less COVID cases if we did less testing," was far more scandalous, IMO.  🙄

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