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Jeff, We know, of course, what happened. I probably should have given the most likely negative scenario, had Trump been more successful.

Jeff: It seemed to me that all the nuts were already at the rally, 

I don't think so. If Pence was sequestered from the Capitol, and as Kellogg had feared was persuaded not to return. The optics of Nancy Pelosi certifying the election in his place probably would have precipitated a nationwide backlash that Fox and other right wing outlets would have hailed as a "Great patriot revolt to the stealing of an election"..

That would have been inextricably polarizing and destabilizing, and possibly prompting a police response that would be even further destabilizing.

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5 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

1. Actually happened.

2. Vague theory you promote to encourage Americans to distrust democratic authority, and thus embrace authoritarianism.


1. I do not think the national security state conducting what is essentially a coup is a "vague theory" and many say that is what the JFKA was. So there is historical precedent for Deep State coups. 

2. The Trump & Co. "insurrection" did not happen, as the historical record shows. Biden is now president. None of the Jan. 6 occupiers of the Capitol have been charged with colluding or conspiring with Trump officials. Not one has been charged, and the Bidenites are running the Justice Department. 

Let's see ---according to the M$M, the Wuhan virus lab leak theory has been debunked, the Steele Dossier was real and the Biden laptop was fake "Russian disinformation." 

And the M$M says was an "insurrection" on Jan. 6.

Call me skeptical of the M$M and the narratives spun by Liz Cheney. 


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Ben- you should check your definitions; just because it failed doesn't mean it was any less of a coup attempt. It was 100% a coup attempt.

You are well spoken and extremely polite and you most certainly have my gratitude for that. However to me your motives here often appear to be not so much about the JFKA, but primarily claiming that no one can believe anything the American government or trusted American journalists say. Whether coincidental or not, there is quite literally no difference between your message and that of a foreign intelligence agent that is attempting to cause damage to the United States.

Now that is certainly not meant to infer an accusation of you being that. I am merely pointing out that the propaganda methods you use here are precisely the same as such a person would use.

I sincerely mean no insult with this statement, as everyone is entitled to say what they want here in the U.S., and speaking as an independent thinker, no person's opinion has ever had any influence on my thinking anyway, unless it was backed by verifiable facts.


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19 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- you should check your definitions; just because it failed doesn't mean it was any less of a coup attempt. It was 100% a coup attempt.

You are well spoken and extremely polite and you most certainly have my gratitude for that. However to me your motives here often appear to be not so much about the JFKA, but primarily claiming that no one can believe anything the American government or trusted American journalists say. Whether coincidental or not, there is quite literally no difference between your message and that of a foreign intelligence agent that is attempting to cause damage to the United States.

Now that is certainly not meant to infer an accusation of you being that. I am merely pointing out that the propaganda methods you use here are precisely the same as such a person would use.

I sincerely mean no insult with this statement, as everyone is entitled to say what they want here in the U.S., and speaking as an independent thinker, no person's opinion has ever had any influence on my thinking anyway, unless it was backed by verifiable facts.


Matt A-


Alack and alas, I am not a foreign intelligence agent, though I could use the money. 

Moscow and Beijing: Please read! I will stop posting unless you fork over $1000 monthly! 

Matt: one could contrue you as a Deep State plant. But I do not. I think we just have different takes on the US political scene, and media coverage thereof. 

Remember Brian Sicknick! 

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4 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- I'm not sure how I could be a Deep State plant while simultaneously accusing CIA people of participating in the death of JFK, but then again, a creative mind can always dream up a good new conspiracy theory, right? :) 


You may have a false public mask, and so may I.

No matter---we can both rest 100% assured that Liz Cheney is a Deep State apparatchik first, last, foremost and always.  


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I feel Trump and gang should be in jail for this coup attempt. 

And I can't understand how half of all Americans don't feel this same way.

It seems so clear cut to me.

In the least, for Trump's purposeful non-action for 2 hours while this huge violent and traumatizing mob attack against almost all our Congress ( with many serious injuries and even death! ) and with our second most important Democracy landmark being trashed was occurring right in front of his TV watching eyes and more than one person in his war/ music playing cheering room pleading with him to do something more than "nothing" to protect the attacked!

I really believe that if our most esteemed and well known elder statesmen journalists and pundits like George Will and others would call this coup crime out for what it was ( the most serious act of sedition since the Civil War ) instead of remaining silent or almost silent about it...lynch mob coup inciter Trump might be looked at in the honest reality way he should be. 

January 6th, my wife and I watched this mob attack live on TV in utter gut wrenching shock and disbelief!  It was actually scary and extremely unsettling.

It was like watching one of those Hollywood "our DC government under attack" films only "this was for real!"

Our senators and congress persons cowering in fear. Police battling tooth and nail against death threat screaming hundreds.

It was really traumatizing to see. Like 911 we were saying "what has this world come to?" America descending into violent mob madness.

Our own Capital Building under destructive attack by hundreds of screaming mob Brown Shirt goon squad types shouting Trump slogans and kill Mike Pence and Nancy where are you? Bashing in Nancy Pelosi's office door, trashing her office stealing her lap top?

Trump has brought us to the brink. He really has.

Hard to believe almost all our main stream media cannot report this current state of national affairs in it's true reality. It's like they just want to pretend the Capital building insurrection wasn't that bad and none of this is that threateningly real, dangerous and important.

But it is.

By the way, hope to see Jim D's and Oliver Stone's new film this Friday evening here on the West Coast just feet from the rocky, wave crashing shore line.

And on this 58th JFK anniversary I will light a candle and pray for the full truth to someday come out.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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     Here's a review of Congressman Adam Schiff's new book, Midnight in Washington

    Let's recall that Schiff served on the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee during the suppressed Russia-gate investigation and Trump's Nunes Memo stunt.  Schiff vehemently disagreed with the whitewashed GOP HIC Report on Russia-gate in the spring of 2018.

    Does anyone else remember when Republican Congressman Mike Conaway reported that the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee had not looked for evidence of "collusion," and had found none?  🤥

    So much for Jeff Carter's incessant pettifoggery denying the facts about Russia-gate, Ukraine-gate, and Trump's January 6th coup attempt.

Midnight in Washington

Adam Schiff’s Insider Account of the Fight to Save Our Democracy


November 17, 2021

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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I feel Trump and gang should be in jail for this coup attempt. 

And I can't understand how half of all Americans don't feel this same way.

It seems so clear cut to me.


2020 as a whole, the election, and the debacle that followed it, made a lot of people just want to tune out the madness for a while and enjoy some relative normalcy. I don't blame them, I think there was definitely some PTSD happening to many.

As people have time to reflect, their disgust with Trump and 1/6 will grow. The charges that will come forth from the investigation will further that sentiment, IMO.

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Buffalo Horns sentenced to 41 months!


Whew! Ben's "Save my lulu's campaign " has been dealt a severe blow. His Q Anon shaman, Jacob Chansley (a.k.a. Angeli) or "Buffalo horns" has been sentenced to 41 months in prison! Apparently he gave a 31 minute plea for lenience promising he would never do anything like this again. The judge said that it was the most touching plea for innocence he had ever heard and then hit him with 41 months!

It does seem a bit much because an identical 41 month sentence was given to a violent offender who brutally beat a Capitol cop.

But honestly, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. High profile people do pay a price, I assume anywhere.

Maybe he can get off in a couple of years. Though I think he can appeal.




As I recall, someone paid his ticket out to Washington that day.

Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot. The Trump people have been looking desperately for photo evidence just like this to foment trouble through guilt by association. Here he is with Rudy Giuliani.

But you've barely seen this photo in the msm. Doesn't that indicate some sort of restraint that you know Trump people would have never really exhibited?




Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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5 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Buffalo Horns sentenced to 41 months!


Whew! Ben's "Save my lulu's campaign " has been dealt a severe blow. His Q Anon shaman, Jacob Chansley (a.k.a. Angeli) or "Buffalo horns" has been sentenced to 41 months in prison! Apparently he gave a 31 minute plea for lenience promising he would never do anything like this again. The judge said that it was the most touching plea for innocence he had ever heard and then hit him with 41 months!

It does seem a bit much because an identical 41 month sentence was given to a violent offender who brutally beat a Capitol cop.

But honestly, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. High profile people do pay a price, I assume anywhere.

Maybe he can get off in a couple of years. Though I think he can appeal.




As I recall, someone paid his ticket out to Washington that day.

Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot. The Trump people have been looking desperately for photo evidence just like this to foment trouble through guilt by association. Here he is with Rudy Giuliani.

But you've barely seen this photo in the msm. Doesn't that indicate some sort of restraint that you know Trump people would have never really exhibited?




Right, the penniless gadfly from Phoenix, Mr Buffalo Horns, who has been in solitary confinement since turning himself into the FBI office in Phoenix shortly after Jan. 6, has been sentenced to 41 months in prison. He assaulted no one. I feel so much safer now. 

1.6 was political theater from the start, through the holding the flag-draped coffin of Brian Sicknick in state inside the Rotunda of the Capitol (the Capitol Police officer who died on Jan 8 from a stroke), to the Jan. 6 committee gong-show brought to you by Liz Cheney. 

US AG Merrick Garland refuses to answer questions, put to him by members of the US Congress, if there were federal assets, agents or infiltrators in the crowd on Jan. 6. 

Remember, said Garland, we never discuss such matters. Protecting sources and methods. 

Yes, the Deep State is good! Good! It protects us from danger and subversives!  The M$M tells you so. 





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1 hour ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Jan 6 gong show? Are you serious?

I have no idea what goes through the minds of people who poo poo the insurrection. We almost lost our country.

Don't you care that the VP was threatened as well? What were you doing, cheering on the sidelines, rooting for the republicans to be able to stay in power?

I am proud of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for standing up to that.

Something had to be done.

I find the current Republican party to act pretty high school. It's embarrassing, really.

Kathy B--

Well, I share your impression of the 'Phants, but add in the Donks. 

The curiosity of our age is the that new Donks, aka neo-con Donks, may be tighter with the Deep State than the 'Phants, and certainly the Trump wing of the 'Phants. 

Liz Cheney and Hillary Clinton are two of a kind, no? Have they ever been seen together? Maybe they are the same person. 

My impression is the Jan. 6 committee is largely political theater.  I assume Cheney joined on the condition that committee findings and conclusions were already written and she approved. 

In DC, no one joins or finances a study, hearing or investigation without an understanding what the findings or conclusions will be. Cheney is a Deep State senior apparatchik and plays hardball. 

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Now that the west has nukes, the only possible threat the government and media can try selling to the public is a guerilla threat. So, every time somebody breathes it's terrorism. I remember when the left-wing disliked calling everything terrorism. Only ignorant people would think that the western militaries are threatened by guerilla warfare. Western nations with their nukes are too spoiled to know the meaning of existential crisis, so they think they can just throw away everybody's rights just because a pen dropped.

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5 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Kathy B--

Well, I share your impression of the 'Phants, but add in the Donks. 

The curiosity of our age is the that new Donks, aka neo-con Donks, may be tighter with the Deep State than the 'Phants, and certainly the Trump wing of the 'Phants. 

Liz Cheney and Hillary Clinton are two of a kind, no? Have they ever been seen together? Maybe they are the same person. 

My impression is the Jan. 6 committee is largely political theater.  I assume Cheney joined on the condition that committee findings and conclusions were already written and she approved. 

In DC, no one joins or finances a study, hearing or investigation without an understanding what the findings or conclusions will be. Cheney is a Deep State senior apparatchik and plays hardball. 

Hmm, what brought that up?

Ben, i notice a pattern with you about women, either their super powerful evil shrews that you obsess about for repeated posts like, Liz Cheney, Hilary Clinton, and Amy Klobuchar or you actually display pictures of what you depict  as hopeless little women who were at the 1/6 riots and ask us to accept that they''l l never be a threat again by their picture alone!

Is that that kind of conservative thing that you "want a girl just like the girl who married dear old Dad. "

heh heh

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