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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


a message from the children's museum

The Museum is closed January 26 - February 4.
All reservations for this time period have been cancelled.

For nearly 50 years, the Children’s Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus has been a community gathering place where families can share moments of wonder and joy. Our staff takes this mission seriously, and strives to help your family create memories in a safe and welcoming environment.

Lately, this has been increasingly challenging. The Museum carefully follows public health guidelines, including mask wearing. We know the stress of the last two years has taken a toll on everyone in our community, but regrettably, some guests who object to the Museum’s mask policy have been inappropriately directing their anger toward our staff.

Therefore, we have made the decision to close our doors to the public January 26 through February 4 so that we can support our staff and bolster our policies with the hope of preventing this type of behavior in the future.

It's like they're emulating Adele cancelling her Vegas residency...

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55 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Jeremy, Haven't you heard that athletes are dropping dead from the covid vaccine? It's here in this sports exclusive!

As Chris  D. has said, there's always risks involved in everything you do in life.


No matter how hard you try to hide your character, the malevolence shines through. I am sure the above video is of great comfort to those who have died from a vaccine in Sport or otherwise.
It’s such poor taste, reminiscent of those you directly claim to oppose. 

Maybe you’ll be back dehumanising people again soon?! 

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5 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

On page 574, Chris Barnard writes:

Back on page 569, Chris wrote:

In a nutshell, when all's said and done, Chris has hit the nail on the head and no mistake. He knows those clichés like the back of his hand!

As a wise old Hungarian doppelganger once observed: "He who speaks in clichés, thinks in clichés." *

At the end of the day, when you put two and two together, you can't say fairer than that. It's as plain as the nose on your face!

It was Alex Wilson who first spotted Chris's fondness for clichés. Alex also points out a problem with all the anti-vaxxer and other nonsense on this forum, the stuff that's liable to repel those who have watched the new Oliver Stone film and want to find out whether the JFK assassination is a serious subject after all, or whether it's just something to keep the tin-foil-hat types busy, as the newspapers claim:

* Actually, I made that one up.

Thanks @Jeremy Bojczuk I hope you are ok? 

On one hand you are stating that some of these posts are repelling people from looking at JFK content, on the other hand you are sharing a link that sets a far worse example, and one that attacks multiple people on this forum, even the moderators. I would question what’s going through your mind?! 

As a chap that works predominately in PR, I can tell you that the resurgence of interest in JFK is largely down to ‘conspiracy theorists’ or whatever disparaging remarks you used to describe them/us. Even your published pamphlet on JFK will benefit from sales as a result. Do you really want to alienate your audience of potential customers? It’s a pretty big market now. 🙂 

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“The Select Committee has obtained information that groups of individuals met on December 14th, 2020 in seven states carried by President Biden, then submitted bogus slates of Electoral-College votes for former President Trump. The so-called alternate electors from those states then transmitted the purported Electoral-College certificates to Congress, which multiple people advising former President Trump or his campaign used to justify delaying or blocking the certification of the election during the Joint Session of Congress on January 6th, 2021.

The Select Committee subpoenaed individuals listed as chairperson and secretary of each group of alternate electors:


Steve Thomas


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Trump Merchandise For Sale-- Buy Now While Supplies Last!

Cryptocurrencies accepted!



January 28, 2022

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Good news and bad on the COVID-19 front, folks.

The bad news is that Omicron is killing people.  Omicron infections are less lethal than Delta, but more prevalent. *

The good news-- from the latest UK data-- is that vaccine boosters have reduced the Omicron death risk by 95% in people over 50.**

This is a subject we were discussing here last month-- i.e., is it worth getting a booster?  The answer is, "Yes."

*Omicron Deaths in U.S. Exceed Delta’s Peak as Covid-19 Optimism Rises in Europe


January 26, 2022


**Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Shot Cuts Omicron Death Risk by 95%, U.K. Study Shows

The analysis was done for people 50 and older, the population at highest risk of severe illness and death


January 27, 2022

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Detroit has its own government, and to my knowledge, is not under attack from a foreign country...

Well, by this sentiment the US should be involved constantly, and expensively, and militarily in every corner of the globe, while Detroit rots.

Oh wait...that is what happened....

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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Detroit is doing fine, Ben. I'm not sure why you think otherwise.

I fear, Matt, that you are being somewhat churlish in your appraisal of Detroit – it still offers outstanding value as a city in which be homicided, raped, and/or relieved of surplus property, most notably the vehicular. 

I rely for my information on no less a source than that notorious far-right extremist, Detroit Police Chief James White , upon release of the city’s crime statistics in early January. He offered this reassuring quote in the course of his briefing to the city’s reptiles:

"The unfortunate reality is at some point in the next 30 days, I'll be talking about a heinous act in this community." 

We all need to have more faith in Detroit’s rich traditions of mayhem and butchery, and rather less in the governing Deep State-Dem junta.

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Joni Mitchell Pulls Music from Spotify in a Stand With Neil Young Against COVID Misinformation

Joni Mitchell joins Neil Young in protest over Joe Rogan Spotify podcast - The Washington Post

January 29, 2022

Edited by W. Niederhut
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