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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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  • Benjamin Cole


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  • W. Niederhut


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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Hey, there is the world's longest convoy ever, of truckers, in Canada, evidently a vaccine protest of sorts. Play that convoy song!

It's obvious to me also, as it's the same thing ordinary people in Europe are protesting against. 

6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I am agnostic about a lot regarding C19 vaccines, except I am religious in that people have a right to express their opinions. 

I think that's one of the best things to be religious about. 

What is so surprising is that people who have been afforded this tremendous safety and comfort in the west post WW2 by something that vaguely resembles democracy, are openly embracing authoritarianism in 2022, as if it'll somehow be better this time. There are also deluded people willing us to have another go at communism, claiming it wasn't proper communism last time and showing China as a good example. These people were able to sit through school history class and vaguely understand WW2 but, they are somehow unable to imagine that life can ever be that bad again. They are entirely ignorant of how liberal educated societies were walked into catastrophe in the name of the "greater good". Yes, they too thought they were doing things for the betterment of humanity. 

It's amazing how some people on this forum and wider society are now pro censorship. When has that ever ended well? They are somehow convinced that it's needed now. I have seen people talk about right wing cancel culture, but, there is zero condemnation when it is left wing cancel culture. Perhaps we'd do better to just call it all "cancel culture" and agree it is all bad. How is it people with relatively good educations have reduced themselves to such primeval thinking and simplicity? 

The answer is: FEAR. 

6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I also wonder if the COVID-19 is the public health sector's Vietnamistan. 


I could read that two ways; 

1) Government and a proportion of society prolonging something that they should draw a line under, and move on from. People in government and media sticking to their guns because their fragile ego's can't admit they were wrong. It's a bit like this "profilicity" phenomenon that we see online. People see their digital impressions on social media as part of their personality, they'll fight for them no matter how wrong they were. That is a character flaw. 

2) Vietnam being the epitome of what Major General Smedley Butler expressed in his book: "War is a racket." A conflict kept going for profit. The pharmaceutical giants and any entity or person making money from this current racket, wants it to continue in perpetuity and they'll fight for that to happen. The politicians can't bring themselves to let go of their increased power. 


6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The war goes on and on and on...but the enemy is tougher and smarter. 

Some wars you lose.  

It truly is a mighty foe .... 
If we don't stand up for freedom and truth, who are we really? 

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Some of you may find this an interesting watch, as we had world holocaust day recently. It explains how Dr's ordered the medical experimentation, sterilisations, and euthanasia of Jews, Gypsies and Slavs. The nurses carried out the killing, even on babies. That is why we have the Nuremberg Code, which prohibits experimentation on citizens by government. 
It's very clear that when a society becomes obsessed with race, eugenics and human enhancement, they are capable of unthinkable things. As some people entertain medical mandates and human augmentation, they'd probably benefit from watching this. 


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It does seem like Joe Rogan is getting some heat from Spotify, or at least that's what I think has prompted this message.

Short video addressing the public here:

It's worth thinking about why Joe Rogan's podcast has become so popular. IMHO it's largely due to the way MSM cuts interviews with interesting people down to very short sound bytes. If the person they are interviewing is an ideological opponent, then the interviewer spends their time trying to trick or catch out the person interviewed. This is no way to have public discourse, we might be used to it from politicians debating but, it isn't often constructive, and it doesn't serve free speech. Relaxed podcasts that last 2-3 hours are far more productive, and you also stand a much better chance of getting to know who these people really are. 


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9 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

The way to counter misinformation is with Information, not with repression or shooting the messenger. It’s a sorry day when we try to shut down alternative voices. There is much room for discussion when it comes to Covid 19. There is still much to learn about viral mechanisms and about effective human responses. The Great Barrington declaration is interesting and well reasoned, and pointing out their financial backers doesn’t prove them wrong. That’s a debate we should have, and it worries me that the mainstream shuts them out. If Big Pharma would share MRNA technology rather than horde it for profit I would feel differently. 
the question I have about Jan 6 is where were the guns? I’ve heard the explanation put forth that it was a trial run. I don’t agree with Ben’s analysis. I like the trial run idea. I do think that Trump, and the Proud Boys and others like them are a real danger, much more so than nameless and faceless Antifa, which has now become a parody and a scapegoat and could really be anyone in black doing anyone’s bidding. 


     As a physician, I have been truly surprised by the ignorance and public resistance to basic pandemic health measures during the past two years-- quarantine/social distancing, the use of masks, and compliance with vaccines that have proven highly efficacious.   (We had a great thread going here on the forum in 2020 about "Journals of the Plague Year," where everyone seemed to be reasonably focused on the scientific data and doing the right thing.)

     The morbidity and mortality data during the Delta variant surge in 2021 demonstrated the remarkable efficacy of the vaccines-- with 99% of all U.S.COVID deaths in the last quarter of 2021 occurring in the un-vaccinated.  (I posted a reference link for the 2021 CDC morbidity & mortality data above.)

     Then the anti-vaxxers renewed their attacks on vaccines during the past six weeks on the grounds that they were not very effective in preventing Omicron infections.   (My wife and I both caught the Omicron bug over the Christmas holiday, despite being fully vaccinated.)

      But the most recent data from the U.K. has now shown that the vaccines, with boosters, reduced the Omicron death risk by 95%.  (I posted that reference above.)

       And the latest data also indicates that unvaccinated, at risk, people in the U.S. -- like Meat Loaf--are dying from Omicron in increased numbers.  (I posted that reference above.)

     As for the January 6th coup attempt, Ben's oft-repeated argument about the absence of guns has been repeatedly debunked by me and others, on the grounds that the Capitol Police were too overwhelmed on January 6th to arrest and search the attacking mob for weapons.  Most of the Capitol attackers were identified and arrested ex post facto.

     We now know precisely where some of the guns were cached.  That information has surfaced in the DOJ indictments against the Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy.   And we also have information about other weapons brought to the Capitol by Trump's "Stop the Steal" mob, including the man from Alabama who brought homemade napalm bombs to the Capitol in his truck!

     Above all, we now know that Trump was actively conspiring to overturn the election results.  We have the Eastman and Ellis memos, and Trump, himself, just openly admitted the plot at his MAGA rally in Conroe, Texas.

     Why is Trump's confession of his coup plot not in the M$M headlines?


Edited by W. Niederhut
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Here is an interesting conundrum: In Hong Kong, about 2,000 pet hamsters were ordered killed, as they might be carriers of C19. 



We know that canines and felines also carry C19. We also know that omicron is far more infectious than previous variants. 

Suppose it is determined that pet dogs and cats can serve as reservoir populations for C19. 

Would America order euthanasia of pet dogs and cats?

My guess is....in this case, no.

In fact, I rather suspect no one will even study this topic, and if they do, they will conclude that there is no threat from (maskless, unvaccinated) pet dogs and cats. 

Some topics are radioactive. 






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50 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     As a physician, I have been truly surprised by the ignorance and public resistance to basic pandemic health measures during the past two years-- quarantine/social distancing, the use of masks, and compliance with vaccines that have proven highly efficacious.   (We had a great thread going here on the forum in 2020 about "Journals of the Plague Year," where everyone seemed to be reasonably focused on the scientific data and doing the right thing.)

     The morbidity and mortality data during the Delta variant surge in 2021 demonstrated the remarkable efficacy of the vaccines-- with 99% of all U.S.COVID deaths in the last quarter of 2021 occurring in the un-vaccinated.  (I posted a reference link for the 2021 CDC morbidity & mortality data above.)

     Then the anti-vaxxers renewed their attacks on vaccines during the past six weeks on the grounds that they were not very effective in preventing Omicron infections.   (My wife and I both caught the Omicron bug over the Christmas holiday, despite being fully vaccinated.)

      But the most recent data from the U.K. has now shown that the vaccines, with boosters, reduced the Omicron death risk by 95%.  (I posted that reference above.)

       And the latest data also indicates that unvaccinated, at risk, people in the U.S. -- like Meat Loaf--are dying from Omicron in increased numbers.  (I posted that reference above.)

     As for the January 6th coup attempt, Ben's oft-repeated argument about the absence of guns has been repeatedly debunked by me and others, on the grounds that the Capitol Police were too overwhelmed on January 6th to arrest and search the attacking mob for weapons.  Most of the Capitol attackers were identified and arrested ex post facto.

     We now know precisely where some of the guns were cached.  That information has surfaced in the DOJ indictments against the Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy.   And we also have information about other weapons brought to the Capitol by Trump's "Stop the Steal" mob, including the man from Alabama who brought homemade napalm bombs to the Capitol in his truck!

     Above all, we now know that Trump was actively conspiring to overturn the election results.  We have the Eastman and Ellis memos, and Trump, himself, just openly admitted the plot at his MAGA rally in Conroe, Texas.

     Why is Trump's confession of his coup plot not in the M$M headlines?


Addendum:  Here's a reference regarding guns and Trump's January 6th coup.

Guns, ammo … even a boat: how Oath Keepers plotted an armed coup | US Capitol attack | The Guardian


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"Omicron more contagious, 70 times more infectious than Delta, research says"


Then a new omicron spin-off:

"The new BA.2 omicron subvariant, regularly referred to as "stealth omicron," has been reported in Wisconsin, according to a Milwaukee County health official.

Dr. Ben Weston, chief health policy adviser for Milwaukee County tweeted Monday that BA.2 had been detected in the state, noting it is 1.5 times more transmissible than the original omicron strain but doesn't appear to be more severe."


OK, do the math, the new BA.2 omicron variant is 105 times more transmissible than Delta. 

And dogs and cats can become infected. 

Seriously, why is this not a problem, if Hong Kong euthanized hamsters, with their tiny little lung capacities? 


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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


     As a physician, I have been truly surprised by the ignorance and public resistance to basic pandemic health measures during the past two years-- quarantine/social distancing, the use of masks, and compliance with vaccines that have proven highly efficacious.   (We had a great thread going here on the forum in 2020 about "Journals of the Plague Year," where everyone seemed to be reasonably focused on the scientific data and doing the right thing.)

     The morbidity and mortality data during the Delta variant surge in 2021 demonstrated the remarkable efficacy of the vaccines-- with 99% of all U.S.COVID deaths in the last quarter of 2021 occurring in the un-vaccinated.  (I posted a reference link for the 2021 CDC morbidity & mortality data above.)

     Then the anti-vaxxers renewed their attacks on vaccines during the past six weeks on the grounds that they were not very effective in preventing Omicron infections.   (My wife and I both caught the Omicron bug over the Christmas holiday, despite being fully vaccinated.)

      But the most recent data from the U.K. has now shown that the vaccines, with boosters, reduced the Omicron death risk by 95%.  (I posted that reference above.)

       And the latest data also indicates that unvaccinated, at risk, people in the U.S. -- like Meat Loaf--are dying from Omicron in increased numbers.  (I posted that reference above.)

     As for the January 6th coup attempt, Ben's oft-repeated argument about the absence of guns has been repeatedly debunked by me and others, on the grounds that the Capitol Police were too overwhelmed on January 6th to arrest and search the attacking mob for weapons.  Most of the Capitol attackers were identified and arrested ex post facto.

     We now know precisely where some of the guns were cached.  That information has surfaced in the DOJ indictments against the Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy.   And we also have information about other weapons brought to the Capitol by Trump's "Stop the Steal" mob, including the man from Alabama who brought homemade napalm bombs to the Capitol in his truck!

     Above all, we now know that Trump was actively conspiring to overturn the election results.  We have the Eastman and Ellis memos, and Trump, himself, just openly admitted the plot at his MAGA rally in Conroe, Texas.

     Why is Trump's confession of his coup plot not in the M$M headlines?


These people ask the exact same question W.

Trump confesses to the whole plot to overturn the 2020 election (yahoo.com)

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8 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

It should have been the national headline today.

Granted, Trump's coup plot is hardly "news," per se, but where are the headlines about his confession?

Is it because we are all completely numb when it comes to the issue of Trump's criminality-- like boiling frogs?

Perhaps listening to a POTUS tell 30,000 lies has that effect.


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"Delta is roughly twice as contagious as the original COVID strain," --Intelligencer, summer 2021.

And omicron is 70 times more transmissible than Delta, and BA.2 omicron variant 50% more transmissible than original omicron....

Let's see...2x70x1.5=210

The new BA. 2 omicron variant to 210 times more transmissible than original C19. 

And dogs and cats can be infected with C19, and evidently hamsters can re-transmit C19, and are being euthanized in Hong Kong for that reason. 

So...what is the science on dogs and cats and C19? 

If canines and felines serve as reservoir populations for C19? Then what?

My guess is there are some places the science leads...that will not be followed. 

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49 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

It should have been the national headline today.

Granted, Trump's coup plot is hardly "news," per se, but where are the headlines about his confession?

Is it because we are all completely numb when it comes to the issue of Trump's criminality-- like boiling frogs?

Perhaps listening to a POTUS tell 30,000 lies has that effect.


Joseph Goebbels quote: If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually (inspiringquotes.us)

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I agree that people are numb to it; once the indictments start raining down on Trump and the other criminals, you'll see it make bigger headlines.

Trump knows it will be happening soon; that's why you saw more incitement of violence with his Texas speech. He essentially hopes his cult followers will burn down cities in an attempt to prevent him from going to prison. He's behaving like a cornered rabid animal now.

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7 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

It should have been the national headline today.

Granted, Trump's coup plot is hardly "news," per se, but where are the headlines about his confession?

Is it because we are all completely numb when it comes to the issue of Trump's criminality-- like boiling frogs?

Perhaps listening to a POTUS tell 30,000 lies has that effect.


85% to 90% of our national media is totally afraid of losing 50% of their viewership and listenership audience and the equivalent in advertising dollars by reporting anything anti-Trump.

IMO that is why Trump gets away with these huge crimes.

If these crimes by Trump are downplayed to the point of not even reporting them or stating their true importance as is the case with this incredible election overturning coup/insurrection admission by Trump and his praise of the Capital Building attackers with suggested offers of pardons and all topped with calls for massive protests of his followers in cities and states where he is being investigated ... we really do not have a truth and democracy protecting 4th estate anymore.

We've lost one of the most vital and important aspects of our democracy.

Their running away from this responsibility reminds one of the cowardice of the local townspeople in the film "High Noon."

What media does report the truth about Trump and the true level of his almost unbelievable crimes against our constitutional democracy ( little ole MSNBC and public radio? ) have what... a 10% share of our TV , radio, newspaper and magazine watching, listening and reading audience?

This failure of responsible truth reporting by our last major guard of protection against losing our way to nefarious anti-democracy groups and their actions and lies ... is truly scary. 


Edited by Joe Bauer
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