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45 minutes ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

I accept that "There are more things under heaven and earth Horatio".......but I'm with you Andrew.

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In page 1 of the WATERGATE, TRUMP’S SPACE FORCE AND 2020 topic posted on July 28, 2019, and in my 2018 autobiography, Being There: Eyewitness to History, Robert Merritt talked about his three meetings with President Nixon in 1972.  At the third and final meeting that took place sometime around the second or third week in 1972:


Nixon then produced a letter-size briefcase and withdrew a handwritten letter of three pages. HH He told Merritt that this was the most important document he had ever prepared. He stated that he alone had written with assistance from no one.

He said it was addressed to Henry Kissinger. He told Merritt that he was going to give the letter to Merritt to deliver to Kissinger in person or by mail. He told Merritt to remain quiet and not say a word as he read the letter out loud. Merritt wondered if Nixon was secretly taping what he was reading out loud.

In essence, Nixon talked about “life as we do not know it.” He said that during the previous twenty years Knowledge had been obtained that could make the human race on Earth “the supreme beings in the universe.” This Knowledge came in part from helpful information provided from an extra-terrestrial being from Planet X, Nibiro, who was in a secure location in a building in the U.S.  Nixon said the Knowledge came as the result of discovery made by scientists working at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico who studied the extraterrestrial being’s information.  Nixon said, “This all important Knowledge that we possess came from our discovery.”


    Nixon said that contact with the Alien Being began twenty years before his meeting with Merritt. This would place it around 1952.

     Confirmation of such an Alien Being was recently made. In a June 4, 2021, interview on Dreamland, legendary UFO researcher Grant Cameron disclosed that in the 1950’s the Canadian government was in contact with an Alien Being called Afa. Afa told the Canadians that the Alien Presence will not interfere with worldly affairs unless nuclear war is imminent. Then the Alien Presence will reveal itself by splitting the Moon in half and then put it back together to demonstrate its power to the world’s population.

      Grant Cameron makes his disclosure of this Canadian contact starting in minute 26 in the link to the program below. I encourage you to listen to the full free interview because Cameron’s knowledge is mind-boggling.

Beyond 60 Minutes: Grant Cameron on the True Depth of Contact – WHITLEY STRIEBER'S UNKNOWN COUNTRY


WATERGATE, TRUMP’S SPACE FORCE AND 2020 - Watergate - The Education Forum (ipbhost.com)



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20 hours ago, Ken Davies said:

That is news to me, a Canadian since 1952.

Grant Cameron is a native Canadian and has followed UFO/Alien Presence developments for 20 years. He is an expert on this topic just as there are experts in this forum on the JFK assassination. 

His interview is worth listening to as it is a fire hose of information. 

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With all due respect, I have been practising law for 42 years in Ontario. I have been a UFO buff since 1968 (drove by the Michigan "swamp gas" outbreak in March that year.) I have seen a couple of unidentified flying things. I had a step dad whose surname was Cameron.

 Grant Cameron is not well known here. He has apparently written some books selling online on topics such as alien music. There are claims that he won research awards but no sources are cited to prove same. There are no academic credentials listed for him. 

 Something may be out there, but the Canadian government is not searching for an answer. The stories  about the Transport Ministry staff activities in the 1950s were food for fodder by UFO authors several decades ago.



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Grant Cameron supposedly won the Leeds International Congress researcher of the year award at some point, but it looks like that Congress is for Medieval studies. Maybe Doug knows more. Grant does live in Winnipeg.

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One only has to listen to the Dreamland interview with Grant Cameron to realize that he has a wealth of information on the UFOs/Alien Presence. 

My educated guess is that Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defense Minister, has had lengthy conversations with Cameron about this. Hellyer has maintained for years that the UFOs/Alien Presence exists.


GRANT CAMERON Shao Ma Chinese Ufology and Contact Modalities - Bing video


Paul Hellyer - Wikipedia

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The Canadian Federal Government (as of 2007) directs all UFO sightings to Chris Rutkowski of Ufology Research of Manitoba. On July 15, 2018, a Canadian news site mentioned a new study conducted by Ufology Research, formerly known as Ufology Research of Manitoba, stating there were more than 1,000 UFO sightings reported in Canada in 2017.




The Canadian Military Has Been Encountering UFOs for Decades, Documents Show (vice.com)

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Introduced in the very first episode of the X-Files, the "I Want to Believe" poster foretold the battle Fox Mulder would face the entire duration of the series. Series creator Chris Carter also was signaling to the audience what the real motivating force was behind the idea that UFOs have something to do with alien life.

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U.S. Has No Explanation for Unidentified Objects and Stops Short of Ruling Out Aliens

A new government report is likely to fuel theories about unexplained aerial phenomena.




A Pentagon report released on Friday confirmed the government still has no explanation for reports of unidentified aerial objects.A Pentagon report released on Friday confirmed the government still has no explanation for reports of unidentified aerial objects.Credit...Stefani Reynolds for The New York Times

June 25, 2021Updated 7:03 p.m. ET THE NEW YORK TIMES

WASHINGTON — The government still has no explanation for nearly all of the scores of unidentified aerial phenomena reported over almost two decades and investigated by a Pentagon task force, according to a report released on Friday, a result that is likely to fuel theories of otherworldly visitations.

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