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Just now, Pamela Brown said:

As Mozart's last major opera, The Magic Flute, has come to life, we may see ourselves in the temple of Isis and Osiris...the temple of Sarastro...

I consider Wehrner Von Braun to be the real-life Sarastro...

Bob Dylan, whom I consider to represent Monostatos, tells us some things about the temple and Isis and the eye of Horus in some of his songs and performances...



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"If the average person knew HALF of what is really going on in the world, they'd go into their backyards and kill themselves."

12th hand related quote by a security agency person that was shared with me by a friend.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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8 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

As Mozart's last major opera, The Magic Flute, has come to life, we may see ourselves in the temple of Isis and Osiris...the temple of Sarastro...

I consider Wehrner Von Braun to be the real-life Sarastro...


This is how music looks like i.m.o., expanding, inclining, almost disappearing at times, surprising, fading, exploding, pretty much like a case...

And most will know Divenire....


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10 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

we may see ourselves in the temple of Isis and Osiris...the temple of Sarastro...

Gozer the Traveller - he will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldronaii, the Traveller came as a large and moving Torb! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the Meketrex supplicants, they chose a new form for him - that of a giant Sloar! Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you!

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26 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

When visitors peruse this forum, what do we suppose many of them are going to think when they see the JFK case associated with UFOs and when they read that some CIA guy said that JFK was killed because of the "alien question"?

Just thinking out loud here.


And how would that be any different when people come in here and read the "SBT/Magic Bullet or Richard Case Nagel?

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3 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

When visitors peruse this forum, what do we suppose many of them are going to think when they see the JFK case associated with UFOs and when they read that some CIA guy said that JFK was killed because of the "alien question"?

Just thinking out loud here.


I don't think JFK was killed because of the 'alien question.'  But I do think there is a larger framework for the Kennedy assassinations that has not yet been acknowledged.  

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3 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

When visitors peruse this forum, what do we suppose many of them are going to think when they see the JFK case associated with UFOs and when they read that some CIA guy said that JFK was killed because of the "alien question"?

Just thinking out loud here.


I personally think the forum can handle "one" thread among hundreds of others more JFK research and debate focused ( more than that might be an integrity problem ) that goes a little outside the basic and traditional JFK Research, Debate and Educational forum content format.

If someone doesn't want to see postings like this...just ignore the "unacknowledged" thread?

However, keep in mind that JFK himself was interested in the UFO subject and probably knew way more about it than any of us could even imagine.

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Just for the record, there are no aliens in the opera. Just a dragon. That's about it...

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On 9/24/2022 at 7:44 PM, Ken Davies said:

Is the magic flute related to the magic bullet?

If not, then how does this relate to JFK's assasination?

Looking through a different lense. The battle is for control of the magic flute and the unique energy that it represents...

Mozart was probably killed because of this opera, but his death has always been shrouded in mystery. 

Fortunately, Bob has helped give definition to what really happened.  This has been an occult secret held by the insiders, mostly Masons, since 1791. 

But now we can see the likelihood that Mozart's death was the original Murder Most Foul. The Kennedy assassinations, and others, carry some of the same characteristics...

I should add that they/Bob seem to think they are using the energy of the magic flute to generate the Murders Most Foul...

Edited by Pamela Brown
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And Ken Davies also asked if the magic flute is related to the magic bullet...

This is Bob's take on the magic bullet...


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Michael Griffiths writes:


I think the suggestion that JFK was killed to prevent him from ending the UFO cover-up strikes most people as wild speculation and tends to discredit the research community.

It is probably the most far-fetched JFK conspiracy theory I've come across on this forum, and that's saying something.

Michael is correct; this stuff discredits critics of the lone-nut theory. Imagine that you're a rational member of the public who is aware that there is a controversy around the assassination. You decide to look into the subject, and you discover that there are people who claim that JFK was killed to prevent him spilling the beans about the little green men who walk among us. You assume that it's a joke, but you look into it further and you discover that these people appear to genuinely believe this stuff.

It doesn't give a good impression, does it?

I'm not sure that Douglas Caddy has read the newspaper article he gave a link to. The article isn't evidence that crop circles are constructed by little green men. It's evidence that crop circles were and are constructed by normal-sized non-green men (and women), using lengths of string and bits of wood. Surely no-one these days thinks there's any other explanation for crop circles?

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UFO's are not the problem, it's associating them with aliens that is.

Of course the government has files on UFO's. 

For all they know someone could have spotted their latest "whatever device" (flying/observing/measuring/....),  or someone has spotted the same from the Russians....  They will compare "what has been seen" to "what they could have seen", that's it...  





Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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Posted today on Facebook by MarioAra Mirriam Greceanu:


Haim Eshed, who headed Israel’s space security programs for 30 years, has been in the spotlight, days, after claiming that aliens exist, and that Israel and the US have long been in contact with them.
Eshed said aliens conduct experiments on Earth, and there is a joint base underground on Mars where they collaborate with American astronauts. “They asked that we don’t publicize they are here because humanity isn’t ready,” he said.
His ideas on space, including on aliens, are outlined in a new book written by author Hagar Yanai, called “The Universe Beyond the Horizon: Conversations With Prof. Haim Eshed.”
According to Isaac Ben-Israel, chairman of the Israel Space Agency, Eshed went too far with his claims, which were published in a interview with the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, but his seriousness shouldn’t be questioned and his standing as a leader in his field remains intact. “If I would have to choose one person to be called the father of Israel’s space capabilities, it would be Haim Eshed,” Ben-Israel told The Times of Israel....
Ben-Israel said it has become entirely acceptable over the last decade for serious scientists to believe in aliens, as knowledge of space has increased. ““Is there intelligent life outside [Earth]? 10 years ago most scientists believed chances are very low. We now believe chances are significant,” he said.
“This doesn’t mean there’s a ‘Galactic Federation’ and they landed on earth, this is too much, but much of the scientific community believes the chance of detecting life in outer space is considerable, not small,” he said.


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