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Secret Service participation in 1/6 coup attempt

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21 hours ago, Chuck Schwartz said:

 A riot breaks out at the Capitol and Pence is whisked by his detail down to the basement where his limo is waiting to move him to a secure location. Trump didn't intend to have Pence killed but once he was away from the Capitol Trump would have commanded the Secret Service to make sure that Pence did not return to the Capitol which would have prevented the certification of the Electoral votes from being finished.

Now tie in the stand down/delay that was given to the DC National Guard and it all ties together. Trump and his Secretary of Defense had no intention of calling in the Guard to stop the riot. They fully expected Pence to be gone and if Pelosi or Schumer or AOC were caught and subsequently killed- well then all the better. This was a planned operation and it is clear why the Republicans do not want anybody looking into the events of January 6th.


      I have an edit request.  Could you edit/delete the extra Newsweek pages on your post toward the top of this thread?

      (I keep having to scroll through all of that extraneous material to get to the bottom of this thread.)

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23 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

I think perhaps the freakiest thing to contemplate is the fact that the rioters only missed getting to Pence by about 90 seconds.

There are numerous instances where this all could have been even more horrible than it was.


Yes.  The worst case is pretty scary.  For any that didn't click on the original story, it should be read and spread.

Nicole Wallace claims Mike Pence feared 'a conspiracy' where rogue Secret Service would kidnap him to help Trump - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism

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14 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Yes.  The worst case is pretty scary.  For any that didn't click on the original story, it should be read and spread.

Nicole Wallace claims Mike Pence feared 'a conspiracy' where rogue Secret Service would kidnap him to help Trump - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism

Pence should speak up, publicly.  He has a moral responsibility to tell America the truth about January 6th.

It's not like he's going to lose any support from Trump fans.  Most of them still, apparently, believe that he should have been lynched on January 6th.

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Obviously Trump and Pence had a symbiotic relationship not built at all on mutual trust.

Even if it's found out that Trump directed the order to remove Pence from the capitol, he can always say it was done for Pence's safety. We've seen from Pence's previous statements  about 1/6  up to now, that he'll probably just say because he is presiding over the certification of the election, he didn't think it's right that  he should leave the capitol, and just leave it that.

The whole situation is very intriguing. We can only hope other shoes drop. Otherwise it's another frustrating  JFKA moment of "why can't you see what's obviously going on" while there's not 100% positive proof.

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On 7/17/2021 at 7:35 PM, David Andrews said:

I would prefer not to see him as president, but Pence seems a better man than we've given him credit for being.  And I believe he was targeted as a "traitor" worthy of the scaffold by an entity above the mob on 1/6.

We should understand, however, that the recent news stories and book reviews citing his opposition to Trump are in the service of rehabilitating Pence and diminishing Trump.  At this point, he's a war hero, and the go-to GOP candidate for 2024, which is still some time away.  Don't be surprised if the GOP does a volte-face, rejects mob baiting extremism, and returns to traditional conservatism with Pence as stalwart figurehead.  He looks like Eisenhower compared to the rest of the party, and the GOP has several years to ease into the transition, looking over their shoulders all the while.

People don't return from where they've gone.

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On 7/15/2021 at 11:10 PM, Matt Allison said:

Mods please move if inappropriate.

Apparently Mike Pence refused to get into a car with his Secret Service agents on 1/6 because he feared they would "fly him to Alaska" in order to prevent him from certifying the electoral college results. WOW

This post would be more credible if the underlying source were specified.  Is it a journalist's public reporting, or speculation?  The word "apparently" is not good enough.  Was this published anywhere and did any Secret Service official have a response?  Additional info is needed to evaluate the credibility of this assertion. DSL

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57 minutes ago, Chuck Schwartz said:

This was a part of Rucker's and Carol Leonig's new book , " I Alone Can Fix It"...https://www.rawstory.com/amp/mike-pence-feared-secret-service-2653793977?__twitter_impression=true They have repeated this story on CNN and the network that Rachel Maddow works for.


Yup -- source is Leonnig whho it is worth noting is an award winning journalist and has Secret Service sources, recently having written a book about the Secret Service. (Zero Fail)

However, you know, I wouldn't be too quick to certify her as credible. Just because she's won an award I don't think that necessarily means anything, and as I understand it her Secret Service book sucked.

Another thing that causes me some level of pause here is she's got two books coming out almost simultaneously. Which, to me, being a writer, tells me that one of them she didn't go real deep on (which I believe is the Secret Service book) and the other one looks like a rushed money-grab, just one of many post-Trump "tell all" books to try to capitalize on the 1/6 events and dumpster fire that is Donald Trump.


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3 hours ago, Richard Booth said:

Yup -- source is Leonnig whho it is worth noting is an award winning journalist and has Secret Service sources, recently having written a book about the Secret Service. (Zero Fail)

However, you know, I wouldn't be too quick to certify her as credible. Just because she's won an award I don't think that necessarily means anything, and as I understand it her Secret Service book sucked.

Another thing that causes me some level of pause here is she's got two books coming out almost simultaneously. Which, to me, being a writer, tells me that one of them she didn't go real deep on (which I believe is the Secret Service book) and the other one looks like a rushed money-grab, just one of many post-Trump "tell all" books to try to capitalize on the 1/6 events and dumpster fire that is Donald Trump.


On the flip side, I doubt that a Washington Post journalist would have simply made up this January 6th Pence story without a source.

I wonder if anyone has attempted to verify the details with Mike Pence, himself, or with Tim Geibels.

For the most part, Pence has been as quiet as a mouse since January 6th about an incident of singular importance in American history.

When did a sitting President ever attempt to block the certification of an election?


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On 7/19/2021 at 5:34 PM, Andrew Prutsok said:

People don't return from where they've gone.

I'd want to know if there's any truth in the rumor(s) that Pence's brother (currently now in the US Congress) had questionable deals in heavy equipment in Russia. Mike P might look like Eisenhower compared to the remaining hopefuls. but...here come the Red's again... hell, did they ever leave?

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Pence left the Senate floor with his wife and daughter so  you're to believe that Pence was separated from them before the Secret Service was to take Pence away because they are not mentioned in the article as witnesses. You would think there would be some record of where Pence was to go and who gave the specific orders.But as I say, even if the order was directly linked to Trump, he could say he was doing it out of concern for Pence's safety. Politically, it's not incumbent on Pence to reveal his  suspicions of Trump's motive on removing him from the Capitol and he'll just say it was his duty to stay there and certify the election.

And if he was asked questions about his suspicions  of Trump's motives in an investigation, his political ambition would just make him lie straight faced about that, as we know he can! To incriminate Trump would dash his political hopes.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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