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JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass

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I'm open minded about CE 399 to the extent of I do not accept that it caused 8 wounds in two men, lol. Personally if I had to make a guess I'd tend to believe the account from Sam Kinney's friend about Sam admitting that he found the bullet while cleaning out the car and put it on a stretcher somewhere in the corridor. Seems an odd choice of what to do with it for sure, but I can buy that he found it in the car. I think it could have been the one that caused the dent in the chrome just above the windshield. Maybe it stuck in there and with vibration from bumpy roads or something it fell out. But, that's just a guess. I'm open minded to an extent, like I said. I used to agree with the theory presented in JFK, that it was planted, possibly by Ruby. I could still see that.

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This is a SUPER long thread so I haven't (and probably won't) go all the way back through 40 plus pages to find out, but I was curious as to what people thought of the Destiny Betrayed 4 part series as opposed to Through The Looking Glass? I watched the latter and enjoyed it but was a little underwhelmed. Keeping up on the assassination over the many years there wasn't a whole lot of information in it that I didn't already know. So, this is probably just from my perspective and the more casual followers of assassination lore would be more highly entertained. I was really anticipating the much longer Destiny Betrayed and wasn't aware that it had been released until I saw someone on an earlier post here referring to it. I checked and it's not available on any channels on my Roku TV that I can find. A Google search showed me that it's on this app called DocPlay or something like that but I'm gonna have to subscribe or do a two week trial. I would gladly do that but the app wasn't available on my Roku TV so I'd still have to watch it on my phone apparently. Anyone know an easier way to watch this on an actual TV?

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On 2/27/2022 at 4:55 PM, James DiEugenio said:

For info on how to get both the 2 hour, for sale or rent, and the 4 hour, only for sale, here you go.


The 2 hour one will be available over seven platforms: Google Play, Apple TV, Amazon, You Tube, Red Box DIgital, Vudu and Microsoft.

The 4 hour one is for sale over six platforms. All the ones above except Red Box.

If you really think about it, the film has had, as of now, an almost eight month worldwide window.  And its still not over yet. That will not come until the DVD version is out in May. Which will mean that it will have had, through various worldwide platforms, a ten month staged release. 

That is pretty much comparable, actually longer than, most feature films. (Its usually six months.  And the film has played in theaters e.g. Rome,UK)  Thank God for the Cannes Film Festival and that  ovation Oliver got in the main ampitheater. Which seats 2,300. That is what got us the cover of Paris Match and that was the beginning of the worldwide wave.



Bumping for Jamey Flanagan.  I think somewhere it says it comes out on March 8th, next Tuesday.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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BTW, the Abby Martin/Oliver Stone interview is now up to over 100,000 views.

Think all those people are from Sri Lanka? (Which used to be Ceylon.)

What this means is that over 10,000 people a day are watching it.

But remember, the Power Elite says no one is interested in the JFK case today.  

LOL! 🙂

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it's quite hilarious to see Parnell and Roe drool on and on about how the film was a flop. They are using criteria that is so outdated, it shows their desperation. So the measure of success is MSM and the networks and big media outlets? That model hasn't existed for over 20 years, now that social media and media visibility is so widely (and democratically) disbursed, on cable, streaming, you tube and on laptops for private use. Next they will tell us, to support their point of view, that Walter Cronkite refuses to interview Stone.

Edited by Allen Lowe
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RIght on Allen.

If you judge things by the MSM, then Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. And we needed to invade.

But alas since the NY Times still thinks Oswald shot Kennedy, and they don't cover JFK Revisited then geez, it must have gone over poorly.  LOL 😘

Here is a comment on Oliver's fine interview with Abby Martin that was sent to me directly.

"u r right jim, terrific interview; oliver has never been better, or more
convincing and cogent, or more eloquent"

BTW, I agree with that.  Its really something how Oliver has gotten so much better since back in 1991 and 92.

And I know this guy who sent me that.  He is not from Sri Lanka.


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Oliver and I will be on Coast to Coast Wednesday night with George Noory.

He will do the first hour.

The interview with Abby was the first in a series he is doing for the release of the four hour version which comes out on seven platforms on Tuesday.


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The Martin/Stone interview is right on schedule, over 110,000 views, with well over 1,000 comments.

I predict it will get up to about 150,000 views before tapering off.  But will be reinforced by viewers from Sri Lanka.

Coast to Coast gets about a million listeners, will ask about how many from Ceylon.  (The old name for Sri Lanka)

There will likely be a big announcement coming up about a huge event for the film to coincide with the DVD release.


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Did I say it would peak out at 150,000 views?  Its already at over 120,000 views right now.

I might have to revise that figure to 200,000.  (And that does not include Sri Lanka.)

BTW, I have to give Aaron Good a lot of credit for this.  He is the one who approached Abby for this series which is part of his American Exception series on Patreon.  The part of that series which is devoted to the JFK case is called Destiny Betrayed.

Some of the guests he has had on for that part are Zach Sklar, Peter Scott, John Newman, James Galbraith and myself.  I also think Ellsberg either has made an appearance or will make one. It is well worth the five bucks to subscribe.  These are long, in depth interviews and Aaron has a good knowledge base to question the guests.  I consider this series kind of a spin off from the documentary and thanks Aaron, and Abby, for taking the initiative to do such good work on such an important subject.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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I assume Biden has forgotten that bit of historical nuance at this point.


On 3/4/2022 at 11:03 AM, Allen Lowe said:

it's quite hilarious to see Parnell and Roe drool on and on about how the film was a flop.

Indeed. The fact that Oliver and Jim were even able to make this film in 2021 is somewhat of a miracle. The right wingers (democrats) have been driving censorship that has never been seen in America at this scale. They are moving to criminalize naughty thoughts and are absolutely giving away the reality that the US government is completely non-sovereign and works for large financial interests. The amount of "Wag the Dog" style propaganda about Ukraine is a very bad sign.  But we have to support the fascist Azov battalion and their ridiculous comic puppet at all costs.

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On 3/4/2022 at 8:23 AM, W. Tracy Parnell said:

This is a fallacious attempt to discredit Oliver Stone's accurate, groundbreaking work on the JFK assassination.

How so?  It's a fallacy to argue that Stone's opinions about Putin and the Ukraine have any bearing on his JFKA work.

They are two entirely different subjects.

It's like arguing that Isaac Newton's opinions about alchemy invalidate his Laws of Motion.

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