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JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass

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I had a weird Amazon experience the other day.  I did a search for "Revisited: Through the Looking Glass" and it showed up in the search window.  But when I clicked on it, it didn't show up in the list of available movies.  I wasn't signed in so when I did sign in, and I do have Amazon Prime, I did another search, I clicked on it, and then it did show up.

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They are having a problem locating it in Canada also.


I got a couple of complaints on that.  But Shout Factory says it is available in Canada.

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Oliver did another interview.  This one has 50,000 views in one day. And look at the comments.


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If you add up all the interviews Oliver has done this week, including Coast to Coast, he has had an audience of, conservatively speaking, about 3.5 million.  The producer of Coast to Coast said they have about 642 outlets and a reach of 3 million.  But when people like Oliver are on, its more. (And that does not include Sri Lanka.)  As I suspected, the Abby Martin interview is now well over 150,000 views.

I am sure this contributed to the nice sales figure on I tunes.

He deserves a lot of credit for working this hard to go around the MSM. In fact, I think everyone here, except maybe Parnell and Roe, owes him a debt of gratitude for doing all this.  Oliver could make much more money doing features.  And the studio would line up the PR. For him to work this hard for this long on a documentary, where he is making only a fraction of what he would on a feature, that is really something.  It just doesn't happen in Hollywood.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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I had to reply to these two fools, Chomsky and his protege Bob Buzzanco.  I mean really.

This was just a disgrace.  It represents everything I really find so problematic with the doctrinaire left.  

Some of this stuff is the strange result of a combination of arrogance with ignorance. I mean the film does not go beyond what is in the HSCA volumes concerning Oswald and the FBI and CIA? Please.  Its so odd how the extreme left meets the MSM at the point of the murder of JFK.





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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I had to reply to these two fools, Chomsky and his protege Bob Buzzanco.  I mean really.

This was just a disgrace.  It represents everything I really find so problematic with the doctrinaire left.  

Some of this stuff is the strange result of a combination of arrogance with ignorance. I mean the film does not go beyond what is in the HSCA volumes concerning Oswald and the FBI and CIA? Please.  Its so odd how the extreme left meets the MSM at the point of the murder of JFK.





It is obvious that JFK's view was that Western powers should not get on the wrong side of struggles against occupiers and colonialists, if only for the practical reason that those are losing battles, as seen in SE Asia. Multinationals may have wanted friendly governments in every country, but JFK correctly determined the price was way too high. Remember, JFK had actually been in a war. 

On a practical level, the HSCA in 1978, under the circumspect Mob-hunter Robert Blakey, determined there was likely a conspiracy that murdered JFK. 

Blakey's views have evolved considerably since then. 

Blakey, at a recorded seminar organized by the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas in October 2018 (on Youtube), mentioned the names of CIA assets, Cuban exiles and hit-men Hermininio Diaz and Eladio Del Valle as individuals thought to have been in Dallas at the time of JFK assassination, and suspects. 

Whatever we think of Blakey, and he made gigantic errors (but, let us remember hindsight is 20/20), we now have the very knowledgable, circumspect Blakey all but saying CIA assets perpetrated the JFK assassination. 

This Blakey Youtube alone should be front page news, let alone Stone's excellent documentary. 

Instead of attacking Oliver Stone, the M$M should be hopping mad at itself and officialdom for not understanding the JFKA, and attendant context, decades ago. 

But today's M$M is deeper in bed with the national security state than ever before.  The globalist mantra in DC is ascendant and cemented into place. 

DiEugenio is indefatigable, a ray of light. There should be dozens of DiEugenios in M$M, but I cannot think of even one. 









Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Thanks so much for that Ben.


BTW, someone on Twitter replied to me about Chomsky and Buzzanco.  This is what they posted:

Not strange if you see them as Left Gatekeepers as nearly everyone does by now.

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BTW, Aaron Good is setting up a debate between me and Buzzanco.  Will let you know the details later.


At least he shows up which is more than I can say for Kirchick and Posner.

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Chomsky, the long term recipient of Pentagon favor and funding is a leftist? On what planet? The DoD has stated on many occasions its primary mission was to contain communism (a clear anti leftist mission) - I submit Chomsky is one of the Pentagon's tactics to contain liberalism, progressivism, leftism, and, to provide a false spokesman/leader for well-intentioned liberals - pursuant to misleading and sabotaging the efforts of youthful citizen-activists working for progressive change. Hopefully, his influence passes with his.

Edited by Jon Pickering
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On 3/14/2022 at 9:51 AM, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Tracy, Stone and DiEugenio's "false mysteries" are now being exposed. The Horne piece on Oswald's missing USMC pay was a total sham. Huge embarrassment now to those who think this film is telling the truth. There will be more. 

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When Aaron Good interviewed Peter Scott for his fine series about Stone's  documentary, he said that Chomsky and Zinn did not want to print his early essay on Kennedy's withdrawal attempt as part of the Gravel edition of the Pentagon Papers.

They said, it will make it look like president's matter.

That is not writing history, its writing ideology.

When Ray Marcus struck up a dialogue with Zinn back in 1993 over Stone's feature film, he said that if the Pentagon had a role in killing Kennedy, they judged him wrong.

This is why I find it so difficult to argue with these kinds of what i call doctrinaire/Pacifica styled leftists.  How does one deal with that kind of logic and reasoning?

I am glad Aaron will be moderating the debate. I would not meet Buzzanco on his own show.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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