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Did President Joe Biden Just Pardon Abraham Bolden?

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This vindicates my copy of Echo from Dealy Plaza.  Thanks to Jim, Oliver, and Biden.  Maybe he saw the film or read the book?

Congratulations to Secret Service Agent Bolden.  I think JFK would be proud.

A Victory for Truth!

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Bolden is really important.  And we were so lucky to get Gochenaur.

He happened to be at the Dallas CAPA conference me and Oliver went to.  And we ran into each other.

That stuff he revealed about Moore and Bolden is not only gripping in and of itself, but it runs into consciousness of guilt area with Kelly.


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I should mention just as an interesting sidenote. A friend of mine has been working on a book about Chuck Berry, and he contacted me last year because he knew Bolden was on my friends list on Facebook, and it turns out Bolden’s son, who died very young, was Chuck Berry’s first drummer.

they did get in contact and apparently had a good interview. Bolden is an incredibly nice guy.

Edited by Allen Lowe
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Early today, on April 26, 2022, I received a call affirming that they awarded me a Presidential Pardon for a conviction during my tenure as a U.S. Secret Service agent. I accept this pardon and justifiable action by President Joe Biden with sincere gratitude.
Almost 61 years ago, on April 28, 1961, I met President John F. Kennedy in Chicago. It would change my life in ways I had not imagined before. After becoming the first Black Secret Service Agent assigned to the White House detail, I served to the best of my ability to uphold the honorable duty of protecting the Office of the President. The aftermath of Kennedy's assassination led to events that would implicate me in a case of bribery. After two high-profile trials, held before a trial judge who told the deliberating jury to find me guilty, I was convicted and served a six-year sentence. For decades, I maintained my innocence. While initial attempts to affirm my innocence were unsuccessful, almost 60 years later, my victory was won. Thanks to all of those who have assisted in the pardon efforts throughout the years. Thanks to my family, friends, and relatives, who all believed in me. Thanks to the memory of my dearly departed wife Barbara, who stood by me throughout the ordeal. She held our family together during these tragic times. Decades later, she was the one who urged me to write my story. Thanks to my three children Ahvia, Abraham Jr., and Daaim, for giving me the will to fight through some of the darkest days of my life. It is my hope that my pardon will inspire others to continue to fight for justice and to stand on the truth.


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Jefferson Morley on how the mainstream media, despite the pardon, are maintaining their

coverup of the reason Abraham Bolden was framed:


Edited by Joseph McBride
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2 hours ago, George Govus said:

Biden's pardon statement makes the same omission of the true circumstances leading to Bolden being framed. So who is wagging the dog here?

Verily. No indication of whether this was just a PC-pardon, or a true examination and understanding of the underlying facts of the case. 

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How can anyone still "not" believe Bolden's detailed story of the Chicago plot?

If these people do not believe Bolden's Chicago plot story, what explanation do they have or even speculate as to why he made this story up? And has steadfastly maintained ( with no detail changes at all ) for the last 59 years?

Do they think that the witnesses in Bolden's trial ( even if just one main one ) who confessed to lying about Bolden's guilt, did not exist? That their confessions didn't exist?

It sounds to me like one of the most personally dedicated and committed JFK protective SS agents in the WH detail was Abraham Bolden.

It would make sense.

Here is a black man who understood that JFK did something so incredibly unpopular, politically and socially incorrect and even personally risky in giving him ( a black American ) an opportunity of a lifetime at a time when there was just naked hate against blacks and resistance against doing things like this in the highest ranks of police/security organizations like his very own SS.

Of course Bolden was at times treated badly by others in that detail. Of course he was at times called the worst names right to his face. From what Vince Palamara has told us, the all white SS was generally as black hating as most other police organizations were back then.  A "Good Ole Boy" mentality with at least some of the members for sure.

Of course they resented JFK's order placing Bolden in their midst. Some maybe even hating JFK for doing so.

I believe Bolden felt the deepest and maybe even over protective sense of duty to protect and watch out for the greatest and most courageous black American defending white man he probably ever came across in his life and who did something for him personally that he equated as heroic. That he owed JFK his protective duty devotion to a blindly loyal 120% degree level including personally maintaining the highest duty standards physically, mentally and socially 24 hours a day. 

I could also understand someone like Bolden (with a totally naive outsider mind set) probably imagining that the closest Presidential security would be made up of the most personal character straight arrow men who were exactly also of this highest standard duty mind set.

It was probably a shock to Bolden to see any number of agents being as lax as he has described. We know for a fact that several JFK motorcade duty agents did go the topless Dallas club ( the Cellar?) the very night before their highest importance duty call the very next morning. Staying up late, some drinking.

Considering what happened the very next day at 12:30 PM in Dealey plaza...and the only JFK protection SS agent ( Clint Hill ) acting even remotely quickly in running to JFK's limo after two loud shot sounds were already heard, you have to consider this late night irresponsible duty neglecting bar carousing of those agents with the same logical concern that Bolden expressed back then. At least imo anyway.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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22 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

Jefferson Morley on how the mainstream media, despite the pardon, are maintaining their

coverup of the reason Abraham Bolden was framed:



Yes, the WaPo story is that Bolden was the victim of white racism tied to minor corruption matter. 


Let's see...JFK assassinated, Oswald murdered, James Garrison destroyed...but what got Bolden was racism. 

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3 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

Here's a link to Edwin Black's important article on the

Chicago plot against JFK. This is a PDF in the Harold

Weisberg collection:

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/V Disk/Vallee Thomas Arthur/Item 05.pdf

I've read the first few paragraphs and the last few and skimmed the rest thus far.  It's long and deep.  I'll definitely read the whole thing in the next day or two.  The interview of Vallee is interesting.  In spite of being truthful about his arrest, views and the circumstances he remains convincing (to me) that he was not involved in a plot.  Though there was unquestionably one.  Similar to where Oswald eventually found himself?

Thank you for the link.  It is a historical article.   

Edited by Ron Bulman
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On 4/29/2022 at 6:18 PM, Joseph McBride said:

Here's a link to Edwin Black's important article on the

Chicago plot against JFK. This is a PDF in the Harold

Weisberg collection:

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/V Disk/Vallee Thomas Arthur/Item 05.pdf

I finally read the whole thing. 

It's difficult to believe the Secret Service didn't document their interview of the two "Cubans" detained.  I didn't remember it was the SS who did so, is that in Boldens book (my only other source)? 

The other part I didn't remember such details on about it was the FBI calling the Chicago SS about a call they received from "Lee".  About the four Cubans with scoped rifles.  I'd read the story before, just not that I remember it coming from the FBI to the SS.  Nor that Hoover considered it a SS, not an FBI matter. 

Then there is that reference to look for Braden in the arrest files for the date.  As in Eugene Hale Braden or Brading in the Dal Tex building 11/22/63       

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18 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I finally read the whole thing. 

It's difficult to believe the Secret Service didn't document their interview of the two "Cubans" detained.  I didn't remember it was the SS who did so, is that in Boldens book (my only other source)? 

The other part I didn't remember such details on about it was the FBI calling the Chicago SS about a call they received from "Lee".  About the four Cubans with scoped rifles.  I'd read the story before, just not that I remember it coming from the FBI to the SS.  Nor that Hoover considered it a SS, not an FBI matter. 

Then there is that reference to look for Braden in the arrest files for the date.  As in Eugene Hale Braden or Brading in the Dal Tex building 11/22/63       

I re read a few passages in Echo From Dealy Plaza today.  This gets kind of weird.

Bolden says news of the four suspects came to supervisor Martineau during a meeting and all present heard his end of the call., which was from the local FBI office.  The Black story says ranking agent Stocks took the call from Washington.  Neither guy thought it was the SS job to investigate as there was no official "threat" to the president.  Bolden says Martineau called Rowley's office and was told to investigate.  Black says the office received a TWX from Rowley saying the same thing. 

Both stories agree Stocks blew his cover not turning his radio down and the suspects heard it then took off.  Bolden was listening on the radio when it happened.  He says they were lost in traffic.  End of his story.  Black says Martineau decided to bring them in anyway, and that they were, "in the very early morning hours".  They were interrogated in separate rooms, one by Stocks with no results by10 AM.  No records of it all found.  Others involved "didn't remember"?

Was Bolden left out of the loop on "the rest of the story"?

It would be an interesting question to ask him about.

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