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Thankyou, Tucker Carlson!!

Matthew Koch

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11 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

I don't know a lot about him, but my understanding is he is a Catholic, pro-gun rights, anti-abortion rights, anti-entitlements Republican. Once upon a time, as recently as the 80's, this would have put him on the fringe. These days it marks him as a mainstream Republican. 

5 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

..You really need to stop putting me in some lefty box.

Pat this is why you are in the left box ; )

After reading your list he sounds extra based💯

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15 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

I don't know a lot about him, but my understanding is he is a Catholic, pro-gun rights, anti-abortion rights, anti-entitlements Republican. Once upon a time, as recently as the 80's, this would have put him on the fringe. These days it marks him as a mainstream Republican. 

OK, giving benefit of the doubt, those can be the sincere beliefs of an honest man. 

Obviously, I would never disparage someone's religion, or views on abortion. Since when is being a devout Catholic a bad thing? 

Gun rights is a tricky issue, and people have various views. In my decades in Los Angeles, I met more than one woman (left-wing on most issues) who practiced concealed weapons carry, and who could blame her? 

A person can reasonably question whether entitlements create welfare dependency. 

None of this suggests Schweikert is dishonest or would back off of the JFKA for modern-day political expediency. He has different views on some issues than you do. So what? 

It takes all kinds to make the world go 'round. 





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From Jeff Morley--


Will Congress Conduct JFK Oversight Hearings?

House leaders, three Republicans and one Democrat, could bring sunshine to the JFK assassination story

FEB 24


Rep. Jamie Raskin, advocate of full JFK disclosure (Photo Credit: Paul Morigi)

A friend writes, “Please post the following information for JFK Facts readers. They can contact the committee chairs to ask for oversight hearing on JFK Records Act and on H.R. 637.” 

In December John Tunheim, former chair of the Assassination Records Review Board,  called for oversight hearings to examine why the JFK Records Act has not been enforced.

In January, Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) introduced H.R. 637, also known as the JFK Act of 2023 which would declassify all assassination files within 30 days. 

Now is a good time to advocate for open government measures. Sunshine Week, held March 12-19, is annual nationwide celebration of access to public information and what it means for you and your community. It’s your right to know.

Contact the elected officials and civil servants listed below and let them now that full JFK disclosure is a genuinely bipartisan issue that Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, can all agree on. This is one issue where an otherwise divided Congress can act boldly to insure the American people can have full JFK disclosure by next November, the 60th anniversary of the Dallas tragedy.

House Oversight Committee

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) is the chair. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) is the ranking member. Raskin was a signatory on Rep. Steve Cohen’s letters to President BIden and the Public Interest Declassification Board calling for full JFK disclosure. Comer and Raskin can be reached here:

2157 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-5074


House Judiciary Committee

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is the chair.

2138 Rayburn House Building, Washington, DC  20515

Phone: (202) 225-6906


House Intelligence Committee

Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) is the chair.

Capitol Visitor Center HVC-304 US Capitol Building Washington, DC 20515-6415.


Majority Staff:(202) 225-4121

 Minority Staff: (202) 225-7690.

Let them now that full JFK disclosure is a genuinely bipartisan issue that Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, can all agree on.

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Pat this is why you are in the left box ; )

After reading your list he sounds extra based💯

I guess you don't know what the left box is. It's not "left" to understand history. In the not-so-distant past, many Republicans were for things like gun control, abortion rights, and protecting social security. Things flipped about 30 years ago, where a Repub had to be hard-line on these issues or risk losing his base, ginned-up by the NRA, the Christian Right, and Fox News. 

It's been but 11 years since Romney was the Repub nominee, after all. And only 7 since Jeb Bush was considered the front-runner. Don't get suckered into thinking Trump represents the real Republican Party, or whatever. He will fade and moderates will rise to the top. That's how it's supposed to work in a Democracy. Trump's reign was an aberration. 


Edited by Pat Speer
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9 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

I guess you don't know what the left box is. It's not "left" to understand history. In the not-so-distant past, many Republicans were for things like gun control, abortion rights, and protecting social security. Things flipped about 30 years ago, where a Repub had to be hard-line on these issues or risk losing his base, ginned-up by the NRA, the Christian Right, and Fox News. 

It's been but 10 years since Romney was the Repub nominee, after all. And only 6 since Jeb Bush was considered the front-runner. Don't get suckered into thinking Trump represents the real Republican Party, or whatever. He will fade and moderates will rise to the top. That's how it's supposed to work in a Democracy. Trump's reign was an aberration. 


Are you sourcing Fox's time traveler hahaha?

These people will believe anything.

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1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

I guess you don't know what the left box is. It's not "left" to understand history. In the not-so-distant past, many Republicans were for things like gun control, abortion rights, and protecting social security. Things flipped about 30 years ago, where a Repub had to be hard-line on these issues or risk losing his base, ginned-up by the NRA, the Christian Right, and Fox News. 

It's been but 11 years since Romney was the Repub nominee, after all. And only 7 since Jeb Bush was considered the front-runner. Don't get suckered into thinking Trump represents the real Republican Party, or whatever. He will fade and moderates will rise to the top. That's how it's supposed to work in a Democracy. Trump's reign was an aberration. 

1 hour ago, Bob Ness said:

These people will believe anything.

Wait, so you're telling me that Republicans used to be pro abortion and pro gun control? Do you have anything other than your opinion to back that up? I perceive the left to have changed on those issues, the hippy lefties were calling Troops baby killers back in the day, fast forward to today they are proud baby killers and now virtue signal over it, and JFK was a NRA member and the gun control he tried to get passed was in support of American gun manufactures. This quote doesn't sound like anything people on the left are saying nowadays... 

 Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. -JFK 

Personally my views would probably be most compatible with Ron Paul or Rand Paul, I used to be a libertarian until moving to Mexico and seeing how those policies just lead to gangs and cartels, the Mexicans also showed me that a non secular society is better in a lot of ways. When the tea party libertarians realized that fighting corporations like Black Rock is not possible in a un free market where most of the politicians are bribed and that a movement needs a populist leader that will listen to their base and enact reforms that would not happen in a fee market. Trumps trade war with China is a good example of that. JFK did many populist thing in office as well like a tax cut. All I've really gotten from you is that you have a biased against the right and you seem to hide behind vagueness, so that's why you are in the left box because everything you have said is consistent with that box; BLM, Abortion, Gun Control, Anti Tobacco, Tucker Carlson etc etc. Now I'm goin to assume you tell people you are independent like you do with the JFK case "I'm not a Ct'er or a LN'er" which to me is a miliqel toast fence sitting to argue without stating a position so that you can't be attacked. Michael Griffin does this alot from a conservative position. So I find it very interesting that you are trying to frame the debate to your advantage instead of understanding that the Republican Party is evolving to be more populist and less Neo con.. Meanwhile positions like being anti war are not longer part of the Democratic Party (another thing you have in common with them, seems like the scales are tipping to the left box. 



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On 2/22/2023 at 9:40 PM, Paul Brancato said:

I think you are a provocateur Matthew 

Matthew- allow me to withdraw the word provocateur. The word has connotations, and I shouldn’t have used it to describe you. I do however feel provoked by you. I’ve been clear - I’m on the side of full disclosure of JFK documents, and whoever gets done I’m prepared to be thankful to them. I’ve also said clearly I don’t think it’s gonna happen. If Schweikert manages to get his bill to the floor for a vote I hope it gets bipartisan support. 
Like Joe says, Tucker Carlson has been a lightning rod for conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact, such as the great replacement. I’m hardly surprised that the Feds infiltrated the Proud Boys and their ilk. I don’t want a blackshirt led bloody revolution, even if I agree we surely need a revolution. Trump cannot be the face of it and get my support - ever - because he is an autocratic narcissistic sexist sallow human. 
Matthew - you make the comment somewhere here that the Republican Party is now populist, and the Democrats status quo corporatists. Those aren’t your exact words, but that is the gist. Please correct me if I’m wrong. What I’d like to know is what is your definition of populist? 

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32 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Matthew- allow me to withdraw the word provocateur. The word has connotations, and I shouldn’t have used it to describe you. I do however feel provoked by you. I’ve been clear - I’m on the side of full disclosure of JFK documents, and whoever gets done I’m prepared to be thankful to them. I’ve also said clearly I don’t think it’s gonna happen. If Schweikert manages to get his bill to the floor for a vote I hope it gets bipartisan support. 
Like Joe says, Tucker Carlson has been a lightning rod for conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact, such as the great replacement. I’m hardly surprised that the Feds infiltrated the Proud Boys and their ilk. I don’t want a blackshirt led bloody revolution, even if I agree we surely need a revolution. Trump cannot be the face of it and get my support - ever - because he is an autocratic narcissistic sexist sallow human. 
Matthew - you make the comment somewhere here that the Republican Party is now populist, and the Democrats status quo corporatists. Those aren’t your exact words, but that is the gist. Please correct me if I’m wrong. What I’d like to know is what is your definition of populist? 

Paul, luckily for both of us, you don't have to trust Trump or Carlson all you have to do is give Jamie Raskin a call and say that you would like him to support Rep Schweirkart's bill. I'm going to do it and I'm probably going to fib and tell whoever I'm talking to how much I respect Jamie Raskin and would even more so if he helped to bipartisan the bill. 

I disagree on the replacement theory.. https://www.un.org/development/desa/pd/sites/www.un.org.development.desa.pd/files/unpd-egm_200010_un_2001_replacementmigration.pdf

A black shirt revolution is being led by Antifa but that generates crickets from the left, history shows that fascism is a reaction to communism and the left seems hellbent on creating that reaction by targeting people's children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArOQF4kadHA

I said that the Republican Party is becoming populist which is why they are rebelling against Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush types in favor of MAGA candidates. My definition of populism is supporting the common man over the elites. Which is why it makes sense to me that we see Trump in Ohio and Biden in Ukraine. 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Matthew- allow me to withdraw the word provocateur. The word has connotations, and I shouldn’t have used it to describe you. I do however feel provoked by you. I’ve been clear - I’m on the side of full disclosure of JFK documents, and whoever gets done I’m prepared to be thankful to them. I’ve also said clearly I don’t think it’s gonna happen. If Schweikert manages to get his bill to the floor for a vote I hope it gets bipartisan support. 
Like Joe says, Tucker Carlson has been a lightning rod for conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact, such as the great replacement. I’m hardly surprised that the Feds infiltrated the Proud Boys and their ilk. I don’t want a blackshirt led bloody revolution, even if I agree we surely need a revolution. Trump cannot be the face of it and get my support - ever - because he is an autocratic narcissistic sexist sallow human. 
Matthew - you make the comment somewhere here that the Republican Party is now populist, and the Democrats status quo corporatists. Those aren’t your exact words, but that is the gist. Please correct me if I’m wrong. What I’d like to know is what is your definition of populist? 

Paul, let me posit simply that imo Fox News' mandate since their inception has been to divide and weaken the American progressive working class influence that until Reagan finally finishing blow busted their Worker's Union power, was the greatest adversary to the never ending power and control obsession by the oligarchical minded ruling class ( the 1% if you will) who just like Trump all share the Mary Trump defined mental affliction of wealth, power and control obsession ...TOO MUCH AND NEVER ENOUGH."

The big Fox News "Wag The Dog" illusion constantly performed to tens of millions of Americans is that the problems of America stem from a power and cultural struggle between the commie/socialist, sexually deviant, lazy welfare sucking, police hating and unpatriotic left and the hard working, religiously righteous, police loving and "our military right or wrong" patriotic right.

When the truth is ( imo anyways ) the real power and control war is between the elitist corporate 1% and the rest of us over our wealth.

What's that well known American wealth division fact?

1 to 5% of America owns and controls 85% of our national wealth?

The 95% rest of America is left to fight over the remaining 15% crumbs?

Think about that massively important dynamic American economic "fact." It says it all!

We are a society that is more divided economically than any other industrial nation. That fact is our greatest dividing stress. Wake up!

And again, it's never enough for these obsessed with more super rich.

Fox News and their societal dividing rage feeding propagandists along with their powerful  "24/7" broadcasting right wing radio propagandists brethren ( 50 million listeners a day) have performed this dramatic theater play for decades.

It's all a psychological warfare charade illusion!

Yet, a totally successful one in too many nation dividing ways.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Paul, luckily for both of us, you don't have to trust Trump or Carlson all you have to do is give Jamie Raskin a call and say that you would like him to support Rep Schweirkart's bill. I'm going to do it and I'm probably going to fib and tell whoever I'm talking to how much I respect Jamie Raskin and would even more so if he helped to bipartisan the bill. 

I disagree on the replacement theory.. https://www.un.org/development/desa/pd/sites/www.un.org.development.desa.pd/files/unpd-egm_200010_un_2001_replacementmigration.pdf

A black shirt revolution is being led by Antifa but that generates crickets from the left, history shows that fascism is a reaction to communism and the left seems hellbent on creating that reaction by targeting people's children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArOQF4kadHA

I said that the Republican Party is becoming populist which is why they are rebelling against Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush types in favor of MAGA candidates. My definition of populism is supporting the common man over the elites. Which is why it makes sense to me that we see Trump in Ohio and Biden in Ukraine. 

Yes I’m aware that Raskin says he supports full release. I trust he will back the bill. 
Antifa dresses in black but you missed my analogy, or perhaps ignored it. Anarchists are not leading any kind of revolution. Antifa as an organization doesn’t actually exist. Anyone can wear black and wreak havoc at midnight on the streets of Portland. And they did. 
Populism, as it is being defined by the current Republicans, is mostly a whites only club. Do you see that differently? 

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Paul, let me posit simply that imo Fox News' mandate since their inception has been to divide and weaken the American progressive working class influence that until Reagan finally finishing blow busted their Worker's Union power, was the greatest adversary to the never ending power and control obsession by the oligarchical minded ruling class ( the 1% if you will) who just like Trump all share the Mary Trump defined mental affliction of wealth, power and control obsession ...TOO MUCH AND NEVER ENOUGH."

The big Fox News "Wag The Dog" illusion constantly performed to tens of millions of Americans is that the problems of America stem from a power and cultural struggle between the commie/socialist, sexually deviant, lazy welfare sucking, police hating and unpatriotic left and the hard working, religiously righteous, police loving and "our military right or wrong" patriotic right.

When the truth is ( imo anyways ) the real power and control war is between the elitist corporate 1% and the rest of us over our wealth.

What's that well known American wealth division fact?

1 to 5% of America owns and controls 85% of our national wealth?

The 95% rest of America is left to fight over the remaining 15% crumbs?

Think about that massively important dynamic American economic "fact." It says it all!

We are a society that is more divided economically than any other industrial nation. That fact is our greatest dividing stress. Wake up!

And again, it's never enough for these obsessed with more super rich.

Fox News and their societal dividing rage feeding propagandists along with their powerful  "24/7" broadcasting right wing radio propagandists brethren ( 50 million listeners a day) have performed this dramatic theater play for decades.

It's all a psychological warfare charade illusion!

Yet, a totally successful one in too many nation dividing ways.

Pretty much agree with you. A true populist movement would be all about redistribution of wealth.

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Fox News and their societal dividing rage feeding propagandists along with their powerful  "24/7" broadcasting right wing radio propagandists brethren ( 50 million listeners a day) have performed this dramatic theater play for decades.

It's all a psychological warfare charade illusion!

Yet, a totally successful one in too many nation dividing ways.

Joe: A quick question or three:

Why do you think Fox is so successful?

Do you think media networks on the left whip up hate and agitation? 

Have you considered that the media networks can be counterpoints to eachother, and essential to keeping the masses distracted, entertained, mentally occupied and consumed with emotion? 




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6 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Yes I’m aware that Raskin says he supports full release. I trust he will back the bill. 
Antifa dresses in black but you missed my analogy, or perhaps ignored it. Anarchists are not leading any kind of revolution. Antifa as an organization doesn’t actually exist. Anyone can wear black and wreak havoc at midnight on the streets of Portland. And they did. 
Populism, as it is being defined by the current Republicans, is mostly a whites only club. Do you see that differently? 

Paul, Anarchists don't exist in groups that is your first clue that it's basically a unregulated militia the fact that you make a big deal out of proud boys and not antifa perfectly illustrates your bias. The black shirt comparison I'm am making is not about superficial colors but about being bullies for the STATE and as we saw with George Soros funded prosecutors people who are committing violent acts on behalf of left politics are not being charged and put back on the streets, similar tactics were used in Fascist Germany. It is rather telling that morally you don't have a problem with them and even make loophole excuses like Lisa Pease does; it's decentralized, Antifaschist is in the title. Well guess what the (N)azi is short for National Socialist but they're not socialists right? 

It is rather interesting how "Progressives" went from  judging people by the content of their character to judging them by their race as you are illustrating here and @Pat Speerdid in the thread where I addressed your provocateur comment. I guess that's why Ohio doesn't matter like @W. Niederhutsaid Trumps there because of huwyte people.  

16 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Pretty much agree with you. A true populist movement would be all about redistribution of wealth.

Btw Paul you are an Anarcho Communist based on this opinion and I am an Anarcho Capitalist the difference is that your ideology is contradictory and hypocritical since actual anarchists don't believe in State power, so how would the money be redistributed? BTW Speaking of redistribution, remember when the DNC redistributed Bernies delegates to Hillary Clinton.. I remember people on the left having a problem with the fact that she got to have what Bernie earned.. That was Awesome!! 


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4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Paul, Anarchists don't exist in groups that is your first clue that it's basically a unregulated militia the fact that you make a big deal out of proud boys and not antifa perfectly illustrates your bias. The black shirt comparison I'm am making is not about superficial colors but about being bullies for the STATE and as we saw with George Soros funded prosecutors people who are committing violent acts on behalf of left politics are not being charged and put back on the streets, similar tactics were used in Fascist Germany. It is rather telling that morally you don't have a problem with them and even make loophole excuses like Lisa Pease does; it's decentralized, Antifaschist is in the title. Well guess what the (N)azi is short for National Socialist but they're not socialists right? 

It is rather interesting how "Progressives" went from  judging people by the content of their character to judging them by their race as you are illustrating here and @Pat Speerdid in the thread where I addressed your provocateur comment. I guess that's why Ohio doesn't matter like @W. Niederhutsaid Trumps there because of huwyte people.  

Btw Paul you are an Anarcho Communist based on this opinion and I am an Anarcho Capitalist the difference is that your ideology is contradictory and hypocritical since actual anarchists don't believe in State power, so how would the money be redistributed? BTW Speaking of redistribution, remember when the DNC redistributed Bernies delegates to Hillary Clinton.. I remember people on the left having a problem with the fact that she got to have what Bernie earned.. That was Awesome!! 


Thank you for boldly showing your full colors Matthew. You are racist and anti-Semitic. I do hope you give up on all us rational people here and move on. 

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35 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Thank you for boldly showing your full colors Matthew. You are racist and anti-Semitic. I do hope you give up on all us rational people here and move on. 

Just like Tucker is too, right Paul!!! (Sarcasm added) Sorry you can't refute my points and you are choosing to go this route... 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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