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Tucker is out apparently

Bob Ness

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Rupert Murdoch has plenty of money. What he enjoys most at this point is his influence and power.

He's no dummy; he knows the GOP is a dumpster fire right now, and that barring some kind of sea change, 2024 is a Biden and Dem landslide.

If he's going to turn the GOP around, he has to work fast.

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4 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

For all the magat's out there.


It seems that the main reason Fox News fired Tucker Carlson is that tweets by him saying he despised Donald Trump had been discovered in the course of legal proceedings, and that Fox News’ most prominent TV host couldn’t be seen to be so negatively disposed towards the Republicans’ leading presidential candidate.

That screws up the simplistic narrative of the anti-Carlson fanatics who are celebrating his axing. Ironically, the reason for the celebration is that he is probably the most incisive and articulate TV host in US mainstream media.

It’s classic “shooting the messenger” cancel culture which has been destroying western so-called democracy. Denying reality is not going to change reality – the reality that unipolar US global dominance is being inexorably supplanted by a multipolar geopolitical order.

The sooner US jingoistic imperialists wake up to this reality, the better it will be for all of us.

Edited by John Cotter
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Can you explain how you get that 2024 is a Biden landslide?


The problem that the Democrats have is pretty simple: the south flipped on them.  And that is where the sunshine is, therefore more and more people have been moving to Georgia, the Carolinas, Texas and Florida.  That is a lot of Electoral votes. The other problem they have is that in some states, they have even lost the Rust Belt and the Border states. This was very much proven in HIllary Clinton's race. They are also weak in the Mid West.

What they have is the northeast, and the far west. Fortunately, that includes New York and California. And this offsets Florida and Texas.  But there is no landslide in sight until the  Dems find a way to reassert themselves in the south and the border states.  That is just whistling past the graveyard.  The Dems have a serious geographical problem.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Rupert Murdoch has plenty of money. What he enjoys most at this point is his influence and power.

He's no dummy; he knows the GOP is a dumpster fire right now, and that barring some kind of sea change, 2024 is a Biden and Dem landslide.

If he's going to turn the GOP around, he has to work fast.

The GOP is a dumpster fire?! My heavens, the presumptive Democratic nominee is clearly suffering from substantial cognitive decline. His handlers rarely let him talk to reporters, and when they do, he usually utters several gaffes or incoherent statements. Recent polls show that nearly half or just over half of Democrats do not want him to run in 2024. Democrats just lost the House in the mid-terms and narrowly avoided losing the Senate.

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The JFKA is still the third rail. 

Anyone in media who pursues the JFKA...will be out. 

Any president who says they will open up the JFK records, or who says they want to see the "Bay of Pigs" files...is out. 

President Biden has done a snuff on the JFKA records. He is in. 

Rachel Maddow, who chortles that the CIA can torpedo anybody who crosses them, is in. 

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7 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The JFKA is still the third rail. 

Anyone in media who pursues the JFKA...will be out. 

Any president who says they will open up the JFK records, or who says they want to see the "Bay of Pigs" files...is out. 

President Biden has done a snuff on the JFKA records. He is in. 

Rachel Maddow, who chortles that the CIA can torpedo anybody who crosses them, is in. 

Are you saying Carlson is out because he stepped on third rail?


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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

the presumptive Democratic nominee is clearly suffering from substantial cognitive decline. His handlers rarely let him talk to reporters, and when they do, he usually utters several gaffes or incoherent statements.


You need to stop watching your fake news channels, Michael. None of what you write above is true.

If you allow yourself to be this easily indoctrinated by anti-American voices, you should pause and ask yourself who you've climbed into bed with.

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15 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Are you saying Carlson is out because he stepped on third rail?


Carlson didn't just step on the third rail; he took his shirt off and got down there and hugged it. 

I cannot prove that is why Carlson was canned. 

I can prove that anyone in big-platform media who earnestly pursues the JFKA is...no longer in media.

Rachel Maddow, who has gleefully chortled on-air (with Senator Schumer) that the CIA can torpedo anyone they want to...is still on air. 

BTW, Maddow carried water for the intel-state on the fake news "Russian disinfo" story on the Hunter Biden laptop. 

Side note: I am talking out of school, but more than a few lawyers said Dominion had a weak case. I do not know why Fox settled.  There may be more to the story.


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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Can you explain how you get that 2024 is a Biden landslide?

Perhaps ass-kicking would be a better description, as Trump is going to lose by more than 10 million votes in 2024; he'll lose all the states he lost in 2020, and the Dems might add North Carolina to the list of electoral college victories.

There is no realistic path to victory for Donald Trump.

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


Can you explain how you get that 2024 is a Biden landslide?


The problem that the Democrats have is pretty simple: the south flipped on them.  And that is where the sunshine is, therefore more and more people have been moving to Georgia, South Carolina, Texas and Florida.  That is a lot of Electoral votes. The other problem they have is that in some states, they have even lost the Rust Belt and the Border states. This was very much proven in HIllary Clinton's race. They are also weak in the Mid West.

What they have is the northeast, and the far west. Fortunately, that includes New York and California. And this offsets Florida and Texas.  But there is no landslide in sight until the  Dems find a way to reassert themselves in the south and the border states.  That is just whistling past the graveyard.  The Dems have a serious geographical problem.

Yeah landslide no. But the republicans barely took the house in an off year and lost the senate. The constant attack on women is going to cost them it looks like. 

Either way the Maga's are taking hits and it won't let up anytime soon.

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5 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Side note: I am talking out of school, but more than a few lawyers said Dominion had a weak case. I do not know why Fox settled.  There may be more to the story.

Please. It was so weak they flipped 3/4 a bil? I'd find new lawyers.

Edited by Bob Ness
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