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RFK jr says CIA killed JFK

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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Hi Gene-

Link does not seem to work. 

Can you post?

I am open to the Chicago story. After all, I suspect at least two individuals traveled to Dallas for the JFKA. 

What I ponder is if travelers would work in cooperation with anybody else, including local officials. 

After the fact, agencies might try to do some CYA. 


For perspective, Secret Service was a relatively small federal agency in 1963.   In 1961, the entire Secret Service amounted to 400 individuals, of whom 300 were classified as agents (most of whom were engaged in investigating counterfeiting). There were just 28 agents on the ground in Dallas in 1963, and the agency's budget was $5.5 million; a total of 500 employees, with 70 special agents assigned to protect the President directly or to the Protective Research Section.  It was an elite assignment (and still is) but my point is, SS was a relatively small agency compared to the FBI and CIA. Following reforms prompted by the assassination, by 1968, they employed 600 agents and had a $17 million budget. That ballooned up to 1,500 agents and a $150 million budget in 1981, when Hinckley shot Regan. Today there are 3,400 special agents with a $1.6 billion per year budget.  

The sense that I get from reading Bolden's book and the detailed account of his ordeal is that SS did what they were told and stayed out of the way of the more powerful and larger entities (i.e., CIA, FBI, Defense Department). James J. Rowley (an Irish Catholic, like JFK) reported to Douglas Dillon, Secretary of the Treasury.  Regarding the Chicago plot, it seems (some speculation here) that they were "told" to back off, and not to interfere.  I don't think that they enjoyed much cooperation with the FBI ... the "tip" that they received from the FBI about the plot was characterized as being a rare occurrence.  Therefore, they may not have been so much complicit as unwitting accomplices. Their subsequent actions were most certainly driven by an aspect of CYA ... that is what was emphasized to Bolden by the few friends that he had in SS at the time (e.g., "loose lips sink ships").   There's a very strong instinct to protect the reputation of any federal agency, particularly when it comes under fire and criticism following a public failure. 

The link to the article is below. 

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/V Disk/Vallee Thomas Arthur/Item 05.pdf  


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49 minutes ago, Gene Kelly said:

The sense that I get from reading Bolden's book and the detailed account of his ordeal is that SS did what they were told and stayed out of the way of the more powerful and larger entities (i.e., CIA, FBI, Defense Department).

That may be true, but the SS launched an independent investigation almost immediately after the assassination and snatched up some important evidence that never made it into the hands of the DPD, FBI or WC.  

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1 hour ago, Gene Kelly said:


For perspective, Secret Service was a relatively small federal agency in 1963.   In 1961, the entire Secret Service amounted to 400 individuals, of whom 300 were classified as agents (most of whom were engaged in investigating counterfeiting). There were just 28 agents on the ground in Dallas in 1963, and the agency's budget was $5.5 million; a total of 500 employees, with 70 special agents assigned to protect the President directly or to the Protective Research Section.  It was an elite assignment (and still is) but my point is, SS was a relatively small agency compared to the FBI and CIA. Following reforms prompted by the assassination, by 1968, they employed 600 agents and had a $17 million budget. That ballooned up to 1,500 agents and a $150 million budget in 1981, when Hinckley shot Regan. Today there are 3,400 special agents with a $1.6 billion per year budget.  

The sense that I get from reading Bolden's book and the detailed account of his ordeal is that SS did what they were told and stayed out of the way of the more powerful and larger entities (i.e., CIA, FBI, Defense Department). James J. Rowley (an Irish Catholic, like JFK) reported to Douglas Dillon, Secretary of the Treasury.  Regarding the Chicago plot, it seems (some speculation here) that they were "told" to back off, and not to interfere.  I don't think that they enjoyed much cooperation with the FBI ... the "tip" that they received from the FBI about the plot was characterized as being a rare occurrence.  Therefore, they may not have been so much complicit as unwitting accomplices. Their subsequent actions were most certainly driven by an aspect of CYA ... that is what was emphasized to Bolden by the few friends that he had in SS at the time (e.g., "loose lips sink ships").   There's a very strong instinct to protect the reputation of any federal agency, particularly when it comes under fire and criticism following a public failure. 

The link to the article is below. 

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/V Disk/Vallee Thomas Arthur/Item 05.pdf  


Well, an interesting article.

But when it boils down, we get:

1. The FBI was told by an informant named Lee that were four serious dudes after JFK in Chicago, 11/2. They tell the Secret Service. 

2. A Chicago landlady see four guys with four rifles in her complex, tells police.

3. The SS arrests (sort of) two of the guys, detains them, but gets nothing out of them. It is fishy we don't even know their names or ethnicity. No photos taken, etc. Fingerprints? Either the SS is covering up big-time, or these were just two lunks who got arrested...and the SS figured that out. 

4. Vallee actually seems out of left field, although his service at a U2 base is interesting. Vallee denies any intention to shoot JFK, there is no indication he is an asset, like, say LHO.  Vallee appears to be a true drifter type, troubled. 

Vallee strikes me as a true loner, unlike LHO who had family, friends, was well-regarded by his supervisor at TSBD, and was well-read (we know that from LHO's library check-outs in N.O.). 

Upshot: High suggestive. Four Cuban exiles/mercs may have made their way to Chicago. Or maybe two. 

The same two guys who traveled to Dallas? 





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1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

That may be true, but the SS launched an independent investigation almost immediately after the assassination and snatched up some important evidence that never made it into the hands of the DPD, FBI or WC.  


That's a valid point, and one that really disappoints me.  And the destruction of records (and willful violation of the Records Act) happened almost 30 years later, in 1995.  It remains to debate whether this was to coverup their complicity or simply to protect the Service's reputation. I suspect it's a bit of both. 


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well, an interesting article.

But when it boils down, we get:

1. The FBI was told by an informant named Lee that were four serious dudes after JFK in Chicago, 11/2. They tell the Secret Service. 

2. A Chicago landlady see four guys with four rifles in her complex, tells police.

3. The SS arrests (sort of) two of the guys, detains them, but gets nothing out of them. It is fishy we don't even know their names or ethnicity. No photos taken, etc. Fingerprints? Either the SS is covering up big-time, or these were just two lunks who got arrested...and the SS figured that out. 

4. Vallee actually seems out of left field, although his service at a U2 base is interesting. Vallee denies any intention to shoot JFK, there is no indication he is an asset, like, say LHO.  Vallee appears to be a true drifter type, troubled. 

Vallee strikes me as a true loner, unlike LHO who had family, friends, was well-regarded by his supervisor at TSBD, and was well-read (we know that from LHO's library check-outs in N.O.). 

Upshot: High suggestive. Four Cuban exiles/mercs may have made their way to Chicago. Or maybe two. 

The same two guys who traveled to Dallas? 






There has since been more work done by various authors on the suspect individuals. The names that are put forward include Homer Echevarria, Paulino Martinez Sierra, William Browder, William Trull.  David Boylan has pointed towards the JURE group, and Victor Espinosa Hernandez.  Echeverria was later pushed out of a plane over the Caribbean.  The identities of the Cuban's who were at Willow Run Airport in Michigan (a former World War II bomber plant near Ypsilanti, Michigan) is a topic of interest. The files of the Bureau of Customs show that in October 1963 three individuals, all allegedly Cubans, who were identified as Jose Cardoso, Sierra, and Hernandez, had come to the Willow Run airport to purchase automatic weapons, explosives, rifles, and ammunition.  Larry Hancock explores the Willow Run incident in his latest book "Tipping Point".

Thomas Vallee had enlisted in the Marines when he was just 16 and served three years. He had been stationed at a U-2 base, Camp Otsu in Japan, and was honorably discharged from the Marines in 1956 after being diagnosed by military doctors as schizophrenic and paranoid.  Vallee had been wounded in the Korean war, had a metal plate in his head, and received a disability because of it. He was also a John Birch Society member who claimed to be an expert marksman and was “outspokenly opposed to President Kennedy’s foreign policy,” according to the HSCA. Vallee also trained anti-Castro Cubans on Long Island.  He was never called before any investigating committees and died in 1988 at age 54 in Chicago. Vallee's arresting 'officer' in Chicago was one Sgt. Daniel Groth, who was later involved in the COINTELPRO raid that killed Black Panther Fred Hampton.  For more on Vallee, see the March 12, 2022, article by Kevin Shay, “Documents confirm arrest of suspect in plot to kill JFK in Chicago three weeks before Dallas".


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9 hours ago, Gene Kelly said:


There has since been more work done by various authors on the suspect individuals. The names that are put forward include Homer Echevarria, Paulino Martinez Sierra, William Browder, William Trull.  David Boylan has pointed towards the JURE group, and Victor Espinosa Hernandez.  Echeverria was later pushed out of a plane over the Caribbean.  The identities of the Cuban's who were at Willow Run Airport in Michigan (a former World War II bomber plant near Ypsilanti, Michigan) is a topic of interest. The files of the Bureau of Customs show that in October 1963 three individuals, all allegedly Cubans, who were identified as Jose Cardoso, Sierra, and Hernandez, had come to the Willow Run airport to purchase automatic weapons, explosives, rifles, and ammunition.  Larry Hancock explores the Willow Run incident in his latest book "Tipping Point".

Thomas Vallee had enlisted in the Marines when he was just 16 and served three years. He had been stationed at a U-2 base, Camp Otsu in Japan, and was honorably discharged from the Marines in 1956 after being diagnosed by military doctors as schizophrenic and paranoid.  Vallee had been wounded in the Korean war, had a metal plate in his head, and received a disability because of it. He was also a John Birch Society member who claimed to be an expert marksman and was “outspokenly opposed to President Kennedy’s foreign policy,” according to the HSCA. Vallee also trained anti-Castro Cubans on Long Island.  He was never called before any investigating committees and died in 1988 at age 54 in Chicago. Vallee's arresting 'officer' in Chicago was one Sgt. Daniel Groth, who was later involved in the COINTELPRO raid that killed Black Panther Fred Hampton.  For more on Vallee, see the March 12, 2022, article by Kevin Shay, “Documents confirm arrest of suspect in plot to kill JFK in Chicago three weeks before Dallas".


As I said, the fact that there are no Secret service records regarding the arrest of the two guys is suspicious. 

That suggests a cover-up.

But on the other hand, none of this suggests a large and sophisticated plot against JFK.  

On the surface, it looks like Cuban exile-mercs, possibly CIA assets, went to Chicago. Vallee appears uninvolved with the exile-mercs. 

OK, two or four guys drove to Chicago with plans to assassinate JFK. 

IMHO....The finger pointing in the fog of the JFKA still points at the Miami station of the CIA, the exile-merc community, and CIA assets. 




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God - Trump said that? Goes with my gut feeling that the whole Bannon thing with RFK Jr was trying to taint him because they think trump has a better chance against Biden than RFK Jr 

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On 5/15/2023 at 9:46 AM, Gene Kelly said:

Echeverria was later pushed out of a plane over the Caribbean.

HI Gene- I'm curious about your source on this, as there is still a Homer Echevarria that is the exact same age currently living in Sarasota FL.

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4 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:
Trump has announced that if re-elected, he would release all documents regarding your uncle. Can you promise the same?


I believe RFK, Jr. is telling the truth here, but any Trump campaign promise is utterly worthless.

Trump will tell people anything to get elected.

Let's recall that Donald Trump repeatedly told Americans in 2016 that he had a "terrific healthcare plan...that would cover everyone and cost less."

He lied.  He never had a healthcare plan.

Trump also announced in 2016 that, "When (he) was President the American people would learn the truth about who destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11."

He lied.  He never mentioned the subject after his election.

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When and where did Trump say this?

Because his record is clearly the contrary.

He buckled under to pressure twice.  Once for six months and once for three years.

He then told the Italian judge "If you would have seen what I did, you would have done the same."

If that is true then he really did knuckle under.

If that is false, as I think it is, then its more CYA.

Bobby Kennedy will do what he said he would do, even if it kills him. 

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4 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


As a 2008 presidential candidate, Kucinich ran in support of single-payer health care, the impeachment of then-Vice President Dick Cheney, and the establishment of a "Department of Peace".[6] He dropped out early during the 2008 primary contest after faring poorly in early states.[7] During his final two terms in Congress, Kucinich at times criticized then-President Barack Obama, and argued in favor of Obama's impeachment following the 2011 military intervention in Libya.[8]



RFK Jr. is declaring war on the establishment-intel state, the guys who murdered his father and uncle. 

Batten down the hatches, put on your seat belts, helmets on strapped tight. 



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