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Trump told Roger Stone that He "Won't Believe" What's in the Classified JFK Assassination Files

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I didn't think there was "anything" that Trump could keep his mouth shut about.

Yet, something he saw ( or was given a summary about? ) regards the still held back JFKA files was able to put the fear of God into him enough to actually clam him up?

Must have been one jaw dropping doozie of a secret. Or secrets?

I did notice Trump never bringing up the JFKA much or at all in the last year or two of his term.

When Trump ran in 2016 he couldn't mention Raphael Cruz's father enough as one of Oswald's "Free Cuba" leaflet passing crew in New Orleans during the summer of 1963.

One can have fun speculating what Trump was made fearfully aware of regards who killed JFK and why?

Maybe Doug Caddy's sharing of E. Howard Hunt's explanation that JFK was killed because he was considered a threat to releasing the greatest mankind importance secret regards the Extra Terrestrial visiting Earth truth?

Every former president asked about the ET subject after they leave office says the same thing..."sorry, can't talk about it."

Maybe JFK was considered too dangerous in his acid taking with Mary Meyer?

Maybe the JCS decided JFK was simply too dangerously crazy in his seriously proposing some type of Detente with the Soviet Union?

Maybe Bill Clinton was telling the truth in stating on one of our late night TV talk shows that there was a government besides our general election one.

And they decide what an elected President can and cannot know about our greatest secrets?

Stone cites JFK files released by Trump as stating that Oswald studied Russian at one of our military language schools in North Carolina?

And that LBJ was once a member of the KKK?

I consider Roger Stone one of the most abhorrent characters in our political history ever. His loyalty to Nixon and all the constitutional law breaking shenanigans RMN and his entire staff carried out for years is perverted imo.

Yet, he tears apart LBJ.

And I agree with everything he has said about LBJ and how totally corrupt and deviant he was.







Edited by Joe Bauer
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8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Oh come on, How many times has Trump said. "you wouldn't believe what I know!".  What Dave says is right, he's probably incapable of reading and understanding anything unless someone at some time told him it's true significance.


     I agree that someone (Pompeo?) probably explained the "horrible" stuff in the files to Trump.

     But what the skeptics here are forgetting is that Trump was prepared to release the files in October of 2017.  Then something caused him to change his mind in the 11th hour.

      As Oliver Stone said at the time, "Trump got rolled by the Deep State."

      Then Trump did a snuff job on the JFK records.

      Trump won the 2017 Orwell Award, then kicked the can to Joe Biden, while pretending to be a heroic adversary and victim of the Deep State.

       And the clueless MAGAs fell for the ruse.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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10 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Roger Stone wrote the absolute worst book I have purchased in the past decade-- Nixon's Secrets-- but I have to disagree with the skeptics on this one.

I find it hard to believe that even Roger Stone -- or Tucker Carlson-- would make up a story this big.

So, I'm voting for, YES, Trump saw some classified JFK files that "were so horrible (you) wouldn't believe it."

But what were they?  That LBJ and the Joint Chiefs were in on the murder plot, with Dulles and the CIA?

Repurposed old Hollywood joke:

Trump: "Nice book.  Who wrote it for you?"

Stone: "Glad you liked.  Who read it to you?"

Edited by David Andrews
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

 I agree that someone (Pompeo?) probably explained the "horrible" stuff in the files to Trump.

  You're making assumptions of "horrible stuff" But that's only because you're buying the Tucker Kool Aid. I don't.


1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

As Oliver Stone said at the time, "Trump got rolled by the Deep State."

."Rolled" ? That's deliberately vague. Do you think Stone could explain that further.? Why would Stone necessarily know more than us? 

Yes Trump did change. But it's not like we could always  depend on him to keep his promises.Could we?  His followers don't.

He didn't release UFO info either. (and now we're getting a little more, under Biden?....hmmm  a joke)  Trump may have just got impatient and bored. Hard to know.

1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Trump won the 2017 Orwell Award, then kicked the can to Joe Biden, while pretending to be a heroic adversary and victim of the Deep State.

       And the clueless MAGAs fell for the ruse.

Yes, that's true. But we don't need to keep beating a dead  horse about that. How about, they both failed us?, and we're not sure of each reason?

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17 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

  You're making assumptions of "horrible stuff" But that's only because you're buying the Tucker Kool Aid. I don't.


."Rolled" ? That's deliberately vague. Do you think Stone could explain that further.? Why would Stone necessarily know more than us? 

Yes Trump did change. But it's not like we could always  depend on him to keep his promises.Could we?  His followers don't.

He didn't release UFO info either. (and now we're getting a little more, under Biden?....hmmm  a joke)  Trump may have just got impatient and bored. Hard to know.

Yes, that's true. But we don't need to keep beating a dead  horse about that. How about, they both failed us?, and we're not sure of each reason?


     Beating the dead horse here is intentional sarcasm about the MAGA spammer who has started at least 20 redundant threads about the "Biden snuff job."

     As for the 2017 Oliver Stone quote, I would translate, "rolled," as, "cowed into submission."

     Last week, Trump boldly told the Moms for Liberty that he was going to, "obliterate the Deep State," but when we needed Trump to step up and release the JFK records in 2017, he folded like a cheap suit.


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I believe Stone is being truthful about what Trump told him but that Trump was lying/exaggerating as usual.

I filed a lawsuit seeking the underlying memos and correspondence relating to the Trump memos. The government has turned over several thousand documents to me.

From this production, I have concluded that when trump  tweeted that the records were going to be released in full in October 2017, there was a draft executive order and memo circulating within the executive branch postponing the records.

So my take is that Trump did not know what was going on and what he told Stone was to cover up that he got played.

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8 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

So my take is that Trump did not know what was going on and what he told Stone was to cover up that he got played.

That's always struck me as the most feasible explanation, Larry.

I think it's pretty easy to distract Trump. Just put a lot of files on his desk!

heh heh

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Did Trump actually say this to three people:




If so, that makes it a little bit more convincing.

But I still do not buy it.  I agree with Larry.  Trump got blindsided and put this out as an excuse.

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the memo from the Archivist to the president recommending postponement underwent a dozen rounds of revisions in Sepember-October 2017 while Trump tweeted that the records would be released. He had no clue what he was talking about. So he fabricated a story that he had to change his mind at the last minute because of information that Pompano shared with him. The paper trail unequivocably shows this narrative was false.  

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So, to summarize, there are two basic hypotheses about Roger Stone's claim.


Hypothesis #1 

Trump was shown some shocking, "horrible" stuff that prompted him to block the release of the JFK records.


Hypothesis #2 (the Schnapf Hypothesis)

Trump was embarrassed about getting "rolled by the Deep State," so he claimed that he was shown some shocking, "horrible" stuff that justified his snuff job on the JFK records.


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14 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

Even if Trump were telling the truth about what he thought he saw in the documents, we have no reason to believe his impressions were accurate. 

There are docs currently available which repeat rumors or theories presented in books. Trump, in his brilliance, may have thought the rumors or theories repeated in CIA docs were the theories of the CIA itself. 

I think this nails it as the most plausible explanation, and that Trump telling something like that to Carlson was Carlson’s secret source. Carlson probably promised confidentiality to Trump which is why he isn’t saying his source.

Pretty funny (if the topic was itself not actually serious).

Trump may have had some form of access to the classified materials (means), he was in frequent contact with Carlson (means), motive (the leak to Carlson intended to be leaked), opportunity… 

Trump who when he was president promised to release everything up until the last hour when he did a 180 and didn’t, tells Carlson (maybe) florid claims of how what he saw was horrible like you wouldn’t believe etc, and now promises on the campaign trail that he really, really will release everything if voters will elect him again, “trust me”! 

(Could someone get a binding pledge from Trump, collateralized by his assets donated to a specified in advance neutral charity if default, that he will resign as president one week after inauguration if he has not released all the records as promised in that first week?)

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@Greg Doudna check out my prior post about what i learned from the document production in my NARA lawsuit. Trump made up the story to explain why he didnt release the documents as he had promised. The order postponing the records had already been drafted for his signature when he wrote his tweet. His white house did not follow the usual protocols for issuing orders so he apparently didnt know it was in the works.   

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2 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@Greg Doudna check out my prior post about what i learned from the document production in my NARA lawsuit. Trump made up the story to explain why he didnt release the documents as he had promised. The order postponing the records had already been drafted for his signature when he wrote his tweet. His white house did not follow the usual protocols for issuing orders so he apparently didnt know it was in the works.   

I will, thanks, interesting.

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To me it's quite clear what happened. Trump was trying to be the big man, and boasted about how he was gonna release everything in defiance of the deep state, etc. It was then pointed out to him that many of the redactions protected identities and relationships that could prove embarrassing to the government, or even get someone killed, should they be revealed. It was then pointed out to him that should this happen it would be on him, and he would look weak, like Jimmy Carter. So he was "Well then let's not release the stuff, we can't have that!"

The problem, of course, is that he should have put out something on each withheld doc saying why it was being withheld. But that would have required effort., So he kicked the can down the road. And now Biden is pretty much doing the same. The number of withheld documents has shrunk dramatically, but we still don't know why those still being withheld are being withheld, and if there's anything in there that will ignite the interest of historians. 


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