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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Two parents, two kids both dressed in red.... Chris is not saying the are the same people.... so what’s the fascination Dave? btw, nice to see you on here again...
  2. Oswald was never connected to printing the bills.... OSBORNE, though, is... To which Walker associate do you refer? Tony. whether there is an Osborne/Bowen connection here... IDK....
  3. Posted this elsewhere... yet refers to Paul’s question ... FWIW
  4. I deleted my connections page for Whimeyer and Brandsetter.... Jim asked how they may connect and Steve found the coincidence of Vaganov’s King of Spades....
  5. Photos of a Harlendale house meeting were posted... I tried to find Ozzie by process of elimination.. an Alpha 66 meeting... at the back stood a man much like Oz stood. If you look at a lot of Oz photos, the elbows are always bent significantly... FWIW edit.... plus wouldn’t his being at the competing ideological meetings be indicative of an FBI asset?
  6. Much more than meets the eye, evidently.... Igor was tied into the German master race concepts....
  7. You mean there may have been someone impersonating Oswald with wife and child? (grin) wasnt Marina and baby at Ruth’s all that week? Maybe Judy V knows...? (Kidding) Marina was less than 3 weeks from giving birth... Marina wasn’t blond either... ”The wife was described as being blond with near shoulder-length hair, 24 years old, 110 pounds, and as acting as though she were afraid of the man.” That’s Arthur Vallee at bottom right. I feel people underestimate the involvement of Vaganov.
  8. He was in Austin, at the Odio’s, and in Dallas Mr. LIEBELER. When did you first become aware of the fact that this man who had been at your apartment was the man who had been arrested in connection with the assassination?Mrs. ODIO. It was immediately.Mr. LIEBELER. As soon as you saw his picture? Mrs. ODIO. Immediately; I was so sure.Mr. LIEBELER. Do you have any doubt about it? Mrs. ODIO. I don't have any doubts.Mr. LIEBELER. Did you have any doubt about it then?Mrs. ODIO. I kept saying it can't be to myself; it just can't be. I mean it couldn't be, but when my sister walked into the hospital and she said, "Sylvia, have you seen the man?" And I said, "Yes." And she said, "That was the man that was at the door of my house." So I had no doubts then
  9. Pam, Jeff Woosley of INS was a contact for Hosty... they all knew the CIA was lying very early on.... if you’ve seen any of my MX stuff you know all of Nov was spent trying to find him
  10. Check that number of copies again... Z kept 2 films, not just the 1... and do you you know what happens to the Phillips to Rowley film after he gets it the night of the 22nd? FWIW, I believe this was 0184.... counters don’t just skip numbers.. if 0184 is a complete and uncut film, in DC by the early morning hours of 11/23, how hard is it to get to hawkeyeworks so a sanitized version is delivered to Dino on Sat at 10pm
  11. FWIW this is a very in-depth article about Ruby you may enjoy... https://harveyandlee.net/Ruby/Ruby.html
  12. And I’ll ask one last time... with the FBI and USPS watching Oswald.. how is it possible that there are no contemporaneous reports, or any report prior to Nov 22 that Oswald had ordered and received a rifle and pistol. Davd... how did they miss that when we have reports all thru Feb, March and April about letters he has sent and received? Thanks.... ps... Mr. JENNER - Was there a rifle packed in the back of the car? Mrs. PAINE - No. Mr. JENNER - You didn't see any kind of weapon? Mrs. PAINE - No. Mr. JENNER - Firearm, rifle, pistol, or otherwise? Mrs. PAINE - No; I saw nothing of that nature. Mr. JENNER - Did you drive them to your home? Mrs. PAINE - Yes. Mr. JENNER - Were the materials and things in your station wagon unpacked and placed in your home? Mrs. PAINE - Yes; immediately. Mr. JENNER - Did you see that being done, were you present? Mrs. PAINE - I helped do it; yes. Mr. JENNER - Did you see any weapon on that occasion? Mrs. PAINE - No. Mr. JENNER - Whether a rifle, pistol or-- Mrs. PAINE - No. Mr. JENNER - Or any covering, any package, that looked as though it might have a weapon, pistol, or firearm? Mrs. PAINE - No. Representative BOGGS - Did you see the rifle that he had in the room in your home? Mrs. PAINE - In the garage, no. Representative BOGGS - In the garage, you never saw one? Mrs. PAINE - I never saw that rifle at all until the police showed it to me in the station on the 22d of November. Mr. LIEBELER. I see. Did you ever see Oswald sitting on the front porch? Mr. ROGERS. Oh, yes; with books, reading. Mr. LIEBELER. Did he read a lot? Mr. ROGERS. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you ever see any rifle or firearms of any type in his possession at that time? Mr. ROGERS. No; I never.
  13. https://kennedysandking.com/content/oswald-on-november-22-1963 I wrote a piece assuming Oswald must have had a plan.... not so much... DJ
  14. Funny you should mention.... FWIW I see much of the problems in our world caused by something the English invented... Documented Property Rights causing the Tragedy of the Commons When this concept is extended to Sovereignty we get those WITH deciding the greatest possible outcomes for THEIR fortunes... not the betterment of humanity... JFK... after WWII, Truman and Ike/Nixon still wanted the betterment of all mankind, not just some... While some, controlled benevolence is allowed, in the end, there remains no altruistic reason for those who have the power to raise the level of everyone, rather than only a select few. ==== McCoy and Gilpatric were both partners at Cravath, Swaine and Moore while banking had been under control since the Fed Res Act of 1913 was passed using the little known Colonel House to guide Woodrow Wilson to making the right decisions... but not without reservations: “Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
  15. Why again do you choose to accept what the CIA's Sr. Staff tells the WC about Oswald and Mexico... when they are the perpetrators of the crime? How can DURAN testify to this Oswald character NOT COMING BACK SATURDAY... when we have the CIA transcripts of the calls? "NOT WITHSTANDING THE HOILIDAY SCHEDULE..." TIRADO - No. I read yesterday, an article in the Reader's digest, and they say he was at the Consulate on three occasions. He was in Friday, Saturday, and Monday...That's not true, that's false. CORNWELL - All right. Let's try a different hypothetical. If the one in the Reader's Digest is definitely wrong, is it possible that he first came on like a Thursday, and then came back on a Friday?TIRADO - No, because I am positively sure about it. That he came in the same day. CORNWELL - During this period was your normal work week, did it include Saturdays? Tirado - Yes. Cornwell - Is it possible that, in addition to his visits on Friday, he also came back the following day on Saturday mourning?TIRADO - No.CORNWELL - How can you be sure of that?TIRADO - Because, uh, I told you before, that it was easy to remember, because not all the Americans that came there were married with a Russian woman, they have live(d) in Russian and uh, we didn't used to fight with those people because if you, they came for going to Cuba, so apparently they were friends, no? So we were nice to them with this man we fight, I mean we had a hard discussion so we didn't want to have anything to do with him.CORNWELL - Okay. I understand that but I don't understand how that really answers the question. In other words, the question is, what is it about the events that makes you sure that he did not come back on Saturday, and have another conversation with you?TIRADO - Because I remember the fight. So if he (come) back, I would have remembered. This CIA report states Oswald and DURAN are at the Cuban Embassy on Sat the 28th, despite testimony to the contrary, despite all the signs pointing to it not being possible that Oswald was there... you still want to use RAY ROCCA as your unimpeachable source? What about the ALVARADO situation do you not "get" Karl.... the faked plot to kill Castro involves false flag stories FROM a CIA asset... Maybe you've heard of George Joannides and the activities of the mid 70's regarding the CIA, the lies they told the WC and the disappearing of witnesses as the HSCA gets into full swing? George Efythron Joannides was a Central Intelligence Agency officer who in 1963 was the chief of the Psychological Warfare branch of the agency's JMWAVE station in Miami, and in 1978 was the agency's liaison to the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations
  16. I also wanted to add that AMMUG/1 worked inside the Cuban Embassy and was one of the most valuable of CIA assets... He, like LITAMIL/9 would be aware of any visits or subsequent talk of visits by Oswald to the Cuban Embassy... and like all the others, he does not know of OSWALD until after 11/22...
  17. What KK is talking about is the BS Phillips/Alvarado story Despite all the activity and denials and lie detectors, etc... Phillips used an asset from Nicaragua... Helms explains... "D" = Alvarado
  18. lol... that's just me trying to understand who reports to who at Bethesda... thought I'd share it - maybe would help someone else put things into perspective...
  19. Yes, supposedly from Cuba. The claim Marina never saw it was, I believe, to reinforce it was taken in Mexico. We do not know what the original images may have looked like... Duran was never shown the application after 11/22.
  20. Yes... the only one close is the 1963 June Visa photo.. I'd have to look thru the images of his clothing from DPD... which is woefully incomplete...
  21. the VISA APP is from New Orleans... I only found the way the WCR photos it, they cut off the bottom in one and the top in the other.... the App from MX
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