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David Andrews

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  1. Matt - Could you explain this a bit? If there's a longer post on this, please direct me.
  2. Well, the book appears to be self-published, so there's opportunity for a revised edition to be picked up for print publication. Toward that end, some nice, credentialed researcher with a high regard for Heintz's original article and her Kilgallen-focused research could get in contact and offer tips on how to edit her JFKA material into a chapter-sized digest of only points cogent to Kilgallen's assassination investigation. There's a mentorship opportunity here that could produce a more effective text. With an introduction by...
  3. In Black Op Radio #1200, Aaron Good quotes Angleton's Church Committee testimony from a recently released copy with fewer redactions. Where is that new document available, please? https://www.blackopradio.com/pod/black1200.mp3
  4. Useful to consider who, or what, prompted the Starnes and Krock articles.
  5. If you search the older threads (c. 2006-2008) for "pergola" and "Charles Hester," you'll find discussion of men purportedly filming from the concrete pavilion at the west end of the pergola beside the grassy knoll - and behind Zapruder. The pictures that were uploaded there may survive online, or could be requested from someone who downloaded them at the time. I'm not presenting this research as proof, but it was interesting to consider.
  6. When you look at LHO's peregrinations and actions after the return to America, they resemble the movements of someone who's being told he has to work something off, some debt or misdeed. Probably his precocious pro-Soviet stance in the military earned him the opportunity to become an intelligence-trained false defector, but the desire to defect was his original sin, and after his return the threat of prosecution was held over his head. Every move he made thereafter inculpated him as a dangerous influence in America, regardless the reasons given to him for making those moves. Is that what he tried to outflank when he sought Honorable Discharge status? Maybe the dates of LHO's efforts and letters there hold a key to understanding the forces pressuring him to play Lefty Lee the Marxist, right to the end. Was the FPCC a CIA front, an intellectuals' honey trap? Then LHO'= was a state asset. However, a "witting" (Bagley) intelligence-trained former false defector could be diverted from there into a "rogue" plot. If we could definitely associate him with Clay Shaw, is he an asset or a patsy? Larry, are you saying that, returned to America, LHO was never an asset, but only made to feel that he was one, and getting paid for it, so that at the end of the long game he could be set up? It seems that the chicanery with his CIA files, and a part of the later cover-up, were meant to conceal his asset status.
  7. Honorable Mention: Porter Goss, friend of the reconquista. "In his junior year at Yale, Goss was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency. He spent much of the 1960s—roughly from 1960 until 1971—working for the Directorate of Operations, the clandestine services of the CIA. There he first worked in Latin America and the Caribbean and later in Europe. The full details are not known due to the classified nature of the CIA, but Goss says he has worked in Haiti, Santo Domingo, and Mexico.[citation needed] "Goss, who has said he has recruited and trained foreign agents, worked in Miami for much of the time. Goss was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, telling The Washington Post in 2002 that he had done some "small-boat handling" and had "some very interesting moments in the Florida Straits". [...] "He served in Congress for 16 years until his appointment by President George W. Bush to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). While in the House, Goss served as chair of the House Intelligence Committee from 1997 until 2005 and the vice-chairman of the House Rules Committee." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porter_Goss Also a friend of Frank Sturgis. Goss is still sharp at 86.
  8. Well, nobody's going to listen to us, but I agree. Especially from Russia there should be a committed Cold War perspective. Let somebody remember.
  9. Christian, why not put all photos for a post in one file, and upload that to File Factory or WeTransfer for readers to download as a set?
  10. Despite comparisons made of LBJ and Shakespeare's Macbeth, it's difficult to believe the assassination came upon Johnson out of a mist. He may have been visited by three old crones, but sequentially, and they wore narrow neckties.
  11. If one finds BoP-related Cubans in the Lennon affair, it tends to uphold accusations that JL was eliminated in advance of his possible protest of the coming Contra war. Was the Cabal anticipating that Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador would become the Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia of our hemisphere, and that recent citizen Lennon would draw attention to that? If, I said. Tends, I qualified.
  12. HOST: I'm Megan Chakravarty. Today marks the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, Texas, and with every anniversary, we get further and further away from the need to say anything relevant, and, for God's sake, anything new. Today we will ignore new documentary films and TV series, emerging eyewitness testimony, and anything at all troublesome...
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