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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. Peter Dale Scott did an interview with someone in RFK 2’s camp and in it he suggested that 2028 was RFK 2’s year, because he needed more time to build a political movement. I’m inclined to agree, if only for the reason that it is necessary for a party to be on the ballot in all 50 states, and that is a tall order. Now we also have the No Name Party trying to do likewise. While I don’t think of RFK 2 as a spoiler, a plot to hurt Biden and the Democrats, I’m less sure about the No Name Party, which is pledging to have a ticket with a Republican presidential candidate and a Democratic VP. In my view presidential elections are a rigged game, and we are constantly reminded that Democrats have to vote for Biden to forestall Trump.
  2. I never got around to the next trading card set I wanted to do - tales from the dead. So many good ones.
  3. David - I’ll check out these two videos later, but just wanted to say I appreciate your mention of the Safari Club, and the Shackley/Bush axis, and I wish the film had gone into more depth on the octopus itself. But perhaps the choice was this documentary or none.
  4. Wouldn’t it be great if we could amass the supposed original Zapruder film(s) and compare? If the one we have all seen is that doctored I’m sure we’d all like to know about it. I watched episode one and then went back and looked at the Danny Casolaro material. His fate reminds me uncomfortably of another important whistle blower - John Garrett (Gary) Underhill, who I believe caught an early glimpse of the Octopus in action.
  5. I’m sure Robert would not assert that every name on the list was in the loop. We don’t know the organizational structure. I think what he is pointing out is that every name on that list, in his opinion, goes along one way or another with the basic premise of fascism and it’s somewhat hidden takeover of the USA. I would also think he wouldn’t assert that he couldn’t have missed someone. How many of us can even fathom the amount of digging over many years nearly nonstop, and the prodigious memory for names, that went into this compilation? The last few pages on this thread have been appropriately respectful, while questioning various details. The one thing Robert surely doesn’t deserve is snarky remarks, such as a few earlier in the thread. I mean, what is the point? If Robert knew how to distill the exact truth he would do so, but we simply don’t have the necessary information despite the passage of 61 years. We have the well positioned perps in government and media to thank for that, as well as Intelligence services, especially in the Military, which hasn’t been nearly as forthcoming as CIA and FBI, with related files. I believe it is entirely possible to have a lot of people involved and keeping the secrets. The relatively few whistle blowers have been dealt with. If you were one of the plotters or facilitators, and you saw people you knew to be involved suffer personal tragedies would you spill the beans?
  6. I blinked and missed Robert’s post. I’m a huge fan of him and his prodigious research. I gather that Prouty is on it. What exactly did we learn from Prouty? Lansdale was the organizer. Anything else?
  7. When was this broadcast? I think I just figured this out. I watched a similar Democracy Now story from a year ago. I’ve tried to figure out what was going on with the family’s efforts ever since, but there is a suspicious dearth of information. If we had a real President, a responsible government, we would know the truth.
  8. Greg - you are looking for evidence that Hosty or someone from FBI interviewed DeM shortly after the Walker shooting, because, even though Hosty doesn’t provide a date for that interview in his book, the context in the book implies that timing. Then you provide other tidbits that would, if they were true, support that supposition. Apparently there is evidence of an FBI interview(s) in Dec. 1963 in Haiti. There is also the possibility that George was interviewed by FBI when he later came to Dallas to testify to the WC, which I hope I’m correct in assuming took place in Dallas. Neither of those two ideas buttresses your idea. Officially the first time FBI learns of Oswald’s supposed role in the Walker shooting is from Marina after the assassination. As for Walker, even though it’s certainly true that he repeatedly said that he knew that Oswald was his shooter right after the April shooting because DPD (or someone), those statements all postdate Nov 22, 1963. I looked for anything earlier, never found any such evidence. And add to that that his conversation with National Zeitung a few days after that, a newspaper run by a Nazi btw, doesn’t have a clear timeline, at least as far as I was able to determine it. Was it Walker that informed the German journalist that Oswald had previously shot at him, or did that idea come from the journalist? Have you ever looked closely at that? It is assumed that the info came from Walker, but I couldn’t prove that, and suspect it was the other way around. I couldn’t even determine with absolute certainty who called who. If you know differently I’m all ears. The Dick Russell source would tend to confirm your idea, and Walker’s assertions. But if there is no corroboration for it that predates the assassination, then I’d rather add it to the list of the post Nov 22 1963 character assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald. One more point - who was George DeMohrenschildt really? I contend that we have never gotten to the bottom of that.
  9. I get emails from the Kennedy Beacon, RFK Jr’s campaign. I particularly loved this interview, and have always thought of Scott as the Dean of researchers. He goes on to say btw that he thinks RFK Jr’s time on the national stage has not yet arrived, saying 2028 rather than 2024. He may be right about that. In today’s NYT Ezra Klein has an interview, the gist of which is that Biden is a liability. He follows that with an analysis of what an open convention might look like. John Stewart’s first 2024 Daily Show from 2 weeks ago likewise focuses on what a poor bulwark against Trump’s fascism Biden is. Mr. Scott mentions Army Intelligence, and without actually naming it he points to Jack Crichton and his 488th when he says that a military intelligence unit in Dallas was looking at Russia’s oil reserves.
  10. Thanks Bill - as usual a well researched essay. In the past I believe you used the word ‘agnostic’ to describe your opinion on whether Oswald was in MC at all. I might be mistaken about that, memories being what they are. If one sees this letter as being genuinely typed by Oswald at Ruth’s typewriter, or written by hand, either way it tends to confirm that Oswald actually did go to the Soviet embassy in MC, as well as the Cuban consulate (I may have consulate and embassy confused here, I often do that). For me, it’s this detail, and also Ruth’s involvement, that has caused me to conclude it was a forgery. But having said that, your logic is well reasoned. It’s hard to determine which of Oswald’s actions point to his working for others in US Intelligence, and which are self motivated for his own purposes. I can see how he may have been primarily concerned with financial security. Then there is his visit to Hosty and the angry note he left there. That story bugs me, as it relies on witnesses only and their stories. There is no Oswald note we can examine. It’s pretty safe to assume he was there though, and motivated to do so, and possibly angry. But if he was primarily interested in financial security, and also interested in the FBI intercepting his supposed letter to the Soviets, might he have found a way to make his visit more productive? It always comes down to who was Oswald? It makes no sense to be that he was on his own, drumming up a spy’s life without the direction of a handler or handlers. I could see how he may have been trying to break away from his Intelligence relationships, wanting a normal family life at some point. But I have difficulty imagining that he really wanted to go to Cuba and then back to the USSR.
  11. Cory - I see the ad (not new news to me) offering $million but don’t see anything implying that he solved the crime.
  12. Question - in a nutshell, from his own perspective why was Oswald with these two Cubans at the Odio’s?
  13. Leslie - where did the document in question originate? This thread starts with an Albarelli email to you and Alan kent about this document in which he writes in parentheses “this from you (sic) the Angleton family member’ as if to identify the origin of the document. Who is ‘you’ referring to? What does ‘sic’ mean here? Did Hank write that? Who is the Angleton family member? Why is the document no longer available? I’m sure this all brings back sad memories for you, occurring as it did right before Hank fell ill.
  14. Surely you are not suggesting that Oswald knew he was the designated patsy beforehand? Who do you suppose ordered him to stay inside?
  15. Leslie - would you post the note from Lafitte to Angleton and the source? Needless to say that is explosive.
  16. I thought that Lemnitzer stood as a character witness in the Senate hearings on Walker, whether he was required at the hearings or not. But of course I may not be correct.
  17. I like the theory too. Gotta wonder if someone somewhere has those dick Clark show tickets
  18. I read quite a bit of this way too long article, and then got curious and followed some links on the right side of the page. I was unfortunately introduced to some horribly anti-semitic crap, which likewise took some deep reading but is undeniably true, and I’m not confused between anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel. I know from first hand accounts of survivors what happened. Perhaps you were not so privileged.
  19. And that’s a good thing in my opinion. He deserves a lot of credit for sticking his neck out.
  20. Pretty sure the inclusion of Willoughby and Cannon came from Russell.
  21. Perhaps Dick Russell could be persuaded to come here and give his two cents on working with Reiner. How many books on the subject even mention Willoughby? Jim - who do you think were the shooters and planners?
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