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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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Coming Thursday: Trump’s Surprising Support Inside Prisons

Before prison, John Adkins didn’t care about politics. Now, after 23 years behind bars, he’s an ardent Republican. And he’s not alone.

“I don’t see Donald Trump as being anyone’s puppet.”

Edited by David Andrews
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27 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


I agree with that analysis about Super Tuesday.

And from my understanding, although I cannot confirm it, Buttigieg was the guy who instigated it.

I have been around a long time, and I do not think I have ever seen anything like this before.  I mean, in some ways, it is worse than 2016.


Gary Hart had a lot of momentum after winning the New Hampshire Democratic primary in 1984-- before the "Establishment" (including Dan Rather) intervened.

I remember it well because I was a medical intern that year, and I was walking down the alley behind my apartment building to Rose Hospital early in the morning after the New Hampshire primary.

Then I noticed that there were police cars blocking both ends of the alley and men with rifles on the roofs of buildings.  I thought that I had walked into the middle of a shoot out.   Scared the cr*p out of me!

A cop at the end of the alley informed me that they were guarding Senator Gary Hart, who had just returned to Denver after winning the New Hampshire Primary.  Turns out that Hart owned a condo in Denver right across the alley from my apartment building.

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14 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus.



From the article:

Earlier on Wednesday, the World Health Organization officially declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.

I'll be happy to meet you all for the first time - on the FEMA bus!

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As I posted earlier, when major celebrities start getting the virus, and especially when some start dying from it ( as well as beloved older relatives ) the entire country will have a complete mind set shift.
From hopeful disbelief ... to a deadly serious survival acceptance.
This Orson Wellesian viral invasion monster is going to change us in many ways. 
Our common good value and need priority parameters will be forced to undergo a re-evaluation.
Other issues that have been used to divide us will be shown for their truly much less unimportant substance. 
Hang on everybody.
Edited by Joe Bauer
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15 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:
As I posted earlier, when major celebrities start getting the virus, and especially when some start dying from it ( as well as beloved older relatives ) the entire country will have a complete mind set shift.

Possibly.  But I get the feeling this is one of those incidents that becomes a poignant footnote in a future Ken Burns documentary.

More of America should look at this from the gossip sites' point of view: He went to Australia to play Elvis's manager because his career is slipping; she went because she couldn't trust him alone in Australia.  The film was shooting in Australia because, after The Great Gatsby remake that killed Tobey Maguire's acting career, no producers want to budget a Baz Luhrmann film shot in the Northern Hemisphere.

Of course, both your truth and mine could be correct, in which case, we end up on the FEMA bus because she couldn't trust him in Australia!

Edited by David Andrews
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17 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Now that is interesting.

High profile, 24 hour coverage.

"Gump Succumbs, a Nation Mourns"

I'm guessing his tweets were going to get progressively more disturbing.

That's pretty sick. I hope not.  I'm not a big fan of Hanks, some of his comedy is funny.  I Know Jim DiEeugenio destroys him in Reclaiming Parkland.  But I wouldn't wish this on anybody.

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It's ironic that Hanks is in Australia to portray Colonel Tom Parker in a movie, when Parker never allowed Elvis to perform overseas and never left the US himself. Why? Because he was a Dutch illegal immigrant. He feared he might not be able to come back. 


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19 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

There is plenty of talk out there that says Gump has some Weinstein type debts to repay, except worse.

He has been tweeting out some strange pictures the past couple of weeks.

The timing is interesting about the positive test; and that it went out "wide" on multiple platforms (for a relatively personal issue) is odd.

I'm not a follower of the twitter'ers that keep track of celebrity rumors, but Hanks seems to have been on a few Radars over the past few weeks.

What has Weinstien got to do with Hanks testing positive?

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


I agree with that analysis about Super Tuesday.

And from my understanding, although I cannot confirm it, Buttigieg was the guy who instigated it.

I have been around a long time, and I do not think I have ever seen anything like this before.  I mean, in some ways, it is worse than 2016.


I think it's pretty common actually but the backroom deals have been publicized to the enth degree this time.

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The NBA season went on hiatus.

Trump is finally going on TV.

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What I was referring to was this:

I do not recall a time when as many nominees all dropped out at once to endorse someone else in public.

As Bob says, this is usually done behind closed doors.  Clearly, they wanted to isolate Sanders, and with Warren's help they did.

BTW, John Judis says that he thinks one reason for Biden's success is that the Democratic public has swallowed the story about Biden being the guy who can beat Trump.  This was not the case in 2016. Trump was still fighting it out with Cruz.  

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7 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

Last Tuesday, Biden’s vote totals were consistently trending about 8% higher than the exit polls predicted. This can be explained by the fact DNC rules had any Buttgieg/Klobuchar votes simply handed over to Biden. The extraordinary intervention last Monday, by which both those candidates dropped out and endorsed Biden, was coordinated by the highest levels of the Democratic Party leadership. In my opinion, this was a response to internal polling which showed Sanders not only poised to win California but also Texas and several of the northeastern states. Surely at the beginning of last week all the momentum was with Sanders, and now it looks like he is a spent force. Remarkable turnaround, particularly as Biden had done virtually nothing (other than win one inconsequential state) to rise almost overnight from distant fourth place to frontrunner with wind in the sails. Lesson to be learned: the US establishment (aka the 1%) is wholly opposed to large-scale programs designed to assist the population at large - single-payer health care, reduced college tuition, infrastructure projects, etc, and the Dems will not endorse such policy initiatives even as they must know that these are winning platforms.

I think Robert Wheeler is correct - Biden will not in fact be the candidate in the Fall.

The coronavirus is containable, as demonstrated by the measures taken in South Korea. Unfortunately, the U.S. medical system is entirely unsuited to the task, and the presence of top pharmaceutical executives during Pence’s Congressional briefing does little to suggest decisions will be made in the interests of the public-at-large.

Jeff said: Last Tuesday, Biden’s vote totals were consistently trending about 8% higher than the exit polls predicted. This can be explained by the fact DNC rules had any Buttgieg/Klobuchar votes simply handed over to Biden.

What ? Explain that.

Jeff said: Lesson to be learned: the US establishment (aka the 1%) is wholly opposed to large-scale programs designed to assist the population at large - single-payer health care, reduced college tuition, infrastructure projects, etc, and the Dems will not endorse such policy initiatives even as they must know that these are winning platforms. 
Agreed Jeff: the 1% establishment is not into that, but you don't explain how they went into the voters booths and changed the results of the elections. So please explain.
Jeff said:I think Robert Wheeler is correct - Biden will not in fact be the candidate in the Fall.
Oh yeah, explain why , how is that going to happen, by who and for who?
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, John Judis says that he thinks one reason for Biden's success is that the Democratic public has swallowed the story about Biden being the guy who can beat Trump.  This was not the case in 2016. Trump was still fighting it out with Cruz.  

If it came down to policy initiatives I don't think it would be a contest. It wouldn't with me at least. But Bernie has insisted on clearing his own trail and although I admire that it won't work to get done what needs to get done, unfortunately.

It's quite possible of course that any idiot could beat Trump but realistically the country is more toward the center as a whole. As you say more Eisenhower than FDR. Not my preference but you need a lot of different ingredients to bake a cake, even a dash of Wheeler hahaha!

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A dash of Wheeler?

Can I get that at Ralph's?  Or do I have to go to Pavilions?

(Forgot, can't go anywhere right now.)

Edited by James DiEugenio
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