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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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34 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Republicans best chance in 2020 in my opinion is to dump Trump and run Haley, especially if Warren gets the nomination. 

      My hunch is that Nikki Haley's Neocon handlers advised her to get off of the Trumptanic before it sinks.

      She's a Neocon prostitute who will be heavily promoted by Rupert Murdoch and the Neocon/PNAC establishment that launched the post-9/11 "War on Terror."

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Warren is the most feared candidate over all others.

The status quo wealth candidates from both parties are going all out to get her out of there.

When you see Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Bloomberg and every large corporate wealth entity going on national TV and demonizing her as if she is the second coming of Lenin you can so easily see what is going on.

Warren has hardly any baggage like Hillary and if nominated will beat Trump.

The controlling 1% know this.

Right now a good part of their battle plan is to try to convince America she is not going to be the Dem nominee. It's a lulling mind game.

And to divide the party base. Even confuse them.

Bloomberg has entered the race to block Warren.

Warren is the biggest threat to win the 2020 election and the super wealthy in both parties know this and are united in their efforts to get her out of there.

Gabbert's candidacy is in this block Warren game also and I think Hillary C. sensed this early and decided to confront her.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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But Robert , you have to take in account Romney ran against Barack Obama, Trump didn't.


I think if there were a deep state assassination of a contemporary candidate. It would be Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Warren is particularly problematic for the mega wealthy because of her Wealth tax. There is  lot of questions about how hard it would be to be enforced.  But I've thought about it and got an idea. Get insurance records and tax them for the covered items. Homes, yachts, ships,jewelry, expensive cars, industrial and commercial holdings. Arts considered the toughest to assess value.

 Even if the Democrats sweeped,  it's still quite a leap to assume even that we would become totally single payer.

What would happen to the financial markets  for the investor class under Warren.? My guess is they'd lose 20-25% of their value over a year, and bump around the bottom for a while. Health care stocks would plummet, but so what? There are 1000's of other stocks and a hundred other sectors to play.  There would be a readjustment with new market leaders and sectors and the cycle would start again. These periods of fluctuation always happen over the course of years. Only a year ago, under Trump the market corrected 10%.

The best economic argument against her is that the big money would take their money overseas. But that can remedied. If people don't want to invest in our domestic economy, and invest in say China, they can just stick them for a much higher tax rate.

If something was to completely collapse, then the problem was endemic and was eventually going to happen anyway.

It's a fallacy to talk about a "free market," What you never hear about is that every country has tariff's up the yin yang. There's already extensive regulation going on everywhere .

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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     "Neocon" Nikki Haley has now face-planted in her televised defense of Trump's Ukraine-gate extortion scam, claiming yesterday that Trump is not guilty of attempted extortion because his extortion attempt, ultimately, failed--  his associates released designated military aid to the Ukraine on September 11th, the day after Adam Schiff demanded a copy of the original whistleblower's report about the July 25th Trump-Zelensky phone call. 

        It's like arguing that a bank robber is not guilty because he failed to escape with any loot.

        The Ukraine-gate Trumpaganda Goon Squad is now left with nothing more than the Giuliani Defense-- that "the truth isn't true."

George Kent’s testimony destroyed the right-wing conspiracy theories central to the impeachment inquiry



November 12, 2019

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

     "Neocon" Nikki Haley has now face-planted in her televised defense of Trump's Ukraine-gate extortion scam, claiming yesterday that Trump is not guilty of attempted extortion because his extortion attempt, ultimately, failed--  his associates released designated military aid to the Ukraine on September 11th, the day after Adam Schiff demanded a copy of the original whistleblower's report about the July 25th Trump-Zelensky phone call. 

        It's like arguing that a bank robber is not guilty because he failed to escape with any loot.

        The Ukraine-gate Trumpaganda Goon Squad is now left with nothing more than the Giuliani Defense-- that "the truth isn't true."

George Kent’s testimony destroyed the right-wing conspiracy theories central to the impeachment inquiry



November 12, 2019

Attempted murder is legal by this definition. What an idiot.

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So Zaid did another one with Schipp.

This is getting almost funny.

If Ciamarella is the whistleblower, that would be priceless. 

RB: Well Jim, you seem to have hit a nerve with this thread. 

Its not just here Ron.  This is the highest rated article at Kennedys and King since my James McCord piece. That was seven months ago.  I think its the Zaid issue.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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On ‎11‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 10:20 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:


So you're 100$% sure that Mc Cord deliberately brought down Nixon?

And you're 100% sure that Trump is not compromised by Russian oligarchs despite Trump's financial history, his family's past statements to that effect, as well as his lies to that effect?

Of course McCord brought down Nixon, as he was likely told to do by higher ups. The tape was the clue- twice. No real burglar would make that error. He was trying to get caught.

As for Trump he may be involved in some Russian dealings, but the Russians did not hack the DNC.

This impeachment is a waste of time and shows how little the Democrats have.  Except Tulsi Gabbard. You know that "Russian asset"  Who wants to end all the wars.

Dawn a/k/a Russian asset.

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7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

So Zaid did another one with Schipp.

This is getting almost funny.

If Ciamarella is the whistleblower, that would be priceless. 

RB: Well Jim, you seem to have hit a nerve with this thread. 

Its not just here Ron.  This is the highest rated article at Kennedys and King since by James McCord piece. That was seven months ago.  I think its the Zaid issue.

How many clients have now said he acted against them?  He's clearly a power broker or else he'd be disbarred.


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How many clients have now said he acted against them?  He's clearly a power broker or else he'd be disbarred.

This is what former CIA officer John Kirakiou told me he could not figure out. 

 BTW, is HRC a little fruity or what?


Who are the many people?  Bill and Chelsea?



Edited by James DiEugenio
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This is a truly historic day in the United States.

Is anyone watching the Congressional testimony of George Kent and William Taylor?

IMO, the damning allegations against Donald Trump are unanswerable.

Trump, obviously, abused his Presidential power in a protracted attempt this year to extort domestic political favors from the fledgling Zelensky regime.

More importantly, Trump directly betrayed the Ukraine and the United States in by-passing official U.S. State Department policies supporting Ukrainian democracy in its ongoing struggle against the encroachments of Putin's fascist police state.

(BTW, some people on this forum still don't seem to realize that the current Russian Federation is, essentially, a fascist police state.   Putin has openly bragged in recent weeks about the demise of liberal democracy in the West.)

Edited by W. Niederhut
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7 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

This is a truly historic day in the United States.

Is anyone watching the Congressional testimony of George Kent and William Taylor?

IMO, the damning allegations against Donald Trump are unanswerable.

Trump, obviously, abused his Presidential power in a protracted attempt this year to extort domestic political favors from the fledgling Zelensky regime.

More importantly, Trump directly betrayed the Ukraine and the United States in by-passing official U.S. State Department policies supporting Ukrainian democracy in its ongoing struggle against the encroachments of Putin's fascist police state.

(BTW, some people on this forum still don't seem to realize that the current Russian Federation is, essentially, a fascist police state.   Putin has openly bragged in recent weeks about the demise of liberal democracy in the West.)

I admire your fortitude (and Mr. Ness too) on this thread. I can’t believe Jim has fallen for the hollow Trump talking points. He thinks he can thread the needle I’m sure, being a progressive. But he has fallen for a covert operation designed to split the left by reinforcing the far left’s quite understandable  cynicism. I feel very close to this split, having been raised by Communist parents, having voted third party often, being well educated in the failures of the Democrats. But he and many others misread today’s political situation. The Democratic Establishment is not the Deep State which orchestrated the anthrax attacks of 2001 or the WTC disaster. Nor did they put Trump in office. And I would add that the demonization of Hillary Clinton began 25 years ago. 

There will be no resurgence of a better Democratic Party until the far left can tell who is a friend and who is a foe. The Clintons are not the problem. 

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Jim said: But I will be damed if I will let my partisan biases make me a stooge twice.

Congratulations Jim, now you're nothing but partisan conspiracy biases and a two time stooge.


Dawn, I see you feel compelled to answer for Jim, since he was unable to answer for himself.

Dawn said,

As for Trump he may be involved in some Russian dealings, but the Russians did not hack the DNC.
Well! that's the first admission that Trump is dealing with the Russians! Jim has never gone that far. I don't think he'd answer either of your assertions.
Dawn, since you do stand behind your beliefs more than, say Jim then I would ask you.
 Did the POTUS withhold our taxpayer money to a foreign power in exchange for investigating his political rivals?
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I guess Patrick Lawrence has fallen for it also:


There is more to this Biden story than the MSM is telling.

As Mr. Lawrence says, there is a double standard at work and Schiff was working with Mr. C

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