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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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10 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

In Friday's Closed Door Testimony - David Holmes said in his testimony that he told he immediately told the Deputy Chief of Mission and others at the Embassy about the call with President Trump and Sondland. Holmes added that he told Ambassador Taylor about the call and “repeatedly referred to the call and conversation with Ambassador Sondland in meetings and conversations.” [This would have been around July 26.]

The problem though is that it contradicts William Taylor's testimony. He said he heard about the call "last Friday", which was November 8.

So someone does not have their story straight. Here is a more detailed write-up.


Taylor didn't report to Kyiv until late August and the State Department is refusing to respond to Congressional subpoenas to produce his notes and other information. If he forgot until whenever it's not exactly a big scandal. It's pretty easy to explain why they aren't allowing access to the documents - they confirm what we already know - Trump was extorting political favors using appropriated US tax dollars for his own benefit. In fact it's fair to assume that when subpoenas are ignored it's because they're incriminating.

Either way it doesn't change anything about the details of Holmes' assertion and says more about the audience of the publication than anything else. Let me know when someone else who was at the table with Sondland and Holmes says "He didn't say that!" Then you have something. Otherwise this is just right wing flatulence.


Edited by Bob Ness
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On 11/18/2019 at 12:18 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

Jim did you find out who David Holmes was? And how's the search for that no good whistle blower going?

Nice job evading the question put to you Kirk. I would’ve avoided it too as you couldn’t have had a reasonable answer. 

Holmes is a state department employee who claimed to overhear trump on a phone call. Bombshell stuff Kirk. I know whenever i hear state Department i assume the opposite of what they put out is the truth, experience, not paranoia.

Meanwhile Obama cant stop giving speeches to the Carlyle group and all his other wall street friends, just like hrc did. 

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Thanks Dennis, not only did he not answer he did not even acknowledge the questions.



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6 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

Nice job evading the question put to you Kirk. I would’ve avoided it too as you couldn’t have had a reasonable answer. 

Holmes is a state department employee who claimed to overhear trump on a phone call. Bombshell stuff Kirk. I know whenever i hear state Department i assume the opposite of what they put out is the truth, experience, not paranoia.

Meanwhile Obama cant stop giving speeches to the Carlyle group and all his other wall street friends, just like hrc did. 

No Dennis, I just graciously know when to drop things (when someone has something in his craw for 10 hours and just has to get it out, even though he resorts to childish insults) and Jim is the most evasive poster here, and to quote him just now, nor does he "acknowledge my questions",  and I  haven't gotten a straight answer from  Jim about any major question, involving Trump's culpability. So why should I give him an answer?
But Dennis, maybe you can step up to the plate. These are softball questions, and are intentionally designed to not be overly committal, so you can answer them and still save face with the other people as "deep" as you.. So why you don't you answer these questions for Jim?
1)Are you 100% sure that Trump is not compromised by Russian oligarchs despite Trump's financial history, his family's past statements to that effect, as well as his lies to that effect? Please elaborate, and logically justify your viewpoint.
2)Given that the Mueller testimony was not the bombshell the Democrats had hoped, and the very following day Trump is on the phone trying to seal his deal with Zelensky. Now that we know Trump will use foreign sources to interfere with our election process. Is Trump, 1) more likely to have collaborated with the Russians or 2) less likely?
Dennis said: I know whenever i hear state Department i assume the opposite of what they put out is the truth, experience, not paranoia.
Yes, I'm sure you've had extensive first hand experience with the State Department, or maybe you just read the right books, right?.Cool!
Dennis said: Meanwhile Obama cant stop giving speeches to the Carlyle group and all his other wall street friends, just like hrc did.
Down to Obama now Dennis? Do you have any talking points that aren't Jim's?  And the dreaded Carlyle group? Whew! They've certainly  been the subject of a lot of books about shady defense contracts. That may be true. I see a rather minor defense stock that had a surge at one point but lost it all and ended up losing value in 8 years under Obama and has almost doubled in the last year under Trump! So How' s that Deep State, Obama warmonger- Trump as "peacenik" thesis working out there Dennis?  Isn't that the reason Jim's taught you the Deep State wants to get rid of Trump? Or does he have a reason?, I can't remember. That's probably another one of his secrets!
As far as the speaking, maybe it's like a battered wife syndrone that they can't get enough of Obama? Maybe they just perversely like Obama devaluing their stock.
But what am I supposed to answer to that? You're quite the revolutionary, Dennis. Do you think any of us approve of that?
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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This thread could use some serious comic relief...  😬


Edited by W. Niederhut
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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

This thread could use some serious comic relief...  😬


It makes me think of Rod Sterling.  I don't pretend to understand it all, an important subject, but who to believe on what, here or on the MSM.  It is deep.



Edited by Ron Bulman
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Nice one William.

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The Atlantic: How My Grandfather Helped Bring Down the Nixon Presidency

He was an ordinary businessman with no experience in journalism or politics, but he helped Woodward and Bernstein break a Watergate-era story.

November 10, 2019





[This article is relevant to what is happening today.]



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As Sondland testified, a misleading Ukraine story spread among conservatives on social media

The article offered conservatives and Trump loyalists a welcome alternative to the day’s news.

Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council who researches kleptocracy in Russia, called the two Ukrainian members of parliament, Oleksandr Dubinsky and Andriy Derkach, who pushed the new allegations, “not credible.”

“These two both are professional disinformers,” Aslund said. “This is generally known in Ukraine. This is not outstanding news. Anybody who’s anybody knows about these two. They are not credible.” </q>

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Reuters now covering.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Do not be alarmed by the number of Twitter accounts being suspended when they tweet this link.


Don't worry, even though it may look like the Ukraine Impeachment plan was concocted to save Joe Biden, none of the players that told Schiff to "impeach Trump or else" give a rat's **s about Biden or his son.

Your sources lack credibility. 

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From the article: Donald Trump has had his sanction removed. He no longer has the stroke to direct the public conversation towards whatever he wants it to be about.

Because of that Russiagate is about to burst over the banks with the full force of three years of pent-up pressure behind it.

It’s finally time for Russiagate.  Russiagate starts now.



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