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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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You recall Jesus's actions when he came upon the church square and saw all the money changers doing business there?


Donald Trump:

King ... of the "Money Changers."

His first mental thought process in every matter of governmental affairs clearly seems to be one of personal political and money making gain as a priority before considering the common good of "all" the American people beyond just the 1% wealthiest class.

It's an "obsessive" Mar-a-Lago spoiled/Me First mind set. 

When a stock market drop hits 10% it's called a "Correction."

When that drop hits 20% it's called a "Bear Market" or ... a "Recession."

Before this morning's Dow Jones opening bell ( and in just 5 days time ) we are already more than half-way to the "Recession" stock market drop mark.

Who would have predicted an almost surreal event of biological nature such as a new world wide threatening pandemic level human virus and it's non-antidote spread might possibly be Trump's undoing?

Like everything else with DJT ... it's crazy!

Edited by Joe Bauer
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The stock market just "opened"...with a 1,000 point drop!

Just 2 more thousand and we hit recession territory.

Looks like Trump's number #1 political achieving bragging point is close to being ( if not already ) history.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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42 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:


The stock market just "opened"...with a 1,000 point drop!

Just 2 more thousand and we hit recession territory.

Looks like Trump's number #1 political achieving bragging point is close to being ( if not already ) history.


His #1 achievement is the current economy. The stock market is not the economy. Anyways, this is nothing more than a temporary drop due to the Coronavirus fear mongering. It will open up more buying opportunities once it settles and we will be back where we were earlier this year.

Why do I sense a bit of glee in your post? Are you that deranged that you wish the country would tank so you can continue the Orange Man Bad diatribe?

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What you are witnessing with the Coronavirus/Stock Market situation is what happens when a fascist encounters a real crisis. He/They do really well with their made up crises that they can control the messaging on -- like massive invasions of criminal/terrorist migrants flooding across the border when they were really just poor, oppressed people -- amplified by Fox News, which allows him to strut around playing the strong man telling people he's protecting them. They did not invent this crisis and have no idea what to do about it. It exposes him.

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3 minutes ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

What you are witnessing with the Coronavirus/Stock Market situation is what happens when a fascist encounters a real crisis. He/They do really well with their made up crises that they can control the messaging on -- like massive invasions of criminal/terrorist migrants flooding across the border when they were really just poor, oppressed people -- amplified by Fox News, which allows him to strut around playing the strong man telling people he's protecting them. They did not invent this crisis and have no idea what to do about it. It exposes him.

How do you figure they have no clue what to do about it? He has implemented travel restrictions, quarantined returning Americans/infected patients as necessary and has named his VP as the head of the task force. What more can be done?

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It's Trump's shockingly irresponsible, confused and/or downplaying response to this global economic and human life threatening crisis that is most troubling to me.


It's not that serious. It's a democratic party scheme to undermine his re-election.

Trumps mouth pieces...it's a hoax?

Recent Trump Medal Of Freedom recipient Rush Limbaugh infers the coronavirus may be a covert planned release event?

This is the worst, most irresponsible presidential handling of a major national and world effecting crisis I've ever seen.  We are witnessing a true "crisis in confidence" with Trump's outrageously incompetent response to this crisis which the stock market landslide is reflecting.

My wife and I are truly concerned about this virus spreading here at home.

We are the most susceptible to it's deadly effects according to reports that older people with other medical conditions are the hardest hit.

And hey, what if oldsters like Sanders, Biden and even Trump himself should be hit by this virus?

No, this crisis and massive stock market loss isn't something I and other Trump dis-likers look at with glee. We even have some funds in the stock market ourselves and have already lost some value in just this last week!

Edited by Joe Bauer
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9 minutes ago, Ty Carpenter said:

How do you figure they have no clue what to do about it? He has implemented travel restrictions, quarantined returning Americans/infected patients as necessary and has named his VP as the head of the task force. What more can be done?

US underprepared for coronavirus due to Trump cuts, say health experts

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22 minutes ago, Ty Carpenter said:

How do you figure they have no clue what to do about it? He has implemented travel restrictions, quarantined returning Americans/infected patients as necessary and has named his VP as the head of the task force. What more can be done?

The State Department overrode CDC officials who advised not to repatriate 14 infected Americans. They stuck them on a plane with people who weren't sick. They don't know what they are doing. And then sent poorly equipped personnel lacking adequate training to quarantine them.

Edited by Andrew Prutsok
To drive my point home.
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22 minutes ago, Ty Carpenter said:

How do you figure they have no clue what to do about it? He has implemented travel restrictions, quarantined returning Americans/infected patients as necessary and has named his VP as the head of the task force. What more can be done?

How about hiring professionals in critical government position rather than hacks whose primary mission is to protect Trump's fragile ego?

He's an amateur and that's always been the problem with his Presidency. I don't blame him for the outbreak. The media, always concerned about having hysterical on-air talent keeping people glued to their seats so they can be tortured by advertisements can't be trusted to deliver a message either.

That's why it's important to have a President who can communicate important information to the public without all the nonsense.



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Who wants to give odds on  Coronavirus leper colonies run by private contractors?

Stephen Miller's new wife is in charge of all messaging for science-denying Mike Pence's new virus task force (which  includes the eminient virologists Steve Mnuchin and Larry Kudlow), so I think it's a possibility.

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4 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:



Whatever was happening on Krugman's computer, he managed to handle it in the most idiotic way possible, therefore adding proof to his well established reputation of being an actual idiot.



Paul Krugman isn't an IT professional. He's a Nobel prize winning economist, which drives those on the far right mad because he's a liberal.

It was Keynesian economic policy -- espoused by Krugman -- that President Obama used to keep the 2009 financial crisis and recession from dropping into another Great Depression, and instead into the longest period of economic growth in U.S. history!  (For those who don't know, Keynesian economics can be thought of as the liberals' answer to Reaganomics. Stimulus money goes directly to the bottom rather that being trickled down through the wealthy.)


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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2 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Obama is a Nobel prize winning politician.

What's your point?

Agreed Robert. The “American/Hamiltonian“ school of economics seems to have died in Dallas. Hamilton > Keynes > Friedman/Von HayeK

To our never trumpets, Im curious, what would you do if it was Bloomberg vs. Trump?

In my opinion, Bloomberg is worse and would most certainly cause a split in the party that the Clinton faction is afraid of with Bernie.

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19 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:
30 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

[Krugman is a] Nobel prize winning economist

Obama is a Nobel prize winning politician.

What's your point?


The point of my post was that ideologues see things through a filter that changes black to white and white to black whenever necessary to reinforce their dogma.



Obama is a Nobel prize winning politician.

What's your point?


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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DIck Cheney's dream is coming true, very soon the two biggest budget categories will be the Pentagon and interest on the debt.  And stuff that was supposed to be off budget, like Social Security and Medicare will now be asked to take cuts or use surpluses to keep the budget going.


The interest on the national debt is well on its way to becoming one of the most expensive items in the federal budget. Within a decade, it is projected to exceed the Pentagon’s regular budget in size. For now, of the more than $500 billion in interest taxpayers fork over to service the government’s debt each year, about $156 billion can be attributed to Pentagon spending.

Daniel Moynihan warned about this during the Reagan years.  He said the Laffer Curve was a joke and it would never do any of these things he said it would, except boost defense spending.  In reality, it would eventually constitute the largest transfer of wealth from the middle and lower classes to the rich since the Gilded Age.  He was correct about that.  What is incredible is that every GOP administration repeats it:  Bush 1, Bush 2, Trump. Even after it resulted in the worst economic meltdown since 1929.


I don't agree about what Obama did during the meltdown. He had an opportunity that no American president has had since FDR to alter the American economy in a more populist way, he didn't.  It was more of "Too big to fail".  Anyone who knew Obama from Illinios would have known that is what he would have done.  The Rich are getting even RIcher, while the middle class is still hollowing out, and I have to step over homeless people whenever I go to the supermarket at night.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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